The strongest monstrous special forces king

Chapter 261: Spike Special Forces!


With a flying kick, Chu Feng had already stepped on Gou Yunxiao's body!

Stepped on Gou Yunxiao to the ground!

Gou Yunxiao's legs broke with a snap!

Chu Feng's foot just stepped on the dantian at this moment!

Two figures appeared in front of him.

The two people who came had a strong breath!

Qi and blood are very strong!

Even, each of them is at least stronger than Gou Yunxiao's martial arts!

They have all reached the peak realm of the innate second turn!

"Chu Feng, you have wiped out the intruders! You can keep this Gou Yunxiao!"

"Gou Yunxiao has something to do with the Yinshi family. If you kill him, I'm afraid it will implicate the secular stability in Jiangbei!"

One of the men with sword eyebrows and starry eyes said.

Chu Feng looked at him and said, "What's your name?"

The man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes said: "My name is Zhu Changsheng! This is my brother, and his name is Hou Yue!"

The two men were all clad in arrogance, standing there, it was like a sharp sword.

Chu Feng said: "Zhu Changsheng? Hou Yue? What are your identities?"

Zhu Changsheng glanced at the people behind Chu Feng.

Chu Feng said: "They are all the people I trust the most. It's okay if you say it in front of them!"

As soon as these words came out, whether it was Liu Zhannan and the others, or Huang Shaohui and the others, they all felt a surge of heat in their hearts and an indescribable excitement.

Of course they could feel the aura of the two they saw, which was stronger than Gou Yunxiao's!

Moreover, according to the few words they said, it can be heard that the identities of the two of them are definitely not simple!

It's not what they can hear, it's not what they can know!

However, Chu Feng said, there is no need to avoid them! They are the people he trusts the most!

Zhu Changsheng said: "We are the Spike Special Forces!"

Spike Special Forces!

As soon as these words came out, everyone was taken aback.

This is obviously an organization representing the national level!

Gou Yunxiao was also shocked.

In fact, he had just come into contact with the Hermit family.

I just heard about the Spike Special Forces.

They know that the Spike Special Forces is a sharp-edged force.

It can mediate disputes in big families, destroy sea thieves, and snipe dark forces!

This has always been a real sharp edge.

Even many big hermit families are afraid of this army.

During Chu Feng's years in the world, he had heard that the country of Hua had spikes! There are even hundreds of Spike troops!

Each of these hundred people is a special forces king level existence!

The entire Spike is also known as the King of Spikes!

Spike soldier kings, everyone is a special soldier king! Kings of special forces are at least at the level of masters of transformation!

This is the real master of tigers and wolves!

However, the two people in front of them clearly surpassed the level of the Spike Soldier King!

Hou Yue, who stood proudly alongside Zhu Changsheng, spoke at this time.

"Perhaps you have heard of the Spike Soldier King? Hehe, the Spike Soldier King is the elite among all soldiers! Among the millions of soldiers, the top 100!"

"But they are just our peripheral members! They are not yet in the mainstream!"

"We are the King of Soldiers among the Kings of Wolf Fang! There are only twelve members of the Wolf Fang Special Forces!"

When Hou Yue said this, there was a hint of pride on his face.

However, when the twelve people were mentioned, a look of pain seemed to flash across his face.

"Spike King, all claim to be at the level of a master of transformation!"

Chu Feng said softly.

Chu Feng's voice was very soft.

But everyone can hear clearly!

The Spike Kings are all masters of transformation!

However, in Hou Yue's mouth, it turned out to be just not popular!

What kind of terrifying existence is the entire Spike!

What kind of existence is the Spike Special Forces!

Just thinking about it is shocking!

Chu Feng continued: "And you are the Spike Special Forces among the Spike Soldier Kings. They are the top. Both of you should be at the peak level of the innate second turn... You are indeed very strong!"

Hearing Chu Feng's words, Nangong Zhen and the others trembled in their hearts.

When Chu Feng said these words, it was obvious that he was afraid!

And what they saw and heard today really really made them more knowledgeable! I have seen too many things and characters that I am not qualified to see!

For example, the Spike Special Forces!

They don't even know it exists.

However, they had heard of the Spike King.

You know, this is the weapon of the country.

You know, this is the king of soldiers among the kings of soldiers.

Just now, Chu Feng also said that they are at least the Grandmasters of Transformation Realm.

This force can simply sweep away all big families!

Originally they thought that the Spike King was only capable of fighting with a gun, at most he was at the peak of a second-rate internal force, at most he was at the level of a first-rate internal force warrior.


Only now did they know that any Spike King was actually a Grandmaster of Transformation!


Above the King of Spikes, there is also the Spike Special Forces!

The Spike Soldier King, compared to the Spike Special Forces, is still an inferior existence!

They also heard about the Hidden World Family, and about the dark forces...

Can Chu Feng withstand it

They don't want Chu Feng to go to the top!

Because they feel that these forces are too powerful!

Could it be that Chu Feng's head was bleeding

They absolutely do not want Chu Feng to be injured or even near death!

Hou Yue nodded and said: "Chu Feng, you can realize that we are strong, that's enough. We don't want you to continue to make mistakes! If Gou Yunxiao is abolished, it will cause dissatisfaction among some hermit families..."

The panic on Gou Yunxiao's face at this time has melted a lot.

Gou Yunxiao said: "Chu Feng, what they said is correct. I have a close relationship with a big family in the Hidden World Family! If you destroy me, they will definitely not let you go!"

Chu Feng continued to speak slowly: "You are worried that the hidden family will be dissatisfied... Hehe, then when these bastards came to invade me, where were you?"

"Hehe, you are very strong, and the hidden family is also very strong. You are all afraid of each other, and you are all afraid of causing dissatisfaction..."

"But, this, I don't care about my business! They provoked me, I can't hold it in forever!"

"When they abolished me and my relatives and friends, won't they cause dissatisfaction? Paralyzed, it has already caused my dissatisfaction!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Feng stepped on Gou Yunxiao's dantian directly with his feet.

Gou Yunxiao was still smiling at the corner of his mouth, thinking that Chu Feng was afraid! He is scared! Definitely dare not move yourself!


This next moment.

His dantian was like a bursting balloon, bursting quickly!

Chu Feng broke through to the peak of the early Void Realm, and his internal force was extremely powerful. That extremely powerful internal force, like a high-pressure air current, instantly filled Gou Yunxiao's main meridians.

His meridians are like water pipes that are soaring, quickly reaching the critical point, and bursting!

Zhu Changsheng and Hou Yue also stared wide-eyed, in disbelief!

PS: Tiance has just coded one piece, so send it first. In the early morning, there will be another one. Brothers try to rest as early as possible, you can wait until tomorrow morning to watch. Please ask for eight hundred votes! Thank you brothers!

(end of this chapter)