The Strongest Landlord in History

Chapter 100: Dragon Valley


"It's better Brother Lin."

Li Donglai only leaned towards Lin Lan.

Unexpectedly, Lin Lan pushed his hand and said, "Don't come here, you are too close, and I might not be able to help myself."

Li Donglai looked pitiful, looked at the three in front of him, and said cautiously, "Brothers, if you..."

"Lin Lan, I was interrupted by Li Donglai just now."

Without waiting for Li Donglai to finish speaking, Qin Hao interrupted him loudly.

"Is there anything unusual about you that prevents you from breaking through?"

He was still thinking about what Lin Lan couldn't break through.


Lin Lan said.

He knows the reason why it is difficult for him to break through, but this deficiency is not compatible with outsiders.

He did not want to continue the discussion on this issue.

Cultivation still needs to go to some dangerous places to experience in order to achieve something. Lin Lan felt that it might not be good if she kept meditating like this.

So he asked, "Do you know any places around here that are suitable for training? I plan to go out and exercise."

"In terms of experience, Longyin Valley is more suitable."

Qin Hao said.

"Longyin Valley?"

Lin Lan said.


Qin Hao said.

"But Longyin Valley is a very dangerous place, do you want us to go together?"

Qin Hao said again.

"Although you can be alone and kill powerful monsters, there are also the most dangerous beasts you have ever seen in Longyin Valley."

"Why don't we go with you, everyone can take care of each other."

Qin Hao was very thorough.

"No need for this."

Lin Lan said.

"Everyone has their own goals, and they have to face everything independently in the future."

"Now is the time to train each other on this ability. How can I get everyone to join me?"

Qin Hao felt that Lin Lan's words were reasonable.

And he knew that if Lin Lan didn't want to, they couldn't force them to follow.

Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, he said, "Then we won't go there, be careful yourself."

"Don't worry, it's alright!"

Lin Lan smiled lightly.

However, he suddenly remembered something, so he asked again: "You are more familiar with the sect, do you know that there is an elder stone here?"

He remembered Ye Tianyin.

"Elder Shi?"

Qin Hao's expression immediately became very strange.

"Lin Lan, what's your relationship with Elder Shi? This person is not very easy to get along with."

he said.

It seemed that he knew a little about this Elder Shi.

"I don't know him. It's just a friend of mine, a disciple of Elder Shi, that's why I asked this question."

Lin Lan said.

Qin Hao and the others nodded. It is logically impossible for Lin Lan to know Elder Shi. It must be because of someone else, he asked.

Everyone talked for a while and then left.

"You go to Longyin Valley, do you want to take me there?"

Chu Yun Qingluan asked Lin Lan at this time.

"I can't leave you behind and let you mess around with others."

Lin Lan deliberately flattered Chu Yun Qingluan and said.

"Humph… "

Chu Yun Qingluan punched Lin Lan with a smile.

The two of them didn't need to prepare anything. After a little tidying up, they left Chunlei Garden No. 68.

Longyin Valley is located in the southwest of Qingdi City. You can go directly after leaving the Qingdi Sect.

"In order to cultivate, Lin Lan is not afraid of taking risks. It's really good."

Qin Hao knew that Lin Lan must have gone to Longyin Valley at this time, so he said with admiration.

"Yeah, we should learn from him."

Zhou Kedi also said.

"Hey, it's a pity I can't learn."

Li Donglai is downcast.

Qin Hao and Zhou Kedi wanted to hit him again. This is a person who does not need to work hard to be successful, which is really hated.

"You, Qiu Fu..."

Li Donglai ran away quickly.

Lin Lan and Chu Yun Qingluan rushed to Longyin Valley, and it didn't take long for them to arrive at the mouth of Longyin Valley.


A leather guard stopped Lin Lan from the valley.

"If you want to enter the valley, you must first be here with the law enforcement team, write down your name, and then come back here when you come back. Delete your name."

said the man.

"it is good."

Lin Lan knew that this was the rule of the Qing Emperor Sect. It seemed that the Qing Emperor Sect's management of the disciples was still very thoughtful and strict.

He followed the leather guard and registered his name.

"Lin Lan?"

The leather guard raised his eyebrows, and the look in Lin Lan's eyes suddenly changed.

Lin Lan handed the booklet with the recorded name to the leather guard, and asked, "Can I go in now?"


The leather guard took the booklet, and his tone was no longer as cold as before.

