The Strongest Landlord in History

Chapter 253: See also ancient characters


At this moment, the speed of the enlightened beast was many times faster than before.

As the blue light flashed by, the enlightened beast was already underground, traveling a hundred feet upward.

The Enlightened Beast is an alien beast in the Taiwu Realm. If you want to break through the soil and rush out, it is very easy.

After all, the soil layer above is not blocked by the waters controlled by Lin Lan, and the enlightened beast itself is less interested in playing with Lin Lan.

The only thing it wants now is to find Lin Lan and the little giant turtle as soon as possible!

Before long, a piece of blood-stained soil in the space above appeared in front of the enlightened beast.

hoo! The enlightened beast roared in anger.


At the same time, in another position deep in the ground, the black tower talisman that flickered with black light suddenly appeared, and then, Lin Lan and the little giant turtle also came out from the black light.


The intense muffled sound from a distance made Lin Lan's face show a smile.

"Looks like that guy was really fooled."

"With its angry appearance just now, once it finds that there is no trace of me in the first blood pillar formation base, it is bound to destroy other formation bases to find me."

"Take a step back, even if it is really smart enough, guessing that I hid in the blood column formation is just a false shot."

"But its behavior will also usher in the anger of the person who set up the formation, and then a war will be triggered between the two."

"No matter what, my goal of delaying the outbreak of the blood formation can be achieved!"

There was a smile on Lin Lan's face. This enlightened beast was obviously a great gift from him to the troopers.

To let the black tower talisman go, Lin Lan can communicate with the black tower talisman through his spiritual sense, so he doesn't have to shout out to let the enemy know his whereabouts.

The reason why he shouted so much when he left before was to designate a target for the enlightened beast.

"Now, I'll go to Xiaolin first, and after I get the barren rock, I'll go to the other two formation bases!"

The Enlightened Beast was just a thug that Lin Lan chose to replace himself to break the formation. The other two formation bases still had to be destroyed by Lin Lan himself.

Lin Lan waved lightly at the void, then took back the black tower talisman, followed the underground water veins, and quickly ran towards the direction of the Linjia beast.

After a cup of tea, Lin Lan entered the range where she could communicate with the Linjia Beast.

"Boss, come down quickly! We all guessed wrong before. There are not only barren rocks, but also ancient monuments and ancient characters!"

Lin Jia Beast thought about reporting the situation to Lin Lan early in the morning. Now that Lin Lan entered the range where he could communicate with the Spirit Beast Array, it immediately informed Lin Lan of its findings.

As for how Lin Lan avoided the Enlightened Beast, the Linjia Beast was too lazy to ask, as long as Lin Lan was safe.

"Ancient word?"

After Lin Lan heard the voice of the linjia beast, his mind moved, and he immediately said:

"Don't touch that ancient character, just collect some barren rocks. That ancient character, leave it to me to deal with!"

"I can only collect waste stones now. Even if I want to touch the ancient monuments and ancient characters in the great wasteland, I can't touch them. After you come down, boss, you will know."

"OK, wait for me!"

While speaking, Lin Lan speeded up again, rushing along the water veins. Before long, he came to the bifurcation point of the four water veins.

Now the water here is almost dry, and almost all the water sources flow down the vertical downward black hole opened up by the enlightened beast.

"Before my spiritual sense, I felt that the place where the enlightened beast is located is a large underground space. I didn't expect that place can hold so much water!"

Lin Lan didn't hesitate, grabbed the little giant tortoise and faced the black giant pit, jumped up, and quickly fell down.

The black rock wall flew quickly in front of Lin Lan, and the whistling wind sounded in his ears.

After just ten breaths passed, Lin Lan suddenly felt that the rock wall beside him suddenly disappeared.

"Finally arrived at this underground space!"


Just when Lin Lan sighed, a huge black shadow suddenly passed under Lin Lan, holding up the falling Lin Lan and the little giant tortoise, and slowly flew down.

"It came just in time."

Lin Lan smiled and patted the Linjia Beast's back.

"Hey, I've been waiting for the boss to come over. The big guy of the enlightened beast, won't he come after him?"

The Linjia Beast also responded to Lin Lan with a smile.

"I think it should be outside by now, fighting against the formation player?"

Lin Lan took the matter of the enlightened beast directly and stared at the dark space below.

"Fortunately, we all have the strength of high martial arts now, otherwise in this dark underground space, we will be completely indistinguishable."

