The Strongest Landlord in History

Chapter 290: origin


"Don't resist, now is not the time for you to destroy them."

The white-haired giant ape felt the resistance of the black tower command, and could not help frowning.

"Take back your power. If you die in such a place, it's not worth it."

"With my strength, I can still suppress the ancient characters of this big snow mountain for tens of thousands of years, so you can wait!"

"When you recover well enough, you can destroy them again. As long as you don't take your own life to destroy the famine, I won't stop you."


The Black Tower Lingfu violently resisted in the void, but its power was still pressed back into the body by the surrounding ice-cold power little by little.

The white-haired giant ape is really too strong, it is powerful enough to let it do anything here.

Whether it is suppressing the black tower talisman or suppressing the spirit of the ancients, when doing these things, the white-haired giant ape didn't even frown.

"Don't resist, you know the gap between us!"

The white-haired giant ape couldn't help but said angrily when he saw that the black tower talisman was still resisting.

"Gu Xinfu! Your life is much longer than mine! You have survived such a long time, why do you have to choose to lose your life at this time?"


The Black Tower Command Talisman was still trembling, but this time, while it was trembling, there was also a soul force that emanated from it and shot directly at the white-haired giant ape.

"What did you say? You did this for this human being?"

The white-haired giant ape's face turned cold, and he said angrily.

"Although I haven't experienced that era, the instructions passed down from generation to generation by our ancient clan have always reminded us to never trust human beings!"

"Especially these humans who call themselves the Eucharist family!"

"Why do you have to help him? Have you forgotten all the disgusting things humans did back then?"

The white-haired giant ape turned his head and glared at Lin Lan, and said solemnly, "Gu Xinfu, in terms of seniority, I have to honor you as senior."

"The instructions passed down from generation to generation by our ancient clan also told me that even if I encounter only a little fragment of you, or even a trace of the origin of your soul, I should do my best to help you."

"Even if you lose your life for this, you will not hesitate!"

"This is the mission of our ancient clan, and I will not go against it. But I can't just watch you die like this."

"And if all you do is for a mere human being, I can't help but ask you, this! Why?!"

The white-haired giant ape pointed at Lin Lan and asked the Black Tower Command: "Why do you still believe in humans?"

"Could it be that the inherited memories and descriptions of human beings passed down from generation to generation by our ancient clan are all false?"

"Do they still have the slightest bit of anything to believe in?"

While talking, the white-haired giant ape controlled his power and continued to investigate Lin Lan's body.

Originally, it thought that it was enough to check Lin Lan's dantian, but the performance of the Black Tower Command Talisman made it realize that it might not be so simple.

It made him wonder if there were any other secrets on Lin Lan's body.

The ice-cold force controlled by the white-haired giant ape rushed out of Lin Lan's dantian and rammed through Lin Lan's meridians all the way.

Any meridian that this icy power passes through will be frozen by it in an instant.

However, the white-haired giant ape would not care about Lin Lan's life or death. What it was looking for was just an answer.

As for whether Lin Lan's meridians, or even the foundation of martial arts, will be damaged because of his own strength, he won't care!

The inheritance memory of their ancient clan requires them to respect the ancient letter talisman, but at the same time, it always reminds the ancient clan to beware of cowardly humans.

The white-haired giant ape has been influenced by these inherited memories for thousands of years, and its subconscious has already attributed all human beings to the cowardly and despicable type.

Under such circumstances, how could the white-haired giant ape allow the ancient letter talisman for which he had to sacrifice his life to obey the despicable humans again

Gradually, the power of the white-haired giant ape, after freezing the large meridians in Danchen's body, finally reached Lin Lan's heart.

"Huh? What is that?"

The white-haired giant ape suddenly discovered that there was a strange force in Lin Lan's heart.

"This power seems to be similar to the power of this human being to control the desolation, but the essence is more pure, let me see."

Thinking of this, the white-haired giant ape suddenly controlled its power and injected it into Lin Lan's heart.

It doesn't care if these things it does, whether it will affect Lin Lan's foundation of martial arts.

