The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 269: Mysterious van



Yun Qian's expression was slightly tangled, and she said in a weak voice: "Well... can you go out for a while? I... I want to put on some clothes."

"Oh. Okay, sorry." Zhang Feng reacted, quickly stood up and walked out of the room, standing in the corridor and waiting.

Four or five minutes later, the door opened a crack, and Yun Qian said weakly: "I'm dressed!"

Returning to the room, he saw Yun Qian standing there timidly.

The white skirt exposed her straight and slender legs, and the white sneakers under her feet were a little dirty.

Zhang Feng's coat was still covering his upper body. He lowered his head slightly and fiddled with the corners of his clothes with his hands, looking a little embarrassed.

"Go back to school, and be careful when going out alone."

Hearing this, Yun Qian nodded, walked toward the door with small steps, opened the door, and turned around and said, "I will wash your clothes and bring them back to you."

"No, I'll give it to you." Zhang Feng replied casually. He was currently on a mission, which was very dangerous, and he didn't want to implicate too many people.

Yun Qian didn't say anything more and walked out of the room quickly.

After closing the door again, Zhang Feng fell back on the sofa and slowly closed his eyes.

Zhang Feng himself was left in the room again, and it was empty without any sound. Zhang Feng closed his eyes and just stayed in silence.

When the watch pointed to twelve noon, Zhang Feng walked out of the room as usual.

After filling my stomach, I followed the road signs and walked towards the supermarket.

After Zhang Feng walked out of the supermarket, he had an extra backpack on his back.

There aren't many things inside, just a few hats of different colors and the most common public-style masks, all of which can be seen everywhere.

After the sky became dark again, Zhang Feng walked towards Wuming Manor.

Standing in the dark corner of the back street, his eyes were always fixed on the door of the manor.

At midnight, the discovery was finally made.

The big iron door that had always been closed opened for the first time.

Two men in black suits came out, looked around warily, and then returned to the yard.

After a while, a van slowly drove out of the manor.

There are no signs on the car, through the windshield

I can see two people, but the distance between them is too far, and I can't see their faces clearly.

Squinting his eyes slightly, he looked at the license plate. It was too far away and blurry to see clearly.

After looking around, he took a cigarette from his pocket and walked towards the road.

However, Zhang Feng did not go towards Wuming Manor, but went in the opposite direction.

He estimated that the van must be heading into the city. With the speed of the vehicle, it would take less than a few minutes to catch up with him. When he passed by, he could clearly see the license plate of the vehicle.

And by doing so, the risk of arousing suspicion and exposure is much less.

If you walk in the direction of the manor, it is very likely that the man who has just been on guard to check will suspect his identity.

Just as Zhang Feng expected, the van quickly caught up with him. He kept the license plate number in his mind and continued walking forward for a while, then changed his route and entered the small road.

As soon as he was out of sight of the manor, he quickly ran towards the hotel.

As soon as he rushed into the hotel, he saw Yun Qian, who had left in the morning, sitting on the sofa in the lobby with a handbag in his hand.

Yun Qian also noticed Zhang Feng walking in, and quickly stood up to greet him.

"that… "

Hearing her voice, Zhang Feng's brows knitted together, wondering why she was here at this time.

He ignored her shout and walked quickly towards the elevator.

After getting into the elevator, he pressed the indicator light for his floor. Just as the elevator door was about to close, a green arm stretched out.

The elevator door pinched her arm, and Yun Qian groaned in pain.

The elevator door opened again, and Yun Qian got in with a painful look on his face. There were two red marks on his arm that had just been pinched.

"Why are you here?" Zhang Feng asked when he saw that he couldn't avoid it.

"I... came to give you clothes." Yun Qian handed the handbag to Zhang Feng.

"Yes." Taking the handbag from her hand, Zhang Feng said expressionlessly: "Now that I have the clothes, you can go back."

At this time, the elevator slowly opened with a ding, and Zhang Feng quickly walked out of the elevator and walked towards his room.

Yun Qian didn't expect Zhang Fengfeng to treat her so coldly, and her expression was a little tangled. After a little hesitation, she decided to leave.

After getting out of the elevator, he ran towards Zhang Feng in front of him.

Hearing her footsteps, Zhang Feng's face showed a troubled expression. After opening the door, he turned around and closed the door.

Just as Yun Qian raised her hand to speak, the door closed with a bang, forcing her words back.

Zhang Feng quickly pulled out the black suitcase hidden under the bed.

He pressed his finger quickly on the password lock, and after confirming his fingerprint again, the password lock popped open with a 'snap' sound.

Take out the communication equipment used to communicate with the 01 Intelligence Department.

After calling a few times, Zhang Feng waited. Half a minute later, it was still the hoarse, metallic voice that had passed through the voice changer: "What's going on?"

"Help me check the license plate number. All-round information, as well as the current location of the car!" Zhang Feng said decisively.

"Okay, I will send the information to your mobile phone later." Just like last time, he hung up directly after the call, without any delay.

Put the communication device back into the suitcase, reset another set of passwords, and stuff the suitcase under the bed again.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the phone rang.

The data showed that the registered license plate was that of the van he saw at the time. The owner's name was Dairo Maeda, and the vehicle belonged to a logistics company called Hiyori.

Keep these thoughts in your head, especially Dalang's facial features the day before yesterday, to ensure that you can recognize this person at the first sight.

These data were deleted, leaving only the location coordinates behind, showing that the car was driving in urban Tokyo.

The constantly moving position coordinates are exactly the real-time route of the vehicle.

He put his cell phone in his pocket, checked his weapons, inserted them into his waist again, and walked out of the room.

Zhang Feng was stunned when he opened the door just now. Why was she still squatting at his door

"Why are you still here?" he asked with a frown.

Yun Qian could also feel the impatience in Zhang Feng's tone. She pinched the hem of her clothes nervously with both hands and said in a weak voice: "I want to solemnly thank you again. What do you... call me?"

I felt sad in my heart, why is this girl so arrogant? She doesn't even want to leave, she just wants to know what her name is.