The strongest monstrous special forces king

Chapter 27: Kneel forever!


Jiang Yechun spoke arrogantly and bossy, and didn't take Ye Zhengwen seriously at all.

Back then, the Ye family was still a first-class family in Binhai.

The Jiang family can only be regarded as a quasi-first-class family in Binhai, at best a second-rate family at the peak level.

What's more, Jiang Yechun is only the most outstanding child in the collateral line of the Jiang family, not a direct child at all.

Therefore, Jiang Yechun had to speak respectfully to Ye Zhengwen.

But now, Jiang Yechun didn't care about Ye Zhengwen at all, and even called him by his first name.

Ye Zhengwen said: "Jiang Yechun, this is my nephew. This nurse is completely fooling my father's care, and even insulted me just now. How do you manage the nurse?!"

Jiang Yechun snorted coldly, and said, "I don't need you to tell me how to manage the nurses. If you don't want your old man to recuperate here, you can get out."

Ye Shumei was also furious and said, "Jiang Yechun, what's your attitude! How can you talk!"

Ye Zhengwen was also angry and chilled in his heart!

When I was still in charge of the Finance Bureau, I helped Jiang Yechun a lot!

It was precisely because of his own help that Jiang Yechun was able to stand out from the collateral children of the Jiang family, and was appointed as the dean of this nursing home.

Back then, the reason why he sent his father Ye Daoming here to recuperate was also because of this relationship. He thought that a father who could take care of him would be better.

However, people's hearts will change after all!

What's more, Jiang Yechun is still a very snobbish person!

Jiang Yechun pointed to Ye Shumei and said, "Ye Shumei, what right do you have to talk to me!"

Immediately, Jiang Yechun looked at Chu Feng in a blink of an eye, and said, "Hehe, is this your bastard son? How dare you make trouble here!"

Back then, the Ye family had a great career, and no one dared to insult her face to face, or insult her son Chu Feng!

Now that the Ye family is in decline, all kinds of people dare to insult it!

Ye Shumei pointed at Jiang Yechun and said, "Jiang Yechun, shut up!"

Ye Zhengwen said: "Jiang Yechun, you ungrateful white-eyed wolf! Did you forget that I helped you?"

Jiang Yechun said coldly: "Ye Zhengwen, what are you! I regret that I got close to you at that time! I wasted my time and dated a worthless wretch with no future!"

Ye Zhengwen's hands were trembling with anger, he pointed at Jiang Yechun and said, "You... you bastard!"

Jiang Yechun sneered and said, "Ye Zhengwen, you have to put yourself in the right place! What are you now! Hmph, my Jiang family can remove you in minutes!"

As soon as Jiang Yechun waved his hand, four security guards quickly surrounded Chu Feng and the others.

"Bastard, immediately kneel down and apologize to me!"

"Hmph, Ye Zhengwen, Ye Shumei, both of you have to kneel down and apologize!"

"Otherwise, my Jiang family doesn't mind completely defeating your Ye family!"

"Let you be reduced to beggars on the street! Hmph!"

Jiang Yechun's voice was full of disdain.

Ye Zhengwen was filled with humiliation when he heard Jiang Yechun's words!

But he also had to bow his head!

He can't let the entire Ye family suffer again!

Ye Zhengwen said slowly: "Jiang Yechun, after all, I helped you back then, and this time I will compensate you! Don't force me to do anything!"

Jiang Yechun said in a cold voice: "Hehe, good. I don't want to embarrass you too much! But Ye Shumei and her wild son must kneel down to me! Then pay me two million yuan in compensation! I don't have to deal with the Ye family!"

For Jiang Yechun, he was only a collateral family after all, and he did not have such great power to deal with a family.


Ye Zhengwen was extremely angry, how could he allow his sister and nephew to be so insulted!

Chu Feng said: "Uncle, don't you insult your identity by talking to such rubbish?"

Before Ye Zhengwen could speak, Chu Feng walked towards Jiang Yechun.

"Jiang Yechun? Hehe, you want me and my mother to kneel down for you?"

Chu Feng's voice was extremely cold.

Jiang Yechun said: "Yes! Xiao Yezhong, do you know you are afraid? Do you know you are going to kneel down to me? Haha, kowtow to me a hundred times!"

Chu Feng said: "A hundred kowtows? And I don't need you to kowtow. Kowtowing to me is an insult to me!"

"I just need you to kneel on the ground for the rest of your life!"

Chu Feng's words seemed to come from hell, which actually made people feel chills.

Jiang Yechun felt chills for no reason.

"How dare you be so arrogant! You simply don't know how to live or die! This kind of wild..."

Li Chunxia's extremely venomous voice sounded.


Before she could finish her sentence, a stone suddenly flew towards her chin.


Li Chunxia's jaw was broken, and even her tongue was broken off!

"Xiao Yezhong, you dare to commit crimes in front of me! Court death!"

Jiang Yechun said angrily.

At the same time, the four security guards quickly rushed to Chu Feng's side.

Click! Click! Click! Click!

Before the four security guards got close to Chu Feng, they were kicked out by Chu Feng a few times, fell to the ground, and let out painful groans.

"I didn't expect you to be a martial artist!"

Jiang Yechun narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

Chu Feng walked towards Jiang Yechun.

"Chu Feng, do you want to be the gravedigger of the Ye family?"

Jiang Yechun said that he believed that he was a third-rate early martial artist with inner strength, and he was confident.

"The gravedigger of the Ye family?"

Chu Feng's footsteps stopped, and he was only two meters away from Jiang Yechun.

Those onlookers also thought that Chu Feng was really scared! How dare he make fun of the Ye family's future!

A smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Yechun's mouth, just as he was about to speak.

Chu Feng's figure suddenly moved!

Click! Click!

With one kick, Jiang Yechun's legs were abolished!

Jiang Yechun's two lower legs became comminuted fractures!

From the knee position, he knelt on the ground!

He can only behave like this in this life!


Chu Feng slapped Jiang Yechun on the face, and said slowly: "Remember, there are no gravediggers from the Ye family. Only gravediggers from the Jiang family!"

Jiang Yechun was stunned.

He is a third-rate martial artist with internal strength, but he didn't react at all just now, and his legs were crippled by Chu Feng!

Jiang Yechun still wants to improve his career in Jiang's family, but now that his legs are disabled, it is difficult for him to have a better future in martial arts, and he will not have a better future in Jiang's family!

Jiang Yechun looked at Chu Feng with resentment on his face, and said, "Boy..."


Another slap hit Jiang Yechun's face.

"Boy? Is this you, a piece of trash, supposed to be shouting?"

When this slap fell, half of the bones on Jiang Yechun's face were cracked!

(end of this chapter)