The Substitute Is Actually This Prince Himself

Chapter 114


At nightfall, the main courtyard of Zhaoying Posthouse was brightly lit, and the lanterns under the corridor illuminated the half-tree of pear blossoms in front of the steps.

The woman on the couch had her eyes tightly closed and her face was paler than a pear blossom.

Chun Tiao twisted her handkerchief and tucked away the thin layer of sweat on Sui Sui's forehead. Her movements were gentle, as if she was wiping away dewdrops on pear blossoms.

Sui Sui's eyelashes fluttered twice, and she opened her eyes. She looked a little dazed, as if she didn't know where she was. It took a while for her to gradually become clear: "Chun Tiao, what time is it? Have I slept for a long time again?"

"It's not long now, it's only the hour of Xu," Chun Tiao said, "but did I wake the lady up?"

Sui Sui shook his head: "I woke up by myself, Chun Tiao sister should go and rest for a while."

A mischievous smile flashed across her eyes: "Your face isn't even round."

Chun Tiao pulled the corners of her mouth, as if she wanted to laugh, but her smile was uglier than crying: "My lady, you are still making fun of me at this time."

Sui Sui said: "I'm sorry, I couldn't help but tease you when I saw you."

Chun Tiao said, "Are you hungry, madam? There is porridge cooking in the kitchen. I will ask someone to bring a bowl."

Sui Sui shook his head: "I'm not hungry now, just a little tired."

The poison was very violent when it first took effect, but the high fever did not last long and turned into a low fever within a few days. She did not feel any pain, but she felt weak all over and was always sleepy. If the accompanying doctor had not diagnosed that she was poisoned and found extremely fine poison powder and traces of poison infection in the pharmacist book given to her by the queen, she might have mistakenly thought that she was just suffering from a cold and spring sleepiness.

She could see that the Queen had a grudge against her, but she never imagined that her hatred was so deep that she would use her beloved son's relics as a tool to poison him. She could not have imagined that after living a monastic life with her hair uncut and worshipping Buddha "devoutly" for so many years, she would actually blaspheme the gods and poison the Buddhist scriptures.

It has to be said that the Queen's calculation was quite accurate. If the Buddhist scripture was not Huan Ye's relic, she probably would not have opened it at all. If the silk book was not a Buddhist scripture, she would not necessarily be so careless as to take it for granted.

Chun Tiao said: "My lady, don't worry, His Royal Highness the Prince of Qi..."

Only then did she remember that His Royal Highness the Prince of Qi had ascended the throne and become the new emperor. The obituary of the previous emperor and the edict of the new emperor's accession to the throne had been sent to various states and counties a few days ago. They lived in the post station and had received the news long ago. Moreover, Xiao Ling had many spies in Chang'an City.

"Your Majesty is so smart, he will definitely be able to think of a way," she consoled him, but she didn't sound confident. "Shang Pharmacy has so many great doctors. Since they know what kind of poison it is, they will definitely be able to make an antidote..."

Sui Sui smiled and nodded.

She naturally knew that Chun Tiao was just comforting her. Huan Ye was poisoned with this kind of poison. As the crown prince of a country, all the doctors in Shang Pharmacy tried their best but failed to save him. She must be in great danger this time.

It is extremely sad that a young military commander cannot die in battle, wrapped in his horse's hide, but has to wait for his life to slip away bit by bit in an inn in the capital. Only now did she fully understand her father's unwillingness and helplessness.

But now that things have come to this, she is more worried about the three towns and the imperial court going to war. The Xue Zhi Rebellion has just ended, and if another disaster breaks out at this time, it will surely be a lose-lose situation.

Therefore, she kept the news of the poisoning strictly secret, and only one close confidant knew the inside story. The rest of the guards said that she had a sudden attack of cold, which was why she stayed in the inn for a few more days.

She had given up hope of detoxification and was determined to keep the secret of the poisoning secret to the afterlife, simply claiming to have died of illness.

She didn't want to add to the sorrow of those around her, so even though she knew she didn't have much time left, she still joked and chatted with them as usual, as if she had really caught a cold that would heal soon.

Chun Tiao had known her for many years and could guess what was in her mind. The more he saw her pretending to smile, the more sad he felt in his heart, and his eyes were filled with tears unconsciously.

She sniffed softly: "The medicine should be ready, I will go to the corridor to check."

After saying this, he stood up and retreated behind the screen, quickly wiping his tears with the back of his hand.

