The Strongest Landlord in History

Chapter 288: Efforts to suppress


"There are so many!"

Song Ye was amazed,

"More to come!"

Lin Lan said through a voice transmission.

"Because the underground is full of desolate energy, and this big desolate snake will only emit desolate energy, so the aura of the two is easy to confuse people."

"Ordinary people can't tell how many wild snakes there are underground. But I can clearly perceive it."

Lin Lan looked at Song Ye with a solemn expression.

"Brother Song, if you don't leave now, you will really die here! Don't you want to save your sister?"

Song Ye originally wanted to stay with Lin Lan with righteousness and dignity, but Lin Lan's last words hit his heart like a heavy hammer.

"Xi'er? Lin Lan, I..."

"Don't say more, hurry up!"

Lin Lan said coldly.

"Before these wild snakes have paid attention to us, and before the truly powerful ancient monuments of the great wilderness have come out, run away!"

Song Ye gritted his teeth, his creed of being a man did not allow him to leave his brother alone at this time.

But if he doesn't leave now, he may not be able to leave.

Originally, Song Ye was a bachelor, so he was naturally fearless. But now, he had just met Xi'er, and he really didn't want to die like this. So, he is very confused now.

Bang bang bang!

Just as Lin Lan and Song Ye were talking, a series of muffled noises suddenly came from above the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Lan discovered that the great wild snakes suspended in mid-air seemed to be dying at this moment, one by one, attacking the Black Tower Command Talisman one by one.

After each Great Desolate Snake hits the black light group around the Black Tower Command Talisman, its body explodes and turns into nothingness.

At the same time, the blue-black light group on the periphery of the Black Tower Lingfu will also dim a little because of this.

After the Great Wilderness Snakes died, apart from pieces of desolate rocks of different sizes that fell from the void, nothing would be left of their huge bodies. They would all turn into a majestic desolate aura and continue to suppress the Black Tower Command Talisman. .

"It can't go on like this, something must be done!"

Lin Lan clenched his fists and stepped onto the back of the Linjia Beast.

"Brother Song, even if you stay here now, it's useless. The amount of true energy in your body can't even hurt a wild snake, so let's run away quickly."

After he finished speaking, he slapped the Linjia beast on the back: "Xiao Lin, take me up!"


The Linjia Beast let out a long cry in the air, and then spread out a pair of silver wings, carrying Lin Lan, and quickly lifted into the air.

"The Great Desolation Finger!"

Lin Lan stretched out his right hand suddenly, and suddenly there was a vast and ancient aura that gathered at his fingertips.

The dazzling silver brilliance immediately emerged from Lin Lan's fingertips, turning into a giant finger that lifted the sky and rolled over it directly from the void in the direction of the ground!

The huge finger with bright silver light hit the ground in an instant.


At this moment, the earth trembled violently.

The dazzling silver brilliance bloomed in the center of the ground that had become yellow, causing countless rocks.

Pieces of withered yellow rock, at this moment, as if dying, shot towards the surrounding at a rapid rate.

"Thousand Stone Hands!"

At this time, there was a sudden explosion on the ground.

"Escape! What effect can your second-grade high martial arts attack play!"

Lin Lan noticed that Song Ye hadn't left, and couldn't help feeling anxious.

"Is Song Ye a greedy person who fears death?"

Song Ye stood on the dry-yellow ground and clenched the medicine god sickle in his hand.

Quietly watching the thousands of infuriating stone tablets that he cast out, in an instant, it was smashed by a barren stone that came from flying, and he was affectionate and cold.

"Medicine God Scythe, give it to me!"

Immediately afterwards, a faint green arc of light passed through Song Ye's hand and steadily hit the barren stone flying towards him.


The powerful barren stone, after colliding with the Medicine God Sickle, turned into a piece of dust.

However, correspondingly, Song Ye took more than ten steps back before stopping. His hands holding the Medicine God Scythe also trembled violently at this moment.

"A mere barren rock that was scattered by the shock can make me so unbearable!"

Song Ye was shocked to find that his numb arms could not move, and said in surprise.

"How can it be so strong? It's just a small stone!"

"Lin Lan's strength is only one rank higher than mine. How can the aftermath of his attack reach a level that I can't resist?"

At this time, a group of withered yellow things suddenly enlarged rapidly in Song Ye's pupils.

This is another barren rock that happened to be shot at him.

But now, his numb arms were no longer able to control the Medicine God Scythe to stop him.

"Are you going to die?"

