The Strongest Landlord in History

Chapter 245: Bloodline Core


While Lin Lan and the others were moving, in a cave in the core valley of Evil Wind Valley, a white-bearded old man in a cyan robe was sitting cross-legged on the ground.

On the ground in front of him, there are 117 slender blood columns arranged!

These slender blood pillars are exactly the hub of the nine-nine blood formations around the entire Evil Wind Valley and the core four-nine blood formations!


Suddenly, a suspicious voice came from the mouth of the blue-robed old man. His bloody eyes stared straight at the outermost blood pillars of the Nine Nine Blood Array.

"Strange, why do I feel that these blood piles are a little strange? Could it be that someone has touched their hands or feet?"

The old man in Qingpao looked serious: "This operation is very important, there can be no mistakes, I have to check it carefully!"

While speaking, the fingertips of the old man in green robe shot out a ray of blood, directly hitting the blood pillars he was staring at.

"If these blood piles are really manipulated, the blood cells flowing out of these blood piles should also have problems."

The blue-robed old man's eyes were fixed on the blood light that descended on the blood formation hub, and he said solemnly: "Chasing the source!"


Following the order of the old man in green robe, the outermost blood piles in the blood formation hub trembled a few times.

Then, dozens of blood-colored light spots emerged, which merged into the blood-ray light emitted by the old man in the green robe.

Next, after absorbing the light spots, the blood light of the old man in green robe trembled violently, and while trembling, kept approaching the direction of the four-nine blood formation.

The blood formation hub can evolve into the ninety-nine blood formations and the forty-nine blood formations in the entire Evil Wind Valley.

The distance of hundreds of miles in the outside space may be only a few inches in length on this blood formation hub.

Therefore, the old man in green robe took less than one breath to realize the source of the abnormal blood cell.

"Someone actually stole the blood cells? And tried to use these blood cells to infiltrate the Forty-Nine Blood Formation?"

The old man in green robe stared at the five shining spots on the blood array hub with burning eyes, and the corner of his mouth raised an arc.

"Interesting, I didn't expect that within the range of Youbi Mountain, there is actually a master of formation of this realm!"

"I think, even the people of the Sima family who are trapped in the blood formation at the moment, don't have the ability, right?"

Then, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the blue-robed old man.

"Okay! The old man controls the blood formation hub to kill the enemy. It's very boring. It's rare to meet such a fun little guy. How can I not play with you?"

"Hehe, let's do this first... If you can escape, the old man will continue to play with you, but if you five little guys die inside, then don't blame me."

At the same time as the old man in green robe spoke, a ray of blood flowed from his fingertips, shooting straight at the five shining spots in the blood formation.

"There are still eighty feet..."

Lin Lan controlled the Seven-Star Formation Plate and quickly approached the range of the Four-Nine Blood Formation. He was very careful in every process of controlling blood cells.

In the end, he even used the power of the blood formation in Dantian to understand the composition of the blood formation as much as possible, so that he could achieve this step.

Lin Lan was very confident in the blood formation technique left by Ruan Xinxin.

He was confident that he could 'mix' in the Four Nine Blood Formation before the person who remotely controlled the formation could detect it.

However, in this world, there has never been a foolproof strategy, some are just a mountain higher than a mountain!

"Fifty feet!"

Lin Lan watched as she was getting closer and closer to the blood formation, and her face couldn't help showing joy.

"Twenty feet... ten feet... here we go!"

Lin Lanping dragged the seven-star formation plate, carrying a blood mist that was more than ten feet in diameter, and rushed directly into the range of the four-nine blood formation. Then, he sat limply on the ground.

In his heart, he knew better than anyone how powerful the existence that set up the Evil Wind Valley blood formation was.

In front of that kind of existence, I am afraid that I am not even an ant. From the moment he stole the blood from the blood formation, Lin Lan's heart was actually in his throat.

In this short distance of several hundred meters, Lin Lan was extremely frightened with every step she took.

"Fortunately, it's finally out."

Lin Lan took off the seven earth-grade spirit stones on the seven-star array plate and threw them away.

Although these high-grade spirit stones have only been used for a dozen breaths, they are already useless.

Studying the formation method is a process of burning money, which is also a direct reason for the scarcity of formation wizards in the entire mainland.

