The strongest monstrous special forces king

Chapter 134: The wrong place?


Mu Wanqing was actually a little apprehensive about this interview.

Because, she has also heard that there are many rules in the entertainment industry.

In particular, the boss actually chose to ask him to have an interview in the hotel. If she was forced to drink with the guests or something, she would not be able to bear it.

However, she had very much hoped for such an opportunity.

Isn't she fighting for so long because she wants to have a good development in the entertainment industry

Therefore, she did not want to give up this opportunity.

However, in order to avoid accidents, she certainly hopes to bring two people to the interview together. At the very least, the other party will have scruples and avoid some unspoken rules and the like.

Naturally, Lin Yaru has also heard about many unspoken rules in the entertainment industry, so she is of course willing to help her cousin.

Chu Feng also nodded, and said, "Of course."

Mu Wanqing said: "Thank you, Chu Feng. However, I still have one idea, I'm afraid you won't agree..."

Chu Feng said: "Tell me about it."

Mu Wanqing blushed and said softly, "That's right, I want you to be my boyfriend."

Hearing Mu Wanqing's words, Chu Feng was also taken aback.

Is this Mu Wanqing such an open girl

Directly pursue yourself in reverse and let yourself be his boyfriend

Lin Yaru was stunned.

Although this beautiful cousin of mine has started to work in the entertainment industry, she is actually very restrained, and has never even dated a boy!

But now, she actually took the initiative to tell Chu Feng that she wants Chu Feng to be her boyfriend? ! I also have a good impression of Chu Feng!

Mu Wanqing also suddenly realized that Chu Feng and Lin Yaru were too surprised.

Mu Wanqing hurriedly said: "Well, it's not a real boyfriend, it's pretending to be a boyfriend! If I bring my boyfriend to the interview, they will definitely not ask for anything else!"

Chu Feng secretly thought in his heart: This girl really has a relatively simple mind! Could it be that having a boyfriend can resist those rules

However, seeing Mu Wanqing's hopeful appearance, Chu Feng couldn't bear to hit her.

Chu Feng nodded and said, "I can promise you this."

Mu Wanqing was suddenly very happy, and said excitedly: "Great, great! Thank you!"

Chu Feng said: "Well, the boss of the entertainment company is waiting for you, right? Let's go there now!"

Mu Wanqing said: "Well, let's go there now. That Mr. Wang is now in the VIP room where Liu Po fried fish!"

Liu Po's fried fish business is still booming as ever.

The lobby on the first floor was almost full at this moment.

The VIP rooms are all on the third floor.

At this moment on the third floor, there are already guests in every room.

In one of the VIP rooms, there were seven or eight people sitting, all wearing luxurious brand clothes.

One of them was a chubby middle-aged man with a shiny back and a big back. He was Wang Deli, the boss of the entertainment company that Mu Wanqing was talking about.

However, at this time Wang Deli was talking and laughing to a young man with a full face of compliments.

This young man was only in his twenties, but he was seated as the guest of honor.

Wang Deli said: "Song Shao, don't worry, that beauty will definitely surprise you later, and she hasn't completely stepped into the entertainment circle yet!"

Song Shao, called Song Yanhai, is the youngest of the Song family in Jiangbei Province. He has already positioned himself as the next head of the family. Now he is also called the young master in the entire Song family.

Today's Song Yanhai, although he has not yet graduated, has already started to participate in the management of the family.

The Song family itself is involved in real estate, entertainment, retail and other industries, and its economic strength is also extremely strong, and it is also a martial arts family. Although it cannot be regarded as a provincial first-class family, it definitely belongs to a quasi-first-class family!

Facing the Song family, the four major families in Tiannan have to give him seven points of face!

Most of the shares in Wang Deli's entertainment company were invested by the Song family. In other words, this Wang Deli is actually just working for the Song family.

Moreover, this entertainment company is considered a relatively well-known entertainment company in the entire domestic entertainment circle, so Wang Deli still has a lot of say.

Song Yanhai nodded, with a look of anticipation in his eyes, but he also said with some impatience: "I hope you don't let me down! But, why hasn't she arrived yet? Could it be that you asked Ben to come here just to be with you?" Are you a fat and ugly boy gossiping?"

Fat and ugly

Wang Deli's face also turned black for a while.

In other words, in the entire entertainment industry, no one has ever dared to describe him like this!

But he didn't dare to have any displeasure!

After all, Song Yanhai is the young master of the Song family, an existence who can even affect his fate with a single word!

Wang Deli pointed to a thin, bald middle-aged man, and said, "Feng Dazhao, what are you eating? How did you contact Mu Wanqing just now?"

"Call that Mu Wanqing immediately! Tell her to arrive within five minutes, no, within three minutes! Otherwise, not only will she not be able to get packaging support from our company, but she will also be banned from the entire industry by our company!"

Feng Dazhao is a director of Wang Deli's company. Hearing Wang Deli's words, he immediately nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Wang..."

Although Feng Dazhao is very good in front of many celebrities, but in front of Wang Deli, the boss, Feng Dazhao is still humble.

Feng Dazhao immediately took out his mobile phone to call Mu Wanqing.

Just then, the door of the room was opened.

Chu Feng, Mu Wanqing and Lin Yaru all appeared at the door.

Feng Dazhao was reprimanded by Wang Deli for a while, and he was extremely upset.

When Feng Dazhao saw Mu Wanqing, he immediately scolded: "Mu Wanqing, why are you so timeless? Do you want us big bosses to wait for you as a young boy? Immediately bow and apologize to Young Master Song and President Wang!"

Mu Wanqing didn't expect to be reprimanded as soon as she entered the door.

Mu Wanqing really doesn't have much experience, and Feng Dazhao is indeed a very capable director in the entertainment industry, she absolutely dare not offend her!

Subconsciously, Mu Wanqing immediately bowed and apologized, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm late, please forgive me, leaders!"

Feng Dazhao looked at Chu Feng and Lin Yaru. When he saw Lin Yaru, his eyes burst into flames!

Seeing this look, Lin Yaru also felt extremely uncomfortable, but she didn't dare to speak casually, for fear of affecting Mu Wanqing.

"Boy, I don't care who you are. This is not the place for you, get out immediately!"

Feng Dazhao said.

PS: Brothers, let’s get some recommendation tickets! Brothers, some more referral tickets! Brothers, some more referral tickets! Say important things three times~~~~~~ Haha!

(end of this chapter)