The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Chapter 1353: 1348The final decisive battle (6)


In the chaotic battlefield, the Alliance fleet relied on its speed to kill almost seven in and seven out.

Maintain the strength advantage, bite you when there is a chance, break it into pieces again if there is no chance, spread outward from the encirclement gap, and continue to return to the original strategic goal.

But once the Holy See wanted to disperse its defenses, the Alliance gathered its troops again and repeated the previous tactics.

This move made Jiang Hai's head feel as big as a fight, and he had to take out his trump card. Lin Fan, who had been waiting for his move, was already prepared.

The clash between the two black civilizations at the peak of the eighth level and their respective highest combat powers is about to begin!

The most advanced life form in the known black cavity space is not just strong;

Chaos life forms are completely in tune with the origin of the black cavity space, so much so that they can quickly shuttle between different black cavity realms without even using cross-border passages.

Of course, the basic rules still need to be followed, that is, only connected black cavity boundaries can be crossed, using boundary wall folding technology like the Federation.

That is completely a technology outside the system.

It is about 2,000 black circles away from the Tianshu Holy See headquarters.

Fran world.

An alliance fleet is performing a set mission, destroying the warship factories scattered throughout the black cavity world.

At this time, somewhere in the black cavity space, two hands suddenly stretched out, as if they had grasped the void space, and tore it open to both sides.

A crack.

Appear immediately!

Then, a figure jumped out from it and quickly killed several alliance legions not far away.

Simply raising his hand unleashed an unrivaled amount of energy, immediately causing every warship in these legions to sound their alarms.

Before the commander could react, the terrifying attack had already struck. The entire area felt like a doomsday, and even the stable black cavity space was crumbling at this moment.

As for the battleship

Not to mention, they didn't even have a chance to fight back, and they were turned into ashes under the terrifying energy.

You must know that during the first holy war, the sweepers used millions of legions to severely injure a chaotic lifeform in Daxia, but they were only severely injured and could not really kill the opponent.

Therefore, there are only a few legions here, and they cannot even get a chaotic life form to take action seriously.

The whole process didn't even take five minutes.

However, when he killed several alliance legions and was about to continue attacking other alliance fleets in Fulan Realm, his expression suddenly changed.

Not far away from him, two cracks were torn out in the black cavity space again, and then two figures appeared.

The same powerful energy as his own, and the biological signs that are completely different from his own.

Obviously, these are two chaotic life forms, and they are from the pagan side.

Without too much nonsense, the two chaotic beings from the Federation attacked directly.

At the same time, all alliance fleets in Fulan Realm received orders.

Evacuate Fulan Realm immediately as quickly as possible!

Next, there will be a battle between chaotic life forms, which is not something that fleets like them can participate in.

If we don't evacuate quickly, just the aftermath of the battle will probably destroy them all!

The same situation has happened in several other black circles.

Lin Fan knew that once the Tianshu Holy See dispatched chaotic life forms, the first ones to attack would be those alliance fleets that were attacking the Holy See's warship production line.

Because these places usually have the largest number of fleets gathered, and the Holy See will definitely want to keep these places if it has a choice.

Therefore, from the very beginning, the federal chaotic life forms were consciously deployed around these areas so that support could arrive as soon as possible.

Jiang Hai was counted to death by Lin Fan, and the ten chaotic beings had already fallen into the trap set by Lin Fan before they had even played any role.

Everyone faced at least two opponents of the same level, and one person even faced these three at the same time.

In order to deal with the ten chaotic life forms of the Holy See, all twenty-one of the federation were dispatched.

Once you reach the level of chaotic life forms, it is not so easy to determine the winner, even if it is two against one.

The same is true.

However, it is different when three people surround and kill one person.

Lin Fan, Lin Yu and Wang Hai were the game-breakers in this hunting operation.

Once the three of them take down their opponent, it opens up the situation.

Then with their hands free, they can go to other battlefields to provide support.

In the end, the entire battle situation will collapse one after another like dominoes.

Therefore, under Lin Fan's arrangement, the three strongest men in the federation gathered together from the beginning in order to open this situation as quickly as possible.

This battle was a shattering one.

The universe shattered, the black cavity collapsed, and in the end, even the walls of the black cavity collapsed because they could no longer support it.

However, even though the chaotic life form from the Holy See was very hardworking and even thought of dying together, it was still useless. Under the joint attack of three enemies of the same level, everything was in vain.

Rather, because he fought so hard, he lost faster.

A few days later, when Lin Fan and three others eliminated their opponents, the entire black cavity space ceased to exist due to collapse, which shows how tragic the battle was.

In the next few months, when the three of them arrived at the other three battlefields, three more encirclement and killing rounds were formed.

Until ten months later, when the last chaotic life of the Holy See fell, the Federation directly handed over a perfect answer sheet of zero to ten.

During this process, Jiang Hai never thought of asking for support.

But even if the chaotic life forms cross the boundary quickly enough, they can only stop at the distance of more than 1,500 black cavity boundaries, and it is simply too late.

At the same time, what Jiang Hai is most worried about is whether the remaining Chaos combat force he sent to support will also be used by the opponent

Taking advantage of all the Chaos combat power in his lair to attack, just come and steal the house

He has really been deceived by Lin Fan over the years. Now, no matter what decision he makes, he will worry that his decision was made under the inducement of the other party.

Moreover, there is another thing that he cares about very much.

According to the intelligence sent back, he saw the appearance of pagans for the first time.

After all, the more than twenty chaotic beings are single combatants. They are not hidden in the battleship and cannot be seen, right

Like, it’s so similar, it’s exactly the same!

At least

From the external biological signs, Jiang Hai couldn't see any difference at all from the powerful civilization he knew.

Could it be

That civilization was not actually destroyed, and the pagans in this second holy war were still them, right

Involuntarily, Jiang Hai was startled by the speculation that suddenly flashed in his mind.

But regardless of whether the heretic is from the Daxia Federation or not, it will not have much impact on Jiang Hai's actions.

Whether it's the Daxia Federation or not, for him, it's just an obstacle on his way to dominate the entire black community.

Just a stumbling block.

(End of chapter)