The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Chapter 1326: The fire of Silbera Empire


A whole million legions.

There wasn't even a single wave, it was just gone.


Neither this expeditionary force nor the various civilizations to which it belongs are aware of the news that the army has been destroyed.

Well, strictly speaking, this army has not been destroyed, but both the people and the warships have turned into a few particles at this moment, and are being transmitted between the two black doors.

However, even after reaching Norea's Black Chamber Gate, they could no longer regroup.

So, there is no difference between this and being destroyed.

As for those civilizations reacting, it will take at least several decades.

At the same time, the Silbera Empire.

At this moment, the empire is the last remaining black world.

No, even this last black community has been captured by 90%.

There are less than 10,000 legions in the entire empire that are still resisting and guarding the universe where the empire is located.

In fact, at the beginning of the civil war, the Empire was in an absolute advantage.

Both in terms of military strength and technology.

But it is a pity that the soldiers from the empire always have some scruples when fighting.

After all, no matter what, the believers in the Black and White Holy See are also from Silbera, aren't they

Unlike the Empire, the Black and White Holy See not only acted without scruples, but was even crazy.

Just like during the war between the Alliance and Norea, as long as there are individuals who can rush over to you in a ship and blow themselves up directly, they are all crazy.

The most important thing is that whenever the Black and White Holy See occupies a black world, it can completely cover the world with black consciousness in a very short period of time, thereby interfering with the thoughts of everyone in this black world.

In other words, if they fight ten battles, even if the empire wins nine of them, it will only lose the tenth battle and be conquered by the Black Church.

Then the first nine battles were in vain.

In this captured black world, the citizens of the empire will become followers of the Black and White Holy See and attack the empire in turn because of the interference of black consciousness!

Under this situation, the empire gradually fell into a disadvantage, so that after thousands of years there was only one universe left with the imperial capital.

"Your Majesty, we can't delay it any longer. While the door to the black chamber is still in our hands, we should withdraw with the seeds!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, as long as you leave with the fire, there will still be hope for the empire!"

"Make a decision, Your Majesty. If you continue to delay, the entire empire will be destroyed!!!"

In the main hall, a group of ministers kept persuading.

"There are seventeen black doors. Except for ours, fourteen of the remaining sixteen are in the hands of other sweepers. The moment we pass through the door, we will be killed instantly."

"Because the only options left are the doors of the Norea Empire and the Dazaroth Empire. Let's not talk about other things. Just the distance."

As the emperor of the empire, Carrot knew very well what price it would cost to activate the Black Chamber Door.

Whether it is the Norea Empire or the Kasaros Empire, they are tens of thousands of black circles away from the Silbera Empire.

In other words, if you want to activate the door of the black cavity, you will need more than 100,000 black cavity lives to do it.

It’s not that there are very few black lives in the third level.

In fact, for an empire like Silbera, who is at the peak of the seventh level, the third level of black cavity life form is nothing, even the chaos life form empire has it.

But that was before!

Nowadays, due to the civil war, many people in the empire are dying and being arrested. There are even a large number of people in the fallen black world who have been interfered by the black consciousness and become enemies.

Therefore, the number of third-level black cavity life forms in the imperial capital is really not very large.

It's only around 100,000 yuan.

In other words, if you want to activate the black cavity door, it is equivalent to burying the last black cavity life forms in the empire.

"Your Majesty, now is not the time to hesitate. Otherwise, not only the remaining warriors will not survive, but everyone else will also not survive, and the empire will be completely destroyed!"

"I know everything you said, it's just..."

"Your Majesty, the soldiers are all volunteers. If you still hesitate, it will be an insult to them!"


In fact, Cattro is good at everything, but he is too soft-hearted.

If this happened in peacetime, he would be a benevolent king, but if it happened in wartime, he would definitely be a foolish king who would bring disaster to the country and the people.

In the beginning, when the empire had an absolute advantage, if Carter had been willing to kill him, the Black and White Holy See would have ceased to exist long ago.

However, when the frontline repeatedly applied for the use of several of the empire's major weapons, Cattro refused them all.

In his opinion, the enemies are all Silbera people. In other words, they are all his compatriots, so he must not kill them.

It was because he was so hesitant that even if he could be cruel now, it was too late.

To be honest, if it weren't for the absolute loyalty of the imperial ministers to the royal family, Cattro would have been torn off the throne long ago.

"All right!"

Hearing Catro say this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

They had even made a plan just now. If Cattro continued to hesitate, they would directly knock him out and take him away.

Now it seems that there is no need to go to that step.

Kunsa world, outside the Canglong universe.

Federation Fleet Headquarters.

Inside Lin Fan's office.

Boom, boom, boom.

"Come in!"

"Marshal, there is urgent information from Luo Li, and another black door has been activated!"

"Which one?"

"Silbera Empire!!!"

Silbera Empire

This name was very familiar to Lin Fan.

It participated in the last holy war against the Daxia Federation, and was the only civilization that remained after the end of the holy war.

At the same time, the Silbera Empire is also the most powerful of the seventeen sweepers.


At least it is a black civilization at the peak of the seventh level.

If such a civilization comes to the alliance, Lin Fan believes that

With the troops and technology at his disposal now, there is no way he can fight against it.

In the eyes of the Silbera Empire, today's alliance is probably just a child and has no threat at all.

Lin Fan immediately tapped the table a few times, and soon Luo Li's mini figure appeared on the table.

"Luo Li, how many fleets have arrived from the Silbera Empire?"

As soon as the communication was connected, Lin Fan asked anxiously.

For him, if the opponent's fleet is large, then he has to arrange for the Federation to evacuate immediately.

After all, who knows if iris has any effect on a peak seventh-level black civilization.

"There must be more than a thousand people here."

"More than a thousand legions, that is already a big threat. After all, it is a peak seventh-level civilization!"

"No, Lin Fan"

"I know, I will immediately arrange for the Federation, Canglan and other civilizations to evacuate together!"

"Lin Fan, can you let me finish? What I want to talk about is more than a thousand battleships, not more than a thousand legions!!"

"What, more than a thousand battleships?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan looked confused.

(End of chapter)