The Strongest Landlord in History

Chapter 86: lure


Shen Tuyan was very unhappy at first, but when she heard Lin Lan said this to her, she was instantly happy and said to Lin Lan, "Really?"

Lin Lan nodded heavily to her.

Shen Tuyan was even happier.

It's good for people to be stupid.

In the end, Lin Lan and Chuyun Qingluan went to Qingdi Sect.

The Qing Emperor Sect was the largest sect of the Yan-Remorse Empire in the southwest region of the Yan-Remorse Empire.

The Qing Emperor Sect has been passed down for thousands of years, and it usually spreads to the mainland, recruiting disciples, no matter who applies, it is all right.

However, the entry must pass the assessment, if the strength is not enough, the Qing Emperor Sect will not.

It's like a famous university, you always have to have certain grades before people will be admitted.

Could it be that the Qing Emperor Sect would accept no matter who it was

On this day, two young people came to Qingdi City, which is located in the southwestern region of the Yan and Resentment Empire.

Qingdi City, located in the southwestern region of the Empire of Resentment, is a mysterious area.

Qingdi City is actually a mountain, a mountain city. Because Qingdi Sect is a large sect, there are many people who serve them.

So here, a city is gradually formed.

At the gate of Qingdizong Mountain, there is a majestic stone gate more than ten feet high, like a wild ancient beast with a big mouth, exuding a strong atmosphere.

This place is usually heavily guarded and is a restricted area for ordinary warriors.

But on this day, the situation is a little different. This day is the day when the Qing Emperor Sect recruits students once a month.

Early in the morning, in the square behind the stone gate, it was crowded with young warriors who came to participate in the assessment.

Lin Lan and Chu Yun Qingluan were the Qing Emperor Sect who arrived on this day.

But when they came together, they were shocked by the lively scene in front of them.

The young men in front of them all had expectant smiles on their faces.

They were either laughing with people, or walking around the square, looking around. The uproar came and went.

Seeing this scene, Lin Lan couldn't help but said with emotion: "This scene is too hot, isn't it?"

"This is to be expected, this is the Azure Emperor Sect! The most prestigious sect within the Yan-Remend Empire."

"Every one of the warriors who go out smoothly from here will become a famous powerhouse."

"Qingdi Sect claims to have no class, and recruits only look at talent, not one's status and status. Who wouldn't be tempted?"

Chu Yun Qingluan said to Lin Lan.

Having said that, Chu Yun Qingluan paused for a moment, and then she said again: "Look over there..."

She pursed her lips in one direction.

Following his gaze, Lin Lan saw a thin and ragged young man with a broken porcelain bowl in his hand and a roll of torn bedding on his back. It also came towards the gate of the mountain.

"This… "

Lin Lan shook his head speechlessly. Even beggars came to try their luck. He smiled and said with emotion: "This is the Qing Emperor Sect!"

"Look at those warriors who maintain order."

Beside him, a voice suddenly sounded.

Lin Lan looked up quickly, and saw a fully-armed boy wearing a leather armor with mysterious patterns.

In their hands, they held a long spear, spear, or sword-like weapon, and they exuded a suffocating breath.

A leather-armored boy inadvertently glanced at Lin Lan, and the chill in his eyes made Lin Lan tighten.

This made him feel like he was facing a peerless beast and unconsciously entered a state of vigilance

His eyes narrowed slightly, his muscles tense, ready to fight back at any time.

"Hey, this kid is a bit interesting, very vigilant, and has a good sense of battle."

The leather-armored boy keenly discovered Lin Lan's abnormality, which made him stunned.

However, after that, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he glanced at Lin Lan one more time, and walked away as if nothing had happened.

"Hey! What a powerful warrior, there is a strange aura on them, similar to the beasts in the mountains, very dangerous."

Lin Lan breathed a sigh of relief, still looking at these leather-armored youths with dreadful eyes.

"These people are really powerful, at least they are all above the eighth level of Guiyuan Realm."

Chu Yun Qingluan's face also became solemn, her strength was worse than these people.

"But if you do it, they can't beat me."

Lin Lan said.

"And they are very sharp and don't know how to hide their strength. This is where their strength is not too strong."

Lin Lan secretly said to Chu Yun Qingluan.

Chu Yun Qingluan smiled at him and said, "You will brag."

The two of them are now husband and wife, Chu Yun Qingluan is much gentler to Lin Lan than before.


