The strongest monstrous special forces king

Chapter 268: Miraculous Doctor Problem!


Chu Feng doesn't use a sword.

Chu Feng said: "I remember that Chen Wu usually uses swords in addition to your Chen family's boxing techniques. Give it to Chen Wu!"

Chen Wu was suddenly excited.

Chen Wu said: "Thank you, Young Master Feng!"

Of course he was excited, this sword is a real treasure!

It is a precious weapon used by a master of the innate realm who is more powerful than the master of the transformation realm, who knows how many times!

"Young Master Feng, the three major families have offered cash and compensation from various industries, a total of 50 billion..."

Chen Yunzhi continued to report the situation to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng waved his hand and said, "You don't need to tell me about such things. You should distribute the compensation yourself!"

For Chen Yunzhi and others, things like family property are big things.

However, to Chu Feng, it was really just a trivial matter.

After Chen Yunzhi heard it, he had no choice but to stop talking.

Chu Feng said: "Today I will go to Yao's house in the northwest with Zhu Changsheng ahead of schedule..."

However, Chu Feng's words were not finished yet.

His cell phone rang.

This person never called him at all.

Now call him.

It was Zhang Jinghu who called him.

Miracle doctor Zhang Jinghu.

At that time, Zhang Jinghu treated Chu Feng's grandfather.

Even in the ward, he also hoped to worship Chu Feng as his teacher.

However, Chu Feng refused.

However, he left contact information for Zhang Jinghu.

He said that in the future, if Zhang Jinghu needs guidance, he can give him guidance.

Chu Feng picked up the phone and said, "Zhang Jinghu, what's the matter?"

When Zhang Jinghu called Chu Feng, he was also in a feeling of anxiety and fear.

He was worried that Chu Feng would simply ignore him.

In Zhang Jinghu's heart, Chu Feng is really a genius doctor!

In front of Chu Feng, his so-called genius doctor was a scumbag.

A real miracle doctor must have his own arrogance.

Even if you don't answer your phone, it's normal!

Now, Chu Feng connected his phone.

Zhang Jinghu felt extremely excited, and said, "Young Master Feng, hello, hello, I'm Zhang Jinghu..."

Chu Feng nodded and said, "Well, I know. Can you just say something?"

Chu Feng really didn't want to waste too much time.

After all, the Yao family in the northwest was very attractive to him.

A hidden family that specializes in building treasure soldiers!

This will also be the first hidden family he has come into contact with!

Zhang Jinghu's heart sank when he heard Chu Feng's words.

He could hear that Chu Feng seemed to be in a hurry and didn't want to waste time.

This means that it may be difficult for him to get help from Chu Feng!

However, after all, he called Chu Feng.

Of course, he can only speak out his own request.

Zhang Jinghu said: "Young Master Feng, my wife has a strange disease. I have been treating her for a month, but I haven't been able to find out the cause... So, I want to ask Young Master Feng to diagnose and treat her..."

After saying this, Zhang Jinghu immediately continued: "Young Master Feng, if you don't have time, forget it."

Zhang Jinghu also didn't want to cause some psychological burden to Chu Feng.

However, he still hoped that Chu Feng could help his wife.

After all, he really loves his wife very much!

After finishing speaking, Zhang Jinghu was like a primary school student waiting to announce his grades, full of anxiety and waiting.

He even held his breath, waiting.

He didn't know this feeling, he hadn't experienced it for decades!

Chu Feng fell silent.

There was a full ten seconds of silence.

In fact, during this period of time, Zhang Jinghu was not just anxiously waiting like a primary school student.

Including, Liu Zhannan and the others beside Chu Feng were all trembling in shock.

They are all warriors with amazing hearing power.

Chu Feng called and didn't shy away from them.

Zhang Jinghu, as a genius doctor in Jiangbei, naturally, these big families all know Zhang Jinghu.

Hearing Zhang Jinghu's voice, he could also distinguish it.

Zhang Jinghu, a majestic Jiangbei genius doctor, also has top medical skills in the country.

When he encountered his wife's illness, but couldn't cure it, she asked Chu Feng for help!

They felt their hearts twitching.

Chu Feng, martial arts monster! The medical skills are monstrous!

However, Zhang Jinghu, in their eyes, may be a miracle doctor! It is a superior existence.

After all, all people, even warriors, will eventually get sick.

Unless one has really reached a high enough level of martial arts, one may be immune to all diseases.

Otherwise, anyone would need a doctor.

A genius doctor is something that everyone wants to know.

If Zhang Jinghu needed anything from them, they would definitely be willing to help.


To Chu Feng, an existence like Zhang Jinghu is really nothing!

And Chu Feng had just finished speaking, and he wanted to go to Yao's house in the northwest immediately.

They could tell that Chu Feng was even ready to leave immediately.


Now, can Chu Feng agree to Zhang Jinghu's request

This moment.

Chu Feng said: "Where are you?"

Back then, Zhang Jinghu was determined to treat his grandfather's illness after all.

Moreover, Zhang Jinghu is obviously really helpless now.

After all, he had been treated for a month and he hadn't found the root cause of the disease, so he called Chu Feng. This also meant that his wife might be terminally ill!

When Zhang Jinghu heard Chu Feng's words, he jumped up excitedly, because it meant that Chu Feng was coming to treat his wife!

Zhang Jinghu said: "Young Master Feng, I'm in Anju Villa next to Jiangbei University. I'll pick you up immediately!"

Chu Feng said: "No need. I will go there right away."

After hanging up the phone, everyone was shocked.

Chu Feng actually agreed to Zhang Jinghu's request.

Because of Zhang Jinghu's request, he changed his itinerary.

When Liu Yaxin heard Chu Feng call Zhang Jinghu's name just now, her heart trembled.

Liu Yaxin is very familiar with Zhang Jinghu.

Because, she called Zhang Jinghu Grandpa Zhang.

Zhang Jinghu was also very close to the Liu family.

Zhang Jinghu's wife also loves Liu Yaxin very much, and often took care of her since she was a child.

In normal times, Liu Yaxin often visited them.

She knew that Grandma Zhang was a little sick, but she didn't expect that now, Zhang Jinghu was helpless and asked Chu Feng for help.

This means that the disease must be serious.

Liu Yaxin asked anxiously for a while: "Chu Feng, what's wrong with Grandma Zhang?"

Chu Feng said: "Zhang Jinghu's wife's illness cannot be diagnosed and treated, so let me help. I don't know the specific situation, so it's probably not very good!"

Liu Yaxin said: "Chu Feng, can you take me with you?"

Chu Feng nodded and said, "Well, you can come with me."

Chu Feng didn't hesitate, and immediately left with Liu Yaxin.

Seeing the back of Chu Feng leaving.

Everyone felt a burst of emotion in their hearts.

Treating friends, brothers, Chu Feng really can do anything!

"Being able to follow Feng Shao is the most correct thing in my life!"

"Being able to get to know Feng Shao is also the greatest wealth in my life!"

Everyone, without exception, thought of this in their hearts.

(end of this chapter)