The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 131: The first battle


Faced with the arrogant provocations of the young people in the boxing ring, Zhang Feng and others seemed to turn a deaf ear. Instead, the three of them gathered in a group, lowering their heads as if they were discussing something.

The person who wanted to do something good came over and heard Zhang Feng say: "Which one of us will go, or rock, paper, scissors, whoever wins will go!"

The black-faced Li Jian said: "No matter who goes up, it's the same. Okay, let's do rock, paper, scissors!"

"I agree!" the monkey agreed.

The busy guy couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth twice when he saw that the three of them actually started playing rock, paper, scissors.

Scissors, paper, rock!

Zhang Feng and Li Jian were both stones. Only the monkey came out of the cloth. The monkey laughed and said: "Hahaha, I won, I had to win!"

After saying that, he walked up to the fist, got through the gap between the two fist ropes, and stood on the fist.

"Boy, it's too late for you to give in now, or I'll break a few of your ribs, which will be ugly then!" The young man looked at the thin monkey and said with a smile.

"Hey, if that's the case, then you can only blame me for not being as skilled as others. It's okay, come on!" Monkey said with a chuckle, his arms naturally hanging down to his sides, trembling slightly.

Monkey is not the most powerful fighter in the Underworld team, but he is definitely the most agile in the Underworld team. Even the King of Hell would not be able to touch the corner of Monkey's clothes without having more than ten rounds.

The young man turned his neck slightly, making a soft "click" sound, and said in a cold voice: "In that case, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the soles of his feet were violently rubbing against the ring, making a squeaking sound. His body shot out like an arrow from the string, and he rushed forward, pulling out his back foot like a steel whip and heading straight towards the monkey's side. Go to the abdomen.

The monkey's legs didn't show any strength, and his body moved backward lightly. A powerful kick brushed past his body, looking extremely dangerous!

Although the kick missed, the young man was not surprised at all. If he really couldn't dodge his own kick, then this competition would be really boring.

Moreover, his kick was just a prelude, and what followed was a storm-like blow.

Taking advantage of the monkey's retreat, the young man made another move, still with the same angle.

The speed, strength and speed are three points higher, with a sneer on his face: "Let's see how you hide this time!"

Seeing the powerful kick, everyone in the audience nodded slightly. It seems that Wang Aiguo's side is sure to win this time.

Seeing that the side kick like a steel whip was about to hit the flank, the monkey's feet did not move, his head did not move, and his abdomen contracted and sunk in. It was really this sunken pit that directly avoided this kick.

The corner of the young man's mouth twitched twice, but he refused to give up, nor did he pull back the leg he had pulled out. Instead, his waist suddenly exerted force in the opposite direction, and his foot changed direction in mid-air, and the heel went straight towards the monkey's head from bottom to top.

The monkey smiled and said in a cold voice: "I'm asking you to do two tricks, you are really too generous! Are you playing with your legs? Then I will play with you!"

As he spoke, his body suddenly moved to the side to avoid the young man's hook, and at the same time he whipped his leg with a low sweep.

The young man didn't take Monkey's words to heart at all. Before joining the army, he practiced Taekwondo, which is best at kicking, for ten years. Compared with kicking alone, he was as confident as anyone!

Seeing the leg sweeping towards him, he didn't show any panic on his face and raised his knee to block it.

A smile appeared on Monkey's lips, thinking he was really doing a low sweep? Just when the low sweep was about to collide with his knee, he suddenly pulled it back, and at the same time, his body rushed forward. Following the impact, the knee of the other leg suddenly slammed forward!

The young man's face finally changed color. At the same time, he cursed the monkey in his heart for being unethical. He said he would use the leg method, but this is obviously the knee method, okay

It was too late to think about this, it was too late to dodge, so I could only put my arms away to protect the vital parts of my upper body!


The young man's body was swaying and he took three steps back. His arms were in severe pain. He could feel that the bones in his arms had cracked. If he exercised any more violently, he would probably break!

His face turned red, he didn't expect this thin opponent to be so powerful.

The monkey shook his head slightly and said softly: "Admit defeat, if you keep playing, I'm afraid you will suffer from irrecoverable injuries!"

Hearing this, the young man gritted his teeth tightly and wanted to take action, but he heard Wang Aiguo in the audience say gloomily: "Come on down! We lost the first game!"

At this moment, Wang Aiguo's face was full of gloom. He never expected that he would lose so directly in the first game! You must win the next two games, otherwise you will lose to Zhang Laoer. This is absolutely not allowed!

The young man's arms hung unnaturally at his sides, trembling slightly, and he walked to Wang Aiguo and whispered: "Captain, I..."

"Needless to say! I underestimated the enemy too much! I didn't expect that the guy Zhang Laoer brought was still capable!" Wang Aiguo said coldly, turned his head and said to another young man behind him: "In the second round, you Come on, Xiongzi, don’t give the other side any chance, you can only win but not lose, you know?”

"Don't worry! Captain!" the man known as Xiongzi said in a buzzing voice. His figure and his figure seemed to match his name. He was over 1.9 meters tall, with a strong body and tall muscles. Puffed up, coupled with the thick black hair on his face, he looks like a human bear!

Stepping onto the ring, the two hundred and forty kilograms of weight made the ring creak. Xiong Zi pointed at Zhang Feng and Li Jian and said, "Which one of you two will step on?"

Zhang Feng gave a slight sneer, and just as he was about to step onto the ring, he was beaten one step ahead by Li Jian, who whispered: "Leave this to me!"

Li Jian's rigid face rarely shows any fluctuations in expression, which even makes people wonder if his facial nerves are necrotic.

The same thing is true when standing in front of Xiongzi at this moment, with a rigid expression and eyes that have not changed!

"You give up, I'm very powerful and I can't hold it back at all. It will be bad if I hurt you then!" Although Xiongzi's brain is a little short-circuited, he has a good heart and won't retaliate.

"No! Come on!"

"Then I'm sorry!" After Xiong Zi said this, he let out a roar and ran towards Li Jian with his huge body on the ring.

Although Xiong Zi's body looks like a human bear, his movements are not clumsy. His two long legs make every step of his move big. He quickly approaches Li Jian and slams his sandbag-sized fist at Li Jian. past.

But Li Jian had no intention of dodging, and punched out with the same punch!

Whether it was the audience in the audience or other members of the Huangquan team, the corners of their mouths twitched twice. No one thought that Li Jian would choose such a violent move as fist-to-punch!