The two of them were whispering, but suddenly, a young man dressed in luxurious clothes who looked a few years younger than Lin Lan and the others sneered and said to them:

"These are all members of the Qingdi Sect's law enforcement team. If they are not at the eighth level of the Guiyuan Realm and have not experienced life and death experience, they cannot join the law enforcement team."

Chu Yun Qingluan rolled his eyes at this man, knowing a little more would be great? Dare to say that to her!

"The sect is not a good hall. An ignorant idiot who doesn't know anything, even if he is lucky enough to enter, he may not be able to come out alive."

With a sneer of disdain on the face of the young man in Chinese clothing, the words he said became more and more acerbic.

Next to the young man in Chinese clothes, there is a young man in green clothes of a similar age.

The man squinted at Lin Lan and saw that Lin Lan was dressed in ordinary clothes and his breath was not strong, he immediately sneered and said:

"Eighteen-nine, right? You just returned to the primary level of Yuanjing, how bad is your aptitude! You are so embarrassed to come to participate in the assessment."

"I advise you, the Qing Emperor Sect recruits are all true geniuses, not all waste."

This man was looking increasingly disdainful.

Being ridiculed repeatedly for no reason, no matter how good-tempered people are, they can't help but get angry.

What's more, Chu Yun Qingluan has a personality that can't stand the anger of others.

Lin Lan didn't say anything. She looked at the two of them with anger in her eyes, and said coldly: "We are hillbillies, where are you idiots?"

"You dare say we are idiots?"

Both the young man in Chinese clothes and the young man in green clothes were furious, and the young man in Chinese clothes even pointed at Chu Yun Qingluan and shouted:

"Country bumpkin, listen carefully, my father, Su Zhichang, is the chief commander of the Tianfang City Guard Camp and a master of the third-level Spirit Transformation Realm."

He pointed at the green-clothed boy again, and said, "His name is Sun Yaorui, and his father is the commander of Tianhong City's guard camp, with a second-level cultivation in the Spirit Transformation Realm. Little girl, what's your background?"

Tianhong City and Tianfang City are some important gates of the Yan-Remorse Empire.

When Chu Yun Qingluan was pointed at by this person, she felt really unhappy. Who is she, how could she be used to being so bossy in front of her

However, this time the two of them were away from home and were considered foreign friends. When they got here, they couldn't pretend to be big tailed wolves anymore.

Therefore, this made Chu Yun Qingluan a little depressed.

However, she couldn't show her royal status to shock others, but she couldn't let others talk to her like that.

Therefore, she raised her eyebrows and said to this person: "I am your grandmother. Although I don't have a big background, it will not take long for me to become a strong martial artist."

"At that time, you have to be careful."

"And you, Lao Tzu, heroes and idiots, there are a lot of things in the world. I'm afraid, in the future, you will become the type of people who cook and cook in the Qing Emperor Sect."

She saw them as scumbags.

"Fart! Of course we will also become high martial arts experts."

Su Zhichang and Sun Yaorui were furious at the same time and roared unto be outdone.

"Okay, ambitious."

Chuyun Qingluan laughed, and there was a little more joke in the smile.

"You two, why don't we compare? After entering the academy, whose strength will improve faster, and who will break through to the realm of high martial arts first!"

"Compare to compare!"

"Who is afraid of who!"

Su Zhichang and Sun Yaorui said a word to each other.

Immediately, Sun Yaorui was condescending again, glanced at Chu Yunqingluan, and said:

"Little girl, what's the point of just competing? Do you have anything valuable on your body? Use it as a lucky draw!"

"If you want to bet, bet big!"

Chu Yun Qingluan looked at the two of them and laughed, "The first one to enter the Gaowu realm is the boss, and the other two are younger brothers. If anyone dares to go back on it..."

At the end, Chu Yun Qingluan deliberately paused and looked at the two with scrutiny.

"Who is the turtle!"

Su Zhichang and Sun Yaorui spoke in unison, then looked at each other again, and said at the same time, "If you lose, call us the boss."

Seeing Chu Yun Qingluan and the others quarreling, Lin Lan snickered secretly, they were really two simple teenagers who just got into other people's traps.

However, at this time, he deliberately frowned, approached Chu Yun Qingluan, and said with some worry to her expression:

"If you lose, don't you feel embarrassed to admit two people younger than you as the boss?"

"What, you look down on your wife so much?"

Chu Yun Qingluan was so angry that she exclaimed, her heart was full of fire. Chu Yun Qingluan never thought that he would lose.

Lin Lan hit her like this, this kind of husband, what kind of husband, if she didn't choose her, she really wanted to dump him immediately.

