The Strongest Landlord in History

Chapter 261: Decide


Immediately afterwards, a huge monster beast with a whole body of bright silver also roared, following the giant silver fingers, and ascended into the sky!

"What it is!"

The land penetrated by the Great Desolation Finger is right next to the hiding place of the Medicine God Sickle, which is the very core of the Evil Wind Valley.

Hundreds of human monks who survived strong gathered here. All of them looked up at the sky in an instant, and stared at the giant silver finger in the sky that shot directly into the sky.

There is also that huge monster that reflects silver light and blood light at the same time.

No one noticed that at this moment, another figure climbed out of the water pool not far from the penetrated underground cavity.

The man looked around a little, and then quickly ran to the place where a group of humans and puppets gathered.


Above the sky, countless blood waves surged, and a blood wave ran vertically through the heaven and the earth.

Only then did Lin Lan notice that the old man in green robe had already controlled the sea of blood hanging upside down, covering the entire Evil Wind Valley!


After the Great Wilderness Destroyer Finger rose hundreds of feet into the void, its castration continued, and it directly penetrated the combined force of countless powerhouses in the void, but it was unable to break through the solid sea of blood.

Then quickly disappeared in the blood.


The Linjia Beast did not dare to fight against the sea of blood in the sky that weighed at least several hundred pounds for every drop of blood, and brought Lin Lan to a stop.

Lin Lan stood on top of the Linjia beast, and the eight earth-grade instruments on his body exuded strong infuriating fluctuations.

In particular, the bright silver mask on his face that reflected the light of blood was even more bewitching.

"Hahaha! As expected of the characters from those families, they are indeed trustworthy!"

A sea of blood hangs upside down in the sky, plummeting into the blood waves underground, and suddenly there is a burst of laughter:

"Boy, it's almost three hundred breaths. I thought you wouldn't show up, but I didn't expect you to come out from here!"

The figure of the old man in green robe appeared from the blood wave that ran through the sky and the earth, standing in the sky.

He was telling Lin Lan that he complied with the agreement and did not attack the ban within three hundred breaths.

"You are very good! Where are the Liu family?"

Lin Lan asked in a hoarse voice.

Now, he has many magical tools to cover his body, and even a rare earth-grade magical mask to hide his appearance, but he is not afraid of the many high-level martial arts instructors in the Qing Emperor Sect, who will recognize him.

As for the Lin Jia beast, Lin Lan doesn't have to worry.

Now the bright silver scales on the Linjia beast have been rendered blood red by the blood light, and people who are not particularly familiar with it cannot recognize it at all.

What's more, even the mentors of the Qing Emperor Sect, none of them have seen the flight of the Linjia beast.

"Do you want to start now?"

The old man in Qingpao didn't pay any attention to Lin Lan's voice, the blood of the Seven Saints, it's acceptable to be a bit maverick.

"I was just thinking, they coveted the things in the Evil Wind Valley for so long, and later helped you set up a blood formation to kill so many people, why are they still mixing with people from other families?"

Lin Lan had a lot of information from the city owner of Qingdi City and the Xuandu Chamber of Commerce, and even the woman in red he met in Tianhuang City left a lot of information about the Liu family.

So he recognized the Liu family standing in the crowd below at a glance.

Lin Lan's short remarks immediately caused the faces of the high martial arts experts who did not reach the seventh rank of high martial arts to show vigilance and stay away from the Liu family.

Even those cultivators who stood in the sky and had previously joined forces to break through the hanging blood sea and broke through the seventh-rank Gaowu monks also turned their attention to the Liu family.

"Damn, I always feel that something is wrong with the Liu family! They have been thinking of ways to prevent the Sima family from breaking through, and they have used various reasons to prevent us from joining forces and attacking the sea of blood!"

In the void, a bearded middle-aged man in a black robe immediately cursed.

"Gao Feng, don't talk nonsense!"

A middle-aged woman behind the bearded monk who covered her face for half a year with a cloud on her temples said:

"The masked man who just appeared seems to be with the Qingpao man. Maybe they are deliberately dividing us!"

"Look at the situation first, although I always feel that something is wrong with the Liu family."

In the void, another cultivator whose strength surpassed the seventh rank of Gaowu said coldly.

However, at this moment, many people noticed that the mace in the hand of the speaker was no longer aimed at the sky, but was aimed at a few Liu family cultivators.

In just a few blinks of an eye, no matter in the sky or the ground, people from many families quietly distanced themselves from the Liu family.

