The Substitute Is Actually This Prince Himself

Chapter 122


After General Xiao left, Zheng Fengyu found that his patient suddenly became more thoughtful. He changed from pretending to obey the doctor's orders to actually obeying his orders and regarded the doctor's orders as golden rules.

In less than a month, he was able to throw away his crutches and walk in the garden.

The lotus in the mountain pond courtyard bloomed and withered, it was the season of falling leaves and flying geese to the south again. His body had finally recovered to about 70% of its original state, but because he had neglected it for several months, his riding, shooting and swordplay skills had not yet recovered to their peak. However, that was only compared to himself. Song Jiu and the others were no match for him, and Guan Liu could only barely fight him to a draw.

The eldest princess came to see him every other day. Seeing her brother's health gradually recover, she knew that the time of separation was approaching. Sure enough, one day, as soon as she left the court, she received a note from Chang'an Square, inviting her and her husband to meet at Shanchiyuan that day.

The next day was a day off, and the princess finally had a chance to sleep in, sleeping until the sun was high in the sky before she and her husband got in the carriage to go to the mountain pond courtyard.

As the carriage entered the gate of Chang'anfang, the princess could not help but warn him: "My husband is leaving soon. You must be angry when you see him later."

The prince consort said coldly: "I know."

He had originally planned to stay in the Censorate for a few years and then be transferred to an official post outside the capital. By then, the children would be older and able to withstand the bumpy journey, so he could take his wife and children to appreciate the scenery of the south of the Yangtze River.

As a result of this incident involving Huan Xuan, not only would the princess be responsible for regulating the country, he would also have to shoulder the entire responsibility of the Censorate.

He couldn't help but say, "Your younger brother is really calculating. He went to enjoy himself, and all your calculations were in vain."

The princess knew that he was holding back a lot of anger, so she patted the back of his hand and said, "Shilang is still young. When he grows up and can rule the country, we will pass this responsibility to him."

The prince consort snorted coldly: "It will take several years before the new emperor can rule the country. By then, I wonder what the court will be like."

He didn't say it too clearly, but the princess understood what he meant. Huan Xuan asked her to be regent because, firstly, the ruler was young and the country was in doubt, and there was really no one more suitable than her. Secondly, it was because they had a good relationship as siblings, and it would be beneficial for Xiao Ling and Dazhen to have her rule the country. After ruling for a few years, she would definitely have a force that could not be underestimated in the court. When the new emperor took power, he would not dare to move against Dazhen easily as long as she was holding him back - even if he knew the secret of Huan Xuan's fake death, a powerful princess who was right in front of him was much more dangerous than the "late emperor" who was far away in Dazhen and hiding his identity.

Huan Xuan's move can be said to have killed a bird with one stone, ensuring the safety of his loved ones to the greatest extent possible.

The princess stroked her belly and sighed softly, "It's not his fault. I, as your elder sister, have not cared about him all these years."

The prince consort said nothing more, but just shook his wife's hand.

Before they knew it, the carriage had entered the mountain and pond courtyard.

The banquet was held in the main hall of Qinghan Courtyard. Apart from the eldest princess and her husband, the only person who came was Prince Yuzhang. Apart from Huanxuan's own people, they and Doctor Zheng were the only ones who knew this secret in Chang'an.

Huan Xigui was not late for the first time and even arrived earlier than the couple.

Several people sat down to the table, and delicacies and fine wine were served like flowing water. Huan Xuan raised his glass and said, "I invited you all to my humble abode today to talk with you."

Although the princess had expected this, she still felt a little disappointed. It would be years before they would see each other again.

"When will you set off?"

Huan Xuan said, "The nineteenth of this month."

"Then we can only fuck..." the princess murmured.

Huan Xuan nodded.

"Have you prepared your luggage?" the princess asked again, "How many men and horses do you plan to take with you?"

Huan Xuan said, "We will travel light this time, with only about ten people."

The eldest princess raised her eyebrows: "How can that be possible!"

She immediately realized that Huan Xuan had changed his status. He was no longer the emperor or the prince, and his original men and horses were no longer his.

She said, "Take all the guards you have here with you, and I will assign two hundred more guards from my palace to you."

Huan Xuan wanted to say something, but the princess said firmly: "Although you don't want to be a member of the Huan family anymore, you are still my younger brother. I will not allow you to go to Heshuo empty-handed."

She paused and said unhappily, "Even if you are going to marry a foreign prince, you should bring a dowry. My brother is so poor that he can't afford to lose face."

Huan Xigui burst out laughing.

Huan Xuan glared at him and sneered, "Some people are eager to marry, but unfortunately no one wants them."

Huan Xigui said: "Yes, yes, you are not as beautiful as Princess Xuan, the peace of the border depends on you."

The eldest princess saw her brother's face getting darker and darker. She was afraid that they would fight if they disagreed, so she quickly changed the subject: "Sixth cousin said before that he wanted to go to Jiangnan. Is there any time for him to go?"

Huan Xigui glanced at Huan Xuan and sighed, "It has been delayed for half a year and it's not for anyone, but someone just doesn't appreciate it and has a cold face all day long."

