The Strongest Landlord in History

Chapter 221: one word


Barren stones cannot work on all monsters!

Lin Lan absolutely had reason to believe that the reason why the old tomb guards valued the Linjia beast so much had an inevitable relationship with its ability to directly devour barren rocks.

Don't underestimate the small piece of barren rock that the Linjia Beast took out.

If you don't have the state of mind of the High Martial Realm, even if you just touch it a little, you will be directly confused by the ancient aura emanating from the barren stone.

The mind of monsters is generally inferior to that of humans. How does the little giant turtle resist the confusion of the barren rocks

"Xiao Lin, come here!"

Lin Lan called the Linjia Beast through the spirit beast formation.

Unexpectedly, after hearing Lin Lan's call, the linjia beast even pulled the little giant tortoise in front of Lin Lan without hesitation.

"Hoo ho ho!"

The little giant tortoise gave Lin Lan a displeased cry.

"Boss, it's saying that since it's a friend, why didn't you tell it earlier."

The Linjia Beast, who had just woken up, didn't have a weak look on his face. He sat on the head of the little giant tortoise, fighting for his new acquaintance.


Lin Lan frowned at the little giant tortoise lying on the ground licking the barren rocks and asked.

"Why can it devour the barren stone? Xiaolin, do you know its race?"

"Also, where we are now is actually inside a giant tortoise."

The Linjia Beast tilted his head and thought for a while before saying, "Boss, it's not a tortoise, it should be... an ancient clan!"

"Well, it is a bloodline of the ancients. Although the bloodline is already very thin, I can still feel that it has a little bloodline of the ancients."

"Ancient people?"

Lin Lan became more and more confused.

"What is the ancient clan, when did you know the ancient clan?"

"When I approached it, I suddenly remembered."

The Linjia Beast pointed at the head of the little giant turtle and explained to Lin Lan.

"Only the ancients can devour the barren rocks."

"So, you are also an ancient clan?"

Lin Lan looked strange, and glanced up and down at the lina beast and the little giant tortoise, as if trying to find something in common from them.

The Linjia Beast was immediately discouraged: "My memory tells me that I am not an ancient clan; but I still can't remember where I belong."

"Hoo ho ho!"

Since Lin Lan and the Linjia Beast communicated through the spirit beast formation in the sea of consciousness, on the surface, they didn't make a sound, they just stared at each other.

This led to a dissatisfied cry from the mouth of the unknown ancient clan's little giant tortoise.

"Ah ah ah!"

"Hoohoo! Hohoho..."

The little giant tortoise roared at the Lin Jia Beast for a while, but when Lin Lan couldn't help but ask, the Lin Jia Beast explained it to him first.

"Boss, it said that it has lived here since it was a child, and it has always grown up by eating waste rocks. Its mother often grabs some large snakes covered with tentacles for it."

"Is it the Great Wilderness Snake?"

"Well, it seems to be the Great Wild Snake."

The Linjia Beast's voice became a little sad.

"It also said that just a few days ago, it and its mother suddenly felt a strong ancient atmosphere."

"The power of that breath made its mother lose the body to try to swallow."

"Originally, the two of them wanted to leave here and escape, but then..."

The Linjia Beast paused slightly and continued: "It said that when they wanted to leave, its mother suddenly saw a blue-black light in the distance."

"At that time, its mother just picked it up and threw it out a long way."

"When it ran back here, its mother was gone, and then it saw you, the boss."

"Blue-black light? Is it related to the Black Tower Token?"

Lin Lan's fingertips moved with real anger, and then she took out the Black Tower Token.


The black pagoda talisman was in Lin Lan's hand, and it trembled lightly twice. Then, a faint blue-black light appeared in the center of the talisman, shining on the head of the little giant tortoise.

The barren rock in the mouth of the little giant turtle was quickly shattered by the light of the black tower talisman, and then gently sent into the body of the little giant turtle by the black light.

"Ancient people... Extinct... Desolate... Destiny..."

On the black tower talisman, a wave of regretful mood swings was intermittently conveyed, as if he wanted to say something.

However, after the confrontation with the Great Desolate Monument, its soul source has become weaker than ever, and even Lin Lan could not understand the meaning of the Black Tower Token.

However, what happened next made Lin Lan and the Linjia Beast open their mouths in shock!

