The Strongest Landlord in History

Chapter 182: Internal battle


"Don't waste your time. With the little real qi in your body, you are still far from being able to do this."

The Jiaolong horse smiled.

"I said that in order to obtain the treasure left by my master, we must have the same toughness!"

"As long as you are still in this tomb, your body will always be tested by that infuriating qi."

"It turns out that the seniors did it on purpose, but I still want to try it."

Lin Lan groaned softly, then stopped talking, and sat directly at the door cross-legged.

"If you want to try it, try it, but this seat reminds you that these people outside are not all waste."

"Many of them also have a lot of treasures to protect their bodies. I believe they will be able to enter in a short time."

Lin Lan kept her mouth shut, constantly urging the atomized True Qi in her body to dispel the scorching power that invaded her legs.

But the fact is just like what the steed Jiaolong said, the essence of Lin Lan's body is still too weak after all.

Those atomized true qi had just come into contact with the scorching power in his body, and in an instant, they were shaken back.

"The essence of these scorching powers is too powerful."

Lin Lan frowned.

"But if I want to disperse them, it's not completely impossible."

Lin Lan's spiritual sense swept into the depths of his dantian.

"As long as the strange formation can move in the depths of my dantian, the power that invades my body can be disintegrated in an instant."

"It's just a pity that I haven't found a way to control this bloodline formation until now."

Lin Lan disregarded the persuasion of the dragon and horse, and was determined to dispel the scorching power in his body.

This is not because he is blindly arrogant, but because today's incident is an excellent opportunity for him!

"The last time the formation in the dantian was activated, it was because of Wang Juechen's true qi entering the body."

Lin Lan paid attention to every change in his dantian.

"The last time, it was the invasion of the power of the Lake Mind Stone."

"Every time this formation is activated, it is very passive and completely out of my control."

Lin Lan frowned.

"Although I know that this formation is harmful to me, it always feels very awkward to leave such an uncontrollable thing in my body."

"It is too dangerous to rely on external forces to invade the formation. If you are not careful, your dantian may be damaged and the foundation of martial arts will be ruined."

"Also, I can't guarantee that every time an external force invades Dantian, this formation will be activated."

Lin Lan thought.

"But now is an excellent opportunity. The Jiaolong steed is a big demon in the Xuanwu realm. Its control of power is far stronger than mine."

"This force in my body, in addition to increasing my pain, can never harm my life."

"It's better to use it to test the formation in Dantian."

Lin Lan drew his true qi a little bit closer to his legs, but after trying for a long time, they all ended in failure.

His infuriating energy was simply unable to touch those scorching powers, and he just got closer, and in an instant, he was dissipated by that power.

"They can't be introduced into the dantian, and the formation in the dantian won't start on their own."

Lin Lan frowned and looked outside.

"Is this the only way?"

Lin Lan endured the severe pain from her legs, stood up, stared at the drying up magma outside, and said solemnly:

"If I can find a way to control the formation in my dantian, from now on, I will no longer have to be afraid of anyone's attribute dark attack."

"At the same time, my understanding of how to play may also be deepened! As long as I can become stronger and endure more pain, what's the harm?"

While speaking, Lin Lan conducted the experiment again, and at the same time crushed five body-guarding jade talismans and blessed them on her body.

"Since I can't introduce you to Dantian, let you come in by yourself!"

After speaking, Lin Lan stepped out of the infuriating barrier of the tomb and stood in the surrounding magma again.

"Look, there's a person inside! It's Lin Lan who just entered!"

Outside the underground palace, hundreds of people who want to enter the tomb are always paying attention to the entrance door.

So when Lin Lan's figure appeared again, everyone saw it.

"So soon? Has he taken all the treasures in this tomb?"

A person exclaimed.

"Probably not. The tomb is so big, and it is said that there are puppets guarding it. No matter how strong Lin Lan is, it can't be so fast!"

"Then why did he come out? Isn't that the real entrance?"

At this time, someone exclaimed again.

