The Substitute Is Actually This Prince Himself

Chapter 86


According to Huan Xuan's personality, he should have refused it outright, but since it was related to the prestige of the Huan family and the face of the court, it seemed worth considering, so he hesitated.

During this moment of hesitation, Huan Minggui said to the eunuch, "Go and tell the eunuch that your Highness is dressing up and going to the East Palace when he is ready. Tell him to go back and report to His Majesty first."

Huan Xuan should have spoken out to stop him, but for some unknown reason he hesitated for a moment. During this time, the young eunuch had already run away.

Huan Xuan glared at Huan Minggui. The fox eyes of Prince Yuzhang were full of innocence. "Change your clothes quickly, don't keep His Majesty and General Xiao waiting for too long."

After saying that, he immediately went to search through the boxes and cabinets, while finding faults: "Tsk, you are so young and pretty, why are your clothes so plain?"

Because he practiced martial arts, riding and shooting, he usually wore colors like black, ash, dark blue, and purple of varying shades—not that he liked this color, but people of high rank and above were required to wear purple.

The styles of clothes were also monotonous, either narrow-sleeved round-collared robes or tight-fitting Hu clothing. Huan Minggui, a lazy dandy, liked the style of wide robes and loose belts that made him look like a fairy, but he couldn't see them here.

Huan Xuan sneered: "I don't need to attract bees and butterflies, so I don't have to dress like a garden every day."

Huan Minggui pressed his temple and said helplessly, "It is human nature to be lustful and horny, regardless of gender. Xiao Ling is surrounded by bees and butterflies. How can he stand out if he doesn't dress nicely?"

Huan Xuan raised an eyebrow: "Who wants her to see it?"

Huan Minggui shook his head and picked out a piece of clothing like a general among the short men. He picked a rattan purple robe with gold-woven precious flowers for himself, and a jade-colored cloud crane silk robe with silver mud for Huan Xuan, matched with a white fox fur coat.

"Today's banquet is held in the midst of red plum trees. Wearing light clothes will make you look more attractive," he said in a knowledgeable manner. "That pretty boy is dressed in white and looks as pretty as a newly widowed young wife. You must not lose to him."

Huan Xuan's long eyebrows were almost knotted, but he still took the clothes and put them on.

Huan Minggui chose a white jade crown for her, looked at her for a while, and patted her on the shoulder: "Smile more, don't keep a straight face all day long. No matter how pretty your face is, it's not pleasing if you always look like someone owes you five hundred dollars."

Huan Xuan's face then became even more tense, as if Huan Minggui owed someone five thousand strings of cash.

Huan Minggui sighed helplessly and brushed his sleeves. He was shorter than Huan Xuan, and his shoulders were not as broad as his. Huan Xuan's clothes were a little too big for him, which made him look elegant.

After they had packed up, they rode out with their followers. Huan Xuan rode a purple-colored white horse, and Huan Minggui rode a jade-colored horse. One of them was as cold and stern as the snow on the top of the mountain that never melted, and the other was as elegant as the wisteria that quietly bloomed in the deep courtyard, attracting passers-by to stop and look back.

When we arrived at the bank of Taiye Lake in Penglai Palace, a sedan chair was already waiting for us.

After lunch, the guests and hosts moved to the hexagonal pavilion next to the pavilion, and the chessboard was also moved there.

In the hexagonal pavilion, the curtains were half-rolled up, and screens and painted curtains were set up to block the cold wind. The ground was covered with mats, thick lichens and mattresses, and silver-thread charcoal was burning in a golden basin, with a fragrant and warm smell like spring. The snow around the pavilion was melted by the heat.

In the middle of the pavilion was a red sandalwood chessboard inlaid with mother-of-pearl. An octogenarian in green and a young man in white sat on either side of the board, and the game had already reached the middle stage.

The man in white was none other than Cheng Zheng. The octogenarian was named Jiang Yanwei, and he was the mentor of the Emperor. He had stopped playing against others more than ten years ago and only taught students in private. The emperor's chess skills were taught by him.

Prince Yuzhang was surprised and said, "Your Majesty actually brought out the 秧 as well. It seems that the pretty boy is very difficult to deal with."

Huan Xuan snorted coldly, his eyes passed from Cheng Zheng's face and fell on Xiao Ling who was beside him.

She was not wearing a military officer's robe today, but dressed like a woman. Her face, without any makeup, was slightly red from the smoke from the hot charcoal, and her red lips were slightly watery, which made her look even more beautiful against the snow-white edges of the fox fur.

She looked up as if nothing had happened, her watery eyes bright and calm, as if she was looking at a stranger.

Huan Xuan felt that that gaze was like a sharp blade stabbing into his heart, stirring it constantly.

He felt a little regretful for coming to see her and wanted to look away, but his eyes refused to obey. It was as if his gaze was held by her and he couldn't move it away.

Huan Minggui glanced at him and sighed softly.

The sedan chair stopped outside the hexagonal pavilion, and the people got off and walked into the pavilion.

