The Strongest Landlord in History

Chapter 38: tit for tat



The air seemed to be caught by Chu Yun Qingluan's fierce grab, and a smoke mark came out.

She was angry that Lin Lan dared to shoot at her.

What is her identity, what is Lin Lan's identity? How could Lin Lan dare to attack her

She wants to cut off Lin Lan's hands!

clack clack...

Lin Lan's hand turned, and the palm just caught Chu Yun Qingluan's claw.

With a hard twist, Chu Yun Qingluan's five fingers were also broken.

"With your strength, you dare to shoot at me. Do you think you are strong?"

Lin Lan said to Chu Yun Qingluan.

"what… "

Chuyun Qingluan's face was sore and sweating.

She has always been high above, thinking that she is amazing, how could she think that others would dare to shoot at her

She thought that everyone else could only listen to her bosses.

Even if she saw that Lin Lan defeated her own servant, the master of the Spirit Transformation Realm, she didn't think she should be afraid of Lin Lan.

But who knew that Lin Lan didn't care about her so much at all. As soon as he made a move, he grabbed her palm indiscriminately and twisted it indiscriminately.

She almost broke her hand.


Lin Lan slapped Chuyun Qingluan's other arm again, dislocating it.

"Watch her!"

Lin Lan pushed Chu Yun Qingluan back and asked Shen Tuyan to take care of Chu Yun Qingluan.

"You... have committed a big sin this time. You'll regret it."

Chu Yun Qingluan said fiercely to Lin Lan.

Lin Lan said, "I know. But what do you think I'm here for? To pray for your Chuyun family?"

"It's impossible to get what we need by showing weakness. So, I have to shoot at you."

"You'd better be quiet for a while now."

Lin Lan didn't show a humble look towards her, Chu Yun Qingluan hated her.

This guy, really hateful, she will make him look good.

"Boy, you are too arrogant! When you came to the Chuyun family, you didn't report it, but forced your way. This is already a big crime."

"Now, you still hurt the little princess, is this your attitude to talk about things?"

"You guys have completely angered the Chuyun family. Do you think that the Chuyun family really won't do anything to you?"

"You hurt the people of the Chuyun family, and the Chuyun family will definitely take revenge on you. Just wait and bear the anger of the Chuyun family!"

Lin Lan injured and imprisoned Chu Yun Qingluan in this way. An old man who came with Chu Yun Qingluan said to Lin Lan.

"Don't say nice words. Yesterday, the people from the Eighteen Counties Alliance treated each other with courtesy, and came to discuss matters with the people of your Chuyun family. How did you treat them?"

"Have you been courteous?"

"Isn't they imprisoned?"

"Is this your friendly attitude towards others?"

"And now you are blaming me for what I did. I was the one who was wrong first! You guys can really confuse right and wrong!"

"As for whether I plan to inform you first, I won't say it. Anyway, you will all say that I am rude."

"If you have strength, everything you say is right. If you don't have strength, you can only listen. I understand this truth."

"Right now, I just want to ask that you release the people from our Eighteen Counties Alliance first, and then we'll sit down and talk slowly."

"You Yunyang County, you won't be self-aware, and dare not talk to our Eighteen County Alliance!"

Facing this person, Lin Lan was not afraid, nor flinched, but fought hard.

Shen Tuyan also felt that it was too much for Lin Lan to do this to Chu Yun Qingluan as soon as she made a move.

This is too impulsive and ill-considered.

After all, their Eighteen Counties Alliance has a weaker momentum than the Chuyun Family in Yunyang County.

Then they have to show a certain degree of tolerance when dealing with the Chuyun family.

But Lin Lan is like this, doesn't that make things have no room to turn around

At first, she felt that Lin Lan was wrong.

But after hearing what Lin Lan said, she felt that Lin Lan did the right thing.

The Eighteen Counties Alliance wants to get its own interests this time, just begging blindly and lowering its posture, it is useless.

They have to be strong.

Otherwise, how could the Chuyun family in Yunyang County take them seriously

Begging if they could get the mercy of the Chuyun family, they would not have done that before. How could you forcefully come forward to mine the vanadium-gold mine in Xianyang County

A lot of things, you can get the other party's generosity by not just avoiding them.

"You're pretty good at talking!"

The old man said with a slight smile after hearing Lin Lan's words.

However, he added: "However, your Eighteen Counties Alliance does not have this strength, so what can you do? It is impossible for the Chuyun family to withdraw from Xianyang County."

"We won't do anything to you who imprisoned your Eighteen Counties Alliance this time, just to warn you not to try to oppose our Chuyun family."

"Because you don't deserve it at all."

When the old man said this, Lin Lan raised his eyebrows, and then he said:

"You are so domineering, our Eighteen Counties Alliance really wants to fight with your Chuyun family, I'm afraid you won't get any cheap in the end."

"At that time, both sides will suffer. You Chuyun family, do you really want to do this?"

Lin Lan's words were very aggressive. The old man heard it and said, "Are you threatening us?"

Lin Lan said: "This is our determination. You Chuyun family, you shouldn't want to do this, and it's useless to do it in the end!"

"you… "

The old man let out a long sigh and was speechless.

In fact, they were afraid that the Eighteen Counties Alliance would break the jar with them and fight to the death.

It would be the best to be able to suffocate all the people in the eighteen counties.

What are these eighteen small counties in the Northwest Land

The strength of these counties is too weak.

Do other counties really care about Xianyang County

Although they are an alliance, how united are they really

This is impossible, human nature is selfish. ,

As long as they are restrained, divided and disintegrated, then in the end, this matter can be solved very well.

At this time, I was afraid that a thorn would come out and take the lead in resisting their Chuyun family.

Then, it is impossible for their Chuyun family to suppress this matter quickly.

Then, it's protracted and becomes a problem.

And this is what the Chuyun family doesn't want to see.

Now, Lin Lan is such a person! He is becoming the head of the Chuyun family.

This guy is really troublesome.

He has to be suppressed.

"It seems that you are determined to go against our Chuyun family. Well, let you learn a lesson, so that you will know how to behave in the future."

The old man said slowly.

As the royal family of the Chuling Empire, the Chuyun family could not kill all the people in these 18 small counties.

But it's okay to make them suffer a bit.

The old man suddenly raised his hand.

Lin Lan sneered at this time and said, "Why are you people always so superstitious about your own power?"