"Look, Lin Lan actually sat down! He actually wanted to melt his whole body into the magma!"

"What? Is he dying? How dare he do this!"

"Just now, someone tried to get close to the magma with the help of the earth-grade magic weapon and the spirit talisman, but they all died."

"This Lin Lan, what is he going to do?"

"Now his body is completely covered with magma, is he dead?"

"not yet."

Someone with sharp eyes stared at the piece of magma that Lin Lan sank.

"There is a constant stream of white gas coming out of there, it should be Lin Lan using his water-like body-protecting martial arts."

"But why did he come out this time? Did he just want to take a bath in this magma?"

Not only the person speaking could not understand it, but everyone around, including the Jiaolong horse standing in the middle with Bailitong, could not understand it either.

"This kid, he said before that he wanted to completely remove my power from the body. Why did he come out now and sink his whole body into the magma?"

"Doesn't he know that the more his body is invaded by my power, the more pain he suffers?"

"Does he want to introduce the energy of burning flames into his dantian? Absolutely impossible!"

The Jiaolong horse couldn't help but let out a loud cry.


Bailitong glanced at the Jiaolong horse curiously.

"Listen, Bailitong."

The Jiaolong horse transmits the sound to Bailitong

"This person is about to become the master's direct disciple. His future achievements are limitless. You must not oppose him."

"If he doesn't fall, he will definitely become the brightest future powerhouse in the continent."

"Mazu, you mean he's not dead yet?"

Bailitong said in amazement.

"But he has already sunk his body into those magma, taking dozens of breaths!"

"He can't die, and I won't allow him to die! But I won't do it until he can't stand it."

"I'll see. How far he can go."

The Jiaolong steed stared at Lin Lan's location.

With his strength, he can completely ignore the barrier of magma and see every movement of Lin Lan clearly.

Different from everyone's weirdness, Lin Lan at this time was doing her best to release her true energy while examining every change in her body.

"This scorching power is indeed from the hand of the dragon horse."

Lin Lan clenched his teeth tightly, and the tenfold burning pain from his body made him want to scream a few times.

"This kind of pain is stronger than the time when Wang Shaoyuan crushed my bones! However, I can bear it!"

Lin Lan watched helplessly as the scorching power, which had brought him pain that he had never experienced before, invaded his body little by little.

"There is already a scorching power that invades the meridians, but the formation in the dantian has not moved."

"Do you really need these powers to invade Dantian?"

Lin Lan was a little hesitant. Dantian, as the foundation of a person's martial arts, could not tolerate the slightest mistake.

"If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get a tiger's son! Maybe if I give up this opportunity, it will be difficult for me to find such a good opportunity again!"

"bring it on!"

At this moment, Lin Lan removed all the infuriating energy circulating in the meridians, so that those scorching powers, without any hindrance, continue to flow to the dantian along his meridians!


Lin Lan suddenly poked his head out of the magma, and let out a roar that shook the sky.

Just the pain emanating from this voice made all bystanders look at it.

"This kid actually dares to introduce the power of this old man into the meridians, is he dying?"

The Jiaolong horse could no longer remain calm, so it flew up and landed beside Lin Lan.

Step on the lava, like walking on the ground.

"Lin Lan, what are you trying to do? How dare you introduce my power into your meridians!"

"The pain you will endure next is ten times stronger than pure physical pain!"

"In other words, is this already a hundred times more painful than ordinary damage?"

Lin Lan gritted his teeth, his lips were white, and now he was unable to speak.

"It turns out that the pain of a hundred times is so violent, but I can still persevere!"

Although Lin Lan's facial expression was distorted by the severe pain, the look in his eyes was extremely stubborn.

"Are you going to continue?"

The Jiaolong horse noticed Lin Lan's gaze, and his voice was solemn.

"Although I don't know what you want to do, I won't allow you to be like this!"

"You are the only qualified disciple that I have waited for a thousand years to find for the master!"

"Do not!!"

