The Strongest Landlord in History

Chapter 264: Fighting


But how fast is the speed of the Qingpao old man? If he wanted to go anywhere, with Lin Lan's current strength, he couldn't stop him at all!

If it wasn't for the old man in Qingpao who always wanted to negotiate with Lin Lan, why would he spend so long with him


The speed of the blue-robed old man's flight has exceeded the limit that Lin Lan's eyes can observe.

"Can't wait!"

Lin Lan raised her head flat, her palm facing the blood formation in front of her.

"Although I buried more than 20 ancient auras in this blood wave before, but in order to prevent being noticed by the Qingpao people, among these more than 20 ancient qi, only nine ancient qi stood firm. s position."

In fact, from the very beginning, Lin Lan thought of a way to break the blood wave, that is, he also arranged a formation to defeat it from the inside of the blood wave!

Although Lin Lan didn't have the ability to set up a formation that could compete head-on with the Four-Nine Blood Formation, it would be much easier to destroy the Blood Formation from within.

His previous series of attacks seemed to be in vain, but in fact, all of this was within his plan.

"The Demon-Breaking Formation I want to set up needs at least ten formation bases to maintain, and now only nine ancient Qi have established the formation base."

"If you force it, there is only a 70% chance that the Demon Breaking Formation will cause damage to the blood waves, but there is no time to hesitate now!"

As he spoke, Lin Lan's palm burst into a wave of spiritual energy, which quickly shot at the blood wave that penetrated the sky and the earth.

However, at the same time, there was a sudden muffled sound in that blood wave.

Lin Lan's face suddenly changed.

"It was the old man in green robe who controlled the blood in the blood, and bombarded my ancient aura!"

"Fortunately, he still doesn't dare to use his true qi to collide with Haoran's ancient qi, and only dares to use his blood to touch them. This is my chance!"

Lin Lan felt that his spiritual sense was in the blink of an eye, and rushed to the top of the blood wave, and immediately shouted: "Break me!"

With nine ancient qi as the formation base, the probability of forming the Demon Breaking Formation is only 70%, but this is already the limit of what Lin Lan can do.

"The 70% chance must be successful!"

Lin Lan prayed silently in her heart, her eyes fixed on the waves of blood.


Finally, a muffled thunder-like sound came from the blood wave, which made Lin Lan suddenly relieved.


Then, a second muffled sound came.

At this moment, Rao is Lin Lan standing in the void hundreds of meters away from the blood wave, and can clearly feel that the blood in the blood wave is rapidly consuming.

"Boy, you are courting death!"

The angry roar of the old man in green robe resounded in the blood.

"Blood Yuan turned the sky and waves, broke it for me!"

The old man in Qingpao had some scruples in his heart. At this time, he didn't dare to take action against Lin Lan.

What he wanted to do was to quickly break the restriction before the blood in the blood wave was exhausted!


For a time, the upside-down blood sea above the sky surged several times, and the huge blood energy quickly rushed into the blood wave that penetrated the sky and the earth, supplementing the consumption.

And the blood wave that penetrated the heavens and the earth, even at this time, rose from the ground, rose to a distance of a full fifty feet, and then quickly fell!

Lin Lan took out the seven-star array plate, and released the infuriating energy that was as thin as a hairspring one after another with both hands, covering it.

Immediately on the seven-star array disk, seven ancient qi phantoms appeared, corresponding to the seven ancient qi that were still hidden in the blood.

"Blast me!"

Lin Lan tapped the ancient phantom of the seven-star array with his fingers one after another, and immediately, there were three more muffled sounds in the waves of blood rising from the ground.

With the sound of this voice, the power of the blood wave instantly weakened by more than 10%!

At the same time, a large amount of blood mist containing strong killing thoughts was also released from this blood wave.

Lin Lan crushed two Rank 5 Qingshen Pills and swallowed them, and then pointed her finger at the Seven-Star Formation Plate again.

"Boy! Do you really want to force me to die with you?"

The angry roar of the old man in green robe, accompanied by a burst of blood, came from afar.

The anger of the old man in green robe had reached its peak.

Originally, when Qing Pao saw that Lin Lan had come out of the eighth-floor ban, he thought he had won the ticket.

But at this time, Lin Lan used an old-fashioned attack, which made him not dare to put all his thoughts on that bloody wave.