Everyone in the pavilion looked outside in the direction of the sound, and the two players playing chess put the chess pieces back into the chess box and paused the game.

As they walked into the pavilion, everyone noticed the scars on King Qi's face. They were secretly surprised, but they didn't dare to ask directly.

Only the eldest princess was heartless and cried out, "Ah!" "My dear, what happened to your face?"

The prince consort quietly tugged at her sleeves, and she pulled them back: "Why are you pulling and tugging? You wrinkled my sleeves."

The prince consort turned his head away and rubbed his forehead. The eldest princess turned to her brother and asked with concern: "Did you have a fight with someone?"

Huan Xuan said calmly, "I accidentally fell the day before yesterday and was scratched by a rock."

The prince consort was tugging at his clothes again. Although the eldest princess was older, she knew she couldn't ask any more questions. She touched her nose and said, "I have some good medicine. I'll ask someone to send it to you later."

Huan Xuan said, "Thank you, elder sister."

The eldest princess couldn't help but look at him curiously again.

Although there was an extra wound on his face, his complexion was more lively, and his eyes were brighter. Although his face was calm, it no longer looked like a stagnant pool of water, but like the surface of a windless sea, which seemed calm but could stir up a storm at any time.

The eldest princess was relieved, saying that it was always good to be angry.

Huan Xuan and Huan Minggui stepped forward and saluted the emperor.

The emperor remained calm, staring sharply at the knife wound on his face, and said slowly, "Why are you so careless?"

Huan Xuan bowed and said, "I drank a few more glasses of wine and didn't look at my feet clearly. Please punish me, Aye."

The emperor said, "Why should I punish you for doing this when you have already fallen and been injured?"

He instructed the eunuch beside him, "Go to the Shang Pharmacy and ask Lin Fengyu to come and check the wound on His Royal Highness Prince Qi's face. Don't leave any scars."

The matter was settled at this point. The eunuch took the order and went to ask for a medical officer.

The prince looked gloomy and thoughtful, looking at the wound on his brother's face. Such a wound was obviously caused by a sharp blade.

‌ glanced at Xiao Ling again, and intuitively felt that the wound on Huan Xuan's face must be related to her.

Unfortunately, the emperor had already spoken, confirming that the scar on the Prince of Qi's face was caused by an accidental fall and a scratch on a stone. No matter what the truth was, no one else could delve into it further.

This was the first time that Ruan Yuewei was in the same room with Huan Xuan since she received Zhao Qinghui's severed hand.

She was frightened, her face was pale, her body was trembling slightly, but she couldn't help but look at him. After not seeing him for a long time, he was still as plump as jade, but there was a wound on his face, which looked as if it had been tempered in a fierce fire, adding an indescribable flavor, which made her even more arousing.

Prince Yuzhang was also a handsome and romantic man, but standing next to him was like the autumn moon meeting the scorching sun, instantly eclipsed.

Huan Xuan's gaze was always drawn to Xiao Ling, and he couldn't see anyone else at all.

Xiao Ling stood up and saluted as if nothing had happened: "Your Highness, have you recovered from your cold?"

Huan Xuan's eyes were originally as sharp as arrows, but when they met her eyes, they became like a spent arrow, no harder than the spring breeze and willow branches beside the Qujiang Lake. "Thank you for asking, General Xiao. It's just a minor ailment. I'm fine now."

Xiao Ling said: "During the cold season, it is easy to catch a cold. Your Highness, please take care."

Huan Xuan said: "Thank you General Xiao for your reminder. I appreciate your reminder as well."

He paused and looked at the chessboard: "How is the battle going?"

The old man bowed to Huan Xuan and said, "Mr. Cheng is a very skilled chess player. I am ashamed to say that I am not as good as him."

Cheng Zheng hurriedly said, "Sir, thank you for your compliment. I am a dull boy, and I appreciate your modesty."

Huan Xuan glanced at the chessboard. The game had already reached the middle stage and Jiang Yanwei's black pieces were beginning to show signs of decline.

The emperor smiled and said, "This young master Cheng is very smart and has just defeated Master Jiang in one round."

The old man looked dejected and kept expressing his shame, which made people feel sorry for him.

Jiang Yanwei was a national player. If he was younger than 20 years old, ten Cheng Zhengs would not be his match. Unfortunately, although he was a strong chess player, he was still at a high level, his thinking was no longer agile, and his energy was not good enough.

The emperor was desperate to win, and in desperation asked the emperor to come out of retirement, but he forgot this point.

Xiao Ling was not in a position to say much, but he could not help but feel the sadness of a hero in his old age. He said in a gentle voice, "When I entered the palace, I was fortunate enough to receive guidance from Master Jiang, which benefited me throughout my life. Master Jiang deserves the title of chess master."

Jiang Yanwei said: "General Xiao, thank you for your praise. I have already lost this game."

Continuing the fight might not mean there is no chance of winning, but the old man is getting old and can no longer compete with the young people.

A trace of displeasure flashed across the emperor's face, and he immediately ordered someone to let him sit on the couch: "Master Jiang, take a rest for a while, and watch the young men play a game of chess."