As the seven-star array lost its control over the blood mist, the condensed blood mist beside Lin Lan's body finally dissipated completely.

At the same time, the figures of Baili Jun and Song Ye also flashed from the blood mist.

"Lin Lan, how's it going? We're already in?"

Song Ye saw Lin Lan slumped on the ground at a glance, and ran over immediately.

"Well, this counts as entering. If there is no accident, then we should be transparent people in front of the four-nine blood formation."

Lin Lan smiled faintly at Song Ye, and after taking a deep breath, a carp stood up from the ground.

But then, Lin Lan heard Bailijun's sigh:

"It really deserves to be the formation of the core place. Outside, the sky is just a cloud of blood. I didn't expect that after entering here, the sky will become a sea of blood."

"Look, does this place above our heads look like a blood-colored ocean that has been suspended upside down?"

"It's just weird. Visually, the sea of blood is only a hundred feet away from our head. Why can't I feel its breath?"

"Sea of blood?"

After Lin Lan heard Bailijun's words, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he hurriedly looked up.

The next moment, the turbulent ocean of blood that was hung upside down in Bailijun's mouth came directly into Lin Lan's eyes.

Bai Lijun was right. This sea of blood was hanging upside down, but more than two hundred meters away from Lin Lan's head. It was even within the limit of Lin Lan's spiritual sense.

But even so, Lin Lan couldn't feel the slightest fluctuation of True Qi from this sea of blood.

Although the eyes can see it, in Lin Lan's spiritual sense, this sea of blood hanging upside down does not exist at all.

"Lin Lan, why do you look like that?"

After Bailijun heard the 'sea of blood' exclaimed by Lin Lan, he realized that the situation was not right. Seeing Lin Lan's ashen face at this moment, he was even more convinced of his guess.

"Something went wrong, my spiritual sense, I can't feel the existence of this upside-down sea of blood."

"And I have already deduced this blood formation in my heart. This blood formation does not seem to have the ability to create illusions!"


The ground under Lin Lan's feet began to tremble again, and with the trembling of the land, the upside-down sea of blood surging in the sky also began to pour out several scarlet blood waves.

It seems to run through the void and connect with the earth.

As the falling blood waves continued to increase, the sky quickly darkened.

"Look! The waves of blood that fell from the sky seem to be the only ones bypassing us! The ground in the distance has been swallowed up by the waves of blood, but there is nothing around us!"

Song Ye yelled.

"We were found."

Lin Lan frowned and looked at the sea of blood hanging in the sky, constantly falling blood waves, drowning the surrounding area, and his face became more and more ugly.

"I was too arrogant. I thought that with my little means, I could hide from the creator of this formation. This time, it was me who harmed everyone."


Song Ye ran to the frustrated Lin Lan and slapped his forehead hard.

"What nonsense! I came in with you, it was my own will, how did it come to your mouth, and it was your mother's fault that you harmed me?"

"Song Ye is right! Lin Lan, without you, if we came in, we wouldn't be able to withstand the attack of the Forty-Nine Blood Array."

"Now is not the time to blame yourself. Look at the waves of blood that fell from the sky, and only bypassed us. Is there any reason?"

Bailijun couldn't bear to see Lin Lan blame himself, and immediately moved the topic away.


Lin Lan looked at the sea of blood in the distance, where the sea and the sky were connected, and gritted his teeth:

"The only reason why these waves of blood don't attack us is that the controller of the formation is deliberately playing tricks on us!"

A sense of humiliation grew in Lin Lan's heart. He could allow an opponent stronger than himself to kill him head-on.

But they will never agree to the other party using this cat-and-mouse-like method to play tricks on themselves!

Under the rush of blood, the space around Lin Lan was quickly rendered bloody.

The sea of blood hangs upside down in the sky, and the blood waves on the ground invade. Under the scene of the extinction of this world, everyone feels the threat of death.

"Damn it! I won't wait here to die, I have to fight for it!"

Song Ye stared at the waves of blood slowly rushing towards them all around, and burst out all the earth's energy in his body.

"Going this far is probably my limit."

Bailijun waved his hand, called out the ancestral puppet, touched its back and said:

"Give you more than a hundred years, and you will definitely be able to awaken your own wisdom. It's a pity that you are with the wrong master."

