The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 256: The Tomb of Heroes in Wenwen Township has been like this since ancient times



Afterwards, both the Zhuo family and the Zhai family chose to remain silent and kept silent about what happened that day.

The guests who had witnessed the first half of the incident had more to talk about. After all, the Zhuo family and the Zhai family were both economic leaders in Kyoto, China. They originally thought that the two families could further strengthen their cooperation through marriage.

Now that such an accident occurs, let alone cooperation, I'm afraid it would be good if we don't turn against each other.

It's just that because they left early, they didn't know the true identity of the uninvited guest who made a scene at the wedding. The outside world has speculated and there are many versions.

Zhai Qiang has gone from being the famous fourth son of Kyoto to being the owner of a notorious cuckold. This cuckold was even worn at a wedding in full public view.

Zhang Feng and others returned to the Red Star Club together.

"Zhaoyun, come on, I'll take you to try the latest good wine I got." Chen Wanru greeted.

Zhuo Zhaoyun nodded, understanding that Chen Wanru was trying to push her away, but she did not object. She stood up, greeted the old beggar respectfully, and walked out of the room with Chen Wanru.

Zhang Feng and the old beggar were left in the room. Zhang Feng knew that the old beggar had something to say to him, so he simply didn't say anything. He took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and waited.

"You don't respect me when you smoke." The old beggar cursed, took the cigarette case that Zhang Feng had thrown on the table, took out one and lit it himself, and put the rest into his pocket naturally.

After puffing out smoke, the old beggar said, "Xiao Feng, what happened today was a bit reckless."

Zhang Feng did not refute and nodded.

"If you continue to hide your identity, it will be much easier to show up after 01 has cleared the investigation. Now that you appear like this, all the spearheads will be aimed at you. Have you thought about this problem?"

Hearing this, Zhang Feng nodded again, with a deep expression on his face. He took two puffs of cigarette and exhaled, then sighed and said, "I know, old beggar. But there are things men do and things they don't do. If you are because of me, Zhuo Zhao Yun will not hold a wedding with Zhai Qiang in such a hurry. Do you think I shouldn't show up? If I watch Zhuo Zhaoyun marry the hypocrite Zhai Qiang, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life. "

"Alas. The Tomb of Heroes in Wenwen Township has been like this since ancient times." The old beggar said in his eyes

With a hint of recollection, that person has not had any unforgettable feelings.

Being hard-hearted is easy to say, but there are only a few people who can actually do it.

"Since you have chosen, you must be prepared to bear the consequences. I am afraid that even if I ask you about what happened to you, you may not be able to tell me, so I will not ask again."

After hearing what the old beggar said, Zhang Feng looked at him gratefully.

The old beggar continued: "Xiao Feng, please continue what I am saying. As long as you always remember that you are a Chinese and the blood of your ancestors remains in your bones, then no matter what happens, you will be worthy of your conscience!"

"Yes, don't worry, old beggar, I will come back to 01 with you after Zhaoyun and I have a few words!" Zhang Feng nodded.

Now that he had said this, the old beggar didn't say anything else. He reached out and patted Zhang Feng on the shoulder happily, then stood up and walked out of the room.

A moment later, Zhuo Zhaoyun walked into the room alone. Looking at Zhang Feng, who was sitting on the sofa with a stiff face and silence, she couldn't hold back her tears.

He ran over and rushed to Zhang Feng, and his fists landed on Zhang Feng's chest like raindrops.

The force was like scratching an itch, but tears were already falling down in clusters wiping his cheeks.

"I thought you wouldn't come to me."

"Do you know how much I miss you during this time?"

"Do you know how I got here during this time?"

Zhang Feng stood motionless, letting her vent her resentment, with a playful smile on his lips.

At the end of the fight, perhaps Zhuo Zhaoyun no longer had the strength, her head rested on Zhang Feng's thin chest, and her tears slowly wet Zhang Feng's chest.

The two hugged each other quietly, no one spoke, and there was no trace of embarrassment in the atmosphere.

After a while, Zhang Feng was the first to say: "Zhao Yun, tell me how you got here this month."

The atmosphere was broken, Zhuo Zhaoyun withdrew from Zhang Feng's arms, her tear-stained face flushed with embarrassment.

He stretched out his hand to tuck his slightly messy temples into his ears, lowered his head slightly, and said in a low voice: "Since I returned home in 1202, my grandfather has banned me from leaving the house for even half a step. Then he negotiated with the Zhai family for a month. Have a wedding. I want to tell you,

But you are being supervised and you are not allowing me to make phone calls. As long as the wedding is about to be held, I will ask someone to send the wedding invitation to Sister Wanru, hoping that you can see it and come to pick me up. "

When he said this, his tone was full of coquettishness, he glared at Zhang Feng and said, "But I kept waiting and waiting, but you never showed up. My heart was about to despair, thinking it was just me being sentimental."

Zhang Feng touched his bald head in embarrassment and smiled with a smile. During that time, I was probably in seclusion in a secret room, stimulating my body's functions crazily. Except for the tiger shark I saw every day who came to deliver three meals a day, I didn't seem to have said a word.

Zhang Feng did not explain the reason. He looked at Zhuo Zhaoyun with a smile and said dotingly: "It's fine now."

Zhuo Zhaoyun looked at Zhang Feng and nodded, suddenly remembered something, and asked: "Zhang Feng, why are you so thin now? You are so out of shape."

The last time I saw him, he was already very skinny, but now he is far from skinny. This man is like a walking skeleton!

Telling her the reason will only make her more worried, not to mention that now that she has recovered, it will not take long for her to return to her original appearance.

Thinking of this, he said: "I'm fine, don't worry."

"Zhaoyun, I may have to leave for a while."

Hearing this, Zhuo Zhaoyun's face froze and she said in surprise: "You are long will it take?"

Shaking his head slightly, Zhang Feng replied: "I can't determine the specific time yet. If it's fast, it might be a few days. If it's slow..." He didn't continue because he himself didn't know how long 01's review would take.

"I'll wait for you to come back." Zhuo Zhaoyun said solemnly.

"I will come back no matter what. If anything happens in the meantime, just ask my senior sister, she can help you." Zhang Feng said again.

As the old beggar walked towards the hotel, he walked into the employee elevator with a peaked cap on his head to cover his face.

Hua Yao, who had already received the news, was waiting in the office.

There was another person in Base 01 who was on pins and needles. She didn't expect Zhang Feng to come back alive, and now she didn't know how to face him. It was Wang Xiaojuan.