The old man in green robe stepped on a bloody wave, watching all this happen with a smile, but did not stop it.

In his opinion, the Liu family had lost their use value. Rather than killing them by themselves, it would be better for these buns in the Evil Wind Valley to kill each other and come here happily.

Moreover, it was not that the old man in Qingpao could not see that Lin Lan was deliberately provoking the relationship between the Liu family and other forces.

It's just in his understanding that Lin Lan must have been a lot angry with the Liu family, so he made a statement against them.

"Boy wearing a mask, don't spit blood!"

At this time, an old man of the Liu family who was standing in the sky finally spoke, and angrily pointed at Lin Lan and said:

"Now our Liu family is also trapped in the Evil Wind Valley. Facing the blood formation, we are helpless. What reason do you have to accuse me of having something to do with that Qingpao man!"

"You old man, is Liu Ranyuan?"

Lin Lan turned to stare at the white-bearded old man who was talking, and his expression became much colder.

"Do you recognize this old man? Who are you? What's your holiday with my Liu family? Why did you frame my Liu family?"

Liu Ranyuan, dressed in a white robe, stood in front of all the Liu family members, and asked Lin Lan angrily.


Lin Lan laughed loudly.

"You old man! Collusion with outsiders, with the intention of putting everyone in the valley to death, you still have the face to jump out!"

"Old man, do you dare to make an oath to prove that you have no ill will towards the people in the valley, that you have not helped outsiders, maintained the blood formation, and harmed your fellows?"

Lin Lan hated this Liu Ranyuan very much. The moment he saw him, Lin Lan remembered the helpless expressions of the elders of the Qing Emperor Sect, and the scene where Teacher Wang was in tears and apologized to himself.

It is this Liu Ranyuan, who has been staying in Qingdi City for several years, monitoring the Qingdi Sect, and everything else. All the time, threatening the safety of the people in Qingdi City!

"Humph! I don't know where a boy in the early stage of Gaowu appeared, with sharp teeth and nonsense!"

Liu Ranyuan's face was ashen.

"The martial artist practiced for the first time, relying on the unyielding heart of martial arts and the will of unwilling people!"

"If the old man makes a vow of heaven today because you are just a kid in the early stage of high martial arts, how can you make a foothold in Youbi Mountain after you let my Liu family!"

Liu Ranyuan's remarks were eloquent, and what he said was indeed true. The oath of heaven did not mean to stand up immediately.

Many warriors in the world will not easily make an oath to restrain themselves.

It would be a shame for a martial arts cultivator to be forced to take an oath.

There is a huge difference between being forced to take an oath, taking an oath jointly with both parties, and binding each other.

Although Liu Ranyuan refused to take an oath, no one else could find a reason to refute him. After all, being forced to take an oath was indeed a very shameful thing.

"It seems that this matter is really troublesome."

Lin Lan turned to the old man in green robe and said something softly.


The old man in green robe sneered.

"It's not troublesome at all. Anyway, the people in the Evil Wind Valley are going to die. It doesn't matter whether the Liu family's people died in my hands or in the hands of others."

The words of the old man in Qingpao made the faces of many Liu family members headed by Liu Ranyuan change.

They could hear the words of the Qingpao old man, and they were not joking.

At the same time, all the monks in the Evil Wind Valley gradually gathered together.

After all, what the Qingpao old man said was not just to destroy the Liu family, but to kill everyone here.

"These natives, we can kill them later. The most important thing now is to obtain the treasures of Evil Wind Valley."

The old man in green robe turned to Lin Lan and said:

"Now, can we make an oath of heaven together?"

In this world, only oaths can make people feel at ease.

The old man in Qingpao is not stupid. Before committing murder, he must get a guarantee from Lin Lan.

Lin Lan was full of thoughts.

Song Ye asked him to fight for half an hour, but now only one third of the time has passed, the old man in green robe couldn't wait for him to make an oath.

Naturally, it was impossible for Lin Lan to make an oath, and he never promised the old man in Qingpao to make an oath.

According to Lin Lan's idea, let the old man in Qingpao kill the Liu family first, and then make his stand.

Together with the other major forces in the valley, resisting the Qingpao old man together is the best result.

With people from Baili's family, Qingdi Sect, and even Haoyue Sect, Lin Lan was not worried that others would not trust him.

But now, the shrewd performance of the Qingpao old man made Lin Lan's idea difficult to realize.

