The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 193: Female sniper



Near Area 305, the judge was finally surrounded layer by layer as the Red Army continued to shrink the encirclement.

Even so, the judge has no intention of giving up resistance. For him, from the beginning, he has used his own sacrifice to buy time for Zhang Feng and Monkey's next mission. With this purpose, as long as he can delay the other party for more One minute, that’s success.

He took out all the edible things in his backpack and stuffed them into his mouth.

Chewing heavily, the assault rifle on his back was out of bullets, so he simply threw it aside. He removed the magazine from the sniper rifle and looked at it. There were still the last five bullets in it.

He put it back on, took two deep breaths while lying on the snow, and then turned over and crawled in the snow again. The sniper rifle was wrapped in a white cloth strip, and the muzzle of the gun was sticking out of the snow. The judge's vision was locked on the jungle hundreds of meters away through the scope.

The north wind blew through the woods, rustling, but there was no movement at all, and the atmosphere was depressing to a terrifying level.

The judge breathed calmly and waited. He understood that this was just the last tranquility before the storm. The more tranquil it was, the more violent the storm was.

Three minutes later, figures began to appear in the judge's field of vision. They were all moving quickly. While moving, they used tree trunks to cover their figures.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Is this how you can avoid my sniper attack?"

Licking his chapped lips, the judge slowly moved the muzzle of the gun, and steadily pulled the trigger with his index finger. Bang!

There was a muffled sound in the jungle, and a bullet passed through the chest. A figure on the opposite side helplessly stopped moving and sat down on the snow. White smoke was rising from his back, which meant that he had been killed in action.

The judge's first shot also completely tore apart the tranquility in the jungle!

Da da da!

Continuous gunshots suddenly rang out, and the fireworks ejected from the muzzle looked extremely shining in the early morning light that was not yet ordered!

Bullets kept falling around the judge, so close that they even missed his body.

The judge didn't feel anything at all. He pulled the gun bolt again, locked the target, and pulled the trigger. With the sound of gunfire, another person on the opposite side was killed again.

Shot twice in succession at the same location, the judge's body

He jumped up and quickly moved towards the second shooting location.

In the process of running wildly, he suddenly felt a thorn in his back. His heart thumped. Before he had time to think about it, his brain and body reacted at the same time and rushed to the side.

The moment he moved, a bullet grazed his arm and tore a long gash in his sleeve.

'Hiss', the judge took a breath of air.

Without enough time to think about it, the judge evaded the opponent's first sniper kill and quickly rushed to the second shooting point that he had found in advance.

Holding the gun steadily with his arm, he quickly looked through the scope for the sniper who had just shot him. The biggest opponent for a sniper is also a sniper. If you can't kill the opponent, you will fall to the opponent's gun sooner or later.

The judge found a white figure whistling back and forth in the jungle. It was the other party's camouflage uniform.

The opponent moves very quickly, and every time he stops, he is in a place where the line of sight is not blocked. He secretly thinks that this sniper is not only a shooting master, but also a concealment master. If he comes to the Huangquan team and gives it to him, it won't take long. Time can become a terrifying presence that harvests lives on the battlefield.

Putting these miscellaneous thoughts behind, since the opponent's sniper did not give him a chance to shoot, he would shoot the other person and force him to shoot against him.

Lock the target and pull the trigger!

After the shooting, the judge rolled back on the spot and rushed towards the third preset sniper location. There were only seven bullets left in total, and now only four were left.

Finding the opponent's high-speed moving sniper again in his field of vision, the judge frowned slightly. The opponent's movement trajectory was in an arc, trying to move to his side.

The slightly frowned brows relaxed, and a sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth.

Snipers are indeed the most lethal unit on the battlefield, but they are also the first target of local strikes. A sniper who is separated from his companions is also the most vulnerable without support, and the sniper in front of him obviously made this mistake.

Although going around to his side can work wonders, he is also far away from his comrades and becomes isolated and helpless!

While moving at high speed, the judge kept firing. With each shot, a soldier must be eliminated with white smoke rising from his body.

, and after four shots, the sniper rifle completely turned into a fire stick.

Quickly climb to a tree hill, hang the sniper rifle without bullets in the middle of the tree branch, take off his helmet and hang it on the sniper rifle.

The judge slid down the tree trunk, jumping and moving quickly in the opposite direction of the sniper.

While running wildly, the judge was also waiting. He was waiting for the opponent's sniper to shoot!


The waiting gunfire sounded, and a firework ejected from the muzzle completely exposed the opponent's sniper's position.

The judge's helmet and sniper rifle hanging on the tree branch also fell down and smashed into the snow.

The sniper wearing a snow-white ghillie suit frowned, and she thought to herself that something was wrong, she had been tricked!

At this moment, she felt the evil wind behind her head. She had no time to turn around and rolled her body forward. At the same time, she let go of the heavy sniper rifle in her hand and reached out to pull out the self-defense pistol at her waist.

But how could the approaching judge give her this chance

The dagger flashed with a cold light and pierced directly towards her arm, while simultaneously kicking directly towards the opponent's abdomen!

Seeing the astonished face of the other sniper, the judge was also stunned. He never thought that the sniper he was playing against was actually a woman.

Just because she was shocked, it didn't mean that the judge would show mercy to her, a woman.

On the battlefield, no one cares about the gender of the enemy. In the heart of a warrior, there are only two possibilities for enemies, one is a living enemy, and the other is a dead corpse!


The whip leg hit the female sniper's side and abdomen hard, and pain suddenly flashed across her face.

But she did not retreat, but clamped the judge's legs with her arms, and at the same time, she took out a kick and went straight to the key part of the judge's crotch.

hiss. The judge couldn't help but take a breath of air. Even though he focused on attacking the enemy's vital points and killing them with one move, he didn't need to use all his strength to save his own life. He behaved like Zhang Feng anyway.

The judge's body jumped up, and his other leg jumped up high, hooking the woman's neck.

He clamped his legs suddenly and turned his body over at the same time, slamming the woman to the ground. At the same time, riding under Kua, he pulled out a dagger and put it on his cheek, saying in a cold voice: "I'm sorry, you're out!"