The Substitute Is Actually This Prince Himself

Chapter 17


Duan Beicen is Xiao Yan's biological son. After his father died in the war, Xiao Yan adopted him as her son. He is two years older than Sui Sui. He is not only her confidant, but also her growing up companion.

They are superiors and subordinates in public, but as close as brothers in private.

Duan Beicen also had some smiles in his eyes, but more of it was worry: "You still have the mind to joke."

He has always been taciturn. No matter how deep his worries and concerns are, he will not express them out loud. All his words are expressed in this faint complaint.

Sui Sui understood that with their long-term friendship, many things did not need to be said.

The two walked side by side into the forest behind the house.

The forest was covered with pine needles, which felt soft when stepped on, like a velvet carpet. The autumn sun shone through the branches and leaves, casting a mottled shadow on the two people.

Birds are chirping in the treetops, water is gurgling in the distance, and the forest is filled with the fragrance of pine needles. It is quiet and peaceful, perfect for reminiscing about the past.

The two had little time to reminisce.

Duan Beicen untied a long and narrow cloth bag from his waist and suddenly threw it to her: "I brought your knife."

Sui Sui raised his hand and caught it tacitly.

She untied the cloth bag, pulled out the black lacquered long sword decorated with gold and silver ornaments, and rubbed the shark skin hilt lovingly, her eyes moving around as if she was reminiscing with an old friend.

With a "clang" sound, the cold blade was pushed out several inches, the sound was like a dragon's roar, and the cold light illuminated the dark forest.

She didn't sheath the entire blade. Instead, she stroked the exposed portion of the blade with her fingers, put it back into the sheath, and handed the knife back to Duan Beicen.

"Not staying with you?"

"It's inconvenient," Sui Sui still looked at her knife, eyes full of reluctance, "Please take good care of it for me."

This tone made Duan Beicen couldn't help but curl the corners of his mouth.

"How's the injury?" he asked.

Sui Sui moved his left shoulder and said, "It's nothing serious, it's just that I've been slacking off for too long, so my skills aren't as good as before."

Duan Beicen's eyes were full of apology: "It's all my fault for not doing my job well. Something went wrong with the response."

Sui Sui smiled and said, "Who knew it was such a coincidence that we happened to encounter the Divine Wing Army entering the mountains to suppress bandits. It's not your fault."

After a pause, he asked, "How is the situation in Heshuo?"

Duan Beicen said, "Since the beginning of autumn, the Xi people and the Khitan have invaded the border. Xiao Tongan has ordered the preparation of food and fodder. It seems that he is in a hurry to send troops. I think he wants to take advantage of the unstable situation in the Turkic country to take back Yingzhou."

Sui Sui groaned and said, "He can't win this battle."

Duan Beicen's eyes moved slightly, and he nodded and admitted, "He doesn't have that ability."

"Besides, we can't defend it if we conquer it," Sui Sui said, "We can't spare that many troops to garrison. The sons of the old Turkic Khan are fighting for the throne. We can just sit back and watch the fight, and help whoever shows signs of weakness. As long as the Turks can't take care of themselves, the Xi and Khitan are nothing to be afraid of."

Duan Beicen said, "Xiao Tongan may not know that although he has taken over the three armies, the court's attitude is ambiguous and he has not been officially conferred the title. The army is unstable, and Xue Zhi is watching covetously, just waiting to replace him. He is now in a difficult situation and can only win a big victory as soon as possible to win the support of the people."

What's more, the battlefield is a place of brutal brutality, and it is a good opportunity to eliminate dissidents and purge subordinates.

Sui Sui sneered: "My uncle is not good at leading troops, but he is good at thinking."

After a pause, he looked at Duan Beicen: "What do you think?"

Duan Beicen hesitated for a moment: "Xiao Tongan insists on sending troops, just to quickly destroy us. When the two of them fight, both will suffer losses, and we can sit back and reap the benefits."

He looked at Sui Sui deeply and said, "You can also come back earlier."

Sui Sui frowned slightly, then smiled: "I will go back sooner or later, there is no need to pave the way with the blood of soldiers. I know you are worried that people will forget about you. If you delay any longer, I am afraid I will never be able to go back."

He paused and said, "But if I go back a few days earlier and let the soldiers die, am I still worthy of their following?"

Duan Beicen lowered her head. She was right. The biggest difference between her and Xiao Tongan was not that she was a military genius, but that she would never take human life for her own selfish reasons.

She never fights unnecessary battles and never sheds unnecessary blood. Duan Beicen, who has been in the army, knows how difficult it is for a general to do this.

He knelt on one knee and saluted: "I am ashamed."

Sui Sui hurriedly helped him up: "You are thinking about me, how can I blame you. Xiao Tongan trusts you very much now. He has great ambitions but little talent, and his will is weak. He is easily influenced by his trusted people. You must find ways to persuade him not to send troops. My 200,000 soldiers at the border are relying on you."

Duan Beicen said sternly: "I obey your command."

Sui Sui smiled and said, "There is no one else here, calling me subordinate all the time is very strange."

Her smile was so bright, reflecting the green pines and cypresses, as if flowers in the forest were just blooming.

Duan Beicen suddenly noticed that she was wearing a skirt today, which seemed to be different.

He was in a daze for a moment and turned his face away in embarrassment.