A thought flashed in Song Ye's mind, and then, he felt a blackness in front of him!



Two objects, one black and one yellow, collided violently less than half a zhang in front of Song Ye.

Then, the withered yellow rock was directly shattered by this black thing.

But this black thing flew more than ten feet far away because of the back-shock of the barren stone, and smashed directly on the withered yellow ground.


The little giant tortoise, which was thrown far away by the barren rock, angrily climbed up from the pothole on the ground that was smashed by its body, and shouted angrily.

To be smashed into the air by the food that he has been thinking about for several months, in the eyes of the little giant turtle, is a very embarrassing thing for the turtle.

At the same time, the Linjia Beast quickly landed on the ground.

Lin Lan stared at Song Ye who survived the disaster and said, "What are you still doing? Run away!"

Song Ye didn't hesitate this time. The desperate situation that was on the verge of death just now made his head sober a lot, and it also made him understand the difference between dying generously and dying in vain.

Song Ye nodded heavily to Lin Lan, then held the Medicine God Scythe, and finally stared at Lin Lan and said, "Lin Lan, you have to be careful in everything..."

"Don't worry, I can handle the situation here. The birth of the barren stone must be stopped!"

Seeing that Song Ye no longer insisted, Lin Lan felt relieved.

"it is good."

Song Ye had seen the collision between the ancient spirit of Haoran and the ancient spirit of barrenness, and saw that these two forces seemed to have the effect of restraining each other.

He knew that Lin Lan wasn't just 'bluffing' people with his old-fashioned aura, he was really capable of dealing with it.

As a faint green light passed by, Song Ye and Yao Shen Si were separated by a distance of thousands of meters.

The blue-black light emitted by the black tower talisman shrouded the area of thousands of meters, preventing any trace of the barren ancient atmosphere from flowing outside.

However, when Song Ye left, he was not hindered in the slightest.

"Next, we're going to get real."

Lin Lan waved lightly at the distance, and then grabbed the little giant tortoise that jumped over from a distance.

"The two of you are not afraid of the power of the wild, and my source holy blood and the ancient spirit of the ancients are just able to restrain the ancient gas."

"So now, with the three of us, let's stop the Great Wilderness Snake!"



The eyes of the Linjia Beast and the little giant tortoise were also full of fighting intent, and they rushed into the void with Lin Lan, the wild snake that was closest to them.

"Humph! When I met your race for the first time, I had to rely on the formation to deal with it, but now, with the arrogant and ancient aura on me, I can suppress you!"

Lin Lan stood on the back of the Linjia Beast, and pointed his right hand at the void in front of him.

"The Great Desolation Finger!"

At this moment, the ancient giant finger with bright silver light seemed to have passed through the ancient times, from a distant time and space, to the present world.

With a majestic and ancient aura, it roared towards the great centipede-like wild snake suspended in the void.


The deadly withered yellow eyes of the Great Wilderness Snake suddenly turned to Lin Lan and the Linjia Beast.

It didn't take these weak guys seriously, but who would have thought that these guys actually have the power to restrain it!

But even so, this great desolate snake was not afraid of this giant silver finger that was shot in the face.

Its soft body suddenly shrank, and then by the rebound of its body, it quickly rushed from the front to the Great Desolate Heaven Finger!

"It's useless!"

The corners of Lin Lan's mouth twitched slightly, and the "Great Desolation Destroying Heaven Finger" he played contained the power of an ancient Chinese character!

That 'finger' character, even though it has been suppressed by the original holy blood in Lin Lan's body, it is still an ancient character of the Great Wilderness after all!

In terms of essence, it is more than one level stronger than these great desolate snakes that rely on the spirit of the ancients.


Possessing the strength of the Taiwu Realm, the Great Wilderness Snake, who thought he was winning, was penetrated the moment it collided with the Great Wilderness Destroying Heaven Finger!

Its huge body, after being penetrated by the Great Desolation Finger, immediately shrank like a deflated ball.

Only one withered yellow rock was left, falling vertically toward the ground.

"These Great Wilderness Snakes were born from the ancient characters of the Great Wilderness hidden in the ground. Their life essence is much weaker than the ancient characters of the Great Wilderness."

"If you want to forcibly fight against the ancient characters of the Great Wilderness, their life essence will be broken in an instant."

Lin Lan laughed loudly: "Xiao Lin, speed up, let's go hunt more wild snakes!"

