The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 185: Divided into Parts



Zhang Feng took away the food without making any further stops, not even saying goodbye to Li Waner.

The border guards are expected to arrive soon. At that time, Dai Yifan will convey his words to the border guards, and they will soon reach the ears of the joint exercise Red Army headquarters.

At that time, these border guards will immediately turn into the Red Army and pursue and intercept the Blue Army in the enemy-occupied areas.

What we have to do now is to go back along the road and rush to the meeting point to join the King of Hell and the judge. Li Jian has taken care of the interception and the mercenaries will also rush there.

Then you can act according to the orders of the King of Hell!

As long as the instruction to end the exercise is not received, it means that the exercise is still continuing.

His physical energy was exhausted, Zhang Feng found a hidden snow shell and huddled his body inside. The heavy cotton clothes wrapped around him were repeatedly wetted with sweat, and when they froze again, it was difficult to keep warm.

Although he was hiding in the snow shell that was sheltered from the wind, Zhang Feng already felt cold and his body could not help but tremble.

He secretly thought that this situation must be resolved, otherwise even if he is not sick, he will still need a lot of food because his body consumes too much heat.

Opening his backpack and seeing Dai Yifan stuffing snacks slowly, Zhang Feng frowned slightly.

Potato chips, biscuits, instant noodles, dry noodles, ham sausages, and even frozen hard yogurt.

You definitely can’t chew yogurt, you have to think about your teeth no matter what.

He took out the crispy noodles and ham sausage and ate them in big mouthfuls, quickly wiped out the small ones, and then swallowed two mouthfuls of snow water. After a short rest, Zhang Feng continued on his way after confirming that the surrounding area was safe.

Dai Yifan and others waited for three hours and finally arrived at the border defense force Zhang Feng mentioned.

Passing Zhang Feng's words to the border guard, the border guard immediately said in surprise: "Are you sure he said he is target number three?"

Dai Yifan nodded and made sure he remembered correctly. Zhang Feng was talking about target number three.

"Sure enough, the people who came out there were different. There were only two people, No. 3 and No. 4, but they killed all the mercenaries!" The soldier said with emotion.

Dai Yifan frowned slightly and asked, "Where are the people coming out from, where are you talking about?"

The soldier realized that he had said something he shouldn't have said, and immediately changed his words: "I never said that, and I don't know where it is?" The soldier was not lying. All the soldiers in China knew that there was a mysterious army. It is a special force among the special forces. Only the true king of soldiers can enter. But except for those who actually join it, no one knows the number and location of this unit!

Dai Yifan knew that there would be no answer if he continued to ask, so he changed the subject and said, "We have conveyed the message to you, can you leave now?"

"No! What you saw must be reported to a designated person, and you must also sign a confidentiality agreement. After completing these things, the army will send you back?" the soldier refused.

A displeased expression appeared on his face. He was obviously helping to deliver the message and be an eyewitness. Why did this soldier make it sound like he had made such a big mistake? And he even had to sign a confidentiality agreement.

Dai Yifan looked at the soldier and said, "Is it okay if I make a call?"

The soldier still refused and said: "No, you are now prohibited from communicating with the outside world. Phone calls, text messages, and the Internet are all prohibited. This is an order!"

"You..." Dai Yifan was so angry that he just wanted to speak, but the soldier had already turned his face away, not giving her a chance to defend herself.

Simply putting Charles' body into a body bag, the small team of border guards quickly led Dai Yifan and others towards the camp. At the same time, the matter was reported to the regiment headquarters, and then the regiment headquarters reported it to Mr. Long step by step.

Mr. Long, who was sitting in the Red Army command room of the joint exercise, finally showed joy on his face. He typed the report in his hand and said happily: "Our Chinese mercenary restricted area signboard has not been smashed. Hahaha, this No. 3 and No. 4 It's pretty good. He was actually able to deal with the mercenaries who fell into the country even though they were being tracked by the Blue Army. Send the special agent over and get the information back from Tang Shijie and the mercenaries. I'll take a look at it in a second. I won’t feel at ease until I get the information back.”

"Mr. Long, don't worry. Since the matter has been resolved, the information will naturally be lost."

Mr. Long nodded and said: "

What happened to the three prisoners? Have the results of the interrogation come out? "

"Report sir, the results are out. The three of them belong to the Timberwolf Mercenary Group. It is a small private mercenary group with dozens of people. They all entered the country this time. The group leader is called Charles. The description matches the newly discovered corpse. "

Mr. Long asked again: "How is the injury of target number four?"

"Sir, the gunshot wound to the leg of target No. 4 did not damage the bones. It was just because of the cold weather that the wound suffered frostbite. Other conditions will need to be sent to the hospital to determine!"

Tapping his fingers on the document in his hand, Mr. Long was silent for a while and then continued: "We cannot delay the situation of target number four. Let the Northeast Military Region send an armed helicopter to pick him up. We must ensure that his injuries do not expand!

Now that the Timber Wolf mercenary group has been annihilated and captured alive, let me out. I want to see if there is still a mercenary group that is not afraid of death and dares to run wild in our country.

Once this matter is resolved, the joint exercise can be delayed any longer. Target person No. 3, target mission No. 4, and target person No. 7 should all be in the Daxinganling area. Now that No. 4 is in our hands and No. 3 has also been exposed, the remaining No. 7 must be at the meeting point. I ordered the border guards to surround the Daxinganling area, and the Northeast Military Region also mobilized for me. All the Siberian Tiger Special Forces went into the jungle to find every inch of land for me, not to mention a few large living people, even a strip of land. I have to dig out all the hibernating snakes! "


The jungle once again fell into darkness. The Siberian Tiger Special Forces Group had received an order from the exercise headquarters and quickly deployed all its troops into the jungle, breaking them into small groups of four people. The groups maintained contact with each other. Once discovered, Suspicious traces, nearby teams immediately provide support.

A team of four people is slowly advancing the search in the jungle. They are not in a hurry now, but are searching very carefully. The outer circle has formed an iron barrel, and the target person cannot fly out unless he has wings.

"Rest where you are and continue searching in five minutes." The team leader ordered.
