The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 203: wake up


"What's going on? Who can give me a reasonable explanation? Why can the detailed location of the Northeast Military Region's weapon system control center fall into the hands of the Blue Army?" Long Laohan asked with a face.

Although the referee has judged that the Red Army ended in failure in this exercise, Mr. Long did not think that this exercise ended in a real sense.

If the lessons of failure cannot be summed up and corrected, then one day the command center may really be controlled by the enemy. At that time, key military departments nationwide will receive a devastating blow. This loss will be inestimable and unacceptable. of.

"Sir... the weapons system center of the Northeast Military Region is not within the scope of this exercise at all... The Blue Army should be considered a violation of the regulations, and we should report it to the referee."


Mr. Long slapped the desk hard, "You are trying to shirk our own problems, you know? Such a vital military forbidden area is not within the scope of the exercise, and our soldiers on guard are still under the condition of live ammunition." Can the other party seize control of the center? What we should do now is to find our own problems, rather than busy shirking responsibility, understand?"

"Yes, sir. The seizure of the weapon system control center this time was only exposed because the computer system of the Ministry of Defense was hacked. And the large-scale attack by Trojan viruses on our Red Army's command system was just a cover-up by the Blue Army. Their real purpose is Destroying the information defense of the weapon center... At this point, we fell into the enemy's trap."

Mr. Long nodded, what he said was reasonable, and then asked: "Have all the target people been brought back?"

"Report, target person No. 1 is on the plane flying back from the southwest. Target person No. 7 is on the plane flying back from Fengtian. Only target person No. 3..."

Hearing his hesitation, Mr. Long frowned and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it. What does he look like with his hesitation?"

"Yes, on the one hand, target number three seriously injured the seven soldiers left behind at the Weapons Command Center garrison. He himself was also seriously injured and in a coma. He was temporarily detained by the Northeast Military Region and is receiving treatment in the hospital."

Standing next to Mr. Long, the corner of Zhang Dashan's mouth twitched slightly. The third target was Zhang Feng, who was his own son.

, he was seriously injured and fell into coma and was detained by the Northeast Military Region.

Mr. Long also felt the coldness emanating from Zhang Dashan's body behind him, and said: "Immediately order the Northeast Military Region to dispatch armed helicopters to transport target number 3 back to the Kyoto Military Region Hospital. He is the most outstanding soldier in this exercise. How can we detain this person?" . Did our Red Army not only lose the exercise but also lose their character?”

"Yes, sir!"

Zhang Feng fell unconscious on the hospital bed, with scars on his chest, gunshot wounds penetrating his waist and abdomen, a heavy kick on his back, contusions on his waist... and so on.

He lost too much blood, his body temperature was too low, and he fell into a coma. Various instruments that monitor vital signs are inserted into his body through tubes.

Standing at the door was a soldier with a loaded gun. Someone whispered: "Hey, I heard that guy inside tied up the commander of a battalion of our border defense regiment in Daxinganling, and then drove away in a cooking squad car. "

"real or fake?"

"Oh, you still don't believe me? Not only that, I heard that he also seriously injured a class of soldiers in the garrison at the training ground. Isn't this the key, you know? The key point is that the training ground is not within the scope of the exercise at all. Inside, the other side has live ammunition..."

While he was gushing, the soldiers from the Kyoto Military Region who came to pick him up on the order of Mr. Long came over, but were blocked by the soldiers from the Northeast Military Region who were guarding the door.

"Get out of the way, we were ordered to pick them up. Here are the documents." The soldier at the head said coldly.

"I'm sorry. Your documents are of no use to us. Our regiment leader said that no one inside can be taken away without his order." The soldier guarding the door showed a posture of refusing to accept hard words.

As soon as he finished speaking, the communicator rang, and the leader's voice came from inside, with only two words: Release them.

Zhang Feng quickly boarded an armed helicopter bound for the Kyoto Military Region Hospital under the care of doctors and nurses.

Three hours later, his body was lying on a hospital bed in the Kyoto Military Region.

The nurse in charge of taking care of him rubbed her eyes. Why is this man here again? He seems to be more seriously injured each time, with excessive blood loss and hypothermia. Just these two injuries.

All are fatal.

The gunshot wounds in the waist and abdomen even hurt the internal organs, so they must be taken care of carefully, otherwise complications are very likely to occur, which can be fatal.

Three days later, in the early morning, Zhang Dashan came to the ward, pushed the door open a crack, and saw Zhang Feng, who was pale and had various tubes inserted into his body, but he did not go in.

His body stood still at the door for five minutes, then he let out a long sigh and closed the door gently. Leaning against the wall of the corridor, he kept smoking, one cigarette after another.

At dusk, other members of the Huangquan team were standing in the ward, but no one spoke.

Just when they were about to turn around and leave, Zhang Feng, who was lying on the hospital bed with an oxygen mask on, opened his mouth slightly and made a sound of 'uh'.

The sound was small but enough to make the King of Hell and others stop, turn around and continue to look at Zhang Feng.

"The monkey went to notify the attending physician and said the madman had woken up."

Zhang Feng's eyes opened a crack with difficulty, and it took him a long time to adjust to the not-so-bright light in the ward. He slightly raised his finger and pointed at the breathing assist device worn on his face.

At this time, Monkey also walked in quickly with the chief physician.

The chief physician immediately checked Zhang Feng's vital signs and breathed a sigh of relief. The patient had woken up and the values were all normal.

He walked over and looked at Zhang Feng's pupils. After confirming again that there was nothing wrong, he took off the breathing aid on his face, turned to the King of Hell and others and said, "The patient just woke up and is still very weak. Don't take too much pressure." Talk to him and let him get some rest."

After taking off the respirator, Zhang Feng reluctantly raised the corners of his mouth and said vaguely: "How was the result of the exercise?"

"Our Blue Army wins, second-class merit as a team, and first-class merit for you as an individual. This is the military region's compliment to us and you personally." The King of Hell said softly.

Zhang Feng's scrutinizing eyes fell on the face of the King of Hell. He had several questions in his mind, but he didn't speak. He put his chin back and nodded, saying: "I'm too tired now, I want to sleep for a while."

Hearing his words, the nurse in the ward said quickly: "Sorry everyone, the patient is ready to rest now. You can wait until the patient's condition stabilizes in a few days before visiting again."