He felt that his action was abrupt and became more and more embarrassed, so he stared at a ripe pine cone on the branch, as if studying its pleasing growth.

Sui Sui saw it and his eyes moved slightly.

Duan Beicen's expression quickly returned to normal, but there was still a hint of inconspicuous blush on his handsome face.

Sui Sui looked at the shadow of the sun on the rock and said to Duan Beicen, "It's getting late. You should go back to the posthouse as soon as possible to avoid arousing suspicion."

Duan Beicen nodded, and the two of them returned along the same route.

After walking quietly for a while, Duan Beicen suddenly asked, "Are you still investigating the late crown prince's matter?"

Sui Sui was slightly startled, then said, "Yes."

"Any clues?"

Sui Sui shook his head.

Duan Beicen hesitated and finally said, "Have you ever thought that maybe there is no inside story and the truth is just like that."

"I've thought about it," Sui Sui said, "but I don't believe it."

Duan Beicen frowned slightly: "It's been so long, you still can't let it go?"

She smiled casually, but that smile was a little sad, like the last ray of setting sun on the snow in winter.

Duan Beicen said nothing more, that smile was the answer.

The two were almost at the edge of the pine forest. The ancient gate of Linghua Temple was not far away. Duan Beicen stopped and said with courage: "The capital is a troubled place. You don't have to stay here. I can arrange..."

Sui Sui said: "I stayed in Chang'an not only to investigate Huan Ye's affairs."

Duan Beicen raised his eyebrows.

"Xiao Tongan is cowardly and incompetent, and he has no prestige in the army. If no one secretly supports him, he wouldn't dare to shoot an arrow in my back even if he had a hundred guts."

Duan Beicen hesitated for a moment and said, "You mean..."

Sui Sui nodded: "I suspect that the emperor is behind this, and Xiao Tongan is just a puppet."

The current emperor is not like the cowardly and incompetent previous emperor. Even if he cannot swallow Heshuo, he will not sit idly by and watch the vassal generals dominate the country like his father and grandfather did.

If he could calm down and spend decades, two or three generations, slowly planning and taking every step carefully, weakening the power of the local military governors would be just around the corner. It would not be impossible to bring the towns in Hebei back to the imperial court - after all, the Huan family was the legitimate heir of the Yongzheng dynasty, and as long as the people were not destitute, the people's hearts would still be with the royal family.

However, the emperor could not wait any longer. He wanted to be the leader of the Yong Dynasty's revival and leave a glorious name in history.

When people are anxious, they lose their patience and are easily driven by desire to take dangerous actions and become dizzy.

For example, if you choose Xiao Tongan, who is more likely to cause trouble than to accomplish anything, as a puppet, then everything is doomed to fail.

Sui Sui continued, "If my guess is correct, the reason why the court has not yet granted Xiao Tongan the title is that there is something that has not been settled. The court should have the next move soon."

She paused and said, "We are far away from the border, and we don't have a clear view of the complex forces in the court. This is a good opportunity to sort it out and see if there are any weaknesses that can be exploited."

Duan Beicen was silent for a while, then sighed softly: "Be careful."

Sui Sui nodded: "I won't act rashly. No one thought I would dare to come to Chang'an, let alone think I would be in the Prince of Qi's villa."

Of course she couldn't hide her affair with the King of Qi from Duan Beicen, and Sui Sui didn't want to conceal it either.

Duan Beicen also knew the amazing story of Huan Xuan and Ruan Yuewei.

His two long sword-like eyebrows were twisted almost into a knot: "You don't have to... wrong yourself like this."

Sui Sui smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will wrong anyone but myself."

Duan Beicen was silent.

Sui Sui said: "It's just that each of us takes what we need. The King of Qi is good, and I have no dissatisfaction with him at the moment."

The implication is that if you are not satisfied one day, you can leave at any time.

She spoke in a brisk tone, as if the King of Qi was just a pastime for her to amuse herself and relieve boredom.

Duan Beicen, however, was worried, as he had heard that the Prince of Qi and the former crown prince looked alike.

But he also understood that he had no right to interfere in her private affairs, and no one could persuade her once she had made up her mind.

He was silent for a while, and then said, "If the King of Qi was involved in the affairs of the late Crown Prince..."

The Prince of Qi has an older brother, so the position of the Crown Prince will never be his. Moreover, he had no foundation among the civil and military officials four years ago, and was not valued by the emperor. Logically, he has no motive, but anything can happen.

Sui Sui did not hesitate at all and said calmly: "Then I will kill him myself."

Duan Beicen knew from her expression that she was serious. He was speechless for a moment, and then said after a while: "Be careful. If you have any problems, send me a letter."


"I will be leaving Beijing on the sixth day of the New Year. Is there anything you want me to do?" Duan Beicen said when it was time to say goodbye.

Sui Sui shook his head, and then his eyes moved: "By the way, please find me a contraceptive medicine from the Western Regions."

That was a secret medicine from the Western Regions, a red bean-sized pill that could be placed in the navel to ensure safety. She was not completely confident in the contraceptive soup from Prince Qi's mansion, so she had to add an extra layer of protection to rest assured.

Duan Beicen didn't have to do this. She brought it up deliberately just to cut the Gordian knot and sever any possible feelings he might have.

Duan Beicen looked complicated, and hesitated for a while before nodding: "Okay, I'll have someone deliver it to the cosmetics shop, and you can pick it up in twenty days."