The Substitute Is Actually This Prince Himself

Chapter 102


After that day, Sui Sui never showed up at Zhengjue Temple again. He only ordered the guards to inquire about King Qi's injuries the next day and sent a batch of medicinal herbs to replenish Qi and blood.

Huan Xuan lay on the bed unable to move, and could not go to the post station to find her, so he could only comfort himself that such a big commotion occurred during the Lantern Festival, and many of her subordinates were also injured or killed. She had to provide relief to her subordinates and plan Huan Rong's rebellion, so it was natural that she had no time to take care of other things.

Huan Xuan had a good foundation and good luck. He spent the most dangerous seven days after being injured safely in Zhengjue Temple. The seven-day wind did not find him, and his wound healed well, with some signs of festering and suppuration. With Zheng Fengyu's approval, Huan Xuan returned to the palace on the tenth day after being injured.

Upon learning that her third son had escaped danger and his injuries were not serious, the empress then reported the whole story of his injury to the emperor. She had previously used the excuse of a cold to delay the report, but if it was delayed for too long, the emperor would become suspicious.

The only remaining legitimate son was seriously injured, which was of great concern. The emperor immediately sent his most trusted eunuch to serve in the Prince of Qi's mansion. If there was any change in the injury, he would immediately report to the palace. He also ordered the imperial pharmacy to take turns guarding Huan Xuan's bed.

Even though he knew his son's injuries were not serious, the emperor was still afraid. The flu, which had been slightly relieved, came back severely. The empress stayed by the imperial bed day and night without taking off her clothes.

The emperor understood his wife best and knew that her sleepless nights taking care of him were not entirely out of affection between husband and wife, but most likely because she wanted something from him. Sure enough, when his condition eased a little, the empress asked to see her two sons.

The emperor looked at his haggard wife. She had been having trouble sleeping and eating these days, and her face was so thin that she looked unrecognizable. Her eye sockets were sunken, her eyelids were red and swollen, and her eyes were bloodshot. She looked really pitiful, but he hesitated for a long time and refused to give in.

The Queen knelt beside the couch and said, "Your Majesty has handed this rebellious son over to the Censorate and the Dali Temple for fair handling. I have nothing to say, but no matter how unfilial he is, he is my flesh and blood, born after ten months of pregnancy, and raised by me. I only ask to see him..."

The emperor was silent for a moment, then said, "After the Censorate and the Dali Temple have concluded the case, I will let you see him."

He paused, looked at his wife, and said meaningfully: "If you really want to see him at that time."

The Queen saw the Emperor's expression and knew that he had made up his mind. She said with tears in her eyes, "Your Majesty has such a cruel heart..."

The emperor closed his eyes, lay on his back on the pillow and stopped talking.

The queen knew that there was room for maneuver, so she could only step back quietly. The emperor would indulge her in small matters, but he was the emperor after all, and she could never influence his decisions.

In the blink of an eye, another half a month passed. The snow in the courtyard gradually melted, and it was colder than when it was freezing and snowing. The first thing Huan Xuan did every morning when he opened his eyes was to ask the eunuch to roll up the door curtain halfway. He could see the situation at the door through the glazed screen. If Xiao Suisui appeared, he would be able to see her immediately.

However, he waited day after day, from dawn to dusk, but she never showed up.

At this time, he could no longer deceive himself. He had been lying on the bed for nearly ten days. Dutingyi was not far from the Prince of Qi's mansion. Even if General Xiao was busy with affairs, he would not be unable to come to see him for so many days. Moreover, the emperor had handed over the case of Huan Rong's treason to the Dali Temple and the Censorate for trial. It was clear that he would not show favoritism. How much could she do in the future

Huan Xuan really didn't understand. When he was first injured, Xiao Suisui was obviously very concerned. Not only did she sew his wounds herself, she also stayed by his bed until he woke up. Although his injury was related to her subordinates, if she really hated him, she wouldn't have to do these things herself. She could have just sent a subordinate to wait for news.

Just as he was thinking about it, a eunuch came in and said, "Your Highness, Prince Yuzhang is here."

Huan Minggui was a frequent runner. Huan Xuan didn't like him and wanted to pretend to be asleep and send him back. The eunuch said, "Prince Consort Cui happened to be here too. His carriage just happened to meet him outside the gate."

Cui's consort was not like Prince Yuzhang, so it was not easy for him to speak freely. Huan Xuan had no choice but to say, "Please invite him in."

After a while, Prince Yuzhang and Prince Consort Cui walked into his bedroom one after another.

He took off his fur coat and handed it to the eunuch, revealing the robe underneath. Prince Yuzhang couldn't wait to put on his newly cut spring gown, a flowing goose yellow and tender green, like a willow bud just emerging by the Ba River, while Prince Consort Cui wore a round-necked gown with a bamboo leaf pattern in a misty color, which made him look even more dignified and solemn against Prince Yuzhang's backdrop.

After the formalities and greetings, Huan Xuan ordered the eunuchs to serve tea and asked Cui Fu Ma, "Is your elder sister feeling better from the cold?"

Prince Consort Cui nodded and said, "Thank you for your concern, I am feeling better now. But I am afraid that I may cause your illness, so I will come to visit you after you recover."

Huan Xuan said, "My injury is not serious. My elder sister is pregnant. It is important for her to rest and recover. I will go to her house to see her when I am better."

