The strongest monstrous special forces king

Chapter 1: King's return!


earth star. Jiangbei.

an airplane.

A young man with a handsome face, a little taciturn, has been sitting there quietly.

Chu Feng looked at the clouds outside through the thick windows, his eyes were full of depth and vicissitudes that were not commensurate with his age.

The cabin is very quiet, only the sound of the news program in the cabin.

But not attractive.

Because there are many passengers, some read newspapers, some read electronic novels, and some watch movies.

Suddenly, a piece of news was broadcast on the TV broadcast in the cabin:

The notorious world's top hungry wolf mercenary, all eighteen mercenaries were wiped out!

The strength of any one of these mercenaries is comparable to the existence of the special forces kings of various countries! According to on-site observation, its members have been dead for at least seven days! And it is suspected that it was destroyed by the same person!

Suddenly, there was a slight commotion in the cabin, and low-pitched discussions started.

Eighteen existences comparable to the kings of special forces from various countries!

It was only discovered in seven days!

Suspected to be destroyed by one person!

These words undoubtedly do not irritate everyone's eardrums and eyes!

Chu Feng was unmoved when he heard the news, and still looked out the window.

Beside him, sat a beautiful and quiet girl, Mu Wanqing.

Mu Wanqing was actually very curious about Chu Feng. Ever since Chu Feng got on the plane, he had been looking out the window and didn't speak too much.

When the stewardess was delivering drinks, Mu Wanqing helped Chu Feng with a drink, and Chu Feng thanked her.

This is the only conversation they have the whole time.

"This guy is too cold!"

No wonder Mu Wanqing came up with such an idea.

As one of the three campus beauties of Jiangbei University, as long as any boy is with Mu Wanqing, even if there is no topic to talk about, he must create a topic to get close to her!

How can he be like the young man beside him, Liu Xiahui who seems to be calm in his arms! I only said two words to myself in the whole process!

A middle-aged man in his thirties, sitting on the other side, kept staring at Mu Wanqing all the way.

At this moment, the middle-aged man stood up and walked over.

"Would you like to make friends with the beauty?"

The middle-aged man tried his best to look like a gentleman.

Mu Wanqing was slightly taken aback, but when she saw the look in the middle-aged man's eyes, she felt sick for a while.

Mu Wanqing said politely, "I'm sorry, I don't like making friends very much."

Even though the middle-aged man heard Mu Wanying's refusal, he still stood beside Mu Wanqing, and kept looking at Mu Wanqing's whole body.

"I suggest you think again, otherwise, later, I promise, you will beg to be my maid! Foot-washing maid!"

The middle-aged man made no secrets.

"Please obey the boarding order! Don't harass other passengers!"

A flight attendant happened to walk over during a normal inspection and saw the situation here.

One of the attendants who had been following the middle-aged man walked over immediately, looked at the flight attendant coldly, and said, "You better stop meddling with dogs and mice! Do you know who he is?"

The flight attendant said: "I don't care about his identity, please obey the order..."

The entourage took out a golden business card and threw it on the flight attendant, saying: "Open your dog eyes and see clearly! Do you believe Brother Duo's words will make you lose your job and make you unable to get along?!"

The flight attendant was also angry for a while, but after seeing the name on the business card, he was completely stunned and his face changed drastically.

"Wang Jinduo... Brother Duo! I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you! Please forgive me..."

The flight attendant also apologized immediately!

Hearing the flight attendant's apology, no one blamed him, although the apology was so unprincipled and without a bottom line!

Because, Wang Jinduo, this name is too famous in Binhai!

There are several well-known bigwigs in Binhai.

One of them is the Jinduo Group, and the leader is Wang Jinduo!

Even this airline has shares in Wang Jinduo!

Who dares to provoke Wang Jinduo? It's too long!

Seeing the flight attendant's softness, Wang Jinduo snorted coldly and said, "Who still wants to stop me?"

No one said anything.

Wang Jinduo reached out and was about to grab Mu Wanying.

"Trash, get the hell out of here, don't blame me if you disturb my cleanliness again!"

A calm voice came over suddenly.

"Boy, are you talking to me?"

Wang Jinduo saw Chu Feng's face clearly, and said in a cold voice.

Chu Feng said: "Trash, you are quite self-aware, knowing that it is you."


The attendant was tall and burly, rushed over immediately, and punched Chu Feng.

From everyone's point of view, Chu Feng looked so thin and weak, with this punch, he would definitely be beaten to the ground!


There was a crisp fracture sound.

Several passengers looked at Chu Feng with sympathy in their eyes: Besides Chu Feng's fracture, who else could it be

They also hated what Wang Jinduo did, but they didn't dare to stand up against it!


The follower immediately screamed!

Only then did everyone notice that the one whose wrist was broken turned out to be this mighty-looking follower!

Wang Jinduo was also slightly taken aback, and said: "Hehe, boy, you are actually a practitioner! It just so happens that you, Lord Duo, also know a little bit of kung fu, so I will teach you today!"

But Chu Feng ignored him, flicked a finger at Wang Jinduo, and said, "Ten minutes later, I will take your dog's life!"

Others felt that Chu Feng did this action inexplicably.

Can you kill someone with a snap of your fingers

Could it be that he thought he could snap his fingers

ten minutes later

Just as the plane landed, the flight ended. Could it be that this kid is going to attack the big boss of Binhai on the ground of Binhai

Isn't this kid out of fright

This is simply a big joke!

These thoughts popped up in everyone's mind.



Wang Jinduo, bluntly, his face turned pale for a while.

He immediately knelt down on the ground and said, "Master, please forgive me, I was wrong, I was wrong, I shouldn't bother you! Just spare my dog's life!"

Chu Feng snorted coldly, and said: "Seeing that you are quite sensible, I will give you a chance to survive. If you meet me in Jiangbei within half a month, I will spare your life!"

After speaking, Chu Feng directly tapped Wang Jinduo twice.

Wang Jinduo trembled all over, and his face was extremely pale. He tried his best to smile and said, "Thank you, sir!"

Chu Feng said: "Go away!"

Wang Jinduo immediately returned to his seat with the attendant.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene, and even secretly thought in their hearts, was this mighty Wang Jinduo kicked in the head by a donkey? Inexplicably, he conceded defeat to a young man!

The plane landed quickly.

"What's your name, please, you saved me, I haven't thanked you enough yet..."

Seeing Chu Feng who was about to leave, Mu Wanqing hurriedly asked.

Chu Feng looked at Mu Wanqing and said, "My name is Chu Feng. The reason I taught him a lesson was only because he disturbed me. It was not specifically to save you."

After finishing speaking, Chu Feng turned around and got off the plane.

Mu Wanqing gritted her teeth, trotted a few steps, grabbed Chu Feng's arm, and said, "You are my benefactor. I must thank you, please give me a contact information!"


PS: The world is positioned as the background of Gaowu world! Tiance has 8 million works, his character is absolutely guaranteed! Friends passing by, please read 10'20 chapters first, try the taste, if you like it, you can rest assured to bookmark and read! The update is very fast, rest assured to read! Thanks Tiance!

(end of this chapter)

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