The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Chapter 1343: Fierce battles and death fleets?


Jiang Hai's refusal of spiritual connection was something that other divine envoys had not thought of, and they did not understand the reason for his refusal at all.

After trying many times to no avail, they had no choice but to give up and think of other ways.

However, this situation is like an endless loop, and it is so easy to find a solution. It can be said that Lin Fan has successfully established an asymmetric absolute advantage over the six sweepers.

Of course, nothing in this world is impossible, and you can always figure it out if you think hard.

No, soon a divine envoy came up with a solution.

Since there is no way to deal with the pagans' guerrilla-like warfare and the situation where only the pagans can attack, then we can directly dismantle all the black doors and return to the original situation, that is, each family only retains the black doors in the capital.

Isn’t that the end of it

In fact, when the divine messenger heard this, wasn’t that what happened

Why didn't I think of such a simple thing until now

So, they just did what they said, and the defenders directly tore down the doors of the black communities that had not been attacked by the Federation.

Naturally, this action could not escape the eyes of the Federation.

after all

When they removed it and Luo Li monitored the access network of the door in real time, the most intuitive manifestation was that the black doors were disconnecting from the access network.

Soon, this information was sent to Lin Fan.

"Have you finally remembered?"

"For more than a hundred years, I have been worried about their IQ."

"But now that we remember it, we can enter the second stage of the battle!"

"Notify all fleets on the front line that after completing the current mission, cancel all subsequent attack plans and return directly to the Kunsa realm through the black cavity door."

In the command center of the Federation Fleet Headquarters, Lin Fan directly issued the order after reading the information.

"Marshal, will you arrange the second phase of the attack immediately after the fleet returns?"

"Don't worry, you have to give them a few decades to gather all the fleets into the Black World, the capital of each civilization, right?"

Lin Fan shook his head and said.

"After the entire fleet comes back, let them rest for ten years!" After a slight pause, Lin Fan added again.

"Yes, Marshal!"

Federation year 6705.

All fleets of the alliance returned to Kunsa Realm, and under Lin Fan's order, the entire army entered rest mode.

As Lin Fan expected, the six sweepers continued to gather all the main fleets towards their respective capitals.

After all, this is the only black door left in each civilization. If the Federation wants to attack again, it can only attack through here, right

At least, this is what the six divine envoys thought, and in fact, Lin Fan also planned this.

Ten years later.

The army that had finished its rest gathered again in front of Heiqianmenmen.

This time, they were no longer divided into ten groups, but into six groups, preparing to simultaneously attack the lairs of the six sweepers, which was the Black Cavalry World where the capitals of their respective civilizations were located.

Now, on the other side of the Black Chamber Door, each sweeper has assembled a main fleet of at least 200,000 people.

In terms of numbers alone, the Alliance fleet is divided into six routes, each with only about 80,000 legions. In addition, the channel attackers are in a disadvantaged position.

This looks like a stupid strategy no matter how you look at it, however.

Would Lin Fan really plan such a stupid strategy

Obviously, this is impossible.

Federation year 6720.

After calculating the passage time, the six armies set off in batches to achieve the effect of arriving at the same time.

At this moment, the alliance army rushed out of the capital of the six sweepers almost at the same time.

This situation made all the gods confused.

They actually attacked six of their sweepers at the same time. Do the pagans have that many troops

You must know that even the Phasor Empire, which has the smallest number of troops among the six families, has assembled a total of 270,000 legions at this moment, and the Black and White Holy See, which has the largest number of troops, even has 550,000 legions.

According to the calculations of several divine envoys, if the pagans wanted to capture six of them in this battle, they would have to dispatch at least 4 to 5 million legions.

The issue is.

Where did the pagans come from with so many troops

Judging from past battle examples, they should only have 500,000 legions at most, right

Or is this attack just another cover

But that’s not right. In just half an hour since the war started, the total number of fleets that the Alliance’s six armies have arrived at exceeds 20,000 legions. It doesn’t look like a cover-up, right

The six divine envoys simply couldn't understand the significance of the alliance's simultaneous attack on six offices this time.

In short, nowadays, there is a fierce fight in front of every black cavity door.

But in terms of battle losses, the Alliance is definitely at a disadvantage.

Among the six battlefields, even the one with the least losses had a battle loss ratio of one to five. On the battlefield on the Black and White Holy See's side, the battle loss ratio had even reached an exaggerated figure of one to seventeen.

After half an hour, the total losses of the Sweepers were about 700 legions. What about the Federation

More than 6,000 legions were lost!

There were a total of 20,000 legions, but more than 6,000 legions were lost.

In other words, the casualties of the Alliance army on the front line have reached nearly 30%. This is an extremely terrifying result.

If this continues, all the alliance's more than 500,000 troops will have to be surrendered here! —

Black and white Holy See battlefield.

This is the battlefield with the heaviest casualties for the Alliance army. After all, the black and white Holy See fleet opposite them are all seventh-level peak battleships, no worse than the Federation battleships.

And compared to the alliance's standard battleships, it was even more brutal.

Plus the size of 550,000 legions.

Not to mention one of the alliance's armies, even the six armies, nearly 500,000 legions, all come to attack here, so they have to kneel down.

There is no way to fight.

Although the overall casualties of the Alliance's six armies were nearly 30%, the actual casualties on other battlefields were generally around 20%. The battlefields on the Black and White Holy See directly raised the Alliance's overall casualty data by nearly 10%.

Since the beginning of the war, a total of 3,600 regiments of the Alliance fleet have arrived on this battlefield.

But there are less than 1,200 legions still fighting at this moment.

In other words, the losses of the Alliance fleet in this battlefield were as high as 70%.

Normally, with such severe casualties, the morale of the fleet would have collapsed long ago, but the actual situation is

No matter how heavy the casualties were, the Alliance fleet's array was still neatly organized and they were working hard to fight back.

This situation is obviously abnormal. After all, the Alliance is not a sweeper.

However, what everyone does not know is that the arriving fleet and soldiers already knew about the current situation before setting off for the expedition.

Rather, they all voluntarily signed up for the first attack echelon.


Suicide Squad!

(End of chapter)