All he has to do now is to explore the secrets of Lin Lan.

However, at the moment when the icy power controlled by the white-haired giant ape shot into Lin Lan's heart.

The half drop of still-like silver blood in Lin Lan's heart, suddenly burst out with a powerful force.

It flooded directly into his heart veins, and dispelled all the icy cold power that poured into his heart veins.

The power of the source holy blood, after being touched by the icy power of the white-haired giant ape, not only dispelled all the icy power in Lin Lan's heart in an instant, but even spread rapidly.

In just one breath, the frozen meridians in Lin Lan's body were completely liberated.

Countless silver spots appeared on Lin Lan's skin at the same instant.

At this time, Lin Lan suddenly realized that he could control his body now, and the white-haired giant ape's suppression of him seemed to have no effect.

"What kind of power is in this kid's body? It can defeat my investigation in an instant?"

The white-haired giant ape looked at Lin Lan in astonishment. It was confident that even if the person standing in front of it was a human cultivator in the Taiwu realm, it could perfectly control the opponent.

But now, the half drop of the source holy blood in Lin Lan's body has dissipated its power not only in an instant.

After that, it was scattered and flooded in Lin Lan's body, so that Lin Lan's body was completely liberated.

The white-haired giant ape frowned and thought hard, trying to find relevant information from his inherited memory.

In just a short moment, there are countless fragments of memories flashing in the mind of the white-haired giant ape.

Suddenly, a horrified light flashed in the eyes of the white-haired giant ape: "This power seems to be... No! It's impossible!"

"What could be impossible? Release my companion!"

Although Lin Lan's body was liberated, the Linjia beast under him was still frozen in the void.

During the time when the white-haired giant ape was thinking hard, it was not that Lin Lan hadn't tried to help the lina beast free from its bondage, but it was unsuccessful.

Obviously, although he has already relied on the source holy blood to escape the control of the white-haired giant ape, this power cannot help the lina beast.

"You, you actually..."

The white-haired giant ape was full of shock, and looked at Lin Lan in astonishment.

"No wonder, no wonder the legendary Flash Wing will follow you, no wonder this fragment of the ancient letter talisman will 'disregard the past' and follow you by your side!"

"It turns out that you have such blood in your body!"

"Let go of my companion!"

Lin Lan couldn't understand what the white-haired giant ape was talking about. The silver light on his body suddenly released. He raised his left palm to face the white-haired giant ape, and said coldly:

"No matter what questions you have, please let my companions go before we talk about it!"

"The ancient characters of the Great Wilderness?"

The white-haired giant ape looked at the ancient character that appeared in the palm of Lin Lan's left hand, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Now I can finally figure out why you can control the power of 'Huang'."

Seeing Lin Lan's face, the white-haired giant ape showed an impatient look, waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I let them go. Anyway, from the beginning, I didn't plan to deal with them."


With the words of the white-haired giant ape, the frozen rigid body of the Linjia beast was finally released.

However, because the surrounding temperature was too cold, the Linjia Beast only fluttered its wings symbolically twice, and then its body slowly fell to the ground.

The stiff lina beast, whose body has been frozen for a long time, has difficulty adapting to its body in a short period of time and controlling its wings to fly smoothly.

After all, it is not like Lin Lan, who has the original holy blood body protection.

"The strength is still too weak."

The white-haired giant ape laughed and swept the big tail lightly in the air, and immediately created a floating ice surface under the body of the lina beast, dragging the bodies of the lina beast and Lin Lan.

After doing all this, the white-haired giant ape beckoned to the void again, and withdrew the huge palm print that was holding the black tower talisman in the sky.

Now, almost all of the power of the black tower talisman has been pushed back into the body by the white palm print.

"Gu Xinfu, I'll say it again, now is not the time for you to work hard."

The white-haired giant ape took the black tower talisman and stared at it.

"I advise you to wait a little longer. When this human kid below has the strength of the Taiwu Realm, it will not be too late for you to come back to deal with the 'wildness' on the Daxue Mountain."