"Huh? Why can't I feel the aura of the barren stone yet?"

"I have put away the scattered waste stones, and the ancient monument of the great wasteland has been sealed by a taboo, and the breath can hardly be leaked."

After the Linjia Beast flew to the surface of the water below, it flapped its wings and stopped.

"Boss, the ancient monument of the Great Desolation is under this."

"Okay, come with me!"

Lin Lan jumped into the water directly from the back of the Linjia Beast. The water was essentially created by him, so he didn't need to worry about breathing.

After Lin Lan also shrank its body and sank into the water, Lin Lan waved his hand and arranged a breathing air mask for the Lin Jia beast.

"It really is an ancient monument of the Great Desolation!"

After Lin Lan sank more than ten feet, Lingjue finally detected an ancient withered yellow tablet more than ten feet high, which was silent at the bottom of the water.

On the periphery of this withered and yellow ancient monument, there is also a layer of light infuriating protection, which hinders the flow of water from invading the interior of the ancient monument.

"Boss, the arrangement on the periphery of this ancient monument seems to be the means of the ancients."

The Linjia Beast whispered.

"Well, I feel it too."

Lin Lan quickly sank to the bottom, frowning at the isolated space in front of her.

"The infuriating fluctuations on this are not like the formation of human beings. It seems a little difficult to break it."

"Hey, it's not difficult at all."

The Linjia Beast said with a smile.

"Boss, this is the bloodline method of the ancient clan. You want to rely on the formation of human beings to break it. Naturally, it is not easy, but there is an ancient clan beside us."

"You mean it?"

Lin Lan took out the little giant tortoise that was facing the ancient monument of the Great Desolation from his arms, and asked with a frown.

"What can it do to break this restriction?"

"The ancient bloodlines are very united, and their ban will not isolate the same kind."

"So I think, with Xiao Hei's blood, this barrier can be resolved."

The Linjia Beast said it with a straight face.

It's just that this time, while speaking to Lin Lan through the spirit beast formation, it also made a few squeaks.

When the little giant tortoise heard the words of the Linjia beast, his face turned pale, and with a swish, he retracted his head into the tortoise shell.

"Ah ah ah!"

The Linjia Beast roared at the little giant tortoise.

"Hoo ho ho!"

The little giant tortoise didn't even stick its head out of its shell.

"Ah ah ah ah ah..."

The Linjia Beast took out a few desolate rocks and placed it in front of the little giant turtle, saying something loudly.


The voice of the little giant turtle was obviously no longer as firm as before.

Lin Lan put the Linjia Beast and the little giant tortoise on the side to communicate, while he took a few steps closer to the barrier that cut off the water flow, and stared at the withered-yellow ancient monument more than 100 meters high on the side of the water flow.

The flat, mirror-like surface of the ancient withered yellow tablet was engraved with a huge ancient character.

At this moment, although the breath of this ancient character was banned and isolated by the ancient clan, Lin Lan could feel a strong sense of vicissitudes just by looking at the shape of this ancient character.

The withered yellow ancient characters exuded a faint barren brilliance, which caught Lin Lan's eyes.

Lin Lan's right index finger suddenly trembled at this moment.

The drop of silver blood in his heart, which had grown stronger because of his promotion to the third rank of Gaowu, also trembled twice with the release of the ancient word.

A streak of silver blood flowed down Lin Lan's right index finger to his heart.

After taking away half of the source holy blood in Lin Lan's heart, this silver power immediately rushed into Lin Lan's sea of consciousness.

With the influx of this silver power, Lin Lan suddenly felt that his sea of consciousness was full of ancient aura.

At the same time, the shape of this second ancient character was also imitated in his sea of consciousness.

"The ancient word of the Great Wilderness: Shock!"

Lin Lan subconsciously pronounced the name of this ancient character.

"It's actually a shock word!"

Lin Lan concentrated her spiritual sense on the sea of her consciousness, and as the withered yellow rays of light radiated from the ancient characters, Lin Lan gradually fell into an illusion.

Lin Lan seemed to see a world full of life, being enveloped by a huge palm. This huge withered yellow palm suddenly fell from the sky and slammed into the center of this vibrant world.

Immediately afterwards, a large circle of withered-yellow True Qi came from the intersection of the palm and the earth.

Lin Lan could even clearly feel the powerful shattering force contained in these withered yellow infuriating qi.

"These shattering elements are different from the shattering elements I perceive, and they seem to contain other powers."