Huan Xuan said: "Of course it's for your cook and wine."

Huan Xigui put his hand on Huan Xuan's shoulder and said, "No one is better than Ziheng."

Huan Xuan said, "The cook and the wine are all left to you."

Huan Xigui was a little surprised, and then said, "Take him to Heshuo."

Huan Xuan was surprised and asked, "You don't want it?"

Huan Xigui said, "I have to go to Heshuo anyway."

The princess asked curiously, "When was the decision made?"

Huan Xigui smiled and took a sip of wine: "Just now, I saw that Princess Xuan needed someone to escort her to the wedding, and only this cousin of mine could go with great reluctance."

Huan Xuan said firmly: "Don't even think about it."

Huan Xigui said leisurely: "It's not you who has the final say in this town. Before General Xiao left, he kindly invited me to visit Heshuo when I'm free. If you don't want to take me with you, you can go by yourself."

Huan Xuan asked, "Didn't you make an appointment with Cheng Zheng to meet in Jiangnan? Are you going to break the appointment?"

Huan Xigui said: "I was just about to tell you."

He took out a folded letter from his sleeve and raised it: "I just received a letter from Master Cheng the day before yesterday. He traveled from north to south and happened to visit General Xiao in Heshuo. According to the date, he should arrive in Weizhou in October."

Huan Xuan's eyebrows jumped.

Huan Xigui chuckled and shook out a piece of paper. On it was sprinkled with gold powder, painted with peach blossoms, and a five-character poem written in beautiful handwriting. It was not a letter from Cheng Zheng at all.

He laughed and said, "You are kidding. This is a poem sent to me by Xiao Xiangxue from Pingkangfang."

Huan Xuan snatched it from his hand without saying a word and tore it into pieces.

Huan Xigui's smile froze on his face, and his lips trembled: " you you...Huan Ziheng, you actually tore up the love poem that the beauty wrote to me! We are sworn enemies!"

Huan Xuan lifted his skin and said: "Tearing up love poems is nothing, I can also tear you up."

Huan Xigui sneered and suddenly grabbed a piece of drum tower and threw it at Huan Xuan.

Huan Xuan dodged immediately, but the oil in the meat filling still spilled all over him.

This mutton stuffing was not made casually. The smell of mutton was so pungent that Huan Xuan almost vomited. He stood up suddenly, rushed out of the main room without looking back, and rushed into the bathhouse.

By the time he washed himself, changed his clothes and returned to the banquet, Huan Xigui was already lying on the table, drunk.

The eldest princess rubbed her forehead and laughed, "You are so old, but you are still like a child."

Huan Xuan ordered people to help Huan Xigui to the side room, and asked the eunuchs to remove the food table and replace it with a tea table.

The eldest princess showed her beauty to her husband.

The prince consort got up and walked out, making the excuse of changing clothes.

Only the brother and sister were left in the hall. The eldest princess took a sandalwood box one foot square from the maid and then dismissed the servants.

She opened the box, and found it was filled with the finest real pearls and gemstones, which shone brightly under the light.

The eldest princess pushed the box in front of her brother and said, "You keep it."

Huan Xuan declined hurriedly: "I am so grateful for your kindness, sister. I am ashamed to accept it."

He paused and said, "And I'm not short of money."

The princess smiled at him and said, "I know you don't need money, but this is my sister's gift. I can't come to your wedding with General Xiao, so I'll give you this gift first."

Huan Xuan then said, "Thank you, sister."

The eldest princess said, "I am your biological sister. Why would you argue with me? If you have time, please come back to Beijing to see us. Remember to bring your nephews and nieces with you."

Huan Xuan said: "I have promised my father that I will never come to the capital again."

The princess asked, "Huan Xuan cannot enter the capital. Are you still Huan Xuan now?"

Huan Xuan remained silent.

The eldest princess said: "Father is not afraid that you will regret it in the future, but if you regret it and want to take back your kingdom, how can a promise constrain you?"

Huan Xuan nodded: "That's right."

The princess hesitated and said, "You really don't plan to see the Queen Mother before you leave?"

Huan Xuan said, "Please keep this secret for me, sister."

The Queen Mother still believes that he is not dead. When the funeral bell rang that day, she wailed and fainted. After waking up, she was a little confused.

The princess sighed and said, "I went to see her yesterday. The Queen Mother has been in a bad mood since you... She has also started to talk nonsense during the day..."

She seemed unable to tell whether it was her eldest son or her youngest son who had died. When she was conscious, she sat there alone without saying a word. When she was confused, she called out her eldest son's name.

Huan Xuan said indifferently: "Huan Xuan is already dead. From now on, I have nothing to do with her. This is good for both her and me."

The eldest princess knew that he would never forgive the Queen Mother Xiao Ling for poisoning him, and she also knew that she was in no position to persuade him to reconcile with his mother, so she could only nod in silence.

After the two finished talking, the prince consort also came back from the purification room.

Princess Huanxuan said, "My sister is still pregnant, so I won't be able to keep you here for long."

The eldest princess' eyes were filled with tears: "My dear, you must be well..."

He concealed his identity and quietly left the city, so the eldest princess naturally could not see him off. This might be the last time they would see each other.