Later, the ancient spirit in Lin Lan's martial arts gradually diminished, which made the Qingpao old man excited for a long time, willing to waste time and deal with Lin Lan.

But it wasn't until the last moment that the old man in Qingpao realized that he had been tricked by Lin Lan again!

Lin Lan has been subtly forcing himself to escape, and then used the ancient spirit to form a formation!

At this time, the old man in Qingpao was still unwilling to fight with Lin Lan.

He immediately entered the inside of Xueyuan Chaotianlang, trying in vain to control the Xueyuan Chaotianlang so that Lin Lan could not perceive the location of those ancient Qi.

Then, to avoid Lin Lan's spiritual sense, continue to control the explosion of these ancient Qi formations.

But then, something happened that made the Qingpao old man almost crazy!

Lin Lan unexpectedly took out a platoon at this time!

As long as there is an array, Lin Lan doesn't need to use his spiritual sense to find the location of the ancient qi formation in the sky-shattering blood waves, and he can directly detonate these ancient qi formations through the formation plate!

"Ah! He must die! Must die!"

In the heart of the old man in green robe, he howled with anger over and over again, but at the same time his reason was preventing him from slamming this 'Seven Saints' family.

In the heart of the old man in green robe, there was even a voice saying, 'If the medicine god sickle is lost, you can find it again in the future. If you move this kid, there will only be a dead end. '

It is precisely because of similar thoughts that the old man in green robe with a powerful strength was shriveled in front of Lin Lan.

"It all exploded!"

Now, the lives of Song Ye and Liu Zhongming are closely related to the bloody sky and waves. At this time, where would Lin Lan think about the old man in Qingpao

His palm slammed on the seven-star array plate!

Boom boom boom!

The last three ancient qi burst out together at this time!

With the sound of these three muffled sounds, the blood in the sky-shattering waves of blood was immediately reduced to only 70% of the original!

However, the old man in green robe did not go crazy because of this, the angry howl spread out from the blood essence.

"Nine ways! Boy, your methods are nothing more than that! Now my blood is in waves, and only 30% of my blood is consumed. I can completely replenish this consumption by hanging the sea of blood!"

The hysterical roar of the blue-robed old man had just fallen, and the surging sea of blood above the sky dimmed several times!

A large amount of blood energy poured in, and it took only three or five breaths of blood to restore the power of the peak state.

"Now, let me see how you stop me!"

The old man in green robe went mad. He controlled the blood to turn the sky, and once again rose to a height of 100 zhang, facing the ground, the eighth-level restriction like a bottomless pit.

The blood essence turned upside down and refused to fall, as if showing off to Lin Lan.

"Boy, what other means are there, just take it out! I want to see if you have lost the support of the ancient spirit, how else can you stop me!"


The old man in Qingpao had gone completely crazy. If he still had a bit of reason, he wouldn't have said so much to Lin Lan at such a time.

He should have immediately controlled the blood surge, shattered the ban, and then obtained the Medicine God Scythe and disappeared since then!

However, it is not difficult to see how much resentment he has towards Lin Lan in his heart, judging from how the old man in Qingpao disregarded the opportunity and despised Lin Lan.

If you want to kill but can't kill, you can only get a chance to disgust Lin Lan, even if now is not a good time to disgust Lin Lan.

"There is no support from the ancient air?"

Lin Lan raised his brows, and a trace of silver blood immediately appeared between his eyebrows.

This silver blood contains a powerful source of blood, even if there is only such a trace, but the moment it appears, it has completely expelled the blood mist around Lin Lan that contained the idea of killing.

Even if there is only a trace of this source holy blood, it is a hundred times nobler than the blood energy scattered in the void!

The blood essence is not controlled by human consciousness, and will only follow the most basic laws between heaven and earth, and crawl under the feet of the strong!

"What a powerful bloodline power, you really came from there!"

The old man in green robe first exclaimed, and then sneered:

"What can you do with this bloodline power now? Such a tiny bit of bloodline power can't help you at all except to avoid blood essence killing thoughts!"


Lin Lan smiled coldly, his eyes fixed on the sky-shattering waves of blood in the void.

In the depths of his eyes, more than 20 silver light and shadows were revealed. The majestic ancient aura and the blood of silver light quickly condensed and formed in the void.

In an instant, more than twenty beams of ancient silver light formed and flew straight towards Lin Lan.