After saying that, he looked at his wife and said, "My dear, I remember that you like playing chess. Why don't you try it with Mr. Cheng?"

Cheng Zheng and Jiang Yanwei were about to put the chess pieces back into the chess box, but Huan Xuan said to Cheng Zheng, "Why don't we just take over Mr. Jiang's game and continue playing."

Cheng Zheng frowned slightly: "I have already taken the lead, I am afraid it is unfair to Your Highness."

White has already occupied the corner, and the situation is very good. He will continue to play the endgame. Even if he wins, it will be an unfair victory, and he does not want to take advantage of him.

Although they were of different ranks, as long as they sat down in front of the chessboard, they would speak with their chess skills. They couldn't wait to win in front of Xiao Ling.

Cheng Zheng didn't know why he had such an idea. He knew very well that the matter of Huan Xuan and Xiao Ling was a thing of the past, and the Jiedushi of Zhenzhen and the Prince of Dayong would never be together. But when he saw the two people standing together and just greeting each other lightly, it seemed that an invisible high wall was erected around them, with undercurrents surging inside the wall. All the others were blocked outside the high wall, and he was no exception.

‌ had been accompanying Xiao Ling almost all the time recently, almost inseparable from her side, but she was always like a distant cloud, and ‌ could not get close to her no matter how hard he tried, but Huan Xuan could get close to her effortlessly.

Huan Xuan glanced at him, but seemed not to take him seriously, and said calmly, "It's okay."

There is a difference between the upper and the lower. Cheng Zheng can no longer insist. He knows that if he wins this round, he must challenge again and win the next round fairly.

"Your Highness, please." He bowed neither humbly nor arrogantly.

Huan Xuan nodded slightly, sat down opposite the chessboard, picked up a black piece from the chess box, and placed it without hesitation.

Cheng Zheng's brows relaxed slightly, and he secretly laughed. He thought he had it all planned out from his posture at first, but he ignored the black chess's lack of energy and didn't think about how to save the defeat, but still insisted on going his own way.

He picked up a white piece, thought for a moment, and dropped it lightly.

He couldn't help but raise his eyes and glanced at Xiao Ling out of the corner of his eye, only to see that she was looking at the black spot that Huan Xuan had just dropped, with a barely perceptible smile on the corner of her mouth.

Is she also laughing at the inexplicable nature of this move

Cheng Zheng's mouth also curled up into a smile. She was not a person who got carried away by success, but anyone could not help but feel a little proud to be able to defeat her former man in front of her superiors.

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard a "pop" sound, and another black piece fell down, still making no sense.

Cheng Zheng heard that the King of Qi was good at chess and thought he would be an evenly matched opponent, but he was only at such a level. Perhaps it was because he was a descendant of the emperor, and others would deliberately let him lose when playing against him, so that he would think he was a great chess player.

He showed no emotion on his face and calmly made another move.

As soon as the white piece landed, the black piece followed closely, as if it had anticipated which move the black piece would make.

A sense of foreboding flashed through Cheng Zheng's mind. Just as he was about to think about it, he heard Xiao Ling say with a smile, "You've already lost."

These words were said to Cheng Zheng. Everyone was puzzled. Cheng Zheng's face was full of shock. Only the King of Qi's face was still as cold as ice. He was indifferent to Xiao Ling's words. He showed neither pride nor surprise.

He just glanced at Xiao Ling and said calmly, "General Xiao, just watch the chess game without saying a word."

Xiao Ling smiled sweetly, revealing her shallow dimples: "Your Highness is right. I am being rude."

Huan Xuan said to Cheng Zheng, "Mr. Cheng, please continue."

Cheng Zheng glanced at Xiao Ling in confusion, then stared at the chessboard for a long while, but still could not see any clues. No matter how he looked at it, he had the advantage.

But Xiao Ling's chess skills are better than his, so there must be a reason why she said that.

He suppressed his doubts and continued to follow his own train of thought. Huan Xuan always made his move immediately after making one, as if he didn't need to think at all.

After more than twenty moves, Cheng Zheng's face suddenly changed. He put the chess piece in his hand back into the chess box, bowed and said, "General Xiao is right. I lost. Your Highness the Prince of Qi is a master of chess. I am ashamed to say that I am not as good as him."

Huan Xuan stood up and bowed to Jiang Yanwei, then said to Cheng Zheng calmly, "I just relied on Master Jiang's plan, and my accumulated experience has made me win, but my victory is not fair. Master Cheng's chess moves are sharp and cunning, but he is really formidable. I wonder which famous teacher he learned from?"

Cheng Zheng's father and grandfather were both good at chess, so he could be considered a family tradition. After being saved by Xiao Ling, he often played chess with her and received a lot of guidance, but there was no distinction between master and apprentice between them.

He glanced at Xiao Ling, hesitated for a moment and said, "Your Highness, I don't have any master, but I usually get some pointers from General Xiao."

Huan Xuan looked at Xiao Ling and asked, "Would you be lucky enough to play a game of chess with General Xiao?"