The Substitute Is Actually This Prince Himself

Chapter 82


Sui Sui quickly bathed, changed into court clothes, and said to Tian Yuerong, "Let's go."

Tian Yuerong asked: "Which horse will the generals ride into the palace today?"

Sui Sui hesitated for a moment and said, "Chase the wind."

Tian Yuerong let out a "huh".

Sui Sui glanced at her and said, "Why? It snowed again last night, and Jianying's leg is still injured. Isn't this natural?"

Tian Yuerong said: "Yes, what the general said is right."

The two walked through the snow-covered courtyard, where red plum blossoms were in full bloom. The fallen petals looked as red as blood against the fresh snow.

Tian Yuerong couldn't help but think of the blood-stained appearance of the King of Qi when he came out of the military room last night. She didn't know what happened in the room, but it was definitely not a pleasant thing. Today, the military's face didn't show any clues, so she didn't dare to mention it.

She thought for a moment and said, "The Chen brothers are quite interesting. They don't look like musicians in the music school, but more like young masters from aristocratic families. Especially the one in black, who is full of pride, worthy of being of royal blood."

Sui Sui smiled and said, "The Chen Dynasty was destroyed long ago. He used to be a prostitute. What kind of bloodline is so useful? He is just a poor man."

Some high-ranking officials did not like the fawning of ordinary music actors, so they chose this kind of impoverished royal family from the former dynasty and deliberately trained him to be arrogant. In the final analysis, it was also to please the powerful.

Unfounded pride is just bluffing. Even if it looks like it, it will be broken with a single poke. She had expected too much just now.

Sui Sui sighed softly and said, "Those two kids are quite talented, but it's a pity that they are just enjoying the sights and sounds. You should teach them how to use swords and knives."

Tian Yuerong raised her eyebrows; "Won't the general personally instruct him?"

Half jokingly, he said, "I think the child named Zidian is quite pleasing to the eyes of the general..."

Sui Sui glanced at her and said, "It's tiring enough for me to instruct you alone."

Tian Yuerong smiled and said, "I am a lowly person, thank you for your tolerance, General."

While the two were talking, the guards brought the horses from the stable.

Tian Yuerong stroked the horse's mane and said, "Little Black Face, your whip is so beautiful. Who combed it for you?"

The little black face raised his head and neighed proudly.

Tian Yuerong nodded pretentiously: "Oh, so it was the Grand Marshal who combed your hair himself. You are truly the most favored Ma Empress in the harem. Incredible, incredible."

The horse didn't understand that people were making fun of it, and thought the tone was praising it, so it neighed proudly.

Sui Sui glared at Tian Yuerong and pulled the reins: "She is a bad person, don't pay attention to her, little black face."

As soon as the little black-faced boy heard the tone of his master, he bared his teeth at Tian Yuerong.

Tian Yuerong bent over with laughter and said to Sui Sui, "I don't know how this horse's temperament was cultivated."

He paused and said, "The groom said that the day before yesterday at Baqiao Post, a post horse was particularly fierce. It relied on its status as a landlord to steal the grass from Tingying. Tingying was good-tempered and let it steal, but Little Black Face kicked it out with a kick. It's strange to say, Little Black Face usually doesn't get along with Tingying and bullies it whenever he gets the chance, but when he sees it being bullied by other horses, he becomes more anxious than Tingying himself."

Sui Sui smiled and pulled the horse's ear: "My little black face looks like this." After saying that, he inserted a freshly picked plum blossom into its braids and immediately turned over and rode on the horse.

At this time, the other attendants had also arrived, and Cheng Zheng was also among the attendants. They all wore court robes according to their rank, but he was the only one wearing white clothes and white fox fur, which made him particularly eye-catching.

Sui Sui glanced at him, nodded slightly, and then left the inn with his entourage.

When he arrived at Penglai Palace, Sui Sui dismounted in front of Longwei Road. The eunuchs beside the emperor had prepared a sedan chair and were waiting for him. The emperor's bestowal of a sedan chair was a treatment only for important ministers with high moral character. This was a move to demonstrate the emperor's tolerance and favor for the Heshuo Jiedushi. Sui Sui declined with fear and trepidation, and after a round of goings and comings, he "anxiously" sat on the sedan chair.

