The Strongest Landlord in History

Chapter 275: Enter the city


Song Ye looked at the four figures who followed them closely, and said solemnly, "Lin Lan, do you think these people suddenly approach us, are they really malicious?"

"Hard to say."

Lin Lan said.

"Although warriors walk outside, they will try to avoid interaction with strangers, but it is difficult to say that some people with free and easy temperament are willing to make friends outside."

"those people… "

Lin Lan waited quietly for more than ten breaths.

Seeing that the Linjia Beast has speeded up to express to the people behind that it does not want to be in contact with the other party, the other party still perseveres.

Lin Lan frowned.

Now the four figures behind him are about a thousand feet behind Lin Lan.

That is, not too close to Lin Lan, nor let Lin Lan pull the distance between them further.

"The speed of the other party is obviously faster than us. After they chased a thousand meters behind us, they stopped accelerating, and they didn't know what to do."

Lin Lan frowned.

"Xiao Lin, slow down and try."

"it is good!"

After the Linjia Beast responded, the speed immediately slowed down a bit.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Lan noticed that the four people in the back hesitated for a while, and then they accelerated sharply and quickly approached Lin Lan.

"Boss, they are approaching!"

"Stop and wait for them. If you find out that these four people are malicious later, try to escape."

Lin Lan explained in a low voice, then turned around directly.

When the people behind were less than a hundred meters away from the Linjia Beast, Lin Lan suddenly puffed up his true anger and shouted to the four, "Everyone, stop for now!"

There were always a few people behind him, and no one would be happy, so Lin Lan decided to ask about the situation first.

At this time, the Linjia Beast's heart was already hanging in his throat, and he was always paying attention to the movements of the four people behind him.

Once the other party wants to forcibly approach, it will immediately exert force and leave with Lin Lan and Song Ye.

Fortunately, the four people who followed after hearing Lin Lan's voice did not continue to approach.

"This friend, are you also going to Shiwanda Mountain?"

A middle-aged man in gray robe flying in front of the four asked Lin Lan from a distance.

At a distance of one hundred meters, Lin Lan's spiritual sense could clearly scan these four people.

He immediately discovered that, except for the middle-aged man who spoke up, the strength of the middle-aged man reached the late Gaowu realm, and the strength of the man and the two women behind him did not reach the seventh rank of Gaowu.

In other words, the man and the two women behind the gray-robed man depended on the gray-robed man at the front to fly in the sky.

"I don't know why you are following behind us?"

Lin Lan did not directly answer the other party's question.

The grey-robed man was not angry when he heard Lin Lan's rhetorical question, he smiled and said:

"To tell you the truth, we are disciples from the Spring and Autumn Sword Sect, and this time, according to the rules of the master's sect, we will come to the Hundred Thousand Mountains to experience."

"But since we are not familiar with the environment of Shiwanda Mountain, we want to ask someone to ask."

The middle-aged man in gray robe stared at Lin Lan and said, "I don't think the strength of the two of them is very strong, but they dare to go to the Hundred Thousand Mountains, which is full of dangers. I think I am very familiar with it, so I decided to come Ask some questions."

"Humph! You are approaching because we are not as strong as you, right?"

Song Ye responded coldly.

"That's one of the reasons."

The gray-robed middle-aged man smiled and nodded.

"Although I have no malicious intentions, I can't guarantee that the people I meet will also have no malicious intentions, so it is safer to ask some monks who I can control to ask questions."

"You said there is no evil if there is no evil?"

Song Ye smiled coldly.

"I'm sorry, we're not familiar with Shiwanda Mountain, so I'm afraid we can't help you."

"Brother Song."

Lin Lan looked back at Song Ye in surprise. In his impression, Song Ye should be an enthusiastic and straightforward person.

Song Ye immediately gave Lin Lan a wink, and continued to say loudly, "But if you want to find a place to learn about Shiwanda Mountain, I can show you a way."

Song Ye raised his hand and pointed to the west as he spoke, and said, "Three hundred miles to the west from here is Yueshan City, which is the nearest city to Shiwanda Mountain."

"When you get there, you can naturally find out what you want."

Although Song Ye has a straightforward temperament, he is not the kind of stupid person. Even when trying to help someone who is in trouble, he doesn't put himself in danger.

"Moon Mountain City?"

The gray-robed middle-aged man's eyes lit up, and he said with great joy, "Thank you for this brother's suggestion!"

"To be honest, we have been looking for Yueshan City here for more than an hour. I didn't expect it to be three hundred miles away from here."

