The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 21: Shooting training


"Zhang Feng, crawl faster! Even an old sow can catch up with you!"


Zhang Feng spat out a curse word from the innermost part. He could no longer ignore the burning pain in his butt, lowered his body as much as possible and crawled forward quickly.

After passing through the barbed wire fence thirty centimeters above the ground, the back of Zhang Feng's military uniform had been cut into tattered strips by the sharp barbed wire!

There were even several cuts on the backs of some of them, all of which were bloody and turned out.

But Zhang Feng couldn't care so much. The bullet just grazed his head, so he had the heart to think about this.

He emerged from the barbed wire fence and jumped directly into the mud pit!

The mud up to his knees was like strong glue, and every step he took took a lot of force to hit.

Zhang Feng, whose physical strength and military qualities were unsatisfactory, fell behind the team, which once again received the attention of the King of Hell and the Judge!

"Zhang Feng, you trash, I advised you to give up as soon as possible, go to Huangquan Road, and don't be an eyesore to me!" The curses, ridicules, and sarcasms of the King of Hell continued to echo in Zhang Feng's ears.

The judge was even more direct, pulling the bolt of the gun and pulling the trigger. Bullets landed less than one meter away from Zhang Feng's body, and the mud splashed even onto Zhang Feng's body.

"Judge, please shoot me accurately, don't hit me!" Zhang Feng grunted and screamed at the top of his lungs as he moved forward!

At midnight, the team finally gathered outside the tent.

"Congratulations to you for persisting for another day! Hey, it makes me feel bad to see you like this. If you don't let me, I will give up voluntarily. I don't have to train you trash, and you don't have to suffer this. It's better for both of us. No?" The King of Hell said with a smile.

Every day, there are people who can't hold on and choose to ring the elimination bell. Some of those eliminated are ones Zhang Feng doesn't know by name, and more often than not, he has never even spoken to them.

More than twenty hours of training had drained every bit of strength from their bodies. During the break, everyone tried to restore their physical strength and spirit as much as possible. Who had time to chat!

Go ahead and enjoy your precious sleep time! "The King of Hell gave the order, and everyone quickly returned to their beds in the tent.

No one knows when and in what ingenious way the King of Hell will appear. All they can do now is rest as much as possible!

Zhang Feng was lying on the bed and took out a flattened and dry steamed bun from the middle of his clothes. He didn't eat breakfast this morning and put it inside his clothes. His idea was to be prepared.

At three o'clock in the morning, the assembly horn sounded, and everyone quickly put on their military uniforms and lined up to assemble.

Breakfast is the same as before, one steamed bun for each person and ten thousand soup that has no taste and only has oily flowers floating on it.

Zhang Feng flattened the new steamed buns and kicked them into his clothes, soaked yesterday's dry steamed buns into the soup, and poured them into his stomach in two or two mouthfuls.

After solemnly licking the grease in the bowl clean, Zhang Feng returned the bowl to the distance with unfinished content.

The team stood neatly again!

The team that originally numbered over a hundred people had just gone through a week and already half of them were left.

The other half give up or eliminate themselves in various ways.

"Alas!" Xu Sheng let out a long sigh. He held the bowl in his hand and held the steamed buns in his hands without eating them.

He slowly stood up and put the bowl back, staggering towards the elimination clock.

"Xu Sheng, you can't give up! We agreed before we came that we would go through Huangquan Road together! Come back to me!" A comrade who was sent over from one of his troops rushed over, hugged his waist from behind and threw him to the ground. , roared.

Tears spewed out of Xu Sheng's eyes. He cried like a helpless child, hunching his shoulders tightly.

"Do you think I want to give up? I don't! But I really can't hold on! I can't hold on! I know it's embarrassing to give up and it's an embarrassment to the old army! But I really can't hold on!" cried people from the ground. Get up and stagger towards the elimination clock.

"Xu Sheng, come back here for me!" The comrade shouted at the top of his lungs.

But Xu Sheng did not look back. He picked up the hammer, looked back at his comrades, and still rang the elimination bell.

The King of Hell waved his hand, and the medical team's health center immediately carried Xu Sheng away on a stretcher.

Zhang Feng saw Xu Sheng lying on the stretcher, although his face was covered with a hat, his shoulders were slapping uncontrollably.

"Meal time is over! Today we have to train

The content is shooting! "The king of hell said.

Zhang Feng's heart skipped a beat. He had never touched a real gun before, let alone shot it.

Li Jian also looked at Zhang Feng. He was the person who knew Zhang Feng's details best.

"Report!" Zhang Feng shouted loudly.

"Say!" The King of Hell said expressionlessly.

"I have never touched a gun and I can't shoot!" Zhang Feng shouted.

The special forces soldiers who didn't know the situation were stunned. They were selected to be sent to Huangquan Road and someone actually said they had touched a gun? Is this funny? Everyone here is not a sharpshooter in the old army

"Yes, I know! You train alone with the judge, and the others follow me!" the King of Hell said without any explanation.

After hearing what the King of Hell said, Zhang Feng not only didn't feel any sense of relaxation, but also had a look of unwillingness.

The large army was led to the shooting range by the King of Hell, leaving the judge and Zhang Feng alone, preparing to give the latter a small start.

"Brother Judge, you look like an open-minded person at first sight. Your prime minister's stomach can support a boat. How about letting the past be bygones?" Zhang Feng said with a playful smile.

"Huh? Hahaha, do you know why everyone calls me the judge? That's because I have a ledger in my heart. How can everyone remember it clearly? It's such a rare opportunity. Do you think I will give up? "The judge said angrily.

"Where are you talking about?"

"Shut up, I! If I don't take care of you today, how can I be worthy of the knife you gave me!"

The judge interrupted Zhang Feng's words with vicious words, and then said: "Raise the gun!"

"You are doing embroidery like an old lady!" the judge scolded. After straightening Zhang Feng's posture, he continued: "Let's wait for an hour before we talk!"

"Okay, judge, do whatever you say!"

"It's useless if you don't have to smile at me!" As he said that, as if to verify his statement, the judge walked over and hung a stone weighing two kilograms on the muzzle of the gun with a rope!

Hanging from the muzzle of the gun, all the weight is transferred to Zhang Feng's arm through the gun body.

"Steady, don't move!"

After saying that, the judge moved a chair and sat directly on it, holding the cane in his hand.