Lin Lan was like a bystander. Above the clouds in the sky, he quietly looked at the earth under his feet and was destroyed by this huge palm.

In an instant, the circle of withered yellow infuriating energy on the ground invaded the entire world for hundreds of miles.

Wherever infuriating qi passes, all living beings vibrate along with this withered yellow zhenqi.

After just a few breaths, these vibrating creatures broke apart with a bang.

Whether plants, animals, or even human beings, under the invasion of the withered yellow infuriating energy, they all turned into dust and merged into the world that had turned yellow.

"A land full of life, even under the bombardment of this palm, directly turned into a dead place with no grass!"

Lin Lan looked at the world under her feet in shock, which was constantly being invaded by withered zhenqi, and sighed.

"It won't be long before everything in this world will be turned into dust and returned to the ancient times. This palm is enough to destroy one world!"

Lin Lan recalled the situation when the palm slashed into one world, and a trace of enlightenment occurred in her heart.

"Daluo returns to Chen's hand? Cut off all vitality, dust returns to dust, dust returns to earth, and it really deserves the name of returning to dust."

"Although the moves are different, and the ways of destroying the world are also different, but this Daluo Guichen Hand is the same as the Dahuang Destroying Heaven Finger, both possessing unparalleled power."

"The purpose of their existence is to turn the world into a barren land!"

Lin Lan's mind moved, and immediately, she pulled her consciousness back from this world that was about to be destroyed.

The ancient characters generated in the sea of knowledge are just mirror images, and they can't trap his soul.

"In the Thousand Words Book of Ancient Monuments of the Great Desolation, is every word so terrifying? Why do these ancient words have to create a barren world?"

Lin Lan muttered to herself in a low voice.

"Boss, Xiao Hei has agreed to use its blood to lift this barrier."

The voice of the Linjia Beast came immediately.

Lin Lan lowered his head and smiled immediately. At this time, the little giant turtle had already placed thirteen barren rocks beside the little giant tortoise, and now it was drooling at these barren rocks with a coveted face.

hoo hoo hoo!

The little giant tortoise felt Lin Lan's gaze, immediately raised his head, called Lin Lan twice, then swayed and ran to the invisible barrier.

Lin Lan slowly raised his right hand, a group of bright silver light condensed on his fingertips, and the phantom of the giant silver finger slowly took shape.

"Let's start, my current strength should be able to control this ancient word of the Great Wilderness!"


The little giant tortoise glanced back at the barren rocks on the ground, and then gritted his teeth suddenly, stretched out his front claws, and pressed it on the invisible barrier.

Immediately, the body of the little giant tortoise began to tremble violently, and a strange blood light also appeared on the little giant tortoise's claws.

"To break this barrier, it only needs to pay a drop of demon blood essence!"

Lin Lan immediately saw the difference in that drop of demonic blood, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He did not expect the blood of the little turtle to be so powerful.

Linjia Beast explained: "Don't worry, boss, the essence of demon blood is important, but after you surrendered that ancient word, boss, the ancient monument of the Great Desolation left behind is enough for it to restore the little turtle."

"That's fine."

Lin Lan nodded lightly.

The essence of demon blood is equivalent to the liquefied infuriating energy in his dantian that condenses into the size of sesame seeds. Consuming them will damage the foundation of martial arts.

If the demon blood essence in the monster's body is consumed too much, it may not even be promoted for a lifetime.

If Lin Lan had known in advance, he would not have allowed the little giant tortoise to do this. Now that he heard the Linjia Beast say that there is a remedy, he felt a little more at ease.


The demon blood light in the little giant tortoise's hand was already hesitant, like a spider web, covering most of the invisible barrier, and the invisible barrier trembled slightly at this moment.


"Boss, it's now!"

The Linjia Beast immediately told Lin Lan what the little giant turtle thought.

"Got it! The Great Desolation Destroys Heaven Finger!"

Lin Lan shouted loudly, and then the phantom of the giant finger in front of him suddenly swelled more than ten times, a mighty ancient aura that enveloped the entire underground waters in an instant.

The bright silver giant finger emits pure light, illuminating the entire underground space. The giant finger immediately rushed towards the barrier covered with blood.


The moment the giant silver finger shrouded in awe-inspiring ancient aura touched the barrier, the barrier then shattered along the blood lines like colored glass.

At this moment, the barren ancient atmosphere within the barrier burst out!