"At least until that time, you have to deal with the 'famine' here, and you don't need to waste all your life source."

After the white-haired giant ape finished speaking, he threw the black tower talisman in the palm of his hand and threw it directly to Lin Lan.

"Boy, in the future, before you have enough strength, don't let the ancient letter talisman appear in front of the power of 'Huang', understand?"

Lin Lan reached out and took the Black Tower Token, which was still glowing with icy light.

He could see at a glance that the white-haired giant ape had set a layer of ice-cold restriction on the surface of the black tower talisman.

With this restriction, the Black Tower Token cannot continue to burn the soul source for the time being.

Lin Lan turned his hands and retracted the black tower talisman into his storage ring, raised his head, stared at the white-haired giant ape standing in the sky, and said solemnly:

"Can you tell me why your attitude has changed so much? Have you ever seen such power?"

Lin Lan pointed at the silver light on his body and stared at the white-haired giant ape.

His heart was like a mirror, and of course he could see that the white-haired giant ape had shown extreme disgust towards him from the very beginning.

However, as the power of the source holy blood was motivated, the attitude of the white-haired giant ape took a 180-degree turn.

"I haven't seen the power in you with my own eyes."

The white-haired giant ape responded to Lin Lan in a low voice.

"Then why do you know this power? Do you know what this power represents?"

Lin Lan immediately asked again.

The Sacred Body of Wanwu is the biggest secret in Lin Lan's body. Even the omnipotent sea of consciousness is only a part of the Sacred Body of Wanwu, which shows the power of this physique.

Lin Lan never thought that there might be another person in this world, or even a group of people, with the same physique as himself.

"I know this kind of power naturally because of my inherited memory."

"Humans, you should know that our ancients have inherited memories, and these memories will slowly wake up as our strength increases."

The white-haired giant ape's attitude towards Lin Lan is surprisingly good, and it's like answering every question.

Lin Lan nodded, indicating that he understood this.

The Linjia Beast's inherited memory has helped him several times when he went out to practice.

As for the little giant turtle, because the current strength is still too weak, or because of the impure bloodline, until now, the memory of inheritance has not been awakened.

Then, Lin Lan heard the white-haired giant ape continue: "As for the power in you, what exactly does it represent, I can't tell you right now."

"You have this power in your body, you will know about those things sooner or later, even more detailed than me, but not now."

"What are you selling? Just tell me if you don't?"

Lin Lan frowned slightly.

"You can't say it, what you say doesn't do you any good now."

The white-haired giant ape shook his head.

"Boy, don't ask any more. If I don't tell you, there are natural reasons not to tell you."

"Some things, after you know, the result is not just 'knowing'!"

"Those facts may even change your aspiration to martial arts, your will to cultivate martial arts, and even your beliefs! So I can't say."

The strength of the white-haired giant ape is extremely powerful, even more than that of the dragon and horse.

Its intelligence is naturally not lower than that of ordinary human beings. When to do something, what to say, it considers more things than ordinary human beings.

"Change my heart of Xiangwu? You are too underestimating my will!"

Lin Lan said solemnly.

"I, Lin Lan, pursue the supreme martial arts with all my heart, and will not change until death."

The white-haired giant ape lit the silver light on Lin Lan's body, with a strange smile on his face.

"Now, I'm more sure of your identity. Well, I'll take you out of Daxue Mountain now. This is not where you are now, you can come here."

Lin Lan didn't expect the mouth of the white-haired giant ape to be more serious than he imagined, and he didn't expect that the white-haired giant ape would say a few words, so he wanted to kill himself, and hurriedly said: "Wait a minute!"

"What else?"

"I also want to ask you, where is the Ruan family lineage you mentioned to me?"

How could Lin Lan give up such a good opportunity to know where Ruan Xinxin's family is

To know that the white-haired giant ape in front of him seems to understand the power of the Holy Body Family better than the old man in green robe he met in Evil Wind Valley.

"The Ruan family? Why do you keep struggling with this issue?"

The white-haired giant ape frowned.