The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Chapter 1355: season finale


The sweeper is gone, but the black consciousness is still there, and it is planning all the time on how to deal with it.

Heretical civilization in this black space.

Naturally, the Federation will not sit still and wait for death.

The method used by the Daxia Federation in the past was to detach from this black space and go to a new world that only existed in theory.

Did they succeed

No one knows, not even Luo Li, the person in charge of the Transcendence Project back then.

But Luo Li knew that with the methods used by the Great Xia Federation, only a few people completed the act of transcendence, and most people lost their lives in the process.

Even that small group of people may not truly transcend in the end.

However, there was no way at that time. Even if the theory was incomplete and the technology was immature, the sweepers were already at the gates.

Therefore, the Daxia Alliance had no choice but to bite the bullet.

But at the moment, the situation in the Federation is much better. Without the threat of sweepers, there is no need to rush to come to a conclusion on the issue of detachment. Instead, we can have more time to calm down.

Conduct more thorough research.

The first step is to make the Federation a true chaotic civilization, so as to analyze the truth of the entire black cavity.

Although one foot has now stepped in, it is not so easy to get the other foot to step in as well.

In short

After solving the Sweeper, the entire alliance ushered in a comfortable development.

Without anyone to call it an opponent, the alliance began a cycle of expansion, expansion, and expansion.


Federation year 21,880,981.

Unknowingly, twenty million years passed by.

Today is the Alliance’s first Millennium Celebration Day.

On this day a thousand years ago, the Alliance completed the unification of the entire black cavity space.

All civilizations either joined the alliance or became affiliated civilizations of a member of the alliance, and the rest disappeared in the long river of history.

This is an era where everyone is like a dragon, and today, when all the people are black-minded, there are very few people who are over 100,000 years old who are not chaotic life forms.

Such a huge base of chaotic life forms is an important cornerstone for the Federation to suppress the entire black cavity space.

A new round of sweepers

Sorry, there is no chance for black-minded consciousness at all. As long as it dares to show any signs of it, it will be immediately eliminated by the federation.

After all, for the Federation, the technology of detecting divine messengers is not a strange technology.

Kunsa Realm.

Outside the Canglong universe.

Chaos Research Institute.

This is the Federation's holy land for scientific research. Even after 20 million years, it still stands here.

However, at this moment, in a certain laboratory, people's expressions were a little solemn.

"Jiang Hai, have you confirmed this data?"

"I've confirmed it many times, teacher!"

After hearing Luo Li's inquiry, this person, who was recorded in federal public documents as being killed more than 20 million years ago, was working beside Luo Li like an assistant at the moment.

After hearing Jiang Hai's confirmation, Luo Li was still a little worried and made some confirmation in person.

It's not that she doesn't trust Jiang Hai, it's that this matter is too big and she must be very cautious.

The results of various data checks are still completely consistent with what Jiang Hai said.

In the black cavity space, a brand-new particle appears, and this particle poses a fatal threat to black cavity life, and even chaotic life forms.

The black cavity world where this kind of particle was recently discovered has no living person at this moment, and this is not the end yet.

Such particles are spreading around at an alarming speed.

If the calculations are correct, the entire black cavity space will be covered by such particles in more than three million years at most.

This is no joke. If a solution cannot be found, it will take more than three million years.

The Federation will perish! —

"More than three million years? No effective solution?"

During the communication, Lin Fan was stunned after hearing Luo Li explain the situation.

What kind of situation is this, where everything is going well and suddenly the drama of civilization’s demise is going to be staged

"Lin Fan, do you remember the metaphor I once gave you, about the black accent itself?"

"You mean to compare black people to humans, and we are viruses that endanger his health?"

"Yes, that's the metaphor, but now I feel that this may not be a metaphor, but the truth."

"How to say?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan couldn't help but take a deep breath, and then quickly asked.

"Ever since the Federation officially became a chaotic civilization more than five million years ago, my understanding of the Black Cavern has become even deeper, and at that time I was certain that the Black Cavern was alive."

"The reason why five million years ago, I asked you to prevent the Alphates from continuing to spread the Azure Dragon consciousness, is exactly this!"

"I conducted detailed simulations and demonstrations regarding the spread of Canglong's consciousness, and finally came to the conclusion that once the spread of Canglong's consciousness exceeds 30% of the entire black cavity space, it will lead to the collapse of the black cavity space!"

"As for this incident, I have repeatedly checked the data. Those unknown particles were not born inside the black cavity, but were injected from outside the black cavity!"

"So, if you ask me how to understand this, I will tell you a new metaphor."

"Because of our presence, the black cavity got sick, and at first, it may not have taken it seriously and didn't go to the doctor. It just took a few pills."

"But soon, these drugs did not solve us, but allowed us to develop and occupy the entire black community!"

"So, realizing something was wrong, he ran to the hospital and sought more professional treatment."

This was obviously just a metaphor, but Lin Fan felt his scalp numb when he heard it.

"So, what you are saying is that Hei Qiang does not take medicine now, but instead takes injections. As a result, the medicine injected now will kill us all in more than three million years?"

