The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Chapter 1338: Hawk bomb, the EMP bomb of the black cavity era


"Marshal, with all due respect, it is not a good choice to send a black combat group to attack at this time!"

"Once you are trapped in the enemy's position, it is not easy to fight your way out!"

In the command center, Liang Xingchen was persuading anxiously.

"Don't worry, don't you know me well? I won't do anything to die."

"Then what are you doing?"

"Hawk Bomb!"

"Hawk bomb? It can't be that, but isn't this thing still under development?"

Hearing this, Liang Xingchen also thought about what this Hawk bomb was.

To put it simply, this thing is similar to the EMP bomb from the home star era. The only difference is that the Hawk bomb targets Hawk metal.

So, what is Hawk Metal

That is a metal that must be used regardless of the black cavity energy core device, black cavity engine, or weapon device with black cavity energy as the core. In other words, unless a civilization completely enters the age of chaos, otherwise, It is impossible not to use this metal called Hawk on a battleship.

However, as far as Liang Xingchen knew, although there was a project called the Hawk Bomb within the Chaos Research Institute, he had not heard that this project had been successful.

"It hasn't been successful yet. There are currently only three prototype bombs, and they can only be attacked by delivery. If you use this method currently, you may hurt yourself before attacking the enemy!"

"The delivery method is similar to a missile or a former zero-point bomb carrier?"

"Yes, this thing can theoretically cover the distance of 7-8 standard black cavity units on sheet metal instantly, so."

Liang Xingchen understood this.

Nowadays, the battleships of the sixth-level black cavity civilization have an attack range of about 10-12 standard black cavity units.

Therefore, if it can only be delivered by carrier, it may be shot down by the enemy as soon as it is launched!

Imagine being shot down and detonated in front of your own position, and then instantly covering a distance of 7-8 black cavity units in a radius.

Doesn't this mean that the enemy didn't hit it, but directly killed all his fleet

Therefore, until the problem of weapon delivery method is solved, this thing will not have much practical effect at all.

However, Liang Xingchen suddenly remembered that Lin Fan said that he would lead three black combat groups to attack.

Could it be

Speaking of which, this is still possible.

After all, if you are the commander of the opponent, when you see three black battle groups approaching, you will definitely not intercept them head-on. Instead, you will deliberately let them in, and then wait for them to penetrate deep into your array before deploying the fleet. Carry out encirclement and annihilation.

However, the other party must not have expected that after Lin Fan led the three black combat groups in, he never thought about withdrawing.

Instead, he planned to detonate the Hawk bomb directly inside his fleet array, instantly paralyzing his entire fleet!

It does work!

Just a little bit.

There are only three of these, so shouldn't there be more enemies to maximize the effect

There are only more than 12,000 legions now. Isn’t it too wasteful

"Marshal, can you wait a little longer?"

"I know what you are thinking. Do you want to wait until the Bass Empire's fleet has gathered a fleet of 20,000 to 30,000 before taking action?"

"Yes, after all we only have three prototype bombs!"

"Don't worry, according to my estimation, the number of enemies should only be 30,000-50,000 fleets, definitely not more!"

"why is that?"

"Because as you just said, no black cavity lifeform was found among the enemies. Obviously, they are not 100% confident in cracking the iris!"

"So, this is just an attempt by the Bath Empire?"

"Yes, if my guess is correct, that is the case, so in order to minimize the losses of our fleet, we cannot let the Bass Empire gather more fleets!"

"I see!"

Liang Xingchen nodded and said.

"Well, once I attack, let the fleet on the defense line retreat. After all, this Hawk bomb has not been tested yet, and the specific range of personal use cannot be said to be that point."

"Okay, I will ask the fleet to withdraw ten black cavity units to ensure safety!"

"Well, then I'll leave first!"

ten minutes later.

Three black battle groups, nine legions of guardians of civilization, led by Lin Fan, the Bass Empire's fleet launched a charge.

As expected, the Bass Empire had no intention of fighting Lin Fan head-on.

After all, there is no advantage in facing a battle fleet head-on, and there is even a considerable disadvantage.

Because, under the command of the commander of the Bass Empire, the fleet cooperated with Lin Fan's assault and gradually gave way.

On the surface, it looked as if three black battle groups had charged in with powerful firepower, and there was no sense of disobedience at all.

I have to say that the show played by Bass Empire was quite good.

More than ten minutes later, the three black battle groups had completely penetrated into the Bass Empire fleet array, and it was at this time that the Bass Empire fleet finally showed its fangs.

The situation that was originally broken through by the center suddenly turned into an all-round siege, completely preparing for encirclement and annihilation.

"Marshal, the latest news from the command center is that all fleets have retreated ten black units away from us."

Lin Fan was not worried at all about the all-round siege of the Bass Empire, and even his eyes shone horribly when he heard the report from a legion commander.

"You can take action, deploy the Hawk bomb immediately!"


In the center of the nine civilization guardian legions, there is a huge device protected by tens of thousands of people.

At this moment, several people wearing white coats who looked completely different from the surrounding soldiers were tapping on the virtual panel in front of them.

"Marshal, the Hawk bomb has been deployed!"

"start up!"

"Understood, the Hawk bomb has been activated!"

While pressing the red button in the virtual panel, he reported the report in his white coat.

In fact, it is said to be a bomb, but this thing will not explode at all. Instead, it will create a special shock wave that quickly spreads outward after being activated.

This shock wave only affects Hawk metal and does not cause any other damage.

When the Hawk metal is affected by this shock wave, it will complete its decay in less than three seconds, losing all its original characteristics and becoming an ordinary metal.

The fleet that originally surrounded Lin Fan and others suddenly became silent at this moment.

And not only these fleets, but soon the more peripheral fleets also had problems.

Engines failed, weapons could not be started, and even the battleship's energy core stopped functioning.

One by one, the battleships were paralyzed in the black space.

A few minutes later, all the Bass Empire's fleets turned into target ships.

After confirming all this, the Alliance fleet, which had retreated a lot, rushed forward again.

With all firepower, it was like target practice.

Send a fleet to support the Bass Empire.

Destroyed one after another!

(End of chapter)