Originally, it was only a small giant tortoise in the early stage of the ninth grade of the first martial arts. After swallowing the barren rocks that were irradiated by the light of the black tower talisman, the aura on his body began to rise rapidly.

In just a dozen or so breaths, a strong wave of heaven and earth aura suddenly erupted from the little giant tortoise.

"Grade 1 Gaowu! He was promoted directly!"

Lin Lan stared at the scene in front of him in shock. Before he could regain his senses, the black tower talisman in his hand emitted another blue-black light that quickly shone around.


Lin Lan suddenly felt a strong sense of oppression.

His spiritual sense also immediately noticed that under the light of the black tower talisman, the huge tortoise shell with a radius of 80 meters around it began to shrink rapidly!

At the same time, the black tower talisman also faintly expressed to Lin Lan that he wanted to leave quickly.

Lin Lan didn't have time to think, jumped up, grabbed the neck of the Linjia Beast, and quickly ran outside.

At this time, the current around Lin Lan, because of the rapid shrinking and squeezing of the huge tortoise shell, was undercurrent.

The fierce current quickly rolled up the bodies of Lin Lan and the Linjia Beast, dragged them, and quickly rushed outside.


Under the impact of the undercurrent, the debris at the bottom of the blue lake spread everywhere.

Lin Lan asked the green python to protect the water flow around her body, and together with the Linjia Beast, she looked at the huge tortoise shell with a radius of 80 meters in shock, shrinking rapidly, and finally completely covering the little giant tortoise.

"compensate… "

The faint blue-black light on Lingfu's body jumped a bit, and then it seemed to have lost all strength and sank vertically to the bottom of the lake.

"compensate… "

Lin Lan recalled the last ray of soul fluctuation of the Black Tower Token.

"It seems that in the battle seven days ago, the Black Tower Lingfu got a lot of help from the dead giant tortoise."

"So, now it does not hesitate to spend its little remaining soul power to help the little giant tortoise."

Lin Lan walked quickly to the place where the black tower talisman had fallen, picked it up, and at the same time used her spiritual sense to constantly scan the little giant tortoise who had just been promoted to the first-rank high martial arts realm, with an indescribably strange expression.

"Although the strength is only of the first rank of Gaowu, but the defense power of the turtle shell on its body is probably not even able to break the existence of the level of the dragon and horse, right?"

"This is really putting a layer of tortoise shell on yourself."

"Boss, it is an ancient clan."

The Linjia Beast corrected again.

"Turtles can give birth to hundreds of children a year, while ancient people only give birth to one in hundreds of years."

"Okay, the ancients."

Lin Lan waved his hand.

"In the next period of time, you and this little giant tortoise will help me pay attention to the movement of the ancient jade flower outside. During this period of time, I will continue to try to understand the power of Shui Yuanli."

"pass it to me!"

The Linjia Beast assured Lin Lan with confidence, and then walked up to the little giant tortoise who was looking at the tortoise shell on his body with a sad face, posing as a big brother.

"My boss said, now that your defense is powerless, even the Great Demon of the Xuanwu Realm is helpless. In this place, no matter where you go in the future, you will be safe."

"Hoo ho ho!"

The little giant tortoise barked a few times at the scaled beast with a sullen expression.


The Linjia Beast said in horror.

"You said that the black sign told you that there are no more wild snakes in this ancient desolate abyss, and you have to change the place?"

The aggrieved Chong Lin Jia Beast nodded by the little giant tortoise.

"I still have a lot of barren rocks here."

The Linjia Beast took out another barren rock and handed it to the little giant turtle.

"Why don't you come with me next? If you agree, I'll give you the biggest piece."


The little giant tortoise stared at the lina beast, as if to ask how big the largest piece was.

"This is it!"

As the Linjia Beast said that, he took out the ancient monument of the Great Desolation from the storage ring.

"As long as you promise to come with us in the future, when me and the boss are the meat shields, we can now share and eat this Great Desolate Monument."

The Linjia Beast continued to tempt: "You don't have to worry about your own safety. With your defensive strength, no one can hurt you."


The little giant tortoise thought for a while with its head lowered, and then nodded heavily in agreement.

Lin Lan, who hadn't walked far, looked at the Lin Jia beast and the little giant tortoise speechlessly in the distance.

Every word the Linjia Beast said to the little giant tortoise, it would repeat it to Lin Lan through the spirit beast formation.