The middle-aged man in gray robe handed over to Lin Lan and Song Ye, and said, "Since you already know the location of Yueshan City, then Sun will leave first. Everyone, see you by fate!"

"No need to say thank you, it's just a matter of hand."

Song Ye waved his hand gently.

It wasn't until the late Gao Wujing cultivator surnamed Sun left with a man and two women behind him, Lin Lan and Song Ye breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the back of the Linjia beast at the same time.

"Xiao Lin, slow down, let's also go to Yueshan City."

Lin Lan explained in a low voice.

"What are you going to do in Yueshan City?"

Song Ye looked at Lin Lan in confusion.

"Lin Lan, Yueshan City is just a place for monks who are generally unfamiliar with Shiwanda Mountain to temporarily stay and inquire about news. With me here, there is absolutely no need for us to enter the city."

"No, we need to go there. These people from the Spring and Autumn Sword Sect reminded me just now."

Lin Lan's eyes shone brightly.

"Originally, I also wanted to go directly to Shiwanda Mountain, but now I feel that if I go to Yueshan City, I might be able to find out some news."

Lin Lan smiled and said, "Brother Song, how much do you know about the Shiwanda Mountain, I will not doubt that."

"But after all, you have been away from here for several months. You may not know much about what happened in the Hundred Thousand Mountains recently."

"I think that since Yueshan City is a temporary place for many monks who enter and leave the Hundred Thousand Mountains, the news there will be particularly well-informed."

"For a family as large as the Liu family, entering the Hundred Thousand Mountains..."

"There are a lot of people in the Liu family. They will definitely make some noise when they enter the Hundred Thousand Mountains!"

Song Ye's eyes lit up, and he immediately understood what Lin Lan meant.

Lin Lan nodded with a smile: "People from Yueshan City come and go, maybe we will meet a monk who has seen the Liu family in the hundred thousand mountains."

"Well, with that said, we really need to go there."

Song Ye thought for a while and said:

"When I stayed with Master in Shiwanda Mountain, I also met some people who claimed to live in Yueshan City. I think if I go to them for help, the speed of inquiring about information should be faster."

"There is Big Brother Lao Song."

Lin Lan immediately felt how lucky Song Ye was to come out with him this time.

Song Ye laughed: "It's easy to say!"

In the blink of an eye, half a day had passed. At this time, Lin Lan was able to stand on the back of the Linjia beast and see a magnificent city with a silver light.

"That is Yueshan City. It is said that the city walls around this city are all made of silver moon stones. At night, this city is like a bright moon stuck in the center of the earth, which can illuminate the territory of thousands of miles!"

Song Ye looked at the magnificent city below and said to Lin Lan.

"Of course, the biggest function of this city wall is to guide the cultivators of martial arts who are lost in the mountains, so that even if they are caught in the fog, they can use the silver light to find a way back."

"Many of the martial arts cultivators who entered the 100,000 Dashan Mountains are the late-stage powerhouses of the High Martial Realm who can fly, and even the Taiwu Realm cultivators. How could they be trapped in the fog?"

Lin Lan asked with a smile.

Song Ye immediately raised two fingers and said sternly: "First, although we have seen many monks in the late stage of the High Martial Realm during this time, they are only a small number of people who want to enter the Hundred Thousand Mountains."

"Many people who have not reached the seventh rank of Gaowu will enter by land."

"Secondly, even cultivators of the seventh rank of Gaowu would not dare to fly indiscriminately in certain places in the Hundred Thousand Mountains."

"Lin Lan, have you forgotten? I told you that there are 100,000 mountains, there are rules of 100,000 mountains! Those who go in can only live longer if they follow the rules."

"If you don't follow the rules, even if your strength reaches the seventh rank of Gaowu, you can walk with the air, but you will not be able to escape."

"The reason for this, after you went in with me, I gradually understood."

"The rules of 100,000 Dashan..."

Lin Lan looked at the rolling mountains visible to the naked eye in the distance, thoughtfully.

"You can't fly in Yueshan City. I'll go down first."

Song Ye smiled mysteriously.

"Okay. Xiaolin, go down now."

Seeing that Song Ye didn't say anything, Lin Lan didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, after entering the Hundred Thousand Mountains, everything would be known.

The Linjia Beast obeyed Lin Lan's order and landed steadily when it was still several hundred meters away from the city gate.

As soon as he approached the gate of Yueshan City, Lin Lan immediately felt a different atmosphere from Tianyun City and Tianhuang City.