Prince Consort Cui was somewhat uneasy when he mentioned this matter. That day, the Grand Duchess was urgently summoned to the palace by the Queen in the middle of the night. When she came back, her eyes were swollen like walnuts, and there was a red palm print on her left cheek. When asked what happened, she would not say anything. She was always in a state of panic. She fell asleep all night, and complained of abdominal pain the next morning. The Queen immediately asked a medical officer to come and see her, who found out that she was only one month pregnant.

She was already careless about these things, and recently she had been tossing and turning because of Huan Rong's matter, losing her appetite and tea, and she began to take the changes in her body to heart.

Probably because she had been tossed around a lot when she entered the palace the day before, her pulse turned red as soon as she was diagnosed with pregnancy. The medical officer gave her acupuncture and used medicine, and managed to stabilize the fetus, but she caught a cold the next day.

Every day when the prince consort returned to the Grand Duke's mansion from the Imperial Censorate, he would stay by his wife's bedside, and as long as he was there, he would bring her soup and medicine without asking anyone else to do it. By this day, her cold was gradually getting better, and her pulse was stable, so the prince consort took time out to visit the King of Qi - the Grand Duke was worried about her brother, and insisted on sending her husband to see him to feel at ease.

Huan Xuan knew that Cui Gongma was thinking about his elder sister, so he did not keep him for long. After he finished his cup of tea, he said, "Since my elder sister cannot leave me, I will not keep you. We can talk about it another day."

If Cui Fu Ma was pardoned, he would immediately take his leave.

After Cui Fu Ma left, Huan Minggui said with a smile: "Don't be fooled by Cui Shisilang's cold face. When things really happen, he will protect his subordinates more than anyone else. I heard that when the Censorate tried the prince's assistants, he made a lot of efforts behind the Grand Duke's back."

The Grand Duke came out of the Queen's Palace crying, with a conspicuous slap mark on his face, which naturally could not be hidden from anyone.

Huan Xuan said, "My elder sister and Huan Rong grew up in the same palace. They have a special bond with each other. She must be feeling bad. Don't let her know what the Prince Consort did in private."

Huan Minggui said: "That's natural. I'll save it."

Huan Xuan called over Xiao Mai and said, "Go to the small storehouse and get some herbs for stabilizing pregnancy and replenishing blood and send them to my eldest sister. I also have some thin silk and soft satin, gold and jade toys for children, pick out a few good ones and send them as well."

Huan Minggui was surprised and asked, "You don't even have a wife, how come you have these things?"

Huan Xuan's ears turned red, and he tried to hide his mistake, saying, "It will be necessary to use it in personal relationships, so it's better to be prepared."

In fact, he had started looking for craftsmen to make these things before the expedition to Huaixi. Since he had to make hairpins for the future princess anyway, he also made the hairpins for the young prince and the young prince, so as to avoid being in a hurry when the time came. But when he came back, he found that his wife had fled, and the child was naturally left behind.

Huan Minggui did not expose him. He took a sip of tea and said, "The Dali Temple and the Censorate are currently stepping up the trial of Huan Rong's case. Your Majesty has given them a deadline to conclude the trial before the tenth day of February."

He paused and looked at Huan Xuan: "What do you think?"

Huan Xuan pretended not to understand what he said: "What can I do?"

Huan Minggui said directly: "The position of crown prince will not remain vacant for too long. Once Huan Rong's case is concluded, Your Majesty and the court officials will discuss the matter of appointing a crown prince."

Huan Xuan couldn't avoid the question any longer since he had made it so clear, so he said, "Your Majesty has more than one son."

Although Huan Minggui had a vague idea of his thoughts, he was somewhat surprised to hear him speak them out. However, from his perspective, he could not ask too much, so he just said, "Have you thought it through?"

Huan Xuan nodded slightly: "Think it over carefully."

He used to think that what he wanted was military power, the position of crown prince, and the throne, but it was not until he possessed and lost Lu Suisui that he realized that power and honor could not fill the hole in his heart. After being stabbed on the night of the Lantern Festival, he lay on the snow, and for a moment he really thought he would die there. He found that he didn't care who would sit on the throne, nor did he care who would get the tiger talisman of the Divine Wing Army. Those things were as light as a feather to him, and he held them tightly in his hands only because he could not hold on to more substantial things.

At the moment of death, his mind was clear, with only one regret left - he might not have the chance to release river lanterns with her again in this life.

Huan Minggui stared at him for a while and sighed softly: "It's not easy to fight for the throne, and it's even harder to give it up. You should be more careful."

The two of them kept it a tacit understanding, but nothing was said. Huan Xuan said, "I understand."

Huan Minggui added: "Although it is said that a strong woman is afraid of being pestered by a man, Xiao Ling is different from others. Even if you chase her to Heshuo, she will still ignore you if she doesn't want to."

Huan Xuan nodded: "I know."

But if he doesn't go to the mountain, the mountain will never come to him.

Huan Minggui stopped talking and said no more.

‌‌ was speechless for a moment. At this moment, a eunuch outside the door said: "Your Highness, General Xiao..."

Huan Xuan's eyes lit up and he immediately used his arms to support himself and sit up.

Before he could get excited for long, the eunuch continued, "Mr. Cheng, who is beside General Xiao, handed in his business card and asked to see you."

Huan Xuan was overjoyed for nothing, and immediately turned grim and asked, "What is he doing here?"

Huan Minggui couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Maybe I'll give myself to you to repay you for saving my life."

Without waiting for him to speak, he raised his voice and said, "Please invite Master Cheng in."