The Substitute Is Actually This Prince Himself

Chapter 80


This sentence was like a basin of cold water poured over his head. The illusion just now disappeared, and he truly realized that the person in front of him was Xiao Ling, not Lu Suisui.

He had never owned her, so there was no question of betrayal. Even if she summoned the twin brothers to sleep with her tonight, it would have nothing to do with him.

What she said just now was telling me clearly and unambiguously.

Huan Xuan knew everything clearly in his mind, but he still felt like a knife was stabbing at his heart.

Xiao Ling walked to the table and turned on the copper lotus lamp beside the table. The light illuminated a jug of wine and two empty silver cups on the table.

She picked up the wine pot, raised her eyes and asked Huan Xuan: "Your Highness, are you drinking?"

She used to call him "Your Highness", always with a hint of tenderness and affection. Now she still calls him "Your Highness", but with a hint of coldness and distance.

Huan Xuan was standing three steps away, not sitting down, his face half hidden in the darkness, his thin lips tightly pursed, his face extremely cold, his eyes like ice, but there seemed to be fire burning underneath the ice.

"I am not here to drink with General Xiao." Huan Xuan said.

Sui Sui filled the silver cup in front of him with wine, picked up the cup and took a sip, then raised his eyelids and looked at me, and said calmly: "What do you think, Your Highness?"

Huan Xuan said, "I have a few questions for General Xiao."

In fact, I already knew the answer, but I still had a glimmer of hope in my heart. Maybe she had to hide her identity, maybe she had her own difficulties, or maybe she didn't mean to deceive me.

Or maybe he just wanted an excuse. As long as she was willing to explain, he would accept any excuse, no matter how ridiculous it was.

Sui Sui held the wine glass and glanced over the rim: "Your Highness, please feel free to ask whatever you want to know. I will tell you everything I know."

Huan Xuan's lips moved slightly, but he couldn't say anything. He couldn't ask what he really wanted to ask: Have you always treated me as a fake? Who is in your eyes when you look at me? Have you ever been sincere to me from the beginning to the end

But he didn't even have the qualifications to question her, because he was the one who first treated her as a fake, and he also changed his mind halfway through.

After a long while, she asked, "Why are you pretending to be a hunter girl?"

Sui Sui said, "I was waiting for my subordinates to come and help me, but I unexpectedly met Your Highness going into the mountains to suppress bandits. I was rescued by Your Highness. It just so happened that I needed to recuperate, so I followed the opportunity."

Huan Xuan's brows relaxed slightly. At least their meeting was destiny and not a trap set by her. He held on to this thought tightly, just like a drowning man suddenly grabbing a piece of driftwood.

‌ then asked: "You can leave after your injury heals, why do you stay?"

Sui Sui said, "I just happened to have some things to deal with in the capital. Following Your Highness to the capital can save me a lot of trouble, and staying in Your Highness's house can help me hide my whereabouts. I would like to thank Your Highness for his protection."

He raised the cup and drank the wine in it.

Her indifferent attitude stirred up the evil fire in Huan Xuan's heart again.

‌ said coldly: "How can I be so worthy as to ask the general to be my concubine?"

Sui Sui seemed not to hear the provocation in his words, and said calmly: "We each take what we need. Your Highness needs comfort, and I also need a place to hide."

Huan Xuan said: "General Xiao was so flexible that he submitted to the young king in order to hide his tracks."

Sui Sui said, "Your Highness, thank you for your praise."

He paused and said, "It's just a trivial matter. It's been so long. Your Highness doesn't need to mind it."

Huan Xuan said, "General Xiao is too modest. I still remember that General Xiao sacrificed himself to block an arrow during the autumn hunt. I will never forget your great kindness."

Sui Sui smiled lightly: "Your Highness has misunderstood. I wanted to push you away, but I underestimated my own strength. The arrow shot was an accident. Your Highness does not need to take it to heart."

Huan Xuan suddenly remembered the words she hadn't finished saying when she leaned on his arms in a trance after being shot by an arrow.

"Your Highness, this time I finally..."

Your Highness, this time I finally caught up, this time I finally saved you.

I still remember the look on her face, the satisfaction of having fulfilled her long-cherished wish.

Huan Xuan's face turned even paler.

After a long silence, he sneered, "Is it an accident or is it because of concern?"