These more than twenty beams of silver light ancient energy were all the power that Lin Lan consumed when he used the Great Desolation Finger and Daluo Guichen.

The power of the source holy blood is extremely precious, and Lin Lan will not let them be wasted in vain and scattered in the world.

As long as there is still a trace of the source holy blood in his body, he can recover the bloodline power wasted by the use of martial arts!

As for the ancient qi, it is even simpler. As long as Lin Lan firmly controls the words 'finger' and 'shock' in his body, the ancient qi that he uses can return.

"This this… "

The shock of the old man in green robe can't be further added. He has never seen a martial artist who can recycle his qi after using his martial skills!

What Lin Lan is doing now goes against common sense! If it goes on like this, won't Lin Lan become the strongest again

"It can't be delayed any longer, the ban must be lifted immediately!"

The old man in Qingpao regretted that he didn't seize the opportunity just now to break the ban, and now he can't wait to slap himself right away.

The good ones don't hurry to grab the treasure and leave, what kind of martial arts are you showing here

"Blood Yuan Chaos!"

The old man in green robe shouted loudly, and the blood energy that was a hundred feet high in the sky turned upside down, and suddenly surged up, surging towards the ground.

"Daluo returns to the dust hand!"

Lin Lan slammed a palm, a huge silver palm, roaring towards the old man in green robe.

"Humph! Boy, although you have a lot of tricks, you are only one person! If I break the ban with all my heart, you will never stop me!"

The old man in green robe did not forget to use his last bit of confidence to attack Lin Lan.

"Alone? Who told you I was alone?"

Lin Lan's light words made the old man in Qingpao feel a bad feeling in his heart.

"Beside you, do you still have someone from your family to protect you?"

"Boy, don't lie to me, it's impossible!"

Although the old man in green robe was refuting Lin Lan, but while speaking, he had released all his spiritual senses, sensing whether there were any hidden powerhouses in the blood formation that he could not deal with.

"No one in my family is here, but there are quite a few friends who are willing to help me!"

Lin Lan said.

What he said is true, there is indeed no other family in the Evil Wind Valley today. His family is still far away!

Chu Yun Qingluan, he would not let her appear here.

While speaking, Lin Lan raised her arms sharply on both sides.

"Listen to everyone, the formation base of the upside-down blood sea and the four-nine blood formation has almost no blood element protection now. Now is the best time to start!"

"Hahaha, who are you talking to? Are you talking to the natives here?"

"Hahaha, how could they possibly listen to you!"

The old man in green robe seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world, and shouted wildly. He finally found another reason to attack Lin Lan.


The laughter of the old man in green robe was destined to last only a moment.


"Everyone do it!"

"Those who have not reached the seventh rank of Gaowu will all break down the formation below! Those who can fly in the sky, follow me to break through the sea of blood!"

"Destroy the blood formation!"

"Destroy the blood formation!"

For a time, in the entire Evil Wind Valley, except for a few Liu family members, almost all the warriors took action.

The shocking cry of killing is shocking!

"Sima's family, everyone in the Baili family, listen to my orders and follow me to form the Tianyue Suppressing Evil Formation!"

Behind Lin Lan, an old man with a white robe and a childish face stood in the air, holding a bright white flag in his hand.

He commanded twenty-eight martial arts cultivators who could travel in the sky, forming a formation, and in an instant, they formed the strongest force to attack the sea of bloods!

"The Cheng family obeyed the order and formed a family protection formation! Use the Haoming Illusionary Arrow Formation to bombard me with the blood formation formation!"

"Humph! They keep calling us natives, and now I'll show you our strength! All the seventh-rank Gaowu cultivators who didn't participate in the battle formation, come with me, Cao Tianque!"

The powerhouses in Evil Wind Valley, who have been prepared for a long time, have been waiting for Lin Lan's orders!

Now, after forbearance for a long time, they can finally let go!

"What?! This, how is this possible! How could they listen to you!"

The shock in the blue-robed old man's heart couldn't be further added. He couldn't figure it out. He couldn't figure out the reason for all this!

If the people in the Valley of Evil Wind were simply uniting to deal with him, then he would completely understand.

But what he couldn't figure out was why these natives in Evil Wind Valley would trust Lin Lan as if they had made an appointment.

When did they agree on all this? When did Lin Lan gain their trust