The emperor received Xiao Ling in the Purple Palace, which was the main hall of the eastern inner bedroom area and where he usually held court. Meeting the military governor here showed both the emperor's importance to the military governor and his friendliness.

Sui Sui got off the sedan chair in front of the hall and walked up the stairs.

Inside and outside the hall, there were many guards in uniform. The emperor sat high on the imperial couch, exuding an air of majesty and murderousness.

Xiao Xuanjun, however, didn't care at all. He walked into the hall leisurely, then bowed according to the etiquette.

The emperor suffered from rheumatism, his temples were gray and frosted, and he looked sick, but his eyes were still as sharp as an eagle's.

His eyes fell on Xiao Ling's face and he was slightly startled. Although he did not believe the rumors about King Kong and Wuyan in the market, he definitely did not expect that the god of war who was feared on the battlefield would be a stunning beauty, combining the beauty and elegance of Madam Su with the bravery and handsomeness of Xiao Yan. She was wearing a military officer's robe and her demeanor was far superior to that of an ordinary martial artist.

However, the emperor would not take her stunning beauty lightly, because she was not only the descendant of an old friend, but also the most formidable opponent in Dayong today.

His eyes softened, and he said like a kind-hearted elder: "Mr. Xiao is handsome at a young age, and he has inherited his father's style."

Xiao Ling said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner: "Your Majesty, thank you for your compliment."

The emperor invited her to sit down again and asked if her journey to Beijing was smooth. He then said, "I heard earlier that Xiao Qing was in danger, and I was worried about sleeping and eating. Fortunately, Xiao Qing was saved. Otherwise, I don't know how I would face my old friend in my grave."

Xiao Ling bowed and said, "Your Majesty, your words are serious. I am deeply terrified."

The emperor said, "When I was in the palace, I was also a close friend of your father. Later, we became the emperor and his subject, but we rarely have the opportunity to meet."

After a pause, he said, "It's rare for Xiao Qing to come to the capital, so you must stay for a while."

Xiao Ling said: "Thank you for your hospitality, Your Majesty."

The two exchanged pleasantries for a while, and the emperor rewarded them with some gold and jewelry, then said, "I have ordered people to prepare some light wine for Xiao Qing to welcome him. Please move to the Linde Hall."

Xiao Ling said: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your generous gift."

The two of them came out of the Purple Palace chatting and laughing, and one after another got on the sedan chair and headed for the Linde Palace.

Except for the prime minister and officials from the Ministry of Rites, most of the officials who attended the welcoming banquet were military officers. In addition, there was the crown prince, two princes and a group of royal family members.

The Linde Hall is composed of three halls connected in front and back. The front hall is open and surrounded by east and west corridors.

The banquet was held in the front hall and the middle hall. The hall was tall, wide and deep. The emperor and Xiao Ling walked into the hall one after the other. At first, the crown prince and the ministers could not see her face clearly, only her figure was vaguely discernible. Perhaps because she had practiced martial arts since she was a child, she was taller and slender than the average woman, but she had nothing to do with the rumored eight or nine-foot-tall diamond body.

When she came closer and everyone saw her face clearly, the sound of a pin drop could be heard in the hall.

The bright lights, the carved beams and painted buildings, the brocade curtains and red pillars, everything around seemed to lose its color in an instant. As soon as they saw her, everyone's eyes were unconsciously drawn to her. However, her beauty was also like a sharp sword that seemed to be able to cut people, making people dare not have any blasphemous thoughts.

The Tenth Prince was only eight or nine years old. He leaned out from behind his elder brother, stretched his neck, and looked at Xiao Ling's appearance. He couldn't help but exclaimed "Huh?", which immediately caused the Tenth Prince beside him to cover his mouth quickly.

Xiao Ling didn't care and turned around and smiled at the little prince.

This unintentional and beautiful smile captures the beauty of spring.