As soon as she walked to the corridor, she met Tian Yuerong, who was dressed in tight clothes and had a long sword on her waist.

"How is the general doing now?" Tian Yuerong looked calm, but there was a hint of anxiety between her brows. The guards around Xiao Ling have all been like this recently.

Chun Tiao lowered her eyes and shook her head, and as she shook her head, a tear fell.

Tian Yuerong patted her shoulders. Her originally round shoulders had become much thinner, and even her chin had become pointed.

"Sister Chun Tiao, you should also take a rest," Tian Yuerong said, "The general has no shortage of people to serve him."

Xiao Ling always felt that Chun Tiao was more delicate than her, and they were more like sisters than master and servant.

Chun Tiao said, "I am very confused. It would be better if I had something to do. If I go back to my room and lie down, I will just be thinking about random things."

Tian Yuerong sighed secretly and nodded: "Be careful, don't let your wife get better and you collapse from exhaustion."

Chun Tiao turned his face away, took out a handkerchief from his waist and wiped his eyes: "As long as my wife can get better, it doesn't matter if I'm tired a little."

She sniffed and said hopefully, "Is there any news from His Majesty?"

Tian Yuerong: "The emperor is in the Taiji Palace. The palace is heavily guarded. Our people cannot get in. We don't know what's going on inside."

Chun Tiao asked, "Is there no news from Commander Guan?"

Tian Yuerong said: "No, there is no news from the palace. Commander Guan just sends people to deliver news about the general to the palace every day."

Guan Liulang was ordered to lead a team of guards to guard Zhaoying Posthouse. As Huan Xuan's confidant, he should have connections with Taiji Palace, but even he knew nothing about the current situation in the palace.

"Don't worry too much. The general has narrowly escaped death many times on the battlefield," Tian Yuerong said, "and he will be able to turn danger into safety this time."

Even she herself didn't believe it. On the battlefield, there were swords and guns, which were not as dangerous as poisoning. Even if she could avoid the former, she might still fall into the latter.

It was really despicable that the queen and queen mother of a country would use such low-class means against the governor who commanded a powerful army and was feared by all. Tian Yuerong wanted to lead the troops into the palace and cut her into pieces, but she had to endure it for the sake of the overall situation.

"I'll go see my wife," she said.

As soon as the voice fell, she suddenly listened carefully: "I seem to hear the sound of horse hooves."

Chun Tiao's heart was aroused with hope, but he was afraid that it would be disappointed again: "Maybe it's an official staying here, or a traveler passing by."

Tian Yuerong said: "Most likely."

Even so, she still walked out of the yard: "I'll go take a look first."

Soon, the sound of horse hooves came closer and closer, apparently coming to the post station, and there sounded like there were about ten people.

Chun Tiao's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and soon, footsteps were heard outside the yard.

Two people pushed the door open and walked in. One was Tian Yuerong and the other was Huan Xuan's personal guard Song Jiulang.

Chun Tiao was surprised and delighted: "Brother Song!"

Song Jiulang usually had a smile on his face, but at this moment he looked indescribably tired.

He forced a smile and said, "Miss Chun Tiao, long time no see."

Chun Tiao said: "But His Majesty..."

Song Jiulang said, "Your Majesty sent me to deliver the antidote to General Xiao."

Chun Tiao's eyes suddenly lit up, and then tears welled up in his eyes. He asked in a trembling voice, "Really?"

Song Jiulang nodded, took out a wax-sealed porcelain box from his sleeve, looked at the box, a hint of hesitation and pain flashed in his eyes, but he still handed the box to Tian Yuerong: "This is the antidote, please give it to General Xiao."

He paused and said, "The medicine has been tested for toxicity by the Imperial Court. You can ask the doctor to test it again."

Tian Yuerong took the porcelain box and thanked him: "Commander Song, you must be exhausted from the journey. Please go and rest for a while and have some wine and food. I will help you take the medicine first."

Then he called a young guard and ordered, "Take Commander Song to dinner."

Song Jiulang knew that Xiao Ling's personal guards were cautious and would definitely ask the doctor to test the poison again. He was afraid that it would be inconvenient for him to stay here, so he said, "I would be disrespectful to refuse. Your Majesty also brought a message to General Xiao, and there is something else you want to give to the general in person. When the general is ready, please let Commander Tian know."

After saying that, he followed the guard.

After the doctor had tested the poison, Chun Tiao passed the medicine in and let Sui Sui take it.