"Remember, the entrance to Longyin Valley is the only one. If you want to come out, you can only come out from here. If you don't have too high strength, don't think about being able to traverse Longyin Valley and find other exits."

He was admonishing Lin Lan.

Lin Lan nodded, grateful for this leather guard.

People treat him well.

The two immediately entered the Longyin Valley.

However, their front feet had just stepped into the range of Longyin Valley, and they saw three shadows walking out of the woods in front.

"It's him?"

Lin Lan's eyes flashed.


Chuyun Qingluan asked.

She didn't know anyone Lin Lan knew.

"Lin Lan!"

Those people also saw Lin Lan at this time, it was Wang Aotu.

A wicked smile flashed in Wang Aotu's eyes, and he said, "How dare you come to Longyin Valley?"

Lin Lan said: "You can come out of it, why don't I dare to go in?"

"Who said I came out of it?"

Wang Aotu winked at the two people beside him.

"The three of us just happened to pass by here, and then we have to go in."

"In that case, I won't bother."

Lin Lan walked towards the forest with a sneer, how could he not see Wang Aotu's thoughts? The other party will not give up this opportunity to deal with himself.

But where did he take them seriously

He and Chuyun Qingluan walked slowly into the woods.

Chu Yun Qingluan also saw that the situation was wrong, but with Lin Lan by her side, she was not afraid of any trouble.

She doesn't care about everything.

At this time, the two were really like strolling in the courtyard.

"I heard that Lin Lan can easily kill high-level monsters, and his strength is too strong. We can't underestimate him."

Wang Aotu took two people and quietly followed Lin Lan. Wang Aotu said to the two companions at this time.

He wasn't an ordinary person after all, and he didn't dare to despise Lin Lan too much.

"Wanchen, when the law enforcement team can't pay attention, the two of us will immediately take action and work together to trap Lin Lan. It's best to kill him directly."

"Sun Ze, you can just wait for the opportunity to attack."

Sun Ze said strangely: "I think this person only has the strength of the primary Guiyuan Realm. We don't need to be so serious, right?"

He felt that the strength of the three of them did not need to be so cautious in treating Lin Lan.

Wang Aotu sneered: "Feng Guanyu and Xu Kuan, those two idiots, just because they underestimated Lin Lan, and now they have been expelled from the sect."

"Wait a minute if you want to make a fool of yourself, I'm sure I won't stop you."

"… "

Sun Ze didn't dare to speak, he didn't dare to take his own life to make a joke.

Lin Lan went all the way to the depths of Longyin Valley and walked for more than ten miles. Along the way, he also saw a lot of low-grade monsters.

However, none of these monsters took the initiative to attack him.

"The sense of monsters is much more sensitive than that of humans. They must sense that there are people behind me, and they will take the initiative to avoid them."

Lin Lan sighed.

Just thinking about it, Chu Yun Qingluan suddenly gave a coquettish cry and said, "Something is coming."

Lin Lan stopped immediately, and he also felt that he was being stared at.

It was a monster with two long fangs hanging from the corners of its mouth, and its back was covered with barbs like a hedgehog.

"This seems to be a thunder hedgehog. Although its strength is not very good, the demon core is extremely precious because it contains lightning."

Chu Yun Qingluan said to Lin Lan at this time.

"You said it so well, why don't you kill it and take the demon core?"

Lin Lan said to Chu Yun Qingluan.

"Do you want me to do it?"

Chu Yun Qingluan pouted and said to him.

Lin Lan said: "I married a wife just to make her happy? Does she not need to do anything at home?"

Chu Yun Qingluan said: "The male lead is outside, the female lead is inside!"

She really can say, who told her this, how does she know

"Get out of here and start."

Lin Lan couldn't say it, so he had to do it. He slapped Chuyun Qingluan's butt, and then scolded her.

Chu Yun Qingluan was even more annoyed, but she could see that Lin Lan really wanted her to do it herself this time, so she walked towards the thunder hedgehog.

But who knew that she had just taken a step when the Thunder Hedgehog raised its front legs, stomped on the ground violently, and at the same time let out a low roar at her.

This is the Thunder Hedgehog who is also ready to fight her.

When monsters see people, they want to hurt people. And this thunder hedgehog is also hot.

"Wang Aotu and the others are following, hurry up and solve it!"

Lin Lan said to Chu Yunqingluan in the back.

Chuyun Qingluan knew that she needed to quickly resolve the matter in front of her, so she stared at the thunder hedgehog and said:

"Since you want to fight with me, let's see who is more powerful!"

