The strongest monstrous special forces king

Chapter 13: Dispose of yourself!


Outside the door of Ye Kee Restaurant.

The hands of the two yellow-haired young men folded bandages and plaster, and stood obediently on one side, listening to the lecture.

The one who lectured them was a middle-aged man with beards, five big and three thick, who walked sideways in the nearby streets!

Known as Pi Wuye!

Behind Pi Laowu, there are five or six young men with strong bodies and fierce faces.

"Fifth Master, that kid is really powerful, he beat us like this with one kick..."

One of the young men was full of grievances and explained.


Pi Lao Wu directly slapped him across the face.

"Very powerful? Hehe, is it possible that in your heart, you are more powerful than Fifth Lord me? Hmph, useless things!"

"You two bastards, if this news gets out, it will simply corrupt my name as Pi Laowu!"

The two young men didn't dare to disobey Pi Lao Wu, so they could only stand aside and listen.

Pi Laowu saw the "Closed Business Today" sign posted outside the door, snorted coldly and said, "Hmph, I guess I know I'm afraid! It's useless, break open the door for me!"

Hearing Pi Laowu's order, the two robust young men immediately kicked open the door of the restaurant.

The restaurants have glass doors.

The two glass doors were detached from the door frame in an instant, fell to the ground, and smashed to the ground.

The huge movement immediately alarmed Ye Shumei and the others in the kitchen!

They all ran out immediately, seeing the menacing appearance of the two yellow-haired young men, Pi Laowu and others, they felt a burst of panic.

Pi Laowu walked inside with a few people swaggeringly.

Pi Laowu sat on the seat by himself.

A young man beside him pointed at Chu Feng and said, "Boy, were you the one who injured my two little brothers just now?"

Chu Feng said without expression on his face, "I don't like people pointing at me!"

Several young people suddenly burst into laughter.

The young man said viciously: "Boy, I like pointing at you, uncle! What can you do? I ask you to kneel on the ground and call grandpa right now!"

The moment the young man was talking to Chu Feng, he saw Lin Yaru standing on the side.

With a fierce look on his face, the young man immediately grabbed Lin Yaru.

Lin Yaru herself was just a student who had just graduated from high school. Where had she ever met such a vicious young man in society, she was immediately overwhelmed with fright.


Chu Feng snorted coldly, and only heard a click. The young man's finger had been broken, and he let out a scream.

Afterwards, Chu Feng flew out with a kick, and his whole body fell onto the shattered glass shards of the glass door, directly piercing his buttocks, and there was another scream.

Pi Laowu was also shocked and raised his brows.

Pi Lao Wu said: "Hehe, boy, you are still a practicing family! No wonder you can beat my two little brothers to fractures!"

"Let me introduce to you first, my name is Pi Lao Wu, I wonder if you have heard my name before."

"Of course, it's not important! Today I'm going to talk about compensation. You injured three of my brothers, and one brother paid 200,000 yuan, a total of 600,000 yuan."

"Of course, you can also choose not to agree. The consequence of not agreeing is that I will take away your store and let you sit in a wheelchair for the rest of your life!"

Pi Laowu said with a half smile.

"What, he... he... he is Pi Lao Wu... fifth master..."

Aunt Wang's face suddenly turned pale.

Ye Shumei's face also changed color. She had also heard of Pi Lao Wu's name, but she had never seen it before.

Old Pi, he's a ruthless man!

In short, Pi Laowu is feared by everyone in the seven streets around here!

Chu Feng said: "Aunt Wang, is Pi Laowu very powerful?"

Aunt Wang's complexion changed, and she quickly said: "Xiaofeng, don't talk nonsense, and apologize to Mr. Pi Wu quickly! Mr. Pi Wu has a lot of adults, and he won't care about your child..."

Ye Shumei also had a worried face, and said, "Xiaofeng, hurry up and apologize to Master Pi..."

With Chu Feng's character, for someone like Pi Laowu, he can cut through the mess and throw him out directly.

But seeing the worried look on Ye Shumei's face, she thought of Ye Shumei's expression when she saw her teaching two young men with yellow hair.

"Forget it, mother doesn't want to see me fight with others, but it's cheaper for this old man..."

Chu Feng cared very much about his mother's feelings!

Chu Feng walked towards Pi Laowu.

Pi Laowu himself was a third-rate martial artist with inner strength, and he was not at all worried that Chu Feng would threaten him.

When Pi Laowu saw Chu Feng walking towards him, he thought that Chu Feng was apologizing to him!


Chu Feng walked up to him.

"Pi Laowu, you are lucky today."

Chu Feng said.

When Chu Feng said these words, the youths who followed Pi Laowu were stunned.

Especially the young man who fell on the glass shards, he was full of resentment towards Chu Feng at this time!

The young man pointed at Chu Feng, and said, "Boy, your forehead is pinched by the door, right? How dare you talk to Master Pi like that!"


As soon as Chu Feng finished speaking, he grabbed a small bottle of pepper powder on the table next to him and threw it at it.

The pepper bottle fell directly into the young man's mouth and burst instantly, smashing several of his teeth.

At the same time, all the pepper falls into the youth's mouth.


A bottle full of pepper powder entered his mouth, and the young man suddenly felt that his entire mouth and throat were not his own, and he even passed out from the pain.

All of this happened between the calcium carbide flames.

Pi Laowu's eyebrows trembled immediately.

But anyone who knows Pi Lao Wu knows that as long as his brows tremble, it means that Pi Lao Wu is really angry, and blood is bound to be seen!

"Dare to hurt my brother in front of me, you are the first! And the last!"

Pi Laowu said slowly.

Chu Feng said: "Pi Lao Wu, you go back on your own, break your own legs, and donate five million to the mountain area."

When Chu Feng said these words, his face was stern, with a tone that could not be rejected or questioned.

(end of this chapter)