The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 228: Transfer to Miura City




The pistol with its muzzle blocked by the pillow made a low muffled sound.

The bullet landed in front of the doctor's feet.

"Ah!" the doctor screamed, jumped up in panic, took three steps back, and looked at Zhang Feng with a cold expression on his face with fear.

His legs were so shaky that he could hardly stand, and the corners of his mouth were trembling because of nervousness.

"I don't want to talk nonsense to you anymore. If I see your hand withdraw again, my fingers will move and the next bullet will be put into your head! Do you understand what I say?" Zhang Fengyin said A fierce gaze fell on Yiyong's face and he said coldly.

"Hey, hey, hey!" The doctor kept nodding. Faced with the threat to his life, he did not dare to hesitate any more.

He quickly ran to the hospital bed and put an oxygen mask on Wang Xiaojuan's mouth. Various instruments for detecting vital signs were inserted into her body.

The sweat on his face kept falling, but he didn't dare to stop any longer.

After observing for a moment, he said tremblingly: "The external injuries on her body did not hurt her vital organs. She only needed sutures to stop the bleeding. She just fell into a coma due to excessive blood loss and needed a blood transfusion immediately."

Zhang Feng frowned and said coldly: "What's the use of telling me that she needs a blood transfusion? You are the doctor, give her a blood transfusion immediately."

"Hi... Hi, it's just that I don't know what blood type she has. This..." the doctor said hesitantly.

He stood up from the chair, walked quickly to him, poked the doctor in the forehead with the muzzle of his gun, and said viciously: "Are you trying to play tricks on me? If you don't know what blood type you are, just use type O blood." You are a doctor, and I still need to teach you about this! I tell you, you will be buried with her when she dies. I don’t have the energy or the mood to make fun of you anymore!”

The doctor's forehead was punctured with red marks from the hard muzzle of the gun, which gradually became red and swollen. However, he did not dare to have any objection at all and could not stop nodding.

He took out several blood bags from the incubator. After confirming that they were all type O blood, Zhang Feng nodded and began to transfuse blood to Wang Xiaojuan who was lying on the hospital bed.

He returned to the chair and sat down, staring at the doctor coldly.

That doctor

After the doctor got the blood transfusion, he quickly put on surgical clothes, took out the surgical instruments and started to suture her traumatic wounds.

When Zhang Feng saw the busy doctor, he felt a sense of guilt in his heart. He knew that it was very inhumane for him to force the doctor with a gun like this.

But other than that, I can't think of any other way. Compared with the guilt in my heart, the life of my comrades is more important.

Although Wang Xiaojuan is a bit silly and headstrong, she is in the same army as him.

Under the pressure of the gun, the doctor was very fast. In just 20 minutes, he took out the deformed bullet from Wang Xiaojuan's body and sutured all the wounds.

The bags of plasma were changed several times in a row.

After all the things were done, the doctor could no longer hold on and sat down on the ground. The operation was not tiring, but the constant threat of life and death made his nerves highly tense. When he suddenly relaxed, his whole body lost all strength and could no longer stand.

"I'm not sure whether she... can survive. Being in a state of excessive blood loss for a long time has caused huge damage to his internal organs." The doctor breathed a sigh of relief and told the truth.

He didn't say this, but Zhang Feng was just like Ming Jing in his heart.

He put away his pistol, took out his wallet, took out a stack of thick dollars, walked over and stuffed it into his hand, and said: "Whether she lives or dies next has nothing to do with you. If anyone asks you this , just say you were held at gunpoint, I believe the other party will not make things difficult for you. "

After saying that, he quickly walked to the counter, collected all the medicines that could be used and put them into a plastic bag.

There was no shortage of hospital gowns in the clinic. He took two of them, one was put on Wang Xiaojuan's body, and the other was put on himself. He said coldly again: "Now find some of your clothes and stuff them in." In the backpack, hurry up.”

"Hey, hey." The doctor went into the room to look for clothes. Zhang Feng saw the wheelchair in the corner of the room and pushed it over.

Putting Wang Xiaojuan's body on the wheelchair, she lowered her head and looked at her watch. It was almost three o'clock in the morning.

In less than two minutes, the doctor walked out with a backpack and handed it to Zhang Feng.

After taking the backpack, Zhang Feng pushed Wang Xiaojuan in the wheelchair out of the clinic quickly.

I have been delayed here for nearly an hour and must be moved immediately, otherwise the police will come soon.

And to be able to establish a foothold in the red light district, the power behind that club must be very powerful in Tokyo, and naturally they will not let themselves and Wang Xiaojuan go.

In addition, Kunsha traveled with eight bodyguards, each of whom was equipped with a gun and dared to shoot without restraint. It would be strange to say that there was no power behind him.

Now we have directly offended people from the three forces, and each force is not easy to mess with. It can be said that there is a lot of chaos in Tokyo, and they are all looking for themselves. It is not easy to lurk here anymore.

This is not a drill. You will not be eliminated after being shot and white smoke will appear behind you. If you are shot, you will die.

Pushing a wheelchair quickly in the community, Zhang Feng walked towards a car under the dim street lights.

After looking around to make sure there was no one nearby, he took out the knife from his mouth and inserted it into the keyhole, twisted it to break the lock, and then opened the door.

First put Wang Xiaojuan on the back seat, then open the locking point of the trunk and put the wheelchair in.

Walking in the driver's seat, the wires were drilled out from under the steering wheel, and the insulation was peeled off with a knife. The two wires kept touching and sparking.

'Coax...' The roar of the engine sounded. Zhang Feng took a breath, started the car and drove out of the community.

It is expected that the owner of this car will go to work at 7 o'clock tomorrow and find that the car is missing and call the police. During this time, the car will be safe and will not be traced for three hours.

We must make good use of these precious three hours to completely get rid of the three parties.

Call up the navigation system and drive straight out of Tokyo. I definitely can't stay in Tokyo, which is currently in chaos.

On the map, the place Zhang Feng targeted was called Miura City, a small border town near the sea, about six or seven hours' drive south of Tokyo.

The distance is just right. If something happens, we can rush to Tokyo quickly without being too close to Tokyo to be easily discovered.

And no matter which country it is, the border areas are the places with the most chaotic population and are the most suitable for hiding.

In three hours, Zhang Feng changed cars three times. After driving out of Tokyo, Zhang Feng changed cars twice again and went straight to Miura City.