"Boss, how do you know the restraining effect of the ancient characters of the Great Wilderness on the Great Wilderness Snake?"

Linjia beast is very curious.

"I didn't know."

Lin Lan stretched out his finger and pointed at Void Road.

"This is what I discovered by accident when it sacrificed the source of the soul and dealt with the black tower talisman."

"Next, we just need to help the Black Tower Lingfu resist the attack of the Great Wilderness Snake, so that its soul source is not consumed too much."

"So we can win?"

"Do not."

Lin Lan shook her head and sighed.

"In this way, it can only make the Black Tower Command Talisman maintain its strongest state before the birth of the Great Desolate Ancient Monument. After this..."

"What happens after this?"

The Linjia Beast asked eagerly.

"After that, of course, it's up to fate!"

Lin Lan quickly pointed a finger at the big wild snake that was rushing towards him, and the dazzling silver light suddenly cut through the void, directly piercing the big wild snake.

After that, the figure of the Linjia Beast appeared in the place where the wild snake originally existed.

"Another barren rock, the next one."

Lin Lan directly threw the waste stone left by the Great Wilderness Snake to the Linjia Beast, and then focused his attention on the next Great Wilderness Snake.

After more than ten breaths, as more and more wild snakes were hunted, those new wild snakes that emerged from the ground also began to notice the existence of Lin Lan.

They no longer blindly attacked the black tower talisman, and gradually began to separate some snakes to attack Lin Lan directly.

"Boss, there are more and more of them!"

The body of the Linjia Beast flashed left and right in the void, and its voice became a little anxious.

Its strength, after all, is only the third rank of high martial arts, no matter how fast it is, it cannot be faster than the Great Wild Snake of Taiwu Realm.

Before taking advantage of those wild snakes, they all focused their attention on the black tower Lingfu, and the Linjia Beast could take Lin Lan to deal with these wild snakes.

But now that the Great Wilderness Snakes are aiming their spearheads at them, the speed of the Linjia Beast is dwarfed by that.

"Don't panic, Da Luo Guichen!"

Lin Lan's left hand swiftly struck out, and he immediately hit a giant silver palm, knocking back all the five great wild snakes in front of the Linjia Beast.

The five Great Wilderness Snakes were rushing towards them, but before they could dodge, they were completely shrouded in the hands of Daluo Guichen.

Under the power of the ancient word 'quake', the essence of the ancient Qi of the Great Wilderness is still far from the spirit of the ancient wilderness on the body of the Great Wilderness Snake, so in the blink of an eye, the surface of the five Great Wilderness Snakes began to fester.

After their flesh and blood were shattered by Daluo Guichen's hand, they immediately turned into a withered-yellow ancient air, filling the void.

"After all, the realm is too different. Even if I can rely on the ancient characters of the Great Wilderness to restrain the Great Wilderness Snake, but the impact of Da Luo Guichen's hand, I still can't kill them in seconds."

Lin Lan said solemnly.

"Now we only have to fight in a roundabout way. I am responsible for opening the way. You can follow the route opened by my Daluo Guichen and dodge."


The Linjia beast hissed in the air, and its body immediately turned into a silver light, rushing towards Daluo Guichen's hand.

Now, only by following behind Daluo Guichen's hand, it is not afraid of being attacked by the Great Wilderness Snake.

At this time, Lin Lan opened the bow from left to right, and hit Daluo Guichen's hand with his left hand, opening the way for the Linjia Beast.

The right hand kept pointing out the Great Desolate Heaven Finger, killing the Great Desolate Snakes that came from behind one by one.

In this way, although Lin Lan can temporarily cope with the continuous attack of the wild snakes, the current situation is not as optimistic as at the beginning.

With the passage of time, more and more wild snakes emerged from the ground, and the number of wild snakes participating in the siege of Lin Lan also naturally increased a lot.

The situation took a turn for the worse, and gradually, Lin Lan didn't even have time to pick up the Great Wilderness Stone.

"Boss, there are ten big wild snakes appearing in front of you! I'm afraid your palm attack is not enough to repel them all!"

Suddenly, the anxious voice of the Linjia Beast entered Lin Lan's mind.

"Daluo returns to the dust hand!"

Lin Lan didn't turn his head back, and his left hand suddenly pushed back with a palm, and then, an ancient character appeared in his palm.

The light released from this character was filled with a strong ancient impact, and in an instant, the power of that Daluo Guichen hand was multiplied!

"Don't hesitate, just rush to me!"

Lin Lan drank it coldly!