The Strongest Landlord in History

Chapter 216: Ancient jade celestial flower


"Hey, I know the boss is the best."

The Linjia Beast let out a joyful cry, took out a barren stone with satisfaction, hugged it, and gnawed it.

But just when the Linjia Beast was suffocating, Lin Lan broke a twig and carefully painted something on the ground.

"Boss, what is this?"

The Linjia Beast hugged the barren rock and jumped across from Lin Lan, looking at the messy curves on the ground, and asked inexplicably.

"This is the map of Ancient Desolate Abyss."

Lin Lan pointed at one of the curves with the branch in his hand and said.

"Look, this is the route that Wang Jueyan's group walked yesterday. We also followed them on this road last night and walked a distance."

"Have you noticed anything weird?"

"Except for the fact that I didn't encounter many powerful monsters along the way, there's nothing else."

"Yes! The road they chose should be the safest one!"

Lin Lan said in a low voice.

"However, this road was not marked on the map of Commander Su."

"In his map, there are also many paths through the ancient desolate abyss, but this one is not the only one."

"Is the map of Commander Su incomplete?"

The Linjia Beast asked.

"If it's just that the walking route isn't comprehensive, that's fine."

"What I'm worried about is that on the map of Commander Su, I'm afraid there are many other things besides these routes, which are not so accurate."

"Look, this is where we got the barren rocks yesterday, but on Commander Su's map, there is no mention of the fact that there are still waters there."

"And here, this is where we fought with Wang Juechen yesterday. On Commander Su's map, there should be a lot of beasts of high martial realm here."

Lin Lan recalled carefully: "I remember that when I got the map of Commander Su, the map was already very worn, and many of the things recorded in it were probably very different from reality."

"So next, we have to walk in the ancient desolate abyss, and we can't rely solely on that map."

"By whom?"

"Of course it's up to you."

Lin Lan smiled and patted the Linjia Beast.

"Senior Jiaolong Horse has said that there is a kind of spirit grass called Guyu Tianlanhua in this ancient desolate abyss. After taking it, it can enable warriors to control the use of water energy more quickly."

"This is actually the real purpose of our visit to Ancient Desolate Abyss this time."

"Gu Yutian Lanhua?"

The Linjia Beast closed his eyes and thought for a while before saying, "Boss, that's a big pink flower."

"When it blooms, each flower has ninety-nine petals, and each petal is bigger than a normal human being."

"Yes! Ancient Yutian Lanhua really likes to grow in damp places."

"Senior Jiaolong Steed Horse didn't stay in Master's cemetery all the time. He has always been aware of the outside world."

Lin Lan pondered.

"A few days ago, he deliberately mentioned to me the ancient jade celestial flower in the ancient wasteland, which means that it is not too far from the time when the ancient jade celestial flower blooms."

"We'll look for it carefully, but this time, don't deliberately avoid the places where the beasts of high martial arts gather."

The road through the ancient desolate abyss to reach Tianhuang City is actually only at the outermost periphery of the entire ancient desolate abyss.

If you change direction and go east, even if you walk for ten and a half years, you will not be able to finish it.

Now, Lin Lan is taking the Linjia Beast together, gradually going deep into the depths of the ancient desolate abyss.

Now it is hundreds of miles away from where Wang Jueyan fought.

"Boss, there is a beast of high martial arts in front of you. According to feeling, the strength should not exceed the third grade of high martial arts."

Lin Lan's beast was lying on Lin Lan's shoulder, and his unique sense of monsters was more sensitive than Lin Lan's spiritual sense.

"Gaowu third-grade? Avoid it if you can."

Lin Lan stopped immediately, intending to get around quietly.

"Our main purpose now is to find the ancient jade celestial lantern flower. It's better not to touch the beasts that are difficult to deal with."

"But boss, I can still feel..."

From the corner of the Linjia Beast's mouth, a gleaming silk thread flows.

"Not far behind that fierce beast, there is a huge barren rock."

The Linjia Beast thought for a moment, swayed its two small claws, and said with a stronger tone: "It's really big!"

"Desolate stone?"

Lin Lan, who was about to turn around, was stunned on the spot.

He still hasn't figured out what the specific function of the barren stone is. The only function of so many barren stones in his hands seems to be only used as ration by the Linjia Beast.

