The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 173: The lost Li Waner



After returning to the hotel, Zhang Feng, Li Jianhou and the other three returned to their rooms.

The four girls Li Waner were not sleepy at all. They were all huddled in Li Waner's room. Hearing the sound of the door opening and closing next door, Niu Lili said with some fear: "Yifan, I'm a little scared. If they really go to their room so late, What should I do if I’m a bad person?”

Zhao Yan's fear was also written on her face. When she heard what Niu Lili said, she quickly echoed: "Yes, I'm scared too. Otherwise, forget it. Nothing will happen all the way here."

Dai Yifan looked at the two 'comrades' who were retreating from the battle, and said with some hatred: "If you two are afraid, don't go. Wan'er, what do you say?"

"I believe the senior is not a bad person, I'll go." Li Waner said with certainty. In his heart, he couldn't believe that the senior Zhang Feng he knew was a bad person.

"Okay, Wan'er, the two of us will go. Lily, Yanzi, if we don't come back in two and a half hours, you know, you will call the police?" Dai Yifan gave an instruction and walked out of the room first.

Li Waner followed closely behind.

Dai Yifan went straight to Li Jian's room, while Li Waner went to Zhang Feng's room.

Zhang Feng, who had already taken off his clothes and was lying under the quilt, heard a knock on the door, sat up and asked, "Who is it?"

"Senior, it's me, Li Waner, are you asleep?" Li Waner asked nervously while standing at the door.

"I'm not asleep yet, please wait a moment." Zhang Feng got out of the bed, put on his clothes, walked over and opened the door for Li Waner, and asked: "It's so late, what's the matter, Waner?"

Li Waner smelled the slight odor of alcohol on Zhang Feng's body, and the tension in her heart became more intense. She stood at the door for a long time not knowing what to say.

Zhang Feng originally wanted to have a showdown with Li Waner, but now seeing her hesitant to speak, he said, "Come in and sit down. I happen to have something to tell you."

Li Waner gritted her teeth, her emotions still prevailed over her rationality, and she was more willing to believe that Senior Zhang Feng was not a bad person.

He used a paper cup to get a glass of water from the water dispenser and handed it to Li Waner who was sitting awkwardly in the chair. Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Wan'er, you don't think of me as a bad person, do you

So nervous. "

Li Waner's hand holding the water glass was trembling, and her white teeth were biting her lips unconsciously.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, she said in her heart: "Senior Zhang Feng, I know you are not a bad person, but, but... Zhao Yan said you have a tattoo on your back, and you are your friend, oops... Anyway, I am If you don’t believe me, you are a bad person.”

Zhang Feng shook his head with a wry smile, stretched out his hand and pulled off the clothes on his upper body.

This action frightened Li Waner who was sitting next to her. She stood up in panic and turned around quickly. The water in the water glass in her hand even spilled on her body unconsciously without her knowing it.

"Wan'er, if I wanted to say something to you, I'd probably have already done it. Do you think I'm that kind of person? Zhao Yan is right. I do have a tattoo on my back." Zhang Feng said, At this point, there is no need to hide it anymore. Explaining it clearly to Li Waner now will save her unnecessary trouble in the future.

Li Waner turned around with a face full of disbelief, staring at Zhang Feng's chest in astonishment. After taking off the clothes, her seemingly thin body showed clear muscle lines and every trace of excess fat. And the muscles chopped out like an ax were dotted with hideous scars. As a medical student, she was able to tell that some of the scars were knife wounds and some were gunshot wounds.

Now she somewhat believed what Niu Lili said. The wound on the monkey's arm was most likely a gunshot wound, because Senior Zhang Feng also had a gunshot wound on his body.

In her surprised gaze, Zhang Feng turned around and exposed his back to her.

The sinful angel stretched its wings, and the fangs sticking out of the corners of its mouth were still dripping with blood.

Li Waner slowly laid her head on the ground and started to cry, "Why? Why did you lie to me?"

"Alas!" Zhang Feng sighed and put on his clothes to cover the scars and tattoos on his body. Take off the wig on your head to reveal your hair. He took off the fake earrings clipped to his ears, walked up to her, and gently patted her shoulder with his hand.

Li Waner, who was squatting on the ground, fell back like an electric shock, her eyes full of panic.

Zhang Feng slowly lowered his hand that was hanging in the air, returned to the bedside, and said softly: "Wan'er... Li Waner

,I am so sorry. I took advantage of you and you. I don't want to explain, let alone explain. If you want to believe it, you believe that I never had any ill intentions towards you. After this trip, when you return to school, forget about Li Jianhou and I, as if we have never appeared in your lives.

Li Waner walked out of Zhang Feng's room in despair. She still didn't want to believe that the senior in her heart was a bad guy with gunshots on his body and evil tattoos on his back.

When he walked into his room, he felt as if he had lost his soul.

Niu Lili and Zhao Yan quickly came over and asked, "Wan'er, what's wrong with you? What's going on?"

Li Waner fell on the bed indifferently and said with a dull expression: "We will go back to school tomorrow."

Niu Lili and Zhao Yan looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes. Could it be that Senior Zhang Feng and the others were really bad people

Dai Yifan walked into Li Jian's room and said coldly: "Let me see the wound on your leg!" There was a commanding tone in his words that could not be refused.

Li Jian didn't want to do this at all. He took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, started smoking, and refused in a concise manner: "It's not necessary, I want to rest, you get out!"

Dai Yifan frowned and said, "Smoking in front of a woman who doesn't like the smell of cigarettes in the room is not something a gentleman should do. I want to see your wounds!"

After saying that, he walked straight towards Li Jian, stretched out his hand and pulled Li Jian's trousers.

Holding Dai Yifan's wrist behind him, Li Jian said coldly: "I'm not Zhang Feng, I don't have so many witty words. I'm not a monkey, I can smile with you. Don't mess with me, you know? Now, immediately, immediately get out of my Get out of the room, otherwise don’t be rude to me!”

Dai Yifan's wrist was a little painful from the grip, and he secretly thought in his heart that this man really didn't know how to show mercy to women.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Li Jian's backpack placed beside the bed. She turned her head and looked at Li Jian and said, "Let me go. I'll go out."

Her wrists were freed from the restraints, and Dai Yifan walked towards the door. Just as she was about to reach the door, she suddenly turned back and ran towards the backpack beside the bed. She wanted to see what secrets these mysterious men had!