The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Chapter 1348: The final decisive battle (1)


It's like mergers and acquisitions, mergers and acquisitions.

Eventually the snowball rolled bigger and bigger, thus creating the current Tianshu Holy See.

It can be said that today’s black cavity space can be roughly divided into three parts.

The first part is the alliance, which occupies 2% of the black cavity space.

The second part is the Tianshu Holy See, which occupies 5% of the black cavity space.

The remaining ninety-three percent is the third part.

In other words, the Federation relied on more than 30 civilizations to expand wildly, and after ten thousand years, it has not achieved more than half the results of Tianshu Holy See's independent expansion.

After all, Tianshu Holy See has the help of the black cavity consciousness. Every time it expands a black cavity world, it can immediately transform all the lives in it into believers.

Not only do they not need to waste time cleaning up, these believers will even obey the orders of the Tianshu Holy See and fight for them everywhere without fear of death.

Therefore, the expansion speed of Tianshu Holy See is basically growing at a geometric level.


"Marshal Lin Fan, should we develop further?"

Soon, after reading the intelligence, some of the civilized leaders retreated.

There are 20 million main legions, hundreds of millions of believer legions, and the territory radiates hundreds of thousands of black communities.

No matter how you look at it, it's a bit too exaggerated, isn't it

However, Lin Fan simply shook his head.

"No, we can't delay it any longer. The longer it takes, the worse it will be for us!"

"Furthermore, one thing is very important. Everyone knows that the Federation is now a black civilization at the peak of the eighth level, but you must understand that the Tianshu Holy See is also at this level!"

"Imagine, if the Tianshu Holy See takes one step ahead of the Federation and completes the breakthrough of Chaos Civilization, what will be the result?"

"Do you want to bet on the possibility?"

Okay, this is a tough question.

Although the Federation is developing very fast, we still don’t know when it will be able to achieve Chaos Civilization. If this really allows the Tianshu Holy See to take the lead, then...

Just like Lin Fan said, do you dare to bet

At least when everyone is at level eight, they each have their own advantages and can definitely compete.

But if one of them achieves Chaos Civilization, then the other party can just become Barbie Q.

As for starting the war now, does the Federation really have no chance

In fact, this is not the case, although the number of Tianshu Holy See's main fleet is four times greater than that of the entire alliance.


The Alliance also has its own advantages, such as the Federation's third-generation boundary wall folding system, the Federation's terrifying number of black cavity life forms, and probably more chaotic life forms than the Tianshu Holy See.

This battle is completely winnable.

Even if they can't defeat them, the most that they can do is to wipe out the entire army, but the alliance's homeland is still in an isolation zone, right

It seems that there is no burden

Involuntarily, after a group of civilized leaders thought for a while, they couldn't help but think the same thing.

After remembering the isolation zone, they no longer objected.

Then fight

The invincible alliance, what is there to be afraid of


Federation year 17102.

Tianshu Holy See Headquarters, Tianshu Realm.

"Yuntian, how is the investigation going on regarding the discovery of pagan reconnaissance ships in many places?"

In the main hall, everyone was pushed back by Jiang Hai, leaving only him and Jiang Yuntian.

"I have some clues, father!"

"We did find some clues. Although we failed to capture those scout ships, we also captured many unmanned surveillance ships of the heretics."

"Although I don't know how the pagans did it, one thing is for sure, they did come out of the isolation zone!"

Nodding, Jiang Yuntian replied.

Hearing this, Jiang Hai frowned deeply.

This is not a good phenomenon. If you think about this problem from the perspective of war, it means that the pagans can attack them from anywhere at any time, but they can only defend and cannot fight back.

Just terrible.

"One more thing, Father."

"What's up?"

"Based on the following people's analysis of the dismantling of the unmonitored ship of the infidel, we have come to a conclusion."

"If you have something to say, just say it!"

"Yes, after analysis, the people below believe that the civilization that can build this kind of spaceship has most likely reached the eighth-level black cavity civilization!"

After three minutes of silence, Jiang Hai raised his head again.

"Are you confirmed?"

"It's impossible to say for sure, but according to the analysis of the people below, the possibility is as high as 98%."

"Immediately give an order to have all the legions of believers deploy along the isolation zone of the pagans. Every black community adjacent to the isolation zone must deploy at least enough fleets!"

"Father, this is the case"

Hearing this, Jiang Yuntian was also shocked.

You know, there are more than 30,000 black cavities adjacent to the isolation zone. If a fleet is deployed in each one.

Even if each Black Cavalry World only deploys two to three thousand legions, it will exhaust the Holy See's believer fleet.

However, before he could object, he was interrupted by Jiang Hai.

"They are not here to fight, but to warn and delay the infidels!"

"Is it possible that you still expect to rely on them to defeat the infidels?"

"No matter how large the number of fifth-level fleets is, it will be useless if the pagans have really reached the eighth level."

"In addition, all the cloning production lines have been put into full operation. Now we can mass-produce the third-level black cavity life."

"Tell them to give me full power and make them non-stop!"

Jiang Yuntian was really frightened when he heard these words from Jiang Hai.

Many hidden dangers of cloning have not been solved yet, so mass production is about to begin

Is it too much haste

Obviously, compared to Jiang Hai, Jiang Yuntian's sense of crisis is still much worse, and he does not realize how dangerous the current situation is.

However, seeing his father's expression, he didn't dare to get into trouble and immediately nodded in agreement.

Soon, almost all the believer fleets in the entire area controlled by the Tianshu Holy See were mobilized, and they passed through the black door and headed towards the federal isolation zone.

Not only the fleet of believers, but also the main force of the Holy Holy Army of Tianshu Holy See itself has also entered the highest level of war alert and is ready to attack at any time.

More than ten years later, in the federal calendar year 17115.


It’s started!

However, contrary to Jiang Hai's expectation, the war started not at the pagan isolation zone, but at...

Within the depth of the Holy See’s territory!

And it wasn't just one battlefield, but thousands of black communities were attacked at the same time.

Since all the Believer's Army had been transferred to the federal isolation zone, there was not even a guard fleet in the black circles behind them, and there was no resistance at all.

This opening directly disrupted all Jiang Hai's arrangements!

(End of chapter)