The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 157: Indestructible Will (Second Update)



The torture team leader hesitated for a while. Beatings can only cause superficial injuries, but electric shocks are not something ordinary people can withstand. Although it is based on actual combat, it can be said that this is just a drill.

Just as he was hesitating, a voice came from the headset, "The medical team is ready to perform electric shock torture."

After hearing the order passed down step by step, the torture team leader no longer hesitated and said directly: "Administer electric shock."


Chai Chong's body suddenly tensed up, and the short hair on his head stood straight up. He bit his cheek and kept twitching, and even rolled his eyes continuously.

His bound legs were twitching continuously, and the insteps were tightly arched. His tied hands were already like those of a hemiplegic patient, and his fingers were like chicken claws.

Because his teeth were biting too hard, blood spilled out of his gums and filled his mouth. Chai Chong, as he said, didn't even let out a scream!

The leader of the torture team nodded slightly, and the team members immediately turned off the electric shock switch.

Chai Chong's tense body seemed to have been ripped out of muscles and bones, and he fell on the electric shock table like mud, completely falling into a coma.

The torture team leader rushed out of the torture room and shouted: "Medical team!"

There was silence in the Red Army command room during the joint exercise. The interrogation process of the two targets moved them, generals, colonels, and the lowest ranking lieutenants.

A middle-aged man sitting on the staff table clenched his fists tightly, because Chai Chong was his son, and that face was very familiar, and his fiery bad temper was exactly the same as his own.

It would be impossible not to feel distressed when his son was electrocuted, but as a soldier, he was proud of his son.

Mr. Long said with emotion: "Our country of China is known as the number one army, and our land is called a mercenary forbidden area by foreign media. Why is this? It is because our country's soldiers not only have first-class tactical literacy, but also because They have an indestructible will! Our Xiaomi plus rifles rely on their indestructible will to defeat foreign guns and artillery. Modern warfare also requires sophisticated weapons and equipment.

Under such circumstances, the personal will of soldiers is often ignored, but don't forget that talents are the foundation of war! "

He turned around and looked around at the soldiers present, and continued: "There are many high-end military talents among you, but the more so, the more you will ignore an issue, that is, in the final stages of the war, when all high-precision weapons and equipment are destroyed Destroy, then what do the two sides of the war rely on to determine the direction and victory of a war? The answer is first-class military quality, and there are soldiers with an indestructible will!"

Elder Long's words were so resounding that everyone in the command room stood up and applauded.

Mr. Long waved his hand to interrupt the applause and said: "This applause is not for me, nor does it belong to me, but to every ordinary soldier fighting on the front line or stationed at the border post! Taking this opportunity, I will make an announcement The order must be sent to all serving officers to understand the perseverance of grassroots soldiers!”


It was impossible for everyone in the Huangquan team to hear what Mr. Long said. Chai Chong was in a coma due to severe shock and was receiving first aid. Wen Kaiqi was covered with bruises and was locked in a small dark room of less than three square meters without any light. Zhang Feng was still lurking in the grass, waiting for the armed helicopter hovering above his head to retreat.

Li Jian and Monkey are also approaching the meeting point.

"Report, there is still no trace of target number three."

Hearing this, Mr. Long stared at the map and was silent for a long time. He turned to the staff and asked, "What do you think?"

"Reporting, we all believe that target number 3 may be walking through the mountains and forests in the northeast direction. This route is the least dangerous route, which is in line with people's mentality of absconding when being tracked."

Mr. Long frowned slightly, nodded, and said: "Okay, let's search in the northeast direction. How is the search for target number one and number two going?"

"Target No. 1 appeared in the southwest jungle at a certain location, and our troops are closely following him. There are still no clues about the movements of target No. 2."

After hearing the report, Mr. Long frowned even more. The number one target was the King of Hell. He knew his grandson far better than anyone else. Logically speaking, it was impossible for his traces to be exposed so quickly.

After a pause, he said: "Stop biting and arresting them immediately. As long as we eliminate their effective forces, we are not afraid of what tricks they can play. And target number one is the commander-in-chief of the Blue Army's operations. , as long as he is taken away, the Blue Army will be leaderless and will be unable to make any waves."


Discovering that the armed helicopters circling overhead were all moving rapidly toward the northeast, Zhang Feng finally took a breath and lurked for a while to make sure that the armed helicopters showed no signs of returning before Zhang Feng emerged from the grass.

Zhang Feng opened his suitcase, took off his women's clothes, changed back into his own clothes, and took off the makeup on his face. Zhang Feng quickly ran forward along the highway.

He was already familiar with this journey. There was a highway rest area about 20 kilometers ahead, which was Zhang Feng's destination.

In the primitive jungle on the southwest border, the King of Hell was fully armed and shuttled through the jungle. The Red Army was always clinging to his back. Finally, he couldn't hold back and began to approach. The corner of the King of Hell's mouth evoked a sneer.

He was able to become the captain of the Underworld Team, King Yama, not because of his identity as a grandfather. On the contrary, because of his status as a grandfather, he worked harder than others.

He suddenly turned around, quickly raised the assault rifle in his hand, pulled the trigger with his finger, and fired three consecutive rounds.

Da da da. The roaring and sharp gunfire finally broke the eerie tranquility of both sides in the jungle. The bullet grazed the barrel of the gun and sprayed gunpowder smoke from the muzzle.

The main force that is chasing and preparing to capture or kill the King of Hell is the Snow Wolf Special Brigade of the Southwest Military Region of the Red Army. It is the old unit of Tyrannosaurus Li Jian and Madman Zhang Feng. The leader is Uncle Luo, the captain of the Snow Wolf Special Brigade.

Uncle Luo saw the movement of the King of Hell and fell to the ground suddenly. His subconscious reaction allowed him to avoid the bullet, but the two people behind him were not so lucky.


Behind the two people are hugging white smoke, which represents the two people's death in battle.

After shooting, King of Hell's body suddenly rushed to the other side, and the two bullets landed at the spot where he had just shot. If King of Hell's reaction had been half a beat slower, he would have been killed in battle.