The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 239: Nervous center control is completed



Do you want to implant a control chip into your nerve center? Do you want to conduct another experiment on yourself to gain strength

What does this madman Zaren want to do? Could it be that he really regarded himself as a guinea pig

Zhang Feng didn't want to sit still and wait for death. He tried to struggle with a little force, but his body couldn't lift any strength, as if his body was hollowed out.

Although he struggled vigorously, cold sweat flowed down his face, and his face became increasingly pale.

Zaren's face had a ferocious smile, and he bared his fangs and sneered ferociously: "Give up your struggle. In order to make you my test subject, I paid all my worth to give you a chance to escape. And Your body is too weak now. I am only keeping you alive by stimulating your nerves. If your nerves fluctuate too much, I guarantee that you will die soon."

Zhang Feng stared at Zaren coldly. There was no need for the other party to deceive him in this situation. He asked coldly: "Zaren, in this case, I would like to know how you can let me gain enough power!"

"Oh, genes!"

Speaking of this, Zaren's face glowed with excitement and madness, and his eyes were filled with fiery self-interest and he said: "The genetic sequence between humans and animals overlaps. I will break the human genome sequence into pieces." , and then by implanting animal genes, humans will be able to obtain the power of animal instincts, which will be unrivaled when amplified into humans. "

Hearing his almost crazy words, Zhang Feng was extremely shocked.

This statement has been around for a long time in the scientific community, and even many foreign scientific research institutions are secretly studying it.

However, such genetic technology is only theoretically mature. At the same time, such scientific and technological means are contrary to human ethics and have been condemned and regulated.

Unexpectedly, Zaren, a madman, would actually use himself as a test subject to complete the overlapping and recombination of his genes on his own body. This is like the 'grafting' of plants!

If looks could kill, Zhang Feng must have cut Zaren into pieces by a thousand cuts!

The atmosphere in the room was extremely solemn, with only Zaren's excited and disordered breathing, Zhang Feng's heavy breathing, and that

Disgusting stench.

Zaren was still debugging the equipment, while Zhang Feng was thinking about how to get out of the current dangerous situation.

But my head was about to explode, but I didn't think of any solution.

His body had no strength and was fatally injured. His life would be in danger if he moved even a little rashly.

Three hours later, Zaren left, put on a white coat and reappeared in the room.

He walked to Zhang Feng's bed and said, "Now that everything is ready, I'm going to start. You will become a pioneer of great technology, and you should feel extremely honored."

Yaorong is your grandma's height. Zhang Feng secretly cursed in his heart, and said quickly: "Zarun, we still have some discussions at this time. Kunsha is the one who killed Sangqu. How about I promise to kill him for you? What will you lose?" I’ll also give you double the money, and you can continue your research project then, how about that?”

Zaren did not answer, but took out a huge syringe and injected the anesthetic inside into Zhang Feng's body.

For a moment, Zhang Feng fell into a deep coma.

Zaren was so excited that his hands were shaking. He kept taking deep breaths, and it took him a long time to control his excitement.

Shake up the hospital bed where Zhang Feng was lying and fix his head.

He took out a palm-sized sealed box, and in the sealed box lay a chip the size of a fingernail.

Shave the hair on the back of Zhang Feng’s head and open his skull!

The wound was not big, only about two centimeters, but it was located at the back of the head, where nerves are densest. This is the most fatal part of a person's body. A slight mistake would be fatal.

Zaren put on clean gloves again, took out the chip, and carefully placed the chip into the wound caused by the craniotomy on the back of Zhang Feng's head.

The blood instantly stained the chip red.

Zaren's eyes were red with excitement and madness. He held the two-pole electrode contacts in his palms and slowly probed into the wound.

Now is the most critical step. As long as the chip is activated with electrode contacts, the nerve-like signals emitted by the chip can be stimulated to achieve the effect of controlling the host nerve center.

Licking his lips, the electrode contacts leaned against

Close to the chip.

Zhang Feng's unconscious body suddenly twitched violently, but his eyes were tightly closed with no sign of opening.

But the body struggled more and more violently, as if the cowhide straps binding his hands and feet were about to be broken, making a squeaking sound.

Zaren stepped aside, without any anxiety in his eyes.

This is a normal reaction of the experimental subject. The intervention of external neural signals will inevitably cause the original body's instinctive rejection, and the current struggle is the external manifestation of the body.

As long as you can get through this rejection period, everything will be fine.

But this stage is also the most dangerous. The tougher the nerves are, the greater the chance of surviving the rejection period, and the reactions during the rejection period will also become more severe. Once the fragile nerves cannot support it, they will collapse completely, turning the experimental subject into a living dead.

As Zhang Feng struggled for a long time, Zaren's expression also changed slightly, and his palms were filled with sweat.

Five minutes, a full five minutes later, Zhang Feng's twisting and struggling body stabilized again.

Zaren's heart thumped in his throat and he almost ran to Zhang Feng's hospital bed. He quickly removed the electrode contacts and bandaged and sutured the wound on the back of his head.

Zhang Feng was still in a deep coma, with his eyes closed and his brows furrowed. His body still instinctively felt pain in the coma.

The success of the first experiment made Zaren feel excited.

But this excitement was not enough for him, and the method of using neural chips to control the central nervous system was also obtained from Kunsha.

The next experiment is the most critical. If it succeeds, Zaren believes that his name will forever be engraved on the monument of the scientific world for those who come after him to look up to.

The next experiment is even more dangerous than ever before. Genes are the most mysterious lock in human beings.

The genomes extracted from the bodies of three animals are injected into the electromagnetic pulse injector. These three animals are leaf-cutter ants, bats, and falcons!

The risk of completing the recombination of an animal's genes with human genes is already extremely high, and Zaren actually wants to recombine the genes of three unrelated animals into the genes of a human being, which shows that he has gone crazy. To what extent.