"If you want to describe it this way, that's okay. And you may not know it yet. Even if the Alphates are not aware of the expansion of the Soryu Universe, I have discovered that the Soryu Universe has recently expanded on its own without the assistance of the Alphates. Several black circles."

"What, this is still happening?"

"Yes, so the question now is, either Canglong's consciousness continues to expand, eventually leading to the death of Heiqiang, or we prevent the expansion of Canglong's consciousness, but in the end he will still die because of that unknown particle!"

"In other words, no matter which path we take, we will eventually perish?"

Lin Fan rubbed his head and said speechlessly.

"As far as I can tell, that's indeed the case!"

"A solution, I need a solution!"

"There is indeed a third way!"

"Damn it, Luo Li, you wouldn't say it's detachment, would you?"

"That's right!"

Nodding, Luo Li said affirmatively.

This gave Lin Fan a headache. He was not against detachment, but according to the records of the Daxia Federation, it could be said that the number of people who succeeded in detachment in the end was not even one in a billion or one in a trillion!

Most people have lost their lives in the process of transcendence.

"I know what you are worried about, but have you forgotten that what is the biggest difference between today's Federation and the Daxia Federation?"

"the difference?"

"Yes, the difference is that the Daxia Federation is an eighth-level black cavity civilization, and we are now a chaotic civilization. My understanding of the black cavity space is 10,000 times better than when I was in the Daxia Federation!"

"You mean, can you solve this problem of ultra-low probability of success?"

"Yes, now I am confident that I can achieve a 50% success rate. If you give me some more time, I can even improve the success rate!"

"You have three million years!"

After pondering for a long time, Lin Fan sighed and said immediately.

Three million years have passed quickly.

Today, more than 90% of the area in the black cavity space is covered by unknown particles.

The surviving Federation members were hiding in the last safe area, trying to survive.

According to scientists' reports, even this last safe area will be covered by these unknown particles in up to 200,000 years.

By that time, humanity will be completely extinct.

After that, Lin Fan gave a public speech to the entire federation, and the content of this time was

Beyond the plan!

Without hiding anything, Lin Fan explained the detachment plan in detail and let all federal citizens make their own choices.

Should we join the plan, or should we stay in the black cavity space, praying that those unknown particles will suddenly dissipate one day, or that we will find a way to fight against them in the last 200,000 years.

In ordinary people's understanding, both have advantages and disadvantages.

According to Lin Fan, the success rate of the Transcendence Plan is only 70%.

In other words, three out of ten people will die in the process of transcendence, and even those who succeed in transcendence will have no idea where they will go and in what form.

On the other hand, if you don't participate in the transcendence plan and choose to stay in the black cavity space, although there is a high probability that you will die in the end, you still have 200,000 years to live anyway, right

You know, in the past, the human species was said to be 200,000 years old, and there were only a few people who could live for a hundred years.

Therefore, there are also a large number of people who would rather choose to stay in the black power and spend the last 200,000 years than to escape from this unknown plan.

Moreover, maybe in the last 200,000 years, a solution will be found, right

A few years later, when everyone in the federation had made their selections and the statistics were completed, the results were almost as Lin Fan had expected.

Those who want to participate in the Transcendence Project only account for less than 20% of the population of the Federation, and most people choose to stay.

Since this is everyone’s choice, so be it!

Federation year 24,890,348.

A huge ring device appeared in the Kunsa realm.

In the middle of the ring is a lake-like material, and this ring.

This is the new transcendent device built by Luo Li.

Compared to the one she built in the Daxia Federation, this one is obviously more advanced.

In front of the ring, countless fleets have been waiting.

The people on board these spaceships are all people involved in the Transcendence Project. The whole process is also very simple. Just understand the ring as a kind of transmission device, and then insert the spacecraft into it and that's it.

As the person in charge of the plan, Lin Fan will follow the first battleship and be the first to enter!

Along with them, there are Liang Xue, Luo Li, Lin Yu, Lin Kexin, etc. In short, everyone in the family is here.

"Time is up!"

On the side, Liang Xue reminded.

Lin Fan nodded and immediately looked around at everyone.

"Let's go, see you on the other side!"

Slowly, the spacecraft sank into the ring and disappeared.

A splitting headache.

This was Lin Fan's first feeling after regaining consciousness.

Soon, I remembered something and immediately turned my head and scanned around.

Fortunately, they are all here, no one is missing, although they haven't woken up yet.

Seeing the pile of people lying on the ground, Lin Fan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Looking out through the porthole, there seems to be a very huge object in the distance. If you use your own battleship as a benchmark, this object may be larger than a black cavity.

However, Lin Fan failed to see what it was.

However, he is a chaotic life form. Even if he cannot see everything with the naked eye, he can confirm it through mental induction.

Thinking of this, just do it, release your mental power directly, and sense everything.

Immediately, he sensed a sound, coming from the specific object he had just seen.

But the next moment, when Lin Fan heard clearly what the voice said, he was stunned.

"Doctor, I've already had three injections for this cold, why haven't I gotten better yet?"

(End of chapter)

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