The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 226: Action failed



The chaotic crowd crowded towards the door crazily, and Zhang Feng also got into the middle of them, but they didn't crowd towards the door.

With the help of the crowd's cover, Zhang Feng approached Kunsha.

Rushing to Wang Xiaojuan's side at this time has no effect. Once Kun Sha knows that it is impossible to catch him alive, he will not hesitate to order the shooting. He has just added another corpse in the past.

Only by attacking Kunsha can the bodyguards besieging Wang Xiaojuan feel the pressure and respond to the rescue, thereby reducing her pressure and achieving the effect of besieging Wei and rescuing Zhao.

Even though she was injured, Wang Xiaojuan was still brave. She traded injuries for injuries and fought for her life in a desperate style. She knew in her heart that she was injured now, and the longer it took, the worse it would be for her.

The wound continues to bleed out. With the loss of blood, his physical fitness and reaction speed will continue to decline, but when it drops to a certain level, he can only surrender.

If a man falls into the hands of the enemy, he may be killed after being tortured and wasting a bullet. However, if a woman becomes a prisoner, she will be tortured in a more perverted and crazy way, which is impossible to image. Even a corpse will be played in the hands of the extremely perverted Japanese people.

Faced with the bodyguard's fist, Wang Xiaojuan could not dodge. She was hit on the shoulder with a bang. She felt as if her bones were about to break.

Gritting his teeth to prevent himself from retreating at all, the long and narrow dagger in his hand was fiercely inserted into the heart of the bodyguard in front of him, and he turned his wrist.

The bodyguard was stunned on the spot, his mouth slightly opened, and he made a sound of "Uh... uh". Blood mixed with broken heart fragments spurted out of his mouth and spattered on Wang Xiaojuan's cheek, making it dirty.

At this time, another bodyguard rushed over from the side and kicked her directly in the face.

Wang Xiaojuan flew out like a kite with its string broken.

Her body hit a card table hard, the wine bottle exploded under her body, and half of her body was wet with wine.

The fragments of the wine bottle penetrated through the thin clothes and penetrated into her flesh, and bright red blood flowed out, mixing with the flowing wine.

Wang Xiaojuan's face was full of pain. She got up from the card table with a

Blood, both her own and that of her enemies.

He wiped it casually with his sleeve, roared, and rushed forward without retreating, towards the bodyguard who was rushing towards him.

At this moment, Zhang Feng also touched Kun Sha's side and noticed Wang Xiaojuan's desperate struggle. He frowned tightly.

If this continues, even if Wang Xiaojuan can be rescued, it will probably be nothing more than a corpse and will have no value by then.

He picked up a sharp piece of glass from the ground and clamped it between his fingers. He flicked his wrist and shot it out suddenly.

Before the two bodyguards realized what was going on, there was a sharp pain in their necks.

The section of the glass shard was as sharp as a razor blade, and it directly cut off the arteries and trachea in the necks of the two bodyguards.

The artery was severed, and blood spurted out under pressure, just like cold water spurting from a broken faucet.

The trachea was severed and they couldn't breathe. They knelt down on the ground in discomfort and covered their necks with both hands. Blood overflowed from their fingers. In just a few breaths, the two bodyguards who were attacked by Zhang Feng fell into a pool of blood. Become a corpse.

The other two bodyguards who were guarding Kun Sha reacted and stood in front of Kun Sha. They drew their pistols and looked for the attacker with alert eyes.

Zhang Feng, who was mixed in the chaotic crowd, ducked behind a sofa and breathed steadily.

He picked up the pieces of glass beside him and held them between his fingers.

On the other side, Wang Xiaojuan's chest was cut open in the middle by the knife in the hand of the bodyguard. All her clothes were exposed, and even her underwear was cut off in the middle.

Two round hemispheres were exposed to the air, and there was a vertical wound of ten centimeters in the center of the chest, with the skin and flesh turned out.

The bright red blood falling on the fair skin looked even more dazzling and alluring.

The dagger in Wang Xiaojuan's hand also slashed across the throat of the bodyguard in front of her, taking away his life directly, exchanging injuries for lives!

Although her upper body was exposed to the air, Wang Xiaojuan had no time to cover it up. Under such circumstances, even the most private places were no longer private. If her life was gone, what was the use of being so ashamed.

There were two bodyguards left who besieged Wang Xiaojuan, and they moved towards Wang Xiaojuan one after another.

Juan rushes over.

Wang Xiaojuan was at the end of her strength, with a trace of ruthlessness flashing in her eyes, and she rushed towards the bodyguard in front of her. She knew that she was in a certain death situation, so she decided to die together with the bodyguard in front of her. As for her back, she had completely given up on defense.

Zhang Feng had a panoramic view of her situation. He frowned and squeezed into the word "Chuan". He didn't have time to consider his situation. With a flick of his wrist, the glass shards caught between his fingers were shot out.

Glass fragments were shot out again, and Zhang Feng's position was also exposed to the bodyguards blocking Kun Sha. Without Kun Sha giving orders, the two of them frantically pulled the trigger on the sofa where Zhang Feng was hiding.

Zhang Feng crawled on the ground and hugged his head tightly.

Bang bang bang bang—

Continuous gunshots rang out, and the bullets scattered the cotton stuffed inside the sofa, and then slowly fell.

Zhang Feng did not choose to move when faced with the opponent's shooting, because the power of the pistol was much smaller than that of the rifle, and it was difficult to penetrate the sofa and shoot him. If he rushed out rashly, his position would be exposed.

A Japanese-style broken blade was inserted into Wang Xiaojuan's shoulder, and the dagger in her hand was inserted into the heart of the bodyguard.

The bodyguard who was charging at her back raised the knife in his hand high, but there was no chance of it falling down.

A cold light flashed, and there were shards of glass stuck in his throat, and his eyes were so wide that they seemed to pop out of their sockets.


The short knife fell to the ground, and the bodyguard's body also fell to the ground crookedly. His eyes were not closed, but there was a gray deathly silence in them.

Wang Xiaojuan held the dagger in her hand and pushed his abdomen with her feet to pull the dagger out. The blood that poured out dyed her naked chest bright red.

She also staggered and fell backward to the ground.

Kunsha also realized that something was wrong and ordered a retreat. Two bodyguards stood in front of him and slowly retreated towards the door.

Wang Xiaojuan raised her head with difficulty, her vision blurred by excessive blood loss.

He took out the pistol from the bodyguard's body and wanted to pull the trigger. When he saw the crowd, he lowered the gun with the raised muzzle.

A crazed bodyguard could shoot at random without caring about innocent people just to kill himself. She couldn't do such a thing.