Sui Sui knew from his expression that he had understood: "Probably a bit of both."

She paused and said, "And I am also to blame for the attack on His Highness. When I was investigating the cause of Jingchu's death, I found that His Highness was also investigating, so I sent this news to the Crown Prince."

Huan Xuan was startled when he heard the name of his elder brother. Then he understood the meaning of her words and said in disbelief, "It's... "

‌‌ could not understand why the prince suddenly lost his patience at that time and took the risk to get rid of ‌ as soon as possible. Now he knew that Xiao Ling was behind it.

Even though Xiao Ling had great magical powers, since the prince was determined to kill her to silence her, the situation must be very dangerous. She had anticipated this and still used her as bait.

His heart sank as his voice trembled slightly: "To avenge my elder brother?" It wouldn't matter even if this bait died.

Sui Sui nodded: "Yes."

Huan Xuan still refused to give up: "You knew that there was a nine-death chance, so why did you stay by my side at that time?"

Sui Sui lowered his eyes slightly: "Because he is Jing Chu's younger brother, and I have been investigating the real cause of death."

Huan Xuan stared into Sui Sui's eyes: "That bowl of birthday noodles..."

Sui Sui said: "It's for Jing Chu."

Huan Xuan nodded: "Very good."

I couldn't help laughing, and I didn't know what I was laughing at, but the corners of my mouth couldn't stop rising, and the corners of my eyes were tinged with a hint of red.

"Very good," he repeated, "How many things about General Xiao do I not know?"

Sui Sui looked directly into his eyes and said, "I was the one who killed Huan Jiong, because I found out that Jing Chu was poisoned by you. I went to the city not to worship Buddha on the day of Shangsi, but to kill you."

Huan Xuan's lips trembled slightly.

She fell seriously ill as soon as she came back. It was not because she was neglected and unhappy, nor was it related to the selection of concubines. The only person who could affect her joy, anger, sorrow and happiness was Huan Ye.

The "Your Highness" she murmured while she was sick was certainly not him. She cried bitterly while holding him in her arms because she regarded him as her elder brother.

‌ is a complete fake.

Such a product is indeed not worthy of being a fake.

Sui Sui looked at him quietly, seeing the cold sweat on his forehead flickering slightly in the candlelight.

She continued, "Even if Zhao Qinghui didn't attack me, I planned to leave Chang'an after the expedition. This would save me a lot of trouble."

Huan Xuan's eyes were red, but his smile became deeper.

It turns out that revenge for her is just wishful thinking.

After a while, he managed to say something through his teeth: "General Xiao has made every possible plan, so he naturally expected that I would find Youzhou."

Sui Sui's eyes moved slightly. She actually made mistakes sometimes. She didn't expect that he would go to Youzhou in person.

Huan Xuan stared at her face and said, "When I went to Youzhou to look for you..."

Sui Sui interjected: "I am in the Bai family's courtyard, separated from you by a wall, and I can even hear the sound of your conversation clearly."

She paused and said, "I know you fainted in the courtyard, and I also know you were seriously ill in the inn. I didn't even think of going to see you when your life was hanging by a thread. Your Highness, do you have anything else to ask? You can ask today."

Huan Xuan's gaze roamed over her face, as if he was trying to find the slightest crack, the slightest flaw, but there was nothing. She seemed to be carved from solid ice that had not melted for thousands of years, smooth, cold, and impeccable.

His lips trembled slightly: "I don't believe it."

Sui Sui said calmly: "What don't you believe, Your Highness?"

Huan Xuan stepped forward and said, "I don't believe you haven't been tempted."

He stared into her eyes and said, "I don't believe it."

Sui Sui lowered her eyes and smiled slightly, as if she had heard the funniest joke in the world.

She shook her head slightly, picked up the wine jug, filled the empty glass, and raised the glass to her lips.

Before the rim of the glass touched her red lips, Huan Xuan suddenly reached out and snatched her glass and threw it aside.

Without waiting for her to get another wine glass, Huan Xuan swept the wine pot and wine glass on the table to the ground. The silver pot and silver cup knocked on the gold brick floor, and the crisp sound echoed in the silent winter night.

Sui Sui just looked at me calmly, as if she didn't care about my unnecessary troubles at all.

Huan Xuan suddenly realized that she had never changed. No matter how he treated her in the past, she never got angry or complained, and she always tolerated him so kindly.

