The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 198: restricted area



There is no difference in the power of a wet towel or a belt.

The police did not expect that the monkey would not run away when they saw them, but would take action first and was caught off guard and slapped on the face.

With a scream, he covered his neck and took two steps back. When he reached out and touched it, his palms were all filled with blood.

The monkey was like a tiger rushing into the flock of sheep, and the wet towel in his hand was constantly slapping, making a snapping sound on his cheek.

Although the policeman looked embarrassed, he was not seriously injured. He only had ugly bruises on his face.

This is because monkeys are merciless, otherwise a towel can become a murder weapon, killing these pampered and pampered policemen in an instant.

Feeling that things were almost done, the monkey threw away the towel, rushed out of the door, and soon disappeared into the alley.

"Made, this madman actually used me as bait, and I still want to cooperate with him." The monkey muttered a curse in his mouth. To be able to join the Huangquan team, one must not only have high military quality, but also have a flexible mind and clear thinking. At this moment, he had figured out Zhang Feng's intention. To put it bluntly, just like the judge in Daxinganling at that time, he just led the pursuers behind him in circles in the county.

In the lobby of the bathing center, the policeman got up from the ground holding his bleeding nose and cursed: "Thugs, such people must be thugs! How dare they openly attack the police!"

"Captain, oh my face. Don't worry, no matter how awesome this kid is, can he still pass the military area? People from the military area will be here soon. When we catch this kid, we will take care of him."

"That's right. Grandma's. Report it to the superiors immediately and ask them to set up checkpoints at various intersections in the county."

Zhang Feng sat in the car and saw that an hour had passed. He nodded slightly and said, "It's time for us to set off!"

He threw the monkey clothes he took when he came out of the bathroom to the naked middle-aged man and said: "Put on your clothes and go wherever I tell you to go."

He turned around, pointed at the woman, and said: "It's better to find a good job in the future than to just eat and drink. There's you in the trash can in front of you."

clothes, get out of the car now and look for them yourself. "

As if she had been granted amnesty, the woman looked at Zhang Feng warily. Seeing that he did not make any movement, she hurriedly jumped out of the car, naked buttocks, and ran towards the trash can.

"Drive, get out of town!"

The middle-aged man who had changed his clothes saw that Zhang Feng, who was sitting in the passenger seat, had already taken out a pistol at some point, holding it in his hand and placing it on his lap, with the muzzle of the gun pointed at him.

Not daring to have any objections, he quickly turned on the lights, started the car, and drove out of the underground parking lot.

Just when I was about to leave the city, I saw the military police setting up a card in front of me, waving a sign from a distance, indicating that I should stop for inspection.

The man's questioning eyes fell on Zhang Feng's face. Zhang Feng nodded slightly. It seemed that the monkey had started to move, that's good.

He covered the gun in his hand with the hem of his mink coat and said coldly: "You figure it out, don't think about playing any tricks with me."

The car stopped, and the middle-aged man lowered the window, forced his head out to calmly ask, "What's going on?"

A policeman recognized the man in the car and hurriedly greeted him. He said with a smile: "It turns out to be Boss Liu. Why are you leaving the city so late?"

"Oh, I need to go out for something. It's so late. Why are you in this position?"

"Oh, it's nothing. Come on, it's Boss Liu, so there must be no problem. Wait for me to raise the pole for you, but don't delay your important event."

The vehicle started again and drove slowly out of the city. Zhang Feng sneered twice and asked, "I didn't see it, but you are still a figure here."

"It's just a small business, and everyone gives me some face. And in this small place, you can't even look up when you look down." The man said modestly.

After the vehicle traveled dozens of kilometers, Zhang Feng said, "Stop the car."

The man stopped the car on the side of the road as instructed. Zhang Feng looked at his watch. It was already half past six, and there was still an hour before the action.

He threw two wads of bills to the man from his pocket, and then said, "You don't really think that we are robbers, do you? If we are really robbers, it's not about the 20,000 yuan."

Under the man's surprised gaze, Zhang Feng moved his inner mouth

He took out the officer's ID card from the bag and gestured it to the man, and said: "I, a serving soldier! The military region is conducting an exercise now, and your car will be temporarily requisitioned. After the exercise, when people from the military region find you, they will return it to its original owner. , if any damage is caused, you will be compensated according to the price. "

The man opened his mouth in surprise, what is going on? I was almost scared to death, and I had even begun to think about my future affairs. Finally, I came to a mountain road with 18 bends. I told myself that it was a practice. The changes were so fast that it was more exciting than a roller coaster.

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true! Otherwise, there are robbers who are so easy to negotiate with you. Get out of the car now. There are quite a lot of vehicles coming and going here. If you are lucky, you can stop the car and return to the county town soon. " Zhang Feng affirmed.

The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment and then got out of the car. No matter what this man said was true or false, as long as he didn't kill himself, it would be fine. As for the car and money, they were all external possessions.

Zhang Feng changed into the driver's seat and sat down, started the car, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and shot out like an arrow.

The reason why he told the middle-aged man his identity was because this man's existence would no longer affect the final outcome of the action.

If he could stop the car right away, it would take at least two hours to rush back to the county town, and by then everything would have been settled.

Calling the police on the road? That's impossible. When buying clothes for Monkey, Zhang Feng also bought a lot of gadgets in a computer accessories store. He mixed the circuits to make a small signal jammer and stuffed it into the cigarette case. Now it's in the man's pocket. inside the clothes pocket.

The signal shielding distance is only two meters in diameter, but it is enough.

On the train pulling coal, Zhang Feng had already planned some things, and when he got off the train, the action officially began.

As for his final outcome, Zhang Feng could also predict that no matter whether he could successfully seize command of the weapons system or not, he would only end up dead in battle.

Although I don't know the specific content of the actions of the King of Hell, I think his end should be similar to mine.

Driving quickly to the outskirts of the county town, there were signs indicating military restricted areas on the dense barbed wire fence...