"Well, it's a barren rock!"

A look of intoxication appeared on the face of the Linjia Beast.

"I can feel that that piece of desolate stone is more beneficial to me than what we collected from the last time we dealt with the Great Desolate Snake!"

After Lin Lan heard the words, her expression was strange.

"Then this barren rock, doesn't it also exist in the body of a vicious beast?"

"If the higher the realm of the beast, the better the quality of the barren rock in the body, isn't the barren rock in front of it at least guarded by the beasts of the fourth rank or even the fifth rank of Gaowu?"

The Linjia Beast looked at Lin Lan eagerly: "But I didn't feel any vicious beast."

"Then let's go and have a look, but we still have to bypass the beast of the third-grade high martial arts in front of us."

Lin Lan couldn't bear the eager gaze of the Linjia Beast, so he had to agree.

In other words, the effect of the desolate stone on the Linjia beast is obvious.

After swallowing a few more desolate stones, the current Linjia Beast has the strength of the middle stage of Gaowu Rank 1.

You must know that monsters are just like humans. The later stage of cultivation, the more difficult it will be to advance.

This small desolate rock is far more precious to the Linjia beast than a longevity fruit.

Lin Lan walked in the damp environment of the ancient desolate abyss with one foot shallow and one foot deep, always paying attention to the surroundings.

"The deeper you go into the ancient desolate abyss, the more humid the environment here will be. If you keep going, the ground should be full of swamps."

"Hey, boss, we've already bypassed that fierce beast, and we'll be able to find the barren rock when we turn around again."

The linjia beast jumped on Lin Lan's shoulder happily, and followed Lin Lan for a while.

Suddenly, it hooked Lin Lan's collar with its small paws: "Boss, there seems to be someone ahead."


Lin Lan's expression changed, and a mist of water immediately appeared on the surface of her body, covering her entire body.

At the same time, cut off your own breath.

"This is the depths of the ancient desolate abyss. Not only is the environment harsh, but it is also in danger. Those who can come here may not be easy. Let's go quietly and take a look."

"They are in the direction of the deserted rock."

The Linjia Beast moved its small nose, carefully discerning the smell coming from the air.

"It seems to be five people, and they are all near the barren rock. Boss, should we just fly over and take a look?"

The Linjia Beast is eager to try.

"Not for now."

Lin Lan immediately reached out and held down the Linjia Beast.

"Your ability to fly is not at the end, don't use it. Now, with my natural method, you won't be easily discovered by passing by."

Lin Lan walked a little further, and five figures appeared within the range of his spiritual sense.

"It's really five people, three men and two women, but I still can't feel their strength, and I have to get closer."

The closer he was to the person in front, the more careful Lin Lan became.

With a slight movement of his arm, a small cyan snake immediately swam down his arm and went deep into the underground swamp.

"Fortunately, there is a lot of water vapor around here. With the help of the geographical advantage, the natural consumption of qi-turning is not as big as before."

With the help of the blue python, Lin Lan has the ability to breathe underwater. As long as he doesn't show up, no one can detect him.

"One hundred and fifty feet... one hundred feet..."

Although Lin Lan walked through the swamp, his body was not stained in the slightest by the mud.

As the distance got closer, the environment in front of him became more and more clearly displayed in front of him.

At this time, at a distance of about a hundred meters in front of Lin Lan, there was still a swampy area filled with black mud.

However, unlike other places, there are many black boulders standing in this swamp.

The five people mentioned by Linjia Beast early in the morning are standing on those black boulders at this moment.

"You're all so young?"

In Lin Lan's spiritual sense, three men and two women soon appeared.

What surprised Lin Lan was that the five people were all about the same age as him, and one of the girls was even a year or two younger than him.

"The most powerful of them, the man in black, is probably at the peak of the first-rank Gaowu."

"And the girl with the flowing cloud bun should also be a martial artist who has just been promoted to the high martial arts."

"As for the others, the two men are the ninth grades of the first martial arts, and the youngest girl is the eighth grades of the first martial arts."

Lin Lan frowned and said, "How could this happen? Although their overall strength is not weak, it is impossible for them to get here with their strength."

"Xiao Lin, do you feel that there are other people around?"

"No, I can only feel these five people."