They are all warriors themselves, and Lin Lan just didn't want Chu Yun Qingluan to be too lazy. Martial artists do not often train themselves through fighting, and they are likely to degenerate.

Chu Yun Qingluan actually knew Lin Lan's intentions at this time. She just liked to rely on Lin Lan when she was by her side.

At this time, she has to move, and she is not slow.

Suddenly, Chu Yun Qingluan stood up and rushed towards the Thunder Hedgehog Beast.


When the Thunder Hedgehog Beast saw someone rushing towards it, it couldn't help spewing two hot air from its mouth, and roared in rage.

The two hind legs kicked the ground, and it also slammed into Chuyun Qingluan.


Lin Lan felt strange at this time, this Thunder Hedgehog was so ferocious, it seemed that it could be ignited with a little fire, and he would drive them out of here after thinking about it.

It stands to reason that there are two of them, and there is only one Thunder Hedgehog. Under normal circumstances, the Thunder Hedgehog should avoid them.

But this Thunder Hedgehog Beast did not, but must fight with them. Is there something here that makes it reluctant to leave

Lin Lan carefully searched the vicinity, and glanced behind the Thunder Hedgehog Beast, but he didn't see anything except grass and soil.

Lin Lan searched carefully, but found nothing unusual.

As soon as they were delayed here, Wang Aotu and the others chased after them.

"Lin Lan, I heard that you were in a secret realm and killed a powerful monster by yourself. Why do you dare not take action against this thunder hedgehog now?"

Wang Aotu looked at Chu Yun Qingluan fighting with the thunder hedgehog beast, he was sarcastic.

"You were in the secret realm, didn't you happen to come across the corpse of a dead monster?"

"Hahaha, it must be like that. Do you see how he is timid now, like someone who can defeat powerful monsters?"

"I didn't expect that the number one recruit this year would be a liar!"

These people all mocked Lin Lan.

The man named Wan Chen also taunted Lin Lan, and then whispered to Wang Aotu:

"Brother Wang, the distance is enough now. We shot and killed Lin Lan, and the law enforcement team couldn't find it."

"Wait a minute."

Wang Aotu stared at Lin Lan with interest, and said, "That is the Thunder Hedgehog. It is rumored that its demon core contains the power of lightning, which is very precious."

"This monster is now fighting with his companions, I'll see how they are killed by this thunder hedgehog."

"hey-hey… "

Wang Aotu sneered, he thought that Lin Lan and the others could not deal with that thunder hedgehog.

"it is good!"

Wan Chen also laughed.

"Then let's sit and reap the profits!"

he said.

The few of them thought that they had the chance to win, so they didn't care about Lin Lan, and they didn't shy away from Lin Lan when they said these words.

Lin Lan's attention had always been on Lei Hedgehog and Chu Yun Qingluan, but he didn't pay much attention to Wang Aotu and them.

Chu Yun Qingluan was his wife, so he would naturally worry more about her safety.

He may not need any means to deal with this thunder hedgehog, but Chu Yun Qingluan will take some effort.

As for Wang Aotu, although he knew Wang Aotu and their intentions, he would not take them seriously.

These guys didn't leave at this time, I'm afraid they won't be able to leave later.

Lin Lan sneered in her heart.

Ignoring Wang Aotu and the others, Lin Lan turned his gaze to the loess behind the Thunder Hedgehog Beast.

"There is just such a pile of loess here. Thunder hedgehog is not a herbivorous monster. What does it turn the soil for?"

Lin Lan felt strange, could it be to cover up something

Gotta see what's down there.

Lin Lan suddenly moved, his body was like a gust of wind, making people unable to see the shadow so quickly.


Seeing that Lin Lan seemed to be rushing towards the pile of loess, the Thunder Hedgehog stomped on the ground and rushed back.

It actually abandoned Chu Yun Qingluan, and its long fangs slammed into Lin Lan's chest.

"Want to go?"

When Chu Yun Qingluan saw that the Thunder Hedgehog wanted to intercept Lin Lan, she snorted and slammed the Thunder Hedgehog with a move.



The body of the Thunder Hedgehog was attacked by Chuyun Qingluan and fell to the side.

At this time, Lin Lan had already punched the loess.

The distance was just right. Although Lin Lan's fist did not touch the pile of loess, the loess had been pushed away by Lin Lan's fist.

Let me see what exactly you are guarding!

Lin Lan thought to herself.

Good smell!

At this time, Lin Lan suddenly smelled a refreshing fragrance.