"The realm of high martial arts, I have heard others talk about it, it is not something we can imagine."

"In short, those with strong backing will not lack cultivation resources, and the cultivation speed will be astonishingly fast."

"But for ordinary people, it's different. You... , just ask yourself for more happiness."

Lin Lan patted Chuyun Qingluan on the shoulder, looked at her with a sympathetic look, shook her head and said no more.

You bastard, even if your wife doesn't help you, it's even a blow!

Chu Yun Qingluan froze in place, full of anger.

But after a while, she raised her eyebrows again, and there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth. It was interesting to have a challenge. She could win casually between these two people.

Even if she couldn't win in the end, she would just let Lin Lan beat them. Can't win, can't cheat

Want her to call these two the boss, there is no door. Is she making a steady profit without losing money

As for the disciples of the Qing Emperor Sect, there are not many who can outperform Lin Lan.

The two of them came here for not many purposes. What they wanted most was to use the name of the Qing Emperor Sect to give themselves a strong reputation.

This so-called fox fake tiger is also!

In the crowd, there were always two teenagers in ordinary clothes, watching all this with cold eyes.

"Those two seem to be from the Chuling Empire."

one of them said.

The other person nodded slightly, with a relaxed expression: "It's just the primary cultivation level of Guiyuan Realm, and the other one is lower in strength. Don't worry, Young Master Aoyun, I will take good care of them."

"The second test this time is a secret realm test. It's no big deal to die a few people."

"I'm waiting for your good news."

The previous person nodded in satisfaction, pulled away, and quickly disappeared from the crowd.

The crisis was approaching quietly, but both Lin Lan knew nothing about it.

He and Chuyun Qingluan stopped talking casually, mixed in the crowd, listened to people's conversations, and got a lot of useful information from them.

"Have you heard, there are a lot of people participating in the assessment this time. Among them is Fang Yulong from Tianqi City, fourteen years old, with a talent for the land, and his cultivation base has entered the sixth level of the Yuanyuan Realm."

"Although Fei Chengfei of the Fei family in Tianhong City has only high-grade talent, but at the age of fourteen, he has the fifth-level cultivation of the Yuanyuan Realm, which should not be underestimated."

"They are so fierce, why didn't they apply for the academy a year earlier? You can enter the Qing Emperor Sect at the age of thirteen. As long as you have enough strength."

"It is estimated that I want to get the first place in the assessment. Every year, the first place in the assessment has a lot of rewards. I don't know what this year's reward will be."

"Hey, no matter what it is, it has nothing to do with me. As long as I can pass the customs smoothly and enter the sect, I will be satisfied."

In the end, the teenager's sigh became the end, and the surrounding teenagers fell silent.

Thinking of the upcoming assessment, the atmosphere is a little depressing.

"When... when... when..."

At this moment, the loud bell rang suddenly.

A middle-aged man and woman dressed in silver robes walked out of a hall on the side of the square and walked to several small high platforms outside the hall in batches to set up temporary test centers.

Under the assignment of a leather-armored teenager, the teenagers lined up under the various assessment points.

On the examination platform where Lin Lan and the other two were, a beautiful woman in her thirties walked up:

"Hello everyone, I am one of the instructors in charge of the assessment point here. This assessment is divided into two steps. The first step is the strength and talent test."

"If you pass this step, you can enter the second step of the trial. The content of the second step of the trial will be kept secret for the time being."

"I can disclose in advance that the first place in this assessment will receive a top-grade cultivation technique..."

The beautiful woman said to the people in the audience.

"Hey, high-grade exercises, the speed of cultivation is three times that of middle-grade exercises. If I have high-grade exercises, my cultivation will definitely improve by leaps and bounds, and I will soon be able to break through to the sixth level of the Yuanyuan Realm."

It is humane to hear that there is such a prize.

"Who doesn't want high-grade exercises? The local small forces in each city only have middle-grade exercises at the highest level, and high-grade exercises will only be in the hands of superpowers like the big sect."

"High-grade exercises, hey, it's a pity that my strength is not enough."

There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

The beautiful woman's words were like throwing a boulder on the calm lake, causing a huge wave.

Most of the teenagers showed burning eyes, but soon bowed their heads sadly because of their lack of qualifications.

Some self-confident talents are amazing and their strength is extraordinary, and they start to gear up, and regard this practice as something in their pockets.

Only Lin Lan and Chu Yun Qingluan were very calm.

They want it, it's theirs!