Huan Xuan was also unmoved, and bowed deeply to the ground: "Take care, sister."

He saw the two of them off to the door, put them in the carriage, and watched the carriage drive out of Shanchi Courtyard until it disappeared at the entrance of the alley, then he turned back.

Just as the eldest princess and her husband left, Nanny Gao came back from her nephew's home in Lantian. Her nephew had given birth to a little granddaughter. She went to attend the full moon banquet a while ago and stayed in Lantian for a while.

Huan Xuan called Madam Gao to the courtyard and asked, "Madam, do you plan to live in Lantian, the palace, or Shanchiyuan?"

The old maid frowned when she heard this: "Your Highness, do you think I am useless and want to abandon me?"

Huan Xuan was stunned. Nanny Gao had taken care of him since he was a child, so he certainly didn't want to separate from her. But she was old after all, and she had a nephew who was willing to be filial to her and take care of her. There was really no reason for her to follow him to Heshuo.

"The capital is thousands of miles away from Heshuo, and the winter in the north is extremely cold, so I am worried..."

Before Huan Xuan could finish, Nanny Gao said, "Are you worried that I won't make it to Heshuo? Maybe there won't be any old women left in Heshuo? Don't worry, Your Highness. I am old and have a tough body. I won't be willing to die until I raise your young prince and princess."

Huan Xuan said helplessly: "Mammy, he is no longer a prince."

Grandma Gao patted her forehead and said, "Look at this old servant's memory. That's the young master and the young lady."

Huan Xuan asked: "Madam, are you really going to Heshuo with me? You have relatives in Lantian..."

Grandma Gao said, "They have their own mothers to take care of, why would an old servant like me join in the fun?"

She paused, and suddenly her dim eyes shone with light, and she said eagerly: "In my life, this old slave has only been to Lantian, and I also want to broaden my horizons along the way! Young master, please don't think I'm old, but I'm old but not old."

Huan Xuan couldn't help but laugh: "Okay, then I'll take Madam to appreciate the beautiful mountains and rivers."

After a few days, Huan Xuan set out to leave the capital.

His 100 personal guards decided to follow him to Heshuo without hesitation. Together with the 100 guards assigned to him by the princess and the servants in the mansion who were willing to go to Heshuo, there were nearly 500 people in total.

No matter how fast a team of 500 people left the capital, it could not be hidden from everyone's eyes, so the princess simply gave them the identity of an envoy group and went to the town to "entertain the troops" in an open and aboveboard manner.

The governor's office of Heshuo Town.

Sui Sui got up early in the morning, picked up a knife and pushed the door open. Just as he walked down the steps, he suddenly found that the plum blossoms in the yard had withered.

She was slightly startled, and before she knew it, winter had come again.

This year's winter came early, and it's already a glassy world in October.

However, there were only two months left before their appointment to light the lanterns, and Huan Xuan had not yet arrived.

He had set out in early July, so logically he should have arrived long ago, but not only did he not show up, there was no news from him for the past two months. This could not be blamed on him. If anyone had to blame someone, it was because he was unlucky. When they arrived near Heyang, refugees in Heyang rebelled within a few days, the post roads were cut off, and no news could be sent back.

Although Sui Sui knew that he brought hundreds of Jingwei, he was also accompanied by an old lady like Grandma Gao. If he happened to be trapped by the large and powerful rebels, he might not be able to be safe.

Unfortunately, the border was in turmoil during the autumn and winter seasons, and she could not leave the Jiedushi Mansion. She could only send a group of personal soldiers to Heyang for support. After more than 20 days, there was still no news.

As the days went by, she became more and more restless.

After practicing a set of sword skills in a restless manner and returning to the room to take a shower and change clothes, the sound of clattering boots could be heard outside the door.

Tian Yuerong pushed the door open and came in, quickly walking towards her: "General!"

Sui Sui asked, "Is there any news about Huan Xuan?"

Tian Yuerong's expression flashed with mischief: "That's not the case."

Sui Sui's face darkened: "What's the matter?"

Tian Yuerong said, "Tsk, someone is leading a group of people to join the general."

The Heshuo army was well-known, and refugee leaders often came with their own troops to join them. Sui Sui was not surprised to see this: "How many troops are there?"

Tian Yuerong said: "I just took a rough look at the area, and there are probably about 5,000 to 6,000 people and over a thousand horses."

Sui Sui was surprised and asked, "So many?"

It’s okay to have a lot of people, but thousands of horses are not a small number.

She asked, "Where did those people come from? Who is the leader?"

She said thoughtfully, "Put the troops outside the city and bring the leader to see me."

Tian Yuerong couldn't help laughing: "The troops came from Heyang, but I don't know who the leader is. I only know his name."

Sui Sui finally realized that something was wrong with her, and lifted her skin and asked, "What's your name?"

Before Tian Yuerong could say anything, a familiar voice rang out from outside the door: "The surname of the person is Lu, which means a deer."

A man came in after lifting the curtain, holding a half-ripened white plum blossom in his hand, with a smile on his face: "My humble name is Lu Ziheng, and I am honored to meet General Xiao."