The Linjia Beast's eyes gleamed.

"Boss, the barren stone I mentioned is in the third black stone beside these people. We only need to break it and we can get it."

The Linjia Beast's thinking is still stuck on the law of survival among monsters for the time being.

It saw that the strength of the five people in front was not as good as it and Lin Lan, so it took it for granted that now it and Lin Lan only needed to go out together and dig out the waste.

The other five were impossible to stop.

"Look at the situation again."

Lin Lan pondered.

"There are crises hidden everywhere in the ancient desolate abyss, and it is impossible for ordinary people to come here."

"I don't think these five people seem to have experienced a hard fight. Maybe they were brought here by some martial arts experts."

"Let's get a little closer and see if we can hear them."

At this time, on a black boulder less than a hundred feet away from Lin Lan, three men and two women were standing there with bitter faces.

"Uncle Clan has been out for a full hour, why hasn't he come back yet?"

The younger black-clothed boy muttered.

"Brother Zhang Kai, do you think Clan Uncle will encounter any danger?"

The black-clothed man standing at the front of the five shook his head gently, and said, "Uncle Clan has the strength of the seventh-rank High Martial Artist. Here, there are no beasts of the High Martial Realm that can embarrass him."

"Xiaocheng, don't think too much."

Zhang Cheng still had a bitter face.

"But last night, Uncle Clan said that there was an eighth-grade Gaowu cultivator fighting outside. Brother Zhang Kai, do you think Uncle Clan would encounter that eighth-grade Gaowu cultivator?"

Zhang Kai frowned and said, "Xiaocheng, didn't Uncle Clan say yesterday? That Gaowu eighth-rank cultivator is far away from us."

"And after the battle with other high martial arts, he left directly. How could Uncle Clan meet him?"

"Don't think about it, we can just wait here in peace."

At this moment, the woman with the flowing cloud bun suddenly said, "I really don't know what your clan uncle is doing at this juncture, leaving us behind."

"I originally heard that there is a cemetery of a Taiwu cultivator in Youbi Mountain. My father also asked my sister and me to come out and increase our knowledge with your Zhang family."

"As a result, I heard the news that the cemetery had disappeared before I found the cemetery. At this time, your uncle should take us home immediately."

"Xiao Nan, don't be angry, maybe the clan uncle may have encountered something difficult temporarily."

Zhang Kai hurriedly explained.

Looking at the eyes of the woman with the flowing clouds in a bun, she unconsciously showed a trace of pity.

"Hey, Zhang Kai, let me tell you!"

The woman in white with the flowing cloud bun said coldly.

"I don't care what urgent business your uncle has! He just left us in Ancient Desolate Abyss for an hour. If my father finds out, your Zhang family will be punished by my father!"

The arrogant and domineering appearance of the woman in white immediately made the faces of the other two men except Zhang Kai look ugly.

"Wu Yunan, don't go too far!"

"Zhang Shi, don't talk too much!"

Zhang Kai hurriedly ran over and covered the mouth of the boy who scolded Wu Yunan.

Then he said apologetically to Wu Yunan: "Xiao Nan, Zhang Shi has always been outspoken, you don't care."

"Humph! I don't care?"

Wu Yunan sneered.

"Zhang Kai, I advise you to take care of your younger brother, you must know that disaster comes from your mouth!"

"Xiao Nan, Zhang Shi really didn't do it on purpose, otherwise..."


Zhang Kai was surprised and slapped Zhang Shi's face directly, causing Zhang Shi to stumble.

Then he said in a low voice: "Xiao Nan, do you think this is okay?"

"Zhang Kai, do you think I'll accept this fluffy slap that doesn't even come out with blood?"

"You are a cultivator of the first rank of Gaowu! You didn't bleed a first martial artist with a single slap. Are you sincere?"

Wu Yunan straightened her flowing cloud bun and smiled coldly.

Zhang Kai gritted his teeth tightly and said cruelly, "Okay, then I'll slap him again!"

"Xiao Nan, please look at the relationship between the two of us for so many years, and don't make trouble with him."

After Zhang Kai finished speaking, he walked towards Zhang Shi with tears in his eyes again.

However, before his high-hanging slap could fall, a large mass of mud suddenly burst out from under a boulder more than ten feet away behind him.