"Hey, boss, with it by our side, we won't be afraid of getting hurt in the future."

"Come on."

Lin Lan said helplessly.

"I don't want to walk around with a turtle, but if it can change its shape like you, it would be nice to have it guarding Lianqiu."

Lin Lan reluctantly discovered that, for the Linjia Beast, the allure of barren rocks was far greater than that of himself.

The Linjia Beasts didn't listen to what he said just now. Now they have already begun to open their bows from left and right, and they are biting at the Great Desolate Monument.

Pieces of withered-yellow desolate stone exuding a strong sense of desolation were gnawed by the lina beasts and the little giant tortoises, and they were chewed recklessly.

In less than a hundred breaths, the Great Desolate Monument had already been eaten by these two guys for nearly a quarter.

"I am full."

The Linjia Beast hiccupped in satisfaction.

"Okay, you can follow me in the future."


The little giant tortoise gave a symbolic response, then opened its mouth again and took another bite at the Great Desolate Monument.

However, at this moment, a withered yellow light suddenly shot out from the junction between the big mouth of the little giant turtle and the Great Desolate Monument.

The vast and majestic atmosphere of the ancient times spread rapidly at the bottom of the lake, and the green lake water also turned into a withered yellow color.

"What a strong ancient spirit!"

Lin Lan jumped, stood up, and stared at the withered yellow water in front of him.

At this time, an ancient flowing light hidden in the innermost layer of the Great Desolate Monument, even hidden from the old tomb guard's investigation, slowly revealed from the depths of the Great Desolate Monument.


The moment that ancient flowing light appeared, the black bead on the neck of the Linjia beast cracked open.

Immediately, a large cloud of gray smoke spewed out of the beads, firmly protecting the scaled beast and the little giant tortoise.

The withered yellow rays of light continued to go out in all directions, and the ancient characters of Liuguang seemed to have a little fear of the gray smoke beside the Linjia beast.

As soon as it walked around the body of the Linjia Beast, it turned around and rushed towards Lin Lan.

At this time, the black tower talisman in Lin Lan's hand vibrated slightly, and then there was no movement.

In order to help the little giant tortoise, the black tower talisman has also exhausted its last trace of strength, and it is difficult to recover in a short time.

"There is only one ancient character, and the power is so strong!"

Lin Lan's body was illuminated by the withered yellow light emanating from the ancient characters, and at the same time there was a vast ancient aura that enveloped him.

He only felt as if he had been in a desolate world before the ancient times.

He hurriedly poured the aura Changhong he had cultivated over the past few days into the immeasurable jade bi.

However, under the infusion of the huge spiritual energy, Lin Lan barely dragged his spiritual sense back to reality.

His body is still in a state of losing the initiative at this moment.

At the same time as Lin Lan lost his mind, the ancient character under the water that exuded withered yellow light had already rushed in front of Lin Lan.

The air of desolation and ancient times was released from the ancient characters, pulling Lin Lan's spiritual sense over and over again, trying to make him fall into the illusion of the desolate ancient world again.

"No, we have to find a way!"

Lin Lan bit the tip of her tongue, trying her best to keep her consciousness awake.

It's just that, although his spiritual sense can barely be maintained in the body, under the suppression of the vast ancient atmosphere, his whole body has lost the ability to move.

"Do you want to use Wanwu Holy Body again?"

Lin Lan separated a trace of spiritual sense and swept towards the atrium. He could clearly sense that the drop of silver blood in his body was now a big circle smaller than when it first formed.

"Once this drop of silver blood is exhausted, my body will shatter. However, if I don't use its power now, I may die directly."

Although Lin Lan has been practicing for seven days, he knows the aura recovered in the sea, but he cannot guarantee that he will persist for too long under the suppression of Liuguang ancient characters.


Just when Lin Lan was about to use the Holy Body of Ten Thousand Martial Arts, the ancient text circulating in the underwater brilliance moved again. This time, it really aimed at Lin Lan!

Before, most of the attention of Liuguang Guzi was on the Black Tower Token, which allowed Lin Lan to easily extract the spiritual sense from the environment of the ancient world.

Now this ancient character, realizing that the Black Tower Token is already at the end of the shot, naturally began to change its goal.

"Wanwu Holy Body!"

Lin Lan knew that she didn't have time to hesitate now, and hurriedly used her spiritual sense to stimulate the drop of silver blood in her heart at this moment.