The strongest monstrous special forces king

Chapter 200: No one can go!



Every city has its own big family.

In the city, it is known as a first-class big family.

However, looking at the entire province, these so-called first-class big families dare not call themselves first-class big families!

It's just because the first-class big families in these prefectures and cities have the highest level of martial arts, but they are only first-class masters of inner strength!

Martial arts cultivation base, piercing the sky, is the pinnacle of first-class internal strength, and even half-step transformation!

Even if it is half-step transformation, there are very few of them!

After all, as long as one's inner strength is top-notch, and one can break through to the half-step transformation state, one will be able to become a transformation state master in the future!

However, compared to countless warriors, it is difficult for the Grandmaster of Transformation Realm! Difficult as the sky!

But looking at the entire province, there are only a handful of six families who dare to call themselves big families!

Even these families at least have a master of transformation!

For example, Jiangbei Gong's family!

Gong Xiangshu is half-step to the pinnacle of transformation!

However, because of his first-hand poison skills, he is called the thousand-handed poison king!

Gong Xiangshu's comprehensive strength is comparable to that of a master in the early stages of Huajing!

Therefore, Gong Xiangshu, with his half-step cultivation at the peak of the realm, ranked last among the provincial first-class big families.

Even the Jiangbei Song family is powerful and surpasses many first-class big families at the city level, but after all, because there is no grandmaster in charge, it cannot be called a provincial first-class big family!

It's just that Song Pingyi, the patriarch of the Song family in Jiangbei, broke through to the peak of the early stage of transformation, and this was able to rank among the first-class big families at the provincial level!

However, Song Pingyi led the Song family, and after staying in the position of the provincial first-class big family for less than half a month, it was already annihilated!

In addition, there are five more, which can be called the existence of provincial-level first-class big families!

And this Zheng family is the existence that can carry a tripod among them!

The old man of the Zheng family, Zheng Jiudao, is a veteran master of transformation!

Moreover, it has been 18 years to achieve Huajing!

No one knows what state Zheng Jiudao has reached today!

It's just a rumor.

The once-famous Tomb Robber King who spread all over the world, his cultivation is in the early stages of transformation, he is extremely arrogant, and has stolen countless family tombs!

In the end, I met Grandmaster Zheng Jiudao, and was annihilated with just one punch by Grandmaster Zheng Jiudao!

Usually, Zheng Jiudao is also a dragon who sees the head but does not see the tail.

I rarely meet people from other families.

Even if many other family heads came to visit, it was Zheng Jiudao's son, and Zheng Rugong received him.

And Zheng Rugong is Zheng Jiudao's son!

According to rumors, it has already entered the half-step transformation realm!

A double realm!

The whole province is famous!

The entire Zheng family, Megatron the entire Jiangbei!

All big families, no one does not respect!

Despite this, the Zheng family is relatively low-key and not very conspicuous.

However, today, they came to Liu's house with great fanfare!

"Patriarch, the members of the Zheng family seem to want to avenge the Song family!"

The two security guards who ran in earlier said in a panic.

Liu Kaifu's face was full of puzzlement and shock.

"No, no, you must be wrong!"

"We don't have any hatred with the Zheng family, and the Song family and the Zheng family don't have any friendship!"

Liu Kaifu muttered to himself.

Liu Kaihe, Liu Kaiyun, Liu Kaijiang and others naturally heard the reports of these security guards!

"Hahaha! Hmph, the Liu family actually provoked the old master Zheng Jiudao!"

"Chu Feng, the so-called young master, may be even more powerful than the old master Zheng Jiudao?! Haha, I really want to see it!"

Both Liu Kaihe and Liu Kaiyun said as if they were watching a joke.

Liu Kaijiang said: "Brother Kaihe, sister Kaiyun, I think we should hurry up and leave! Mr. Zheng Jiudao is so powerful! The current Liu family seems to be in danger, and the building will collapse!"

For the other members of the Liu family, Liu Yunfeng also immediately said: "Yes, we have already been expelled from the family by the old man anyway, we are not the Liu family, we can stay out of it, let's hurry up and leave!"

Hearing what Liu Kaijiang and the others said, Liu Kaifu's complexion was extremely sallow!

He once again felt the powerful faces of these brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces who had been reconciled on the surface! Short-sighted face!

After finishing speaking, these members of the Liu family will turn around and leave.


at this moment.


There was a loud bang.

The door of the inner courtyard was knocked down by a security guard!

The red and extremely hard jujube wood door hit the ground heavily and fell apart!

And that security guard vomited blood and became unconscious!

"You, none of you can leave!"

A sound, like a drum shaking the sky, shocked everyone!

It made everyone tremble in their hearts.

Then, a figure fell in front of them.

It was Zheng Rugong, the deputy head of the Zheng family!

Half-step transformation master!

"Deputy Patriarch Zheng, I don't know how my Liu family offended you, why are you so inspiring?"

Liu Kaifu immediately asked nervously.

Zheng Rugong, in his eyes, was completely condescending.

It is true that even the first-class family at the provincial level, the Zheng family, is an incomparably top existence.

What's more, the Liu family is just a first-class family at the city level.

Zheng Rugong said coldly: "Liu Kaifu? What are you! Let that old bastard of your family come out! Also, the son-in-law your family just recruited! What is his name Chu Feng?"

Zheng Rugong spoke very contemptuously.

After Liu Kaifu heard it, he was also angry!

However, his skills are not as good as others, so Liu Kaifu can only bear the humiliation and bear the burden, suppressing it in his heart!

Liu Kaifu said: "I don't know, why are you looking for Chu Feng?"

Zheng Rugong gave Liu Kaifu a cold look, and with a flash, he was in front of Liu Kaifu.

Liu Kaifu didn't even have any chance to dodge!


A loud slap suddenly sounded!

Liu Kaifu was blown away by the fan!

Liu Kaifu fell heavily several meters away, with blood on his face!

Liu Kaifu's heart was full of anger, but he suppressed it and couldn't let it out!

The opponent's family is really too strong!

"What kind of thing are you, and you can ask casually? Call him immediately, my father will be here soon!"

Zheng Rugong said coldly.

At this moment, a figure quickly ran out.

It was Liu Zhannan!

"Patriarch Zheng, please calm down! My son is ignorant and asks too many random questions. I'll let Liu Kaifu call that Chu Feng to come here!"

Liu Zhannan said immediately.

Liu Zhannan looked at Liu Kaifu and said, "Liu Kaifu, why don't you go and call that kid right away! Just say, Grandmaster Zheng is here! Let him immediately come and greet him respectfully!"

However, when Liu Zhannan looked at Liu Kaifu, he gave Liu Kaifu a strange look.

Liu Kaifu took a deep breath and said, "Yes! I'll call him right now!"

Liu Kaifu immediately went to the dining hall of the Liu family mansion!

He almost ran forward! He didn't dare to waste an iota of time!

PS: The fourth is even more sent! Ask for tickets, brothers!

(end of this chapter)