The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 274: Deaf mute woman



Zhang Feng's heart was always high.

The dog's alertness is so high that the slightest sound may wake it up.

The steps landed gently on the ground, trying not to make the slightest sound.

Even breathing slowly, he kept getting closer to the sleeping dog.

A little closer, when Zhang Feng was one meter away from it, the sleeping dog suddenly stood up.

The standing dog is one meter tall. If its hind legs were straightened up, its front paws could rest on an adult's shoulders and easily bite its throat.

The staggered canine teeth were sharp, and there were strings of saliva on the corners of the lips. The huge dog's head was tilted and looked in the direction of Zhang Feng.

The alertness in Zhang Feng's heart suddenly rose, and his pupils suddenly shrank into needles.

There was no room for hesitation, otherwise it would roar, and everyone in the villa would be awakened, and the purpose of the sneak attack would be lost.

His legs suddenly burst out with violent strength, and his body rushed forward.

He pressed the dog tightly with his body, and strangled the dog's neck with one arm to prevent it from barking.

But it could only make a low "humming" nasal sound. The next second, the dagger in Zhang Feng's hand suddenly inserted into its neck and twisted suddenly.

The dog in his arms twisted more and more violently. Zhang Feng could only use his legs to wrap around its body to prevent it from moving, and at the same time, he twisted the dagger more quickly.

Blood spurted out from the increasingly larger wounds, splashing hotly on Zhang Feng's face, carrying a strong smell of blood.

Zhang Feng, however, could no longer care about so much.

Facing the loss of blood, the dog in his arms twisted more and more weakly, and finally fell limply into Zhang Feng's arms.

Confirming that it was dead, Zhang Feng slowly stood up and twitched the dagger inserted into its neck.

Blood was still slowly flowing out from the wounds and pooling on the floor, gradually surrounding the body.

Zhang Feng's breathing was also a little heavy. Sometimes the fighting power of animals was more powerful than that of humans.

Wiping a handful of blood on his face, he took out the pistol from his waist, holding it in one hand, and holding a dagger in the other hand. The tip of the knife was still dripping with blood, and it dripped on the floor of the corridor. superior.

He walked slowly towards the room.

All the room doors are closed and there is no light. In this case, you can only search from room to room.

After searching the rooms on the first floor, I found the first person in the inner room.

Gently opening the door, I saw a man lying on the bed, sleeping soundly, with saliva at the corner of his mouth.

Half of the pistol was exposed from the pillow on which his head was resting. You could see that the safety was on, and it could be fired at any time by simply pulling the trigger!

The clothes thrown on the floor were black suits, the style and material of which were exactly the same as the bodyguards Kunsha met when he and Wang Xiaojuan were on a mission together last time. His identity is naturally obvious.

Slowly approaching the man lying on the bed, the old man didn't notice anything. At this point, he was even worse than a dog.

Standing next to the bed, Zhang Feng put away the pistol and inserted it into his waist. His palm stretched out like an iron gate and strangled his neck, while the dagger was pressed against his lips.

Being unable to breathe caused the sleeping man to wake up suddenly, his eyes widening.

I was so frightened by the sight in front of me that I almost peed. It was a dark room, wearing a peaked cap, and the whole face was covered in red blood with a strong smell of blood. This was such a ghost!

"Tell me, which room is Kunsha in?" he asked in a low voice in English.

A trace of confusion flashed in the pained eyes of the man whose neck was strangled.

Zhang Feng frowned, and without any hesitation, the dagger on his lips was stabbed directly in.

The force was so strong that it shattered his front teeth, cut his throat and severed his trachea from the inside.

Gurgling blood mixed with minced meat spurted out from the man's mouth.

After the man died completely, Zhang Feng slowly released his palm.

The reason why he took such decisive action was because of the confusion flashing in the other party's eyes. Looks never deceive, especially the first reaction.

Suddenly it's because he doesn't know. There may be two reasons. The first is that he can't hear English, and the second is that he doesn't know who Kunsha is

As Kunsha's bodyguard, the latter is naturally impossible. It can only be the first point. Since he cannot communicate, there is no need for him to continue living.

Pick up the pistol he put under the pillow and put it in his pocket

Face, he walked out of the room slowly.

Since today's operation has begun, it cannot end like this. Even if we search from room to room, we must find Kunsha.

Otherwise, Kun Sha would be frightened and cower again, and it would not be so easy to find his whereabouts.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Feng killed three bodyguards again in the same manner, all with one knife, and did not get any useful information.

All the enemies on the first floor have been dealt with, and the entire floor is filled with a faint smell of blood, and it is getting stronger.

Zhang Feng stepped on the stairs with the soles of his feet and walked up step by step.

The security uniform he was wearing was stained red and wet with blood, and his face was completely covered.

Walking to the second floor, Zhang Feng expected that Kun Sha's room would be on this floor.

The main villa has three floors. Normally, the guards live on the first floor, the owner's room is on the second floor, and the guest rooms are on the third floor.

I walked to the second floor and gently opened the room next to the stairs. I just pushed open a gap, but before I could see clearly what was inside, it was already wrinkled.

Because I heard a gentle struggling sound in my ears, I pushed the door open again and looked inside.

'Hiss' Even Zhang Feng, who had seen too many incredible scenes, couldn't help but take a breath of air at this moment.

Lying on the huge bed was a woman, completely naked.

If it were just that, Zhang Feng wouldn't be shocked at all.

The woman had a pair of Japanese-style daggers stuck in her body! The knife was not inserted deeply, and Gu Gu's blood was flowing out from the edges.

The naked body was completely covered in blood.

Her hands and feet were handcuffed to the bed, and her whole body was in the shape of a "big". The abuser obviously didn't want her to die so quickly, but just to satisfy his own perverted pleasure.

His teeth were clenching, and Zhang Feng's brows were already furrowed into the character "Chuan".

Treating a woman like this is more than cruel and inhumane that can be described in four words. The perpetrators can no longer be called human beings, and are even worse than beasts.

The woman's dim eyes saw Zhang Feng walking in. She was struggling with a whimper. Her mouth was too big but she couldn't make any sound. She must be a deaf-mute.