The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Chapter 1350: The final decisive battle (3)


Federation year 17135.

It has been twenty years since this war began.

Although the alliance caught the Tianshu Holy See off guard at the beginning, soon after Jiang Hai reacted and implemented a drag-net tactic.

The advantages of the federal boundary wall folding system have been weakened to a great extent.

In the past twenty years, although the alliance army has been marching forward with great success, it has killed and wiped out about 30 million fleets of Tianshu Holy See, but its own losses were only less than 1 million fleets.

It can be said that this record of more than 30 is extremely eye-catching.

However, 99% of the 30 million legions killed by the alliance were believers of the Tianshu Holy See.

As for the main fleet of the Tianshu Holy See, not only did it not reduce its number, but it actually increased.

According to the collected intelligence, the Holy Holy Army of Tianshu Holy See had about 20 million legions when the war started, but now it has 22 million legions.

And Lin Fan gradually realized that he seemed to be dragged into a war of attrition in another sense.

Not only is Tianshu Holy See crazily expanding its army, but the believer civilization below is also crazily expanding its army, and the rate of military expansion is several times faster than that of Tianshu Holy See.

If this continues, the alliance may lose more than half of its own troops before it can confront the main force of the Tianshu Holy See.

This is not a good sign.

Therefore, Lin Fan needed to change his tactics and could not continue to be dragged down by the fleets of the believers.

In the war conference room.

The atmosphere was somewhat silent. After all, everyone had more or less seen the direction of the war situation.

"Everyone, in the past twenty years, we have been annihilating the Tianshu Holy See's new forces in large numbers. Although the results on the surface look gorgeous, in fact we are heading towards the abyss step by step."

"I think everyone should be able to see this!"

"Although we have an advantage in the boundary wall folding system, we can cross up to 50 black cavity boundaries in three months."

"But Tianshu Holy See also has their advantages. Their unique cross-border technology, although they can still only cross one black cavity world at a time, the traffic efficiency has been reduced to one month!"

"Coupled with the dragnet tactics they implemented, no matter where we attack, we will be discovered in advance, and we will gather the support of several or even dozens of forces from the surrounding black communities!"

"Therefore, after we lost the diversity of our attacks, we also lost our local strength advantage, so that even a believer army could only suffer a loss of 1 to 30!"

Lin Fan pointed at the black cavity space map projected in the air and kept talking.

This record of 30 to 30, in his mouth at this moment, became the key data used to prove the failure.

However, to put it this way, there is actually nothing wrong with it. After all, it is just a fleet of the Believer Army, and the battleship is only at the peak of the fifth level.

But since Jianghai implemented the dragnet-style tactics, no matter where the alliance attacks, the fleets within three black circles around the attacked point will immediately support it.

After all, their cross-border speed is only one month.

Therefore, in the past twenty years, almost every alliance will face a fleet of believers that is several times larger than its own at the same time, and the opponent also occupies an absolute terrain advantage in the channel defense battle.

So much so that the Alliance paid a heavy price to win every stop.

Of course, the battle is not with the Federation, but with other civilized fleets in the alliance.

But even so, it is an Alliance standard fleet. Although it cannot reach the combat power of the Federation fleet, it is still a peak seventh-level battleship, and its single-round attack power can even be close to that of an eighth-level battleship. performance.

As for the reason why the Federation's two million legions were not used, it was because Lin Fan had to keep an eye on the Holy Army of the Tianshu Holy See.

Otherwise, once there is any action over there, the federal army that is thrown into the battlefield will not be able to respond in time.

"Everyone, there is a more serious problem, and that is..."

"The other side is frantically expanding its army, and its speed of expansion is staggering!"

"According to intelligence, the Holy See's Holy Army fleet has expanded by 2 million legions in the past 20 years, and the current scale has reached 22 million!"

"And those believer civilizations are not idle either. According to our intelligence statistics, after we wiped out 30 million of the originally 100 million legion of believer armies, the current number is 78 million!"

"Yes, that's 78 million. They have created 8 million new legions in twenty years!"

"Does anyone understand what this means?"

Everyone, Lin Fan was extremely serious as he said this.

"Marshal, we can't continue to fight this kind of positional strategy battle with the Tianshu Holy See!"

At this time, Montero stood up and said.

He was very smart, and he had already guessed Lin Fan's thoughts.

"Yes, as Montero said, if we continue to fight this kind of offensive and defensive battle, a strange phenomenon may occur in the later stage, that is, the more the Tianshu Holy See attacks the fleet, the more fleets it will have!!!"

"So, we need to change our tactics, first cut off the roots of their crazy military expansion, and then in the process, see if we can set up a trap to attract the main force of the Tianshu Holy See, which is the 22 million Holy Army fleet!"

"Everyone, look here"

Continuing to point at the black cavity space map, Lin Fan began to explain the next tactics.

Federation year 17136.

After taking a break for a year, the league is back in action.

This time, Lin Fan was even bolder.

The remaining 4.8 million legions were directly divided into 10,000 fleets, each fleet only had four to five hundred legions.

What can four to five hundred legions do

It's definitely not possible to fight on a frontal battlefield, not even the fleet of the Believer's Army can defeat it.

However, although it cannot fight on the frontal battlefield, it can fight on the battlefield behind enemy lines.

You know, in order to implement the dragnet-style formation, even if Jiang Hai did not mobilize all the fleet, he definitely deployed more than 90% of the fleet.

Otherwise, if you want to pull out a huge network covering hundreds of black communities, you simply won't have enough troops.

And what is Lin Fan going to do now

In fact, it is simple, just break it into parts, compile tens of thousands of fleets, and then avoid the net of Tianshu Holy See blooming in all directions.

Doesn’t the Tianshu Holy See have more than 500,000 black voices

Then I will break the fleet into pieces, disperse them all, and set fire to them throughout the territory.

At the same time, Lin Fan also set three combat goals for all fleets.

First, thoroughly cleanse every black community wherever you go, and eliminate Tianshu and potential soldiers of the Believer Army to the greatest extent possible.

Second, destroy all warships and other related manufacturing plants.

Third, destroy all the black doors you can see!

Lin Fan not only wanted to cut off its warship production line, but also wanted to eliminate the opponent's potential soldiers.

Even at the end.

It is also necessary to completely destroy the black door network within its territory and further restrict the mobility of the Tianshu Holy See fleet.

(End of chapter)