The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 103: Operation detoxification


At one o'clock at midnight, the members of the Huangquan team quietly walked out of the back door of Longhua Bar with their faces painted and heavily armed.

Standing next to the jeep, Weasel nodded to the King of Hell, handed over the car keys, and said, "Have a nice trip!"

After taking the key, the King of Hell nodded and said, "You should also prepare to evacuate!"

"Well, at daybreak, we will retreat back home!"

It was a seven-seater jeep with film on the windows so that the situation inside the car could not be seen from the outside. The king of hell sat in the passenger seat and the judge drove.

After starting the car, the engine roared and roared towards the outside of Yaping Town.

"It will take two days and one night to successfully reach the scheduled location. Take turns to rest!"

The driving was not as smooth as the King of Hell said. On the night of the second day, the vehicle drove through the ruts in the jungle and ran into ruts, and unexpectedly encountered a group of armed men camping.

The militants who were camping were obviously very relaxed. The bright bonfire exposed them in advance. The two sentries were not alert. The two gathered together to smoke cigarettes and chat.

"Student, if we take a detour, how long will it take?" Yama asked.

Wen Kaiqi stared at the route map on the tablet, frowned slightly, and said: "If we want to get to the scheduled location, this is the only road that can pass vehicles. Otherwise, we can only abandon the car and hike! We will reach the scheduled location on foot. It’s an extra ten hours of travel.”

The King of Hell shook his head slightly and said: "Our total action time is only five days, we can't afford to delay for ten hours! We can only count them as unlucky!"

"Kill them!"

Zhang Feng, Chai Chong, Li Jian, and Monkey filed out of the car, all holding daggers in their hands.

Chai Chong and Li Jian slowly crawled towards the tent where they were camping, while Zhang Feng and Monkey ran around in an arc to touch behind the two sentries.

The two sentries were chatting animatedly. The cigarette butts in their mouths were extremely dazzling in the dark shadows, exposing their whereabouts.

Zhang Feng pointed at the monkey, then pointed at the sentry on the right, and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

The monkey nodded knowingly.

The two sentries were unaware of the approaching danger. Suddenly, they stretched out their big hands in the darkness, firmly covering their mouths and clasping their jaws.


At the same time, the dagger in Chai Chong's hand quickly scratched the neck of the sentry at the back, and blood spattered out.

The sentry in his arms twisted and struggled, his eyes showing fear and pain. The struggle became weaker and weaker. Within a few seconds, the body was no longer able to struggle and the body temperature disappeared.

The monkey gently lowered his body to the ground.

At the same time as the monkey started, Zhang Feng also moved, covering the sentry's mouth. The dagger in his hand was like a poisonous snake's fangs piercing the side of the neck, and the tip of the knife pierced out from the other side.

Turning his wrist, the blade rotated, cutting a bloody hole in the wound, and blood spurted out from both sides.

Zhang Feng and Monkey killed the sentries, while Li Jian and Chai Chong quickly crawled toward the tent with daggers in their mouths.

Next to the tent, a man came out of the tent. He was sleepy and yawned constantly. As he walked forward, he began to unbutton his pants. He must have been woken up by peeing!

Seeing the enemy getting closer and closer to him, Li Jian was like a predatory beast, with enough patience.

Just when the man took off his pants and took out the offal from his crotch, Li Jian moved.

The body jumped up suddenly, the man's pupils suddenly dilated, and he opened his mouth to shout a warning!

Li Jian's rough palm blocked his mouth, and the dagger in his hand stabbed toward his heart from top to bottom.

The cold blade penetrated accurately through the gap between the third and fourth ribs under the man's left chest, directly penetrating the heart.

Turning the dagger, the blade directly shattered his heart, killing him instantly.

Three minutes later, all four armed drug traffickers in the tent were killed in their sleep with a knife!

All the corpses were dragged hundreds of meters away and buried, along with the poison they carried!

The jeep that set off again was filled with the smell of blood. The King of Hell said: "Now we are getting closer and closer to the hinterland of the Chaos Land. There are only two kinds of people in our eyes. One is the indigenous villagers who take a detour when they see us." ! The other kind is drug dealers, who will be killed without mercy!”

At daybreak, the road became increasingly difficult to walk. The road was rugged and bumpy, and only the ruts that had been rolled over could be considered a road.

Looking through the car window from a distance, you can see fields of poppies. When these poppies mature, they can be used to extract drugs and exchange for large amounts of drug money for drug traffickers.

The monkey, who was chewing compressed biscuits in his mouth, looked outside, suddenly stopped chewing, pointed to the window to play, and said in surprise: "Look outside!"

In sight, the villagers in the distance wearing straw hats and carrying baskets who were busy in the fields were all disabled.

Either a broken leg or a broken hand! Some people even have missing noses, mouths, and ears!

"Alas!" Zhang Feng sighed. The last time he followed Lao Zhuang to the chaotic land, he heard people talking about this matter, so he said: "This is the drug dealer's way of controlling the villagers. As long as you don't obey their orders, If you plant poppies, your hands and feet will be cut off, and your noses and ears will be cut off by cruel drug traffickers! They are forced to grow poppies under the abuse of drug dealers!”

"Made, these drug dealers deserve to die!" Chai Chong cursed!

The King of Hell shook his head slightly and said sadly: "The corners of this world are always full of filth. This is also the meaning of our existence! Killing, although it cannot eliminate evil, can make the victim wait for comfort and make the desire come true." People who are about to commit crimes should be warned! Let them see that this is the consequence of committing a crime!”

The miserable situation of these villagers made the atmosphere in the car even more intense. Everyone's heart was filled with infinite murderous intent, and this murderous intent could only be subsided by the washing of blood.

Two days and one night later, the jeep arrived at the predetermined location, which was already at the edge of the Khun Sa area.

After everyone camouflaged the jeep and hid it in the jungle, the King of Hell said: "Rest where you are and move after dark!"

Everyone nodded in agreement and said nothing else! In a team of seven, five rest and two stand guard. Shifts are changed every two hours to ensure everyone gets adequate rest.

The sky turned gloomy, and the King of Hell said: "Check the weapons and equipment, prepare for battle, check that the time is now seven o'clock, check the communication equipment!"

"Judge, it's over!"

"Student, finished!"

"Monkey, it's over!"

"Jackal, it's over!"

"Tyrannosaurus, it's over!"

"Actor, finished!"

"Let's go!" the King of Hell ordered in a cold voice.

As a sniper, the judge is responsible for exploring the path a hundred meters in front of the opposite side! Monkey is responsible for sweeping up the rear, while Zhang Feng and Li Jian are responsible for taking care of the two wings!