In just a short while, Sui Sui felt drowsy again, and fell into a deep sleep after taking the medicine.

I slept until the next morning.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Harujo and Tian Yuerong were standing by her bed, looking at her eagerly.

"What do you think, madam?" Chun Tiao asked.

Sui Sui laughed in silence. Even though it was an antidote, it didn't work immediately after taking it. She still felt weak, but she couldn't bear to pour cold water on them: "So many."

Seeing that she was still weak, Chun Tiao couldn't help but doubt whether the antidote was effective. However, if even this medicine was ineffective, they would have no other choice.

Tian Yuerong said, "Your Majesty also sent a prescription. I have asked Doctor Shen to look at it. It is a good prescription for nourishing the liver and detoxifying. Madam, please take the antidote for a period of time."

Sui Sui nodded: "Okay, has Commander Song left?"

Tian Yuerong said, "Commander Song stayed at the inn last night. He said that His Majesty had asked him to bring a message to the general."

Sui Sui said: "Help me up and wash and change clothes."

Tian Yuerong asked, "General, do you want to rest for a while?"

Sui Sui said: "No problem."

After washing and changing clothes, Sui Sui asked Chun Tiao to help her to the hall and invited Song Jiulang to come.

Song Jiulang obviously did not sleep well the night before. His face was pale and his eyes were bloodshot. He was completely different from the guard who was always smiling in Sui Sui's impression.

She immediately saw the palm-sized rosewood box on the table and her eyes moved.

"I'm here to see General Xiao," Song Jiu bowed and said, "Is the general feeling better?"

Sui Sui nodded: "I am much better now, thanks to your majesty for giving me the medicine, and thanks to Commander Song for his hard work."

Song Jiulang said: "General, your words are very important. It is a blessing for me to be able to do a little service for you."

Sui Sui glanced at the box and asked, "Does your Majesty have any instructions?"

Song Jiulang said: "Your Majesty ordered me to bring a message to the general."

He paused, trying not to let his voice tremble: "Your Majesty said that things change with the passage of time. When we first made the promise to light the lanterns, we underestimated my desire to stay. It was not until the throne was in front of us that I realized the power in his heart."

Song Jiu felt that every word was like a knife, cutting his heart with every word, but he had to continue speaking and could not show any strange expression.

He picked up the box from the table and presented it to Xiao Ling: "His Majesty said that the appointment with the general to light the lanterns had to be cancelled. I should have apologized to General Xiao in person, but I am too busy with government affairs to come and see him off. I can only ask my subordinates to convey his wishes. I hope General Xiao will enjoy eternal happiness and endless joy."

Sui Sui took the box and opened it gently, only to see a glazed lotus lamp lying on the brocade cushion. It was still exquisite, but unfortunately it had been broken.

She couldn't bear to look at it a second time, so she quickly closed the lid and lowered her eyelids: "I understand. Please ask Commander Song to tell His Majesty that His Majesty takes care of himself. I wish Your Majesty continued blessings from afar."

Song Jiulang said: "Thank you, General Xiao. I will definitely bring you here."

Sui Sui looked at the box for a long time, then put the broken glass lamp into the box.

Of course, she did not believe in the so-called clinging to power and greed. Huan Xuan said this just to make her give up. Perhaps the Queen Mother used the antidote to force him to submit, or perhaps she was using the same old tricks, threatening him with her life and using filial piety to pressure Huan Xuan to obey.

But no matter what the inside story is, it has become a foregone conclusion.

Song Jiulang left the hall, his shirt soaked with cold sweat. His Majesty ordered him not to reveal his true identity, but it was not easy to keep calm.

When His Majesty called him to the imperial bed and told him what he had said before he left, he was puzzled: "What if General Xiao doesn't believe it?"

His Majesty just smiled and said, "She is so smart, of course she doesn't believe it, but if I don't go to see her, she will inevitably suspect that something has happened to me. If you talk to her like that and smash the glass lamp to her, she will think that I want her to give up, so I avoid seeing her..."

Sui Sui rested in the post station for another half a month. The pear blossoms in the courtyard bloomed and withered, and before he knew it, spring had arrived.

The antidote was indeed effective. After taking it for three days, the low-grade fever that had lasted for a long time subsided. After taking the prescription sent by Huan Xuan for more than ten days, her pulse gradually returned to normal.

Although he was still a little weak, it was no problem for him to ride in a carriage and travel slowly.

The day of departure has arrived.