The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Chapter 50: Adams' fate


Solar system, orbit of Jupiter.

Like the orbit of Mars, there is a large group of star ports here.

This was built by Adams after the First Asteroid Belt War. At its peak, more than 120,000 warships were stationed here.

But now, there is a bit of a depression here. 120,000 warships attacked, but only 48,000 warships finally returned here.

At this moment, Adams was in his room and had already written a report. In the report, he took all the responsibilities on himself and prayed that the emperor would only execute him.

Although Adams also knew that with the emperor's temper, this was almost impossible, but no matter how small the chance was, he had to try hard, right? After all, these subordinates had been following him to fight for decades!

After sending the report, Adams leaned back on his seat as if he was exhausted, his eyes looking extremely empty.

Three months later.

Mars orbit, First Fleet temporary star port group.

This star port group is composed of 1 large comprehensive star port, 5 medium star ports and 20 small star ports from the original Mars base, and can accommodate a total of 8,500 warships.

Since the newly produced warships in the past three months have been used to supplement the losses of the Fourth Fleet, Lin Fan's First Fleet still only has more than 5,000 warships. For the time being, these star ports are enough.

As for the demand for star ports in the later period, construction is already being stepped up. At the current speed, 10 medium-sized and 30 small star ports can be completed in up to 3 months.

It is worth mentioning that Fleet 101 has now been transformed by Lin Fan into the guard fleet of the First Fleet, and its establishment has been expanded to 1,000 ships. The remaining 4,000 warships have been temporarily organized into the First to Fourth Squadrons.

Moon, Interstellar Military Academy.

Today is the annual big day of the college. Another class of college graduates graduated today and will soon embark on their military journey.

However, in the dean's office at this time, a certain young lady was going crazy!

"Dean, tell me clearly what is going on!"

At this moment, Emma slapped the appointment notice on Li Fulai's desk and shouted loudly!

Li Fulai looked at Emma with interesting eyes and said with a smile.

"What's going on? Isn't it just that you were assigned to the rebuilt First Fleet? And you also directly held the position of staff officer. No one else can envy you. Why are you so angry?"

"You clearly know that I want to go to the Fourth Fleet!"

"Okay, then I'll help you go through the back door and change it to the Fourth Fleet!"

Alas, before Emma came, she thought she would have to fight extremely hard, and that she would most likely not be able to achieve any results!

What's going on now? Can it be done in one sentence

Emma said she was a little confused!

"Oh, by the way, let me tell you something by the way. Lin Fan was promoted to lieutenant general three months ago due to his outstanding military exploits, and was appointed acting commander of the rebuilt First Fleet."

What? Emma's eyes widened instantly and she looked at Li Fulai in disbelief!

Are you sure you're not kidding me? Lin Fan is only 20 years old, and he is now a lieutenant general? Or the commander of the First Fleet

Seeing Emma's disbelieving eyes, Li Fulai felt very good.

"Well, that's it. I'll discuss it with the military department and change it to the Fourth Fleet!"


With that said, Li Fulai reached out to grab Emma's appointment letter, but someone suddenly burst out with superhuman hand speed and snatched the appointment letter back.

"Dean, I have something to do and I'll leave first. Nothing happened today!"

After saying that, without stopping for a second, someone ran out of the office!


Seeing this scene, a certain crooked old dean also burst out laughing!

Three days later, 40,000 graduates of the Interstellar Military Academy arrived at the Mars base.

They are composed of more than ten majors such as fleet command department, spaceship driving department, logistics management department, and mecha driving department. About 30,000 people are assigned to the first fleet. After all, the fourth fleet itself has been supplemented. Currently, The gap is not big.

In the Mars Orbital III large starport where the First Fleet's temporary headquarters is located, more than 30,000 newly graduated students who were assigned here are already waiting in line in the port.

Soon after, a man and a woman walked up to the front of the group.

The man has a handsome appearance and a slender figure. He carries the rank of lieutenant general on his shoulders and stands in front with a majesty that is inconsistent with his youth.

The woman has a peerless appearance, a hot figure, and a somewhat cold expression. She carries the rank of colonel on her shoulders, but exudes an indescribable heroic spirit, standing behind the man.

The expressions of many people below changed dramatically because they had recognized that this lieutenant general was none other than Lin Fan, who graduated early last year.

After only one year of graduation, he became a lieutenant general at the age of 20 and commanded a fleet. Is this a joke

"Although most of you know me, I would like to introduce myself first! My name is Lin Fan. I am currently the acting commander of the First Fleet, and I will also be your direct commander in the future military career!"

51 light years away from the solar system, the Ox star system.

This is also the capital area of the Oaks Empire. It has 1 natural life planet, 12 modified life planets, and 27 resource stars. It is the richest star system within a hundred light years.

Planet Oaks, in the imperial palace.

At this time, Emperor Ramiro Oaks was looking at a report with red eyes.


Ramiro slammed his palm on the table, exuding a terrifying murderous aura, which frightened all the ministers so much that they didn't even dare to breathe loudly!

"Immediately issue an order to kill everyone in the Third Guards Corps!"

"Your Majesty, no!"

Seeing that Ramiro was going to kill the entire Third Guards Corps, Military Minister Ross Oaks immediately advised him anxiously.

In the entire audience hall, he was the only one who dared to speak out at this time.

After all, he is Ramiro's uncle and the biggest contributor to Ramiro's rise to power. He can be said to be the person Ramiro trusts the most.

Executing an entire legion at will will cause instability in the morale of the army, especially during the war with the Kabate Empire. It is very unwise to do so. How can Ross not be anxious!

"Bastard, because of their incompetence, Doron died, and Adams suffered repeated defeats in the human home system. The entire Third Guards Corps now has less than 50,000 battleships left. Such incompetence cannot be justified by What else can you do if you die to apologize?"

"Your Majesty, it is a fifty thousand battleship after all. If Your Majesty insists that they be buried with the Ninth Prince, then let them use their last remaining energy!"

"What does the emperor mean?"

"Let them attack the humans with all their strength until the last battleship. You can tell Adams that if they capture the humans, only him will be executed. If they fail, then die on the battlefield!"

"Then if Adams takes down humans, he will let others go? Uncle Emperor, this is too easy for them!"

"Your Majesty, you are the emperor and you have to think about the overall situation. Now we are at war with the Kabat Empire, which is also an old third-level civilization. If you execute an entire legion at this time, it will inevitably cause instability in the morale of the military. It will not have any impact on us. What a benefit!”

After listening to Rose's words, Ramiro calmed down slightly. After all, he was just hot-tempered, not stupid.

"Okay, then follow the emperor's wishes and give orders to Adams!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

(End of chapter)