I used to think it was admiration, but now I know it’s all because I don’t care.

But I don't believe it. I still remember that spring night before we parted. She was clearly moved and reluctant to leave me. That soul-stirring and heart-wrenching feeling couldn't have been an illusion of mine.

Eager to prove something, she leaned over the desk.

She did not dodge, and even looked up slightly, as if inviting him. Their bodies were so close that even their breathing was entangled.

There was a layer of moisture on her lips and a faint smell of alcohol in her breath, which made me more intoxicated. I remembered how soft her lips were, and I remembered the feeling of each time our lips and tongues intertwined. She must have remembered it too.

He raised his hand to push aside the hair on the side of her face, and put his forehead against hers, nuzzling her nose, his lips approaching but not quite touching: "General Xiao, you forget things a lot, I will help you recall."

There was almost some malice in her voice: "I know you like it."

After several years, he still knew her body well and could easily arouse her into a state of confusion and passion.

Hearing her breathing become rapid, he felt a sense of revenge in his heart and said coldly: "It seems that General Xiao has not forgotten me."

His slender and flexible fingers wandered inside her clothes, and he felt the skin under his hands gradually getting hot.

Sui Sui suddenly smiled softly: "Yes."

Huan Xuan's hand paused.

He raised his hand and gently stroked her earlobe. The thin calluses on his fingers rubbed against the sensitive area, making her back stiff.

"I like it very much," she said with a smile, "Your Highness likes it too. In this case, it will be a pleasure to go to Wushan together."

Huan Xuan suddenly pulled his hand back.

Sui Sui brushed the long hair that fell on her shoulders. Her collarbone and shoulders glowed like pearls in the light. "What's wrong, Your Highness? I won't be back to Wei Bo until after the first month of the lunar year..."

She raised her hand and stroked Huan Xuan's cheek and said, "I have nothing to do, so why not entertain you? I really like Your Highness."

Do you like me or this face? I know the answer without even asking.

Huan Xuan grabbed her wrist and said, "Lu Sui Sui!"

She opened her red lips slightly, her voice low and hoarse, gentle like a sigh, yet cruel like the sharpest knife in the world: "I'm sorry, there is no such thing as Lu Suisui in my original book. I can't give her back to you."

Huan Xuan's grip loosened and he slowly pushed aside Xiao's fingers, and Xiao's hand fell down weakly.

Sui Sui put her clothes back on her shoulders, stood up, tied her belt slowly, then walked to the bed and opened the box.

She found a long and narrow sandalwood box, opened it, and took out a long sword with a black sheath and a gold and silver pattern.

She walked back to Huan Xuan holding the knife and placed it on the table: "I took your sword unintentionally. Since your highness is visiting today, it is a good opportunity to return it to its original owner."

The golden patterns on the sea sparkled in the firelight, and Huan Xuan recognized it at a glance as his chaotic sea. It was followed by the sword he had worn through life and death, which he had used to exchange for a jade pendant for a woman.

The jade pendant was broken, and the woman was just an illusion.

The only thing you love wholeheartedly is fake.

How did this knife end up in Xiao Ling's hands? He no longer wanted to ask. General Xiao had extraordinary powers. There was nothing he couldn't do and nothing he couldn't get.

He smiled and said, "I won't take back the scrap metal that has been thrown away."

He lifted her left hand, placed the knife handle in her palm, closed her fingers, and then drew the knife out of its sheath.

The blade that had drunk countless blood and taken countless lives flashed with a terrifying light.

‌Hold the blade with your hand and slowly bring the tip of the knife closer.

The sharp blade cut open his palm, and blood oozed from between his fingers, dripping onto the gold brick, making a hollow sound, and the smell of blood filled the candle smoke.

Xiao Ling knew what he was going to do, but she just looked at him calmly. Her eyes were still clear and crystal in the light, like amber.

Huan Xuan's lips curved slightly, and he couldn't help but feel confused as to how he could have seen such deep affection in those eyes. Her eyes were indeed amber, and sealed in them was deep affection that had long since died. For thousands of years, until forever, there would not be the slightest change.

The tip of the knife touched his cheek and cut his skin. It took a long time for blood to seep out of the wound, staining half of his cheek red.

"It doesn't look like that anymore." He let go of my hand, stood up, and walked out the door resolutely.