Children can also distinguish between beauty and ugliness. The tenth prince's face flushed, and then he felt a little disappointed. He whispered to his brother from the same mother: "Mammy said that Xiao Xinjun is a Yaksha who eats naughty children. How come she is a beautiful sister..."

The tenth prince hushed and lowered his voice, "Don't talk nonsense."

Those who had seen the Crown Princess during the banquet noticed the similarities between the two and were secretly puzzled. Then they remembered that her mother and the Crown Princess' mother were sisters, and felt it was not surprising.

Although the two men have similar facial features, their temperaments are very different. Anyone with eyes would never make a mistake.

The prince stared at her face absentmindedly.

They look so alike. The woman in front of him looks so much like Huan Xuan's mistress.

He had seen that woman twice, once at the New Year Lantern Festival and once during the Autumn Hunt. After several days, he still vaguely remembered the appearance of the woman from the outer house. When he saw Xiao Ling, he couldn't help but think of that person.

Then he felt that this idea was ridiculous. It was well known that this female killer was cold and cruel. How could she be the king of Qi's concubine

But what if it happened? If the woman from the outer house was really Xiao Ling, what was she plotting in Chang'an these two days

His heart suddenly trembled. She had been with Huan Xuan during the autumn hunt. Could she have known something

His face suddenly turned pale, and his forehead was shining with cold sweat.

Sui Sui seemed not to notice his abnormality and said calmly, "I am honored to meet His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

The prince came back to his senses and smiled in response, "I have long heard of General Xiao's great name. Seeing you today, I find that you are indeed a peerless hero."

Sui Sui said: "Your Highness, I am so ashamed to accept your praise."

She smiled and suddenly said, "I remember that when I was young, I followed my mother to the palace to meet the Empress, and I met His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in the palace. I wonder if Your Highness has any impression of me at that time?"

The prince's face was almost completely colorless, with a hint of blue-gray in the whiteness. "When Xiao Xinjun entered the palace, he was infected with smallpox. He should have never met Xiao Xinjun."

Sui Sui suddenly realized: "Your Highness, please forgive me. I remembered it wrongly. The person I saw in the Queen's palace was the former Crown Prince."

There was complete silence in the hall, and the emperor's expression changed.

But Sui Sui still looked normal: "My memory has always been bad, please forgive me."

The prince forced a smile and said, "Don't mind, General Xiao. It's common to make mistakes when remembering things that happened ten years ago."

The atmosphere in the hall relaxed a little. Everyone greeted each other, exchanged greetings, and then made way for each other to take their seats.

According to their age, these people were Xiao Ling's elders, but she was in a high position and had great power, so she treated them as equals. This banquet was set up for her, so she naturally took the guest of honor seat.

Sui Sui glanced at the people seated at the table. There was no familiar face among them, except for the Vice Minister of Rites, Vice Minister of War and others whom he had seen at the welcoming banquet last night.

She showed a hint of surprise in her eyes and asked the eunuch beside her, "Why can't I see His Royal Highness the Prince of Qi?"

Yesterday she was welcomed into the city by Huan Xuan. Today, His Royal Highness the Prince of Qi did not show up. If she did nothing about it, it would seem that she was trying to cover up her guilt.

The eunuch said, "Replying to the general, His Royal Highness the Prince of Qi has caught a slight cold and will rest in his mansion today."

Sui Sui asked about the patient's condition, then nodded slightly and said nothing more.

She looked towards the seats of the royal family again, expecting to see her old acquaintance, Prince Yuzhang, but there was no sign of him.

Just then, footsteps were heard outside the hall. Following the sound, I saw a man in a gorgeous brocade robe and two eunuchs hurriedly walking into the hall.

The emperor pretended to be angry and said, "Zi Yu, it would be fine on ordinary days, but it's rare for Xiao Xuanjun to come to the capital, and you are so late."

Huan Minggui bowed hastily and said, "My nephew deserves death. Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

The emperor said: "You should apologize to General Xiao."

Huan Minggui raised his head and looked at Xiao Ling. They were several feet apart, but as soon as his eyes fell on her, he froze.