If Lin Lan had more time to arrange, he might be able to do this without leakage, but the reality refused to give him so much time.

"what do I do?"

In Lin Lan's mind, countless thoughts flashed through, but he rejected them one by one.

In fact, Lin Lan now assures the Qingpao old man that after the other party kills the Liu family, and then swears together, the Qingpao old man is 90% likely to agree.

But Lin Lan would not do it.

In his view, there is not much difference between making a promise and taking an oath.

A martial artist who has practiced for the first time, when he promises a thousand pieces of gold, if he speaks out, the water that is poured out will be spit and nails.

Even if it was just to stabilize the old man in Qingpao, Lin Lan would not break his promise.

Until now, he has not made any promises to the Qingpao people, which is also the reason.

"If I promise to swear now, not only can I let the Qingpao people kill the Liu family, but I can even let him keep the lives of the Baili family and the Qing Emperor sect."

"But in this way, Big Brother Song will not have enough time, and he will surely die."

"But if I don't do this, the Qingpao people will immediately become suspicious of me..."

The old man in green robe saw Lin Lan pondering for a long time and refused to speak, so he could not help frowning and said, "Boy, have you made up your mind?"

"Think about it."

Lin Lan raised his head sharply, and the silver mask on his face reflected scarlet blood.

"The time for 300 breaths has not yet come. My decision now is... I am not going to give you the things in the forbidden area of Evil Wind Valley."


The old man in green robe turned cold, glared at Lin Lan and said:

"This is your decision?"

"Yes, I'm going to stop you."

Lin Lan said lightly.

"Hmph, good! Very good!"

The old man in green robe gritted his teeth.

"I'm going to break the formation now, but I want to see how you stop me!"

After the old man in green robe finished speaking, he turned around and returned to the waves of blood behind him.

Now that his face has been torn, he can break the ban without any scruples.


A flowing ancient character exuding awe-inspiring ancient aura suddenly emerged from the palm of Lin Lan's left hand, blocking the path of the old man in green robe.

"I want to go, unless I kill me!"

The old man in green robe looked at the ancient characters of Liuguang that blocked his way, and didn't dare to move forward for a while.

This time, Lin Lan made the right bet.

Although the old man in Qingpao knew the barren rocks and the ancient characters of the Great Wilderness, he didn't know the difference between the barren ancient spirit and the awe-inspiring ancient spirit.

He didn't even know that the word 'shock' in front of him had actually lost the power to 'turn him into a waste'.

"Boy, do you have to die with the old man and break the net?"

The old man in green robe was worried about the ancient characters of the Great Wilderness and Lin Lan's identity, so he didn't dare to take action in a hurry, he turned around and glared at Lin Lan.

At the same time, in the core valley of Evil Wind Valley, there are hundreds of experts who are still alive, but they are all looking at this scene that is happening in the sky, and they are not sure why.

"What happened? Aren't those two in the same group? How did they meet now?"

"The masked man riding the flying monster seems to have a lot of background."

"Obviously only the strength of Gao Wu's early stage, but dare to bargain in front of the strength and the high-strength Qingpao people."

"Also, the man in green robe seems to be afraid of the masked man."

"They are probably in conflict because of the uneven distribution of spoils? Let's see the situation first."

For a time, hundreds of martial arts monks were discussing in private, wanting to see how the situation would develop in the future.

But at this moment, not all of them put all their attention on Lin Lan and the old man in Qingpao.

For example, several powerhouses standing in the sky in the sky have now gathered together and are quietly discussing how to deal with the blood formation.

As for the Liu family, they are still isolated by many people.


At this time, Zhou Tong, who was participating in the discussion on how to break through the blood formation in the void, suddenly heard a crisp sound.

"It's a flying letter talisman."

Zhou Tong took out a pure white jade talisman exuding a faint light from his arms and swept his gaze downward.

Jiang Yi, who happened to see Qingdi Sect, was standing on the ground and beckoning to himself from a distance.

"Everyone, the people below are crushing the Fetion Talisman now. Maybe they are in a hurry to find me. I want to go down and have a look."

Zhou Tong gently cupped his hands to the white-bearded old men beside him.

"The old man's flying letter is also broken, I will go down with you."

"Mine broke too."

Baili Chi, the ninth-grade Gaowu elder of the Baili family, and the Haoyue Sect's Ding bandits raised the Feixin Talisman in Yang's hand almost at the same time.