At this moment, neither Bailijun nor Song Ye would blame Lin Lan, and followed Lin Lan in because they trusted Lin Lan.

From the moment they stepped into the blood fog, they had already decided to hand over their fate to Lin Lan.

These two people have the dignity of being a martial artist, and even if they are at the juncture of life and death, they are still calm and calm.

"Come on, even if I, Song Ye, die today, I won't let you guys have a good time!"

Song Ye's body burst out with strong infuriating fluctuations.

"Senior Baili, Brother Song."

At this time, Lin Lan, who had closed his eyes and pondered for a while, suddenly opened his eyes, and two sharp rays of light shot out from his eyes.

"The situation is critical, will the two big brothers be willing to gamble with me?"


Baili Jun and Song Ye, who had already made their mental preparations to die with the sea of blood hanging upside down, were stunned.

An expression of surprise appeared on Bailijun's face: "Lin Lan, you mean, we still have hope of escaping?"

"Hahaha, why don't you dare to gamble? If you stay, you will die! Lin Lan, you say! What do you want us to do!"

Song Ye's reaction was very straightforward.

"I want you to rush in there with me!"

As he spoke, Lin Lan raised his hand and pointed at the pillar of blood not far away that was as unmoving as a mountain under the surging waves of blood.

Lin Lan took a deep breath and said, "Although this blood column covers an area of less than ten feet, it is the foundation of the four or nine blood formations under our feet!"

"Even if the formation builder wants to kill us slowly with the hanging blood sea, he will never destroy the formation base of the Forty-Nine Blood Array."

"If we can rush into the range of the blood column, maybe we can win a chance!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go now!"

Song Ye had an impatient look on his face, and while he was talking, he was about to rush towards the blood column that was soaring to the sky.

Right now, the longer it drags on, the harder it will be for Lin Lan and the others to cross the sea of blood and reach the blood column.

After all, the blood waves on the ground have been slowly moving towards Lin Lan and the others.

"There is one thing I must explain to you in advance!"

"After entering the blood column, once the mind is invaded by the power of blood, we may directly incarnate into the fighting puppets of these four-nine blood formations."

"That is, those human-shaped blood-colored beings we encountered before."

"Well, that's a problem. I have some rank five clearing pills here. If you take it in advance, it may be beneficial."

As Song Ye said that, he took out a few pill bottles and distributed them to Lin Lan and Baili Jun, not even the Linjia Beast and the little giant turtle.

As an alchemist with a mysterious inheritance, Song Ye naturally had a lot of medicinal pills on his body.

From the very first Babaotian Hui Pill that he gave to Lin Lan, to the Fengyuan Pill, to the current Rank 5 Qingshen Pill, all of them are the best of the same kind.

Even in a place like the Xuandu Chamber of Commerce, it is extremely difficult to see such medicinal pills.

After Lin Lan took the pill bottle, she gently brought it close to the tip of her nose, and immediately felt a refreshing force that rushed to her mind.

He couldn't help but say with joy: "The grade of this rank five Qingshen Dan is actually close to the heaven grade!"

"With it, we can be safer! Without further ado, let's go now."

"Little Lin!"


The Linjia Beast let out a long whistle in response, and put the pill bottle handed over by Song Ye in his mouth, and his body immediately became extremely huge.

After Bailijun and Song Ye came up one after another, Lin Lan flipped his palm, and immediately took out a pitch-black token.

"I know that you are very weak now, but this time, after we rush into the blood wave, whether we can avoid the detection of the formation team is entirely up to you!"

Immediately, a weak wave of spiritual energy came from the black tower talisman, as if responding to Lin Lan.

But this time, Lin Lan couldn't feel the exact information from the weak emotion of the black tower talisman. There was only a cloud of blue-black light that slowly emerged from the black tower talisman.

Condensed but not scattered, it seemed to be waiting for the moment when the Linjia Beast rushed into the blood.

"let's go!"

Lin Lan patted the Linjia Beast's back and gave the order to sprint.

At this moment, all his energy was placed on the surging sea of blood in front of him, and he didn't notice Song Ye's strange expression behind him when he saw the black tower talisman.

The Linjia Beast rushed forward sharply, and the layer of bright silver scales on its body also reflected a scarlet light at this moment.