Lin Lan's body trembled, because of the unprecedented pain, he could no longer control his voice.

This simple 'no' word came out of his mouth, but it was filled with infinite unwillingness, stubbornness, and even anger!

The Jiaolong steed wanted to 'rescue' Lin Lan immediately, but it stopped abruptly when it heard Lin Lan's roar.

"What a strong obsession! You are a low-level martial artist, why do you have such a strong obsession?"

Although the dragon and horse asked questions, it never thought that Lin Lan could answer his own question.

"I sense that you have a very strong obsession, that is the obsession that really fails to achieve the goal and will never give up!"

"This obsession is even stronger than the master's pursuit of a breakthrough in swordsmanship back then!"

"Lin Lan, what are you doing? I can't think of any benefit for you to suffer like this."

In fact, the Jiaolong steed didn't say a word.

"People who cultivate martial arts have this obsession, He Chou can't be the strongest!"

Lin Lan didn't have time to think about the questions of the dragon and horse. He didn't even have enough energy to listen to these questions.

At this moment, the only thing that makes Lin Lan feel gratified in the boundless pain is:

As the scorching power continued to erode in his meridians, he finally realized the formation hidden in his dantian and moved!

"Okay, let me blend in!"

The moment Lin Lan was activated by the hidden formation in his body, he immediately controlled his infuriating energy and attacked it.

Although this formation did not know where it came from, Lin Lan could only guess, and this thing would not harm his source power.

So when Lin Lan's own true qi approached, the formation was just an instinct to avoid it.

"Want to hide?"

Lin Lan said coldly.

"Now the space opened up in my dantian is not too big. As long as you come out from below, there is no reason why my true qi can't catch up with you!"

Lin Lan immediately activated his True Qi and became entangled with the formation.

At the same time, the scorching power from the Jiaolong steed has also broken through to the entrance of Dantian along Lin Lan's meridians at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Lan released an extremely domineering force from the formation in Lin Lan's dantian, and in an instant, the scorching power from the Jiaolong horse was wiped out.

"It's now!"

Lin Lan let out a loud drink, and the scorching power around his dantian was eliminated, which made him feel a lot more comfortable immediately.

But he knew that now was not the time to relax.

Before the formation could take back the released power, the true qi suddenly penetrated into the formation under Lin Lan's control.

"here is?"

After Lin Lan penetrated into the formation in his dantian, Lingjue immediately became acutely aware of the structure within the formation.

"What a mysterious formation! Although this formation is evolved from true energy, it is extremely mysterious inside."

"I can't understand any of these array diagrams that make up the array!"

For a while, Lin Lan felt that her consciousness was attracted by the array diagram depicted by True Qi in the formation.

Even if his consciousness is still clear, he understands that it is not the time to be immersed in the formation.

However, his spirit seemed to be out of his control, bit by bit being swallowed up by those mysterious formations.

"not good!"

Lin Lan was startled.

"This formation drawing is weird! Just by looking at it, my consciousness will be involuntarily attracted to it."

"If this goes on, my consciousness will probably be completely immersed in this formation, and I won't be able to extricate myself!"

At the same time, the Jiaolong horse standing beside Lin Lan suddenly frowned.

"Huh? There seems to be a mysterious force in his body that is swallowing my scorching true essence?"


The Jiaolong horse jumped away suddenly, and it was surprised to find that the magma around Lin Lan at this moment was not under its control, and it all cooled down.

At the same time, a cyan giant python flew out from Lin Lan's arm, like a dragon, hovering in the air beside Lin Lan.

While the green python was circling, its body was rapidly growing, and endless water waves were also generated beside it.

"So strong! This is not Lin Lan's power!"

The steed Jiaolong stood up in the sky, staring at Lin Lan's side with burning eyes, the rocks that had cooled down and re-condensed.

At this time, there were already some stones on the surface of those rocks, which turned into clear water.

"My scorching true essence exists in those rocks, and this green python can even be transformed!"

The Jiaolong horse said in amazement.