"here… "

Lin Lan stood a hundred feet away from Yueshan City, looking at this magnificent silver city from a distance, a strange emotion arose in her heart for no reason.

"Do you feel the difference?"

Song Ye smiled.

"This is Yueshan City, but it is not comparable to other places in Youbi Mountain."


Lin Lan nodded heavily, his eyes swept across the two teams of warriors wearing ancient silver armor at the city gate, and sighed:

"As expected, it is the closest place to the Hundred Thousand Mountains, a place for many strong people to rest. The two teams of warriors at the gate of this city, each of them has the strength of the late High Martial Realm!"

Before entering the city, Lin Lan already felt that the guarding power of Yueshan City and Qingdi City was not of the same level at all.

"In Yueshan City, if you want to enter the guard camp of the City Lord's Mansion, you must at least have the strength of the late High Martial Realm."

"Only with this kind of strength, they are connected together, and together with the battle formation, can they deter most of the martial arts experts who enter and leave here."

Song Ye whispered.

"As long as they are here, there is no need to worry about the order of Yueshan City. Lin Lan, don't look at the location of this Yueshan City. You are always under the threat of many monsters in the 100,000-strong mountain."

"But in fact, the security of Yueshan City is even better than that of most cities within Biyou Mountain."

Lin Lan nodded in approval. With this team of guard battalions consisting of cultivators in the late Gaowu realm, the security of Yueshan City is difficult to think about.

"There's not much time, let's go in now."

"it is good."

Song Ye walked up to Lin Lan carelessly, and said with a smile: "Although I only visited Yueshan City with Master when I was very young, I am more familiar with you than you are, so just follow me. "

Lin Lan nodded with a smile.

When passing by the city gate, Lin Lan clearly felt that the silver armored warriors on both sides of the city gate all turned their attention to him.

"This friend."

A warrior wearing ancient silver armor and standing on the innermost side of the city gate said to Lin Lan:

"The rules of Yueshan City are to prohibit all forms of fighting. If anyone causes a riot in the city, our people from the ancient silver camp will directly kill the troublemaker, do you understand?"

Lin Lan reached out and pointed at herself, wondering, "Are you talking to me?"

After saying this, Lin Lan deliberately looked up and down at her clothes.

Although the earth-grade magic weapon of this body is a bit ostentatious.

But no matter how you look at it, you don't look like a big villain. How can it attract the attention of so many soldiers in the ancient silver camp

"Yes, that's what I told you."

The soldier who spoke before nodded lightly and continued:

"I didn't mean to target you, but I noticed that you have two partners by your side."

"I think, if you don't have the ability to control them, then it's best not to enter the city directly, just let the person beside you go in alone."

After all, the other party was a powerhouse in the late stage of the High Martial Realm. Not only did he see the strength of the Linjia Beast at a glance, but he also noticed the little giant tortoise hiding in Lin Lan's clothes.

Neither of these two monsters is weaker than Lin Lan!

Obviously, the silver-armored warrior who spoke did not believe that Lin Lan was relying on his own strength to subdue the scaled-armored beast and the little giant tortoise.

Worried that the two monsters would not listen to Lin Lan's words after entering the city, or even cause trouble in the city, they spoke out to discourage them.

"Thank you for reminding me, I can restrain my partner."

Lin Lan smiled lightly.

"I hope so."

Seeing Lin Lan insisting, the silver-armored warrior didn't say more, and turned around to clear the way.

The strength of the Linjia Beast and the little giant tortoise, although one is the third rank of Gaowu and the other is the fourth rank of Gaowu, none of them are weaker than Lin Lan.

However, their realm, in the eyes of the silver armored warriors, is still too weak. Even if Lin Lan really can't control them at that time, the silver-armored warriors don't worry that these two monsters will make a big mess in the city.

They made a statement to remind Lin Lan, but they were only forced by the rules set by Yueshan City Lord.

"let's go."

Lin Lan glanced at Song Ye and stepped into the city gate first.

"Lin Lan, let's keep going west."

Song Ye walked beside Lin Lan and explained in a low voice:

"Master and I have many friends in Crescent City. But this time our identities cannot be revealed, so I can only choose a few people who are more reliable in my impression for help."

"This first candidate is at the westernmost side of Yueshan City."

Song Ye looked at Lin Lan and said, "Wait and find a place with no one, and bring your mask too."

"Right on my mind."

Lin Lan turned over and